Politicians who start wars must leave. — КиберПедия 

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Politicians who start wars must leave.

2017-06-13 200
Politicians who start wars must leave. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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If they don't try to find solutions in a peaceful way, then they are fascists. Because the idea of the use of weapons of mass destruction - fascism. The Nazis killed thousands of people, only on a national basis? And, a politician who claims that, say in the area live only enemies, he is not a fascist? It is possible to easily drop an atomic bomb and kill millions of people? That is, all who are there people? Or, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were all dreaming about the war? And women and children? And now politicians are saying that, saying nuclear weapons could be a threat? A reasonable person, that the person should not be thought of killing. If the person speaks about the murders, then he is a sick man. Why, when maniac tells how he killed, society condemns it, and demands the death penalty, and the policy which speaks about the death of tens, hundreds, thousands of people got away with it? Murder is murder. That's how the government has brainwashed the people that they see every day the death of other people, and consider it normal. Why nobody demands to stop the war? Why we elect politicians? So they spent billions on weapons, and we were told that the money for health care, education, pensions not? Why do they not seek to stop the war? Because it is profitable for them. But once they announced democracy, then let us demand from them the fulfillment of their employment obligations. We don't need politicians who kill other people and force our children to kill and die for their incompetence. You need to remove the politicians who only promise about the war, and who advocate killing other people. It is sick and they don't have to manage millions of normal people. Need the whole world to oppose the ideas of such politicians. Remember world war II. How many people died because of such politicians, who compensated the families of the victims at least something? Rightly said by A. Tolstoy on patriotism:

"Patriotism and the consequences of war give a huge income to the newsmen and benefits the most trading. Every writer, teacher, Professor, moreover, provides its position, the more to preach patriotism. Every Emperor, king gets the more glory, the more he is devoted to patriotism.

In the hands of the ruling classes, the army, money, school, religion, press. In schools they encourage in the children a patriotism stories, describing his people the best of all peoples and always right; in adult incite the same sense of spectacles, celebrations, monuments, lying Patriotic press; above all, incite patriotism that, committing all kinds of injustice and brutality against other Nations, excite in them a hatred for their people, and then this kind of hatred used to excite enmity and his people...

...At the memory of all, not even the old people of our time occurred an event that most explicitly showed the striking stupefaction to which the brought was the patriotism of the people of the Christian world.

The German ruling classes fanned the patriotism of their popular masses to such an extent that it was proposed to the people in the second half of the nineteenth century, the law by which all people without exception had to be soldiers; all the sons, husbands, fathers, scientists, saints should be trained to murder and to be obedient slaves to the first higher rank and to be ready to murder those whom they are told to kill:

to kill men of oppressed nationalities and their workers, protecting their rights, their fathers and brothers, as publicly stated about that the most arrogant of all rulers, William II.

This terrible measure, the most grossly insulting to all the best feelings of the people, was under the influence of patriotism without a murmur adopted by the people of Germany. A consequence was the victory over the French. This victory still more fanned the patriotism of Germany and then France, Russia and other powers, and all the people of the continental powers without a murmur yielded to the introduction of General conscription, i.e. slavery, which can not be compared according to the degree of humiliation and lack of will no of the ancient yoke.

After this slavish obedience of the masses, in the name of patriotism, and the impudence, cruelty and madness of the governments knew no bounds. Started at stoppage caused partly whim, partly by vanity, partly by self-interest is the seizure of foreign lands in Asia, Africa, America and more and more distrust and resentment of governments to each other.

The destruction of the peoples in the occupied lands accepted as something self-evident. The only question was, who the first will seize a foreign land and to destroy its inhabitants.

All the rulers not only the explicitly violated and are violating against the conquered peoples and against each other the most primitive demands of justice, but did they commit any kind of deceit, fraud, bribery, forgery, espionage, robbery, murder, and the people not only sympathize and sympathize with all this, but rejoice in the fact that no other state, and their States are committing these atrocities.

The mutual hostility of the peoples and States has reached recently such an amazing extent that, despite the fact that there is no reason for some States to attack others

everyone knows that all States are always against each other with claws and bared teeth and are just waiting for that someone fell into misfortune and weak to be able with the least danger to attack him and break it.

But enough of that. Any increase in troops of one state (and every state being in danger, for the sake of patriotism is trying to increase it) compels the neighboring also of patriotism to increase his troops, which causes a new increase of the first.

The same happens with fortresses, fleets: one state has built 10 battleships, adjacent built 11; then the first builds 12 and so on in endless progression.

"I will pinch you". — And I love you with his fist. — "And I'll whip." — I stick. — "And I have a gun"...

So argue and fight only bad children, drunken men, or animals, and yet it is among the highest representatives of the most enlightened States, the same ones that direct the upbringing and morality of their subjects...

The situation is worse and worse and stop it leading to a clear deterioration of perdition there is no way.

Submitted the only gullible people out from this position is now closed recent developments; I'm talking about the Hague conference* and immediately followed by the war of England with the Transvaal.

*1st Hague conference in 1899. A peace conference was convened at the initiative of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II on 29 August 1898. The conference opened on 18 (6) may, on the birthday of the Emperor, and passed on the 29th (17th) of July. Was attended by 26 countries. In the course of the conference adopted the international Convention concerning the laws and customs of war. The idea of world disarmament, proposed by the Emperor Nicholas II was not taken seriously...

If small and superficial reasoning people could still take comfort in the idea that international trials can eliminate the scourge of war and of increasing armaments, the Hague conference with the ensuing war is an obvious way showed the impossibility of resolving the issue this way.

After the Hague conference it became apparent that as long as there will be government troops, the termination of armaments and wars is impossible.

In order to be a contract, to agreeing trust each other. For the same that powers could trust each other, they must lay down their arms, as do the parliamentarians, when gathering for meetings.

Until then, while governments not trusting each other, not only not destroyed, not reduce, but increase respectively to the increase in troops from neighbours, strictly using spies watching every movement of troops, knowing that every power will attack the neighbouring as will only have to that opportunity, there can be no agreement, and every conference is either a stupidity, or a toy, or fraud, or insolence, or all together.

The Hague conference, which ended in terrible bloodshed — transvaals war, which nobody has tried and is trying to stop, was still useful, though not what she was expecting; she was useful in that most explicitly showed that the evil from which the Nations suffer cannot be remedied by governments, that governments, if really wanted this, can't destroy any weapons, no wars.

Government in order to exist needs to protect his people from attack by other Nations; but no nation wants to attack and not to attack the other, and because the government not only does not wish peace, but studiously excite the hatred of other peoples.

Stirred up to hatred of other peoples, and in his people's patriotism, the governments assure their people that he is in danger and must be protected.

And having in their hands the power, governments can and to annoy other people, and to arouse patriotism in his, and diligently do both, and I can not do it, because this is based on their existence.

If the governments were needed before to defend their people from attack from other, now, on the contrary, the governments artificially violate the peace that exists between Nations, and cause between them.

If you had to plow in order to sow, plowing was a reasonable case; but, obviously, incredibly detrimental to plow when the harvesting time. And this is the most compels the government to make their people, to destroy the unity that exists and would not be violated if it were not for governments.


In fact, what is in our time, government, without which people seems impossible to exist?

If there was a time when the government was necessary and a lesser evil than that which came from insecurity against organized neighbors, but now the government were not needed and a much a greater evil than all that they scare their people.

The government not only the military, but governments in General, could be, do not say useful, but harmless, only in case if they consisted of infallible, Holy people, as is assumed in Chinese. But the government on the activity consisting in the Commission of violence, are always composed of the opposite of Holiness elements of the most daring, rude and corrupt people.

Every government therefore, and especially the government, which provided military power, some are terrible, most dangerous institution in the world.

The government in the widest sense, including capitalists and the press, there is nothing like this organization in which most of the people is in power standing above them, the smaller parts; that smaller part is subject to the power of even smaller parts, and this even smaller, etc., going finally to a few people or one person, who by means of military violence gain the power over all others. So all the institution like a cone, all parts of which are at the mercy of those persons or of one person, which are on top of it.

The top of this cone is seized by those people or that person who is more cunning, audacious, and unscrupulous than others, or an accidental heir of those who are more audacious and unscrupulous.

Now it is Boris Godunov, tomorrow Grigory otrepyev, now slutty, Catherine, Uusimaa with their lovers, husband, tomorrow Pugachev, the day after-mad Paul, Nicholas, Alexander III.

Now Napoleon, tomorrow Bourbon or Orleans, Boulanger or company panaitov; Gladstone today, tomorrow, Salisbury, Chamberlain, Kind.

And such governments are provided with complete power not only over property, life, but also over the spiritual and moral development, over education, religious leadership of all people.

Satisfied people such a terrible machine of power, providing to capture this power to anybody (and chances are what brings her the most moral trashy people), and slavishly obey and wonder what they ill

Afraid of mines, anarchists, and are not afraid of this terrible device, every moment threatening them the greatest disasters.

To free people from those terrible calamities of armaments and wars, which they suffer now, and which get bigger and bigger, we need not conferences, not conventions, treatises and councils, and the destruction of gun violence, which called governments, and from which come the greatest distress of the people.

For the destruction of governments only want one thing: people need to understand that the feeling of patriotism, which alone supports that instrument of violence, there is a sense of rough, harmful, shameful and bad, and most importantly — immoral.

Rough feeling because it is peculiar only to the people standing on the lowest rung of morality, and expecting from other Nations of the very violence that they are ready to pay them;

harmful sense because it violates the advantageous and joyous peaceful relations with other peoples and, most importantly, gives the organization of governments in which the power can get and always gets worse;

disgraceful feeling because it turns man not only into a slave, but into a fighting cock, a bull, a Gladiator, who ruins his forces and the lives for purposes not their own, and of his government;

the immoral feeling because, instead of recognizing himself as the son of God as Christianity teaches us, or at least a free man, rukovodimye his mind, every man, under the influence of patriotism, recognizes himself as the son of his country, the slave of his government, and commits actions contrary to his reason and his conscience.

Once people understand this, of course, without a fight will break the terrible grip of people called the government, and with it that terrible, useless evil, inflicted by people.

And people are beginning to realize this. Here he writes, for example, a citizen of the North American States:

"The only thing we ask everything, we, the farmers, mechanics, merchants, manufacturers, teachers, is the right to do our own thing. We have our homes, love our friends, are committed to our families and not interfere in the Affairs of our neighbors, we have work to do, and we wish to work.

Leave us alone!

But politicians don't want to leave us. They levy our taxes, eat our property, we rewrite, encourage our young people to their wars.

The whole myriad living at the expense of the state dependent on the state, contained them to levy us taxes; and in order to impose with success, see the constant troops, the Argument that the army needed to defend the country, an obvious deception. The French government frightens the people by saying that the Germans want to attack him; the Russians are afraid of the British; the British are afraid of all; but now in America we are told that we need to increase the fleet to add troops, so that Europe can in every moment to unite against us.

This is a deception and not true. The common people in France, Germany, England and America against the war. We wish only to be left alone. People with wives, parents, children, home, I have no desire to go fight someone else. We are peaceable and fear war, hated it. We only want not to do to others what you would not like, that we did.

War is a necessary consequence of the existence of armed men. Country, containing a large standing army will sooner or later fight. Man, proud of his strength in a fistfight, ever meet with a man who considers himself the best fighter and they will fight. Germany and France are only waiting for the case to test against each other their strength. They fought several times before and will fight again. Not that their people wanted the war, but top class balloons in them mutual hatred and causes people to think that they have to fight to protect himself.

People who wish to follow the teachings of Christ, are taxed, insulted, deceived and sucked into the war.

Christ taught humility, meekness, forgiveness of injuries and the fact that killing is wrong. The Scripture teaches people not to swear, but "upper class" makes us swear on the Bible that does not believe.

How can we be freed from these spendthrifts, who do not work, but dressed in fine cloth with brass buttons, and the expensive ornaments that feed our works for which we work the land?

To fight with them?

But we do not recognize the bloodshed, and, besides, they have guns and money, and they will survive longer than we do. But who is that army that will fight us?The army that we, our deceived neighbors and brothers who are assured that they serve God, protecting his country from enemies. In reality our country has no enemies except the upper class, who undertook to guard our interests, if only we agree to pay taxes. They suck our money and retrieve our true brothers against us in order to enslave and humiliate us.

You can't send a telegram to his wife or sending to a friend, or give a check to your supplier until you pay the tax levied for the maintenance of armed men which can be used to kill you, and which will surely put you in jail if you don't pay.

The only salvation is to convince people that killing is wrong, to teach them that the whole law and the prophet to do to others what you wish you did. Silently ignore this, the highest class, refusing to bow to their warlike idol.

Stop supporting preachers who preach war and put patriotism as something important.

Let them go to work as we are. We believe in Christ, and they are not. Christ spoke what he thought; they say what they think to please the people with power "the upper class".

We will not enter the service. No one will shoot at their behest. We will not arm ourselves with bayonets against the good, meek people. We're not at the instigation of Cecil Rhodes shoot at shepherds and farmers protecting their homes.

Your false cry of "wolf, wolf!" does not scare us. We pay your taxes only because compelled to do so. We will only pay up until forced to do so. We won't have to pay Church taxes to the bigots, not the tenth of your hypocritical philanthropy, and we will at least to Express their opinion.

We will educate people. And all the time our silent influence will spread; and even people who have been recruited as soldiers would hesitate and refuse to fight. We will instill the idea that the Christian life of peace and goodwill is better than a life of struggle, bloodshed and war.

"Peace on earth!" can only come when people get off from the armies and will wish to do to others what you want to do that."

So says the citizen of the North American States, and from different angles, in different forms, heard the same voice.

Here is what German soldiers:

"I made two campaigns with the Prussian guards (1866-1870 gg.) and I hate war from the depths of the soul, as it made me unspeakably unhappy. We, the wounded warriors received the most part is pitiful reward that you have really to be ashamed of because we were patriots. Already in 1866 I took part in the war against Austria, fought at Trautenau and Keygrip and had seen quite a horror.

In 1870 I like were in reserve, was called again and was wounded in the assault in St. Privat: my right arm was shot two times along. I lost a good place (I was....then brewer) and then couldn't get it again. Since then I never managed to get to his feet. Dope soon dissipated, and the soldier disabled were left to feed on the miserable pittance and alms...

In a world where people run around like trained animals, and not capable of any other thought, in addition to outwit each other for the sake of mammon, in such a world may think I'm a weirdo, but I still feel in myself the divine idea of the world, which is so beautifully expressed in the sermon on the mount.

It's my firm belief that war is only trade in large sizes, trade ambitious and powerful men the happiness of peoples.

And just what horrors do not worry! I will not forget them, those pitiful groans, which penetrate to the bone. People, never cause each other evil, kill each other like wild animals, and petty slavish soul mix good God an accomplice in these matters.

Our commander, crown Prince Frederick (later the noble Emperor Frederick) wrote in his diary: "War is an irony on the gospel..."

People are beginning to understand the deception of patriotism, which try so hard to keep them all governments.

"But what will happen, if not governments?" say commonly.

Nothing will happen; it is just that destroyed what was long ago is no longer necessary and therefore superfluous and wrong; being that on which, having become unnecessary, have become harmful.

"But unless governments, people will be raping and killing each other," say commonly.

Why? why the destruction of the organization, which arose as a result of violence and according to legend was passed down from generation to generation for works of violence — why the destruction of such lost use of the organization will do what people will rape and kill each other? It would seem, on the contrary, the destruction of the organ of violence will make that people stop raping and killing each other.

If after the destruction of the governments there will be violence, then obviously they will be smaller than those that are made now that are specifically for works of violence organized by organization and situation in which violence and killings are recognized as good and useful.

The destruction of the governments will only destroy the tradition rolling, useless organization of violence and excuse it.

"There will be no laws, no property, no courts, no police, no popular education," commonly say, deliberately confusing power abuse with the various activities of the society.

The destruction of the organization of governments established to works of violence against people, does not entail the destruction of no laws, no court, no property, no police barriers, no financial devices, no public education.

On the contrary, the lack of rude power of the governments that has the goal to support only themselves, will contribute to a public organization that does not require violence. Both the court and public Affairs, and education, all of this will be to the extent to which it should be the people; destroyed only what was bad and interfered with the free manifestation of the will of the people.

But if you assume that in the absence of governments there will be turmoil and internal strife, and even then the situation of the peoples would be better than it is now.

The situation of people now is that the deterioration is difficult to imagine. People all ruined, and the ruin must inevitably go seeking.

All men are turned into military slaves, and every moment needs to wait for the order to go kill and be kill.

What else to expect? That ruined peoples dying of hunger? This is already beginning in Russia, Italy and India. Or that, in addition to men, was taken to soldiers and women? In the Transvaal and this is already beginning.

So, if indeed the lack of governments meant anarchy (which it does not mean), and then no riots anarchy could be worse than the position to which governments have already brought their Nations and toward which they lead them.

And therefore can not be useful for people, liberation from patriotism and destruction based on this despotism of governments.

Wake up, people, and, for the love of good physical and spiritual and the same good of your brothers and sisters, stop, think again, think about what you are doing!

Come to your senses and realize that your enemies are not the Boers, not the British, not the French, not the Germans, not the Czechs, not Finnish, not Russian, and your enemies, some enemies — you are supporting his patriotism depressing you and making your misfortune of the government.

They have taken to protect you from danger and brought this imaginary situation protection so that you all become soldiers, slaves, all ruined, and ruined, and every moment can and should expect that a stretched string breaks, a terrible start beating you and your children.

And no matter how great was the beating and whatever it was over, the situation will remain the same. In the same way and with even greater tension the government will arm and to pull down, and to corrupt you and your children, and to stop, to warn that no one will help you unless you help yourself.

Help is only one — the destruction of that terrible clutch cone abuse in which the person or persons who manage the climb to the top of the cone, to rule over all the people and the rule rather than the more cruel and inhuman they are, as we know, Napoleon, Nicholas I, Bismarkian, Chamberlain, and So our dictators, ruling the Nations on behalf of the king.

To destroy this clutch there's only one remedy — awakening from the hypnosis of patriotism.

Understand that all the evil from which you suffer, you yourself are doing, obeying those promptings with which you deceive the emperors, kings, members of parliaments, rulers, military, capitalists, clergy, writers, artists — all those who need this deception of patriotism in order to live your work.

No matter who you were — a Frenchman, Russian, pole, Englishman, Irishman, German, Czech — understand that all your real human interests, whatever they may be — agricultural, industrial, commercial, artistic or scientists, all these interests as well as pleasure and joy, in no way contrary to the interests of other peoples and States and that you are bound by mutual assistance, exchange of services, the joy of a broad brotherly communion, of an exchange not only of goods but of thoughts and feelings with other people.

Understand that the questions about who managed to capture of Wei Hai Wei, Port Arthur, or Cuba — your government or another, not only indifferent, but every such seizure made by your government hurting you because that necessarily entails any kind of impact on you by your government to force you to participate in the looting and violence, we need to capture and hold the captured.

Understand that your life does not can be improved because the Alsace is German or French, and Ireland and Poland are free or enslaved; whose they were, you can live wherever you want; even if you were an Alsatian, an Irishman or a pole, you will understand that every your inciting patriotism will only worsen your situation, because the enslavement in which your nation was only from the struggle of patriotism, and every manifestation of patriotism in one nation increases the reaction against it in another.

Understand that salvation from all your disasters, you can only when you free yourself from the obsolete idea of patriotism and based on her submission to the governments and when you boldly enter into the region of that higher. the idea of fraternal unity, which had long ago entered into life and from all sides is calling you to himself.

If only people realized that they are not the sons of any domestic or government, as the sons of God, and therefore cannot be slaves, nor enemies of other people, and themselves destroyed those crazy, no matter what is not needed, remaining from ancient times to the disastrous institutions called governments, and all those suffering, violence, humiliation and crimes which they carry with them.

Electronic resource: "https://moiarussia.ru/lev-tolstoi-o-patriotizme/" Leo Tolstoy. Pirogovo, 10 may 1900

You need a social counter-deception of politicians, who are unable to solve problems peacefully, and deprive the future of our children and secure old age for our parents and ourselves.

The Searchers on the rail

To check the rail base serves to let the skis with power converters of the 4 probes (2 each side aimed in the course, and against the course) on the sole, if you fail to realize 4, 2 inverters, the direction of ultrasonic vibrations perpendicular to the movement of the instrument, opposite the feathers soles. The input angle of 65 degrees. Because the width of the ski составляет3.8 mm, and the free space of 4.3 mm, it becomes possible to test the circuit shown in the figure. To do this you must pin the block on the centering system of the instrument. It remains to develop a system for automatic recovery and return system during the passage of the butt plates.

Record to the Registrar

During the continuous monitoring, operators defectoscopic carts face the following challenges: 1) shortage of people for fencing of the cart; 2) not alerted to the work of NDT inspectors; 3) timely delivery carts to the place of production of works; 4) transport is not adapted for transportation of the equipment (for example KAMAZ, GAS (utility); 5) wear of trucks (obsolete equipment, lack of spare parts); 6) the work on the faulty equipment; 7) calculation of performance of works idealized, at a rate of, for example 6 hours, to carry out works, in fact, remains for 4 hours, while if you observe the operating mode, the test only one switch should take 30 minutes, no missing trains. Time on defect-free switch, with no interference with the control (dirt, ice and other factors); 8) Load operator the various bureaucratic documents (filling plan assignments, reports, various acts), while constantly needs to be aware of all incidents on the road network, which are not always related to job responsibilities. That just leads to a bogus studying of this documentation. Because of these reasons occur damage to the truck, and later start of work, which leads to a failure to plan works, or, often for fictitious work. In this case the operator is responsible for the inspection, the efficiency of the apparatus, detection of violations of the contents of the path, and the detection of defects that threaten safety. Because of these factors, the entire system of the organization of safety is reduced to zero. And no regulations, penalties cannot lead to a proper quality of work. Even the introduction of the rating system distances, in the absence of qualified staff, material resources, and most importantly, the interest of management of the track to improve the quality of work. At the moment the situation is the following: defects or any abnormalities in the content path, the leadership raises the question: to disclose or conceal? All lies in the organization of the system management range. Operators are included in the state range, respectively receive a salary from the head a given distance. And it turns out that if the operator detects a malfunction, threatening the security of the movement, it immediately is bad for the whole race. The system itself is a planning failure, which specifies the number for the period, in my opinion, a misunderstanding. And, when exceeding a given amount, the distance is deprived of funds. The same copayment for accident-free work look like luck. To improve the efficiency of the distances, and primarily to improve traffic safety, it is necessary to create a system that separates: 1) pay workers the diagnosis from workers distance (full independence, which implies independent payroll, the independence movement in the distance, that is, delivery to the work site is not a transport line sections, and the individual transport, and for mobile money to consider moving in personal vehicles; 2) create a system of incentives for workers to identify and remedy violations.

To solve these problems, you need to understand the reasons for their occurrence. First, the organization of work. Adopted in the Railways ISO 9001:2015 does not work. Even though it is Advisory in nature, but the basic BPFA cycle (PDCA) must be strictly adhered to by the organization, if it wishes to develop. For example: Planning in the organization, this applies not only to the Railways, is superficial. Not you rank the tasks in importance of implementation. Even if work is planned, their implementation occurs with a shift in time. The reasons may be several: do Not set priorities: start of the window may be delayed because of passing trains, which means priority dispatch, and coordination of the management of distance, lack of transport, due to attempts to save money, or uncoordinated actions with the transport organizations, the lack of people, due to improper distribution, or calculate the necessary number of workers to complete the task, malfunction, or even absence of instruments, due to wear, or theft from unprotected storage locations. The same is not carried out stage of improvement. There are areas, which from period to period, remain without improvement. Is not possible analysis and have not taken steps to address deficiencies. For example: S-shaped plots, or curves that project is not hurt, not neighborhoods, not communications, and the landscape allows. But the path passes through the curves. Which leads to premature failure of the elements of the top structure of a way, increase distance, and reduce speeds.

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