Match the questions with the correct answers. — КиберПедия 

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Match the questions with the correct answers.

2022-10-27 28
Match the questions with the correct answers. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Are you married?

2. How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

3. Are you allergic to anything?

4. Do you smoke?

5. What’s your date of birth?

6. What happened to you?

7. Can you spell your surname, please?

8. What is your job?


a) No, I’m single.

b) C-A-M-E-R-O-N.

c) Three or four.

d) 27th January, 1987.

e) Yes, nuts.

f) International marketing manager for PMI Group.

g) I fell off my bicycle and hurt my leg.

h) Yes, I do.


TRANSLATION Filling in a patient record form

6. Translate the conversation between the nurse (N) and the patient (P) from Russian into English.

N: Добрый день. Меня зовут Сара Джонсон, я медсестра приемного отделения. Вы мистер Смит, не так ли?

P: Да, все верно.

N: Пройдите, пожалуйста, к доктору. Мне также необходимо задать Вам пару вопросов, чтобы заполнить карточку пациента. Что с Вами произошло?

P: Я попал в автомобильную аварию. На дороге было скользко, мой автомобиль занесло, и я врезался в забор.

N: У вас большой синяк (bruise) на щеке. Вы ударились головой?

P: Да. Я сразу почувствовал головокружение (dizziness) и тошноту (nausea).

N: Ясно. Возможно, у вас сотрясение мозга. Мне необходимо заполнить вашу карточку. Мистер Смит, назовите, пожалуйста, дату Вашего рождения.

P: 11 ноября 1975 года. N: Кем вы работаете?

P: Я менеджер по продажам автомобилей.

N: Мне нужен контактный телефон ближайшего родственника.

P: Да, конечно. 07709-409765 — это мобильный телефон моей жены. Ее зовут Кристина Смит.

N: Есть ли у Вас аллергия на что-нибудь? P: Да, на пенициллин.

N: Были ли в вашей семье случаи наследственных заболеваний? P: Насколько я знаю, нет.

N: Случаи диабета?

P: Да! Моя бабушка — диабетик. N: ВИЧ?

P: Нет.

N: Хорошо, Мистер Смит. Доктор подойдет через несколько минут.

LISTENING AND SPEAKING A day in the life: ER nurse

7. Work in pairs and discuss the questions.

1. What do ER nurses do?

2. What is their typical day like?

3. What personal qualities does an ER nurse need?

4. What are advantages and disadvantages of working as an ER nurse?

8. Watch the video about Will Cristobal, an ER nurse, ( and decide if the statements are True

(T) or False (F).

1. His working days are always the same.

2. He enjoyed his studies in the nursing school.

3. His patients often think that he is their doctor.

4. He wants to become a physiotherapist one day.

5. After college he got a job in a hospital.

6. He sometimes has up to four patients asking him for help at the same time.

7. He says that nursing is a career for those who love interacting with people and helping them.

9. Watch the video again and match the halves of the sentences.

1. It was his wife's uncle a) and taking care of his patients.
2. Will found working in health insurance b) who recommended his a career in nursing.
3. If there is a patient with a cardiac arrest, c) and the doctor asks him to discharge a patient.
4. Will enjoys being at the bedside d) he cleans it up and the doctor stitches it up.
5. If there is a patient with abdominal pain, e) and HR rather boring.
6. If he has a patient with laceration, f) he puts IV fluids and gives him a painkiller.
7. Before applying for a nursing school g) he volunteered in a hospital
8. He often has to balance when he has patients in life-threatening conditions h) the whole team goes to the resuscitation room.

Work in pairs. Student A is the ER nurse. Student B is the journalist who is going to write an article about working as an ER nurse. Look at the information on the cards below and spend a few minutes preparing what you are going to say.


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