Liability of relatives to your family. — КиберПедия 

Типы оградительных сооружений в морском порту: По расположению оградительных сооружений в плане различают волноломы, обе оконечности...

Таксономические единицы (категории) растений: Каждая система классификации состоит из определённых соподчиненных друг другу...

Liability of relatives to your family.

2017-06-13 185
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To prevent cases of domestic violence, repeat education Chikatilo, it is necessary to adopt laws which provide for punishment for family members who use violence to relatives, and those who do nothing, knowing about the facts of violence. It is also necessary to prescribe the responsibility of all who knows about the abuse, but doing nothing, such as neighbors, caregivers and teachers in schools. Them or you want to stimulate, for example, exempting from tax or reward for confirmed cases of violence. Upon confirmation of cases of domestic violence should immediately deprive parents of their rights to the child and take the child. Why must so hard to solve the problem. Because if the parents use violence against their children, the initial cause is their education, when they themselves were abused, and in simple words, the fines they will not raise their children, and are likely to inflict more damage. Someone will say that parents need. I agree, but we need normal parents, not drunks and sadists. Such people in my life will not change. But to educate the downtrodden people who in the future may become maniacs, or a target for recruitment by terrorist groups, or just bandits. We must clearly understand that psychological trauma received in childhood is incurable, and may occur in the future, bringing harm to others. For example, as an adult, but having an inferiority complex, the person may behave inappropriately: do Not miss the ambulance. In the mind of such people can circle around the idea that if they concede, will show its weakness that is a humiliation, as once experienced in childhood. Therefore, the state and society must firmly stop any acts of domestic violence. And in General to resolve disputes between a man and a woman need to introduce places with the involvement of domestic psychologists. In our society, should be condemned home showdown. In such cases it is necessary to penalize the couple. You need to create a culture of explanation of the relationship between relatives, which would shield kids from these scandals.

The Joy of robots

Encountered in the store with the opinion that automation and introduction of robots brings harm to people. Why ordinary people and other members of staff perceive innovation in bayonets, but should on the contrary be happy? It's all in the approach of the management to use the innovation, and the expectation of instant results. Yes, there were self-checkout, which should free the workers from the management of banks customer service, and the need to improve the quality of customer service. But the result is somewhat different. The freed workers immediately removes the user, which results in a shortage of workers. That is, instead of trying to improve the quality of services, for example, to restore order on the shelves, and to ensure the timely preparation and display of goods, management was quick to reduce spending on wages than has caused negative reaction of employees and shortage of workers of consultants at the self-checkout, reports negative customers.

Nuclear engine

Study and development of nuclear energy must become one of priority tasks. For space exploration, and locomotion on the ground, creating a nuclear engine will give a huge impetus. The amount of recoverable energy in nuclear fusion tremendously, so with minimal weight in comparison with liquid fuel, it is possible to obtain high efficiency. The main task is to make the engine easy and safe. But nuclear reactions will enable a person to master other planets.

73) the solution of the problem after discussion in the forum (the confirmation and promotion in the state Duma)

On TV shows, many talk shows, or opinion broadcasts, which brings together smart people to discuss different issues but all are there, in another world, on the TV. The impression that the hosts of the show, gear talking to themselves, and the audience claps in the theater just at the right moment, like a flock of trained animals. They do not have an opinion, and those who have, or do not agree do not notice. But, most importantly, even the presence of such gear members of the legislature, does not find continuation in the legislature. It turns out that all these shows are just shows, without considering the opinions of all parties involved, without real dialogue between the parties, one-sided work, and most importantly these programs do not come to a final decision, and what to do next, or what to do to change the situation? And, despite the presence of so-called experts who, because of their status, are required to make a final decision on how to act in order to change the situation. That is why I propose to create a public website, the forum which it will be possible to make all possible questions regarding society, where anyone could ask a question, this site must be presented to the leading experts in their field of knowledge(scientific staff), which could help in discovering the essence of the problem, and after discussion, it is necessary to create the possibility of voting on the final proposed version of the answer to the question. The site is not turned into a show, it is necessary to involve representatives of the parties in the promotion of the results of the vote in the legislature. Then it will be possible to see firsthand the work of deputies, and then there will be real democracy when the people's opinion will be taken into account.

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Типы оградительных сооружений в морском порту: По расположению оградительных сооружений в плане различают волноломы, обе оконечности...

Таксономические единицы (категории) растений: Каждая система классификации состоит из определённых соподчиненных друг другу...

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