Упражнение 1. Прочтите слова и переведите предложения. — КиберПедия 

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Упражнение 1. Прочтите слова и переведите предложения.

2022-09-01 92
Упражнение 1. Прочтите слова и переведите предложения. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Введение …... …………………………………………………4

Раздел 1. Я - студент Омского авиационного колледжа

1.1 Колледж (6 ч.) …….............................................................6

1.2 Н.Е.Жуковский (6 ч.) …………………………………...20

1.3 Моя учёба (8 ч.) …………………....................................34

1.4 Изучение иностранного языка (6 ч.) …………………..69

1.5 Омск (6 ч.) ……………………………………………….93

       Лексико – грамматический тест ……………......................150

Литература ………………………………………………….155




Данный учебный материал может быть использован на дневном, вечернем отделениях и для дистанционного обучения.

Пособие ориентировано главным образом на развитие у студентов навыков чтения и перевода тематических текстов, извлечения, обработки и передачи информации на английском языке.

Грамматический материал четко излагается и подается порциями в понятной и логической последовательности, в доступном для студентов темпе.

Предлагаемые задания, связанные с изучаемым материалом, отличаются четкостью формулировки и наличием познавательных и творческих элементов.

Учебное пособие охватывает достаточный объем лексико – грамматического материала по темам программы, благодаря чему у студентов не будет необходимости обращаться к большому количеству литературных источников в поисках необходимой информации, что облегчит им работу и сократит время изучения данных тем.

Раздел «Speaking» предназначен для сильных студентов, поэтому задания в данном разделе сформулированы на английском языке.

Лексико – грамматический тест поможет проверить усвоение изученного материала.

Преимущество данного пособия состоит в том, что оно содержит тексты, лексику и упражнения по темам «Колледж»,

 « Н. E. Жуковский», «Омск», которые отсутствуют в имеющихся в библиотеке колледжа учебниках, а также видеоприложение (видеофильм «Омский авиационный колледж», видеофильм «Москва», видеофильм «Санкт-Петербург», фотофильм «Омск»), созданное автором данного пособия.


P аздел 1. Я – студент Омского авиационного колледжа


Урок 1.1.1

Колледж. История. Традиции.

Упражнение 1. Прочтите слова и переведите предложения.


To leave school - оканчивать школу. When did you leave school?

to take exams - сдавать экзамены. We take our exams in January and in June.

to pass exams - сдать экзамены. How did you pass your exams?

level pass - проходной балл. Level pass to our college was 9.

on foot - пешком. I go to my college on foot and usually return home by bus.

tо о ccupy - занимать. Our college occupies 3 buildings.

tо run - вести обучение. Our college runs an evening department.

а n hour - час учебных занятий. How many hours do you have every day?

a break - перемена. Our lunch break lasts 20 minutes.

с anteen - буфет, столовая. Our canteen is on the ground floor.

gym - спортивный зал. After studies we often go to the gym to play volleyball.

fiction - художественная литература. What kind of fiction do you like?

term - семестр. I work hard during the term.

equipment - оборудование. We got new equipment last year.

work shops - мастерские. There is modern equipment in our work shops.

academic year - учебный год. The academic year lasts ten months.        

to attend lectures - посещать лекции. Our group attends lectures on English music.

to do well - учиться хорошо. He does well and will be a good specialist.

hostel - общежитие. Our hostel occupies a new building.  



Упражнение 2. Прочтите и переведите текст.

My College

The Omsk aviation college named after N.E. Zhukovsky is one of the oldest educational institutions in Omsk.

It was founded in Zaporozhe in 1930. After beginning of the world war 2 in 1941 the Zaporozhe aviation technical school named after K.E. Voroshilov was evacuated in to Omsk. Some years later in 1948 it became the Omsk aviation technical school named after N.E. Zhukovsky. In 2009 the technical school became the college.

Nowadays it is one of the most well – known colleges in the city. Every year more than 2000 young people study here. They choose our college because there are many interesting and modern specialities in it: Software of Computer, Automated Control Systems, Welding, Automation of technological Processes, Aircraft Producing, Management, Economics, Machine Building Technology, Special Machines and Devises, Electric Machines and Apparatus.

It is situated in the center - in Lenin street 24 and the students can easily get to the college by different kinds of transport: by bus, by trolley bus, by taxi and even on foot.

Physical training is an important subject at our college. There are three gyms, one of them is tennis, swimming pool. The students play volleyball, football, tennis, basketball, table tennis, at the lessons. They are fond of wrestling, bodybuilding, swimming, skiing, athletics. There is a sports ground near our college and students go in for sports in the open air. A great number of them take part in different competitions, try to get good results and win. 

Our college has a library. It is on the second floor. It contains a lot of textbooks and fiction. It is opened from 8 am. till 6 p.m. in term time. There is a large and comfortable reading hall at our college and the students often do their homework there.

There is a college hall on the second floor where meetings, conferences and parties take place. We organize concerts, parties when we celebrate our holidays.

There are a lot of large and light laboratories and classrooms. They are equipped on the latest word of technique. We have 4 English classrooms, History, Geography, Chemistry, Russian classrooms and others. They are big and light. There are some computer classes which have more than 130 computers. The workshops where the students have practical training are on the ground floor.

If you enter the college and go to the left you can see a canteen. Here students and teachers have their lunch and dinner.

Our college has a museum. It was founded in 1980 on the initiative of E.N. Kostrikov. More than 600 exhibits are presented here and illustrate all history of our college. Our museum is visited by 1500 persons every year.



       Упражнение 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. Where do you study?

2. When and where was the Omsk aviation college founded?

3. Where is your college situated?

4. How can you get to your college?

5. How much time does it take you to get there?

6. How many buildings does your college occupy?

7. Does your college run full-time and part-time departments?

8. What specialities are there at your college?


       Упражнение 4. Дайте краткие утвердительные и отрицательные ответы.


1. Does our college run full-time department? 2. Do our studies begin at 9 o’clock? 3. Do we usually have six hours? 4. Is there a small reading-hall at our college? 5. Do our labs have old equipment? 6. Will the academic year end in May? 7. Are you a full-time student? 8. Is our college not far from your block of flats?  9. Does our college occupy four buildings?    



       Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя новую лексику.                   


В прошлом году я окончил школу. Я сдал экзамены в колледж. Теперь я учусь в колледже. Я студент дневного отделения. Наш колледж занимает 3 больших и светлых здания. Занятия начинаются в 8 часов утра. Обычно у нас 4 пары в день. В 13 часов 5 минут у нас большая перемена. В колледже есть хорошая столовая, и мы обычно на большой перемене ходим в столовую. Я обедаю дома. Я живу близко от колледжа и хожу туда обычно пешком. На дорогу мне требуется 20 минут. Вечером я часто работаю в читальном зале нашего колледжа. Мне очень нравятся наши лаборатории с современным оборудованием. Я хочу стать хорошим специалистом и занимаюсь усердно.



       Упражнение 6. Посмотрите видеофильм «Я – студент Омского авиационного колледжа» и расскажите,

1. когда вы сдавали вступительные экзамены в колледж;

2. какие оценки вы получили;

3. как вы добираетесь до колледжа;

4. о распорядке дня в колледже;

5. о библиотеке;

6. о столовой;

7. о спортивном зале;

8. о лабораториях;

9. о музее;

10. oб истории колледжа.


Урок 1.1.2

Порядок слов в предложении.

Урок 1.1.3

The Present Simple Tense

Настоящее неопределенное (простое) время



- для выражения действий, происходящих всегда, часто, обычно, периодически.


Does he read?


       Отрицательная форма:


  Подлежащее + do + not + смысловой глагол в инфинитиве без частицы to:      do е s                    


Yes, I (you, we, they) do.

I am a student.

Am I a student?


Упражнение 1. Укажите номера предложений, сказуемые которыхстоят в Present Indefinite Tense.

     1. He went there yesterday. 2. We live in Moscow. 3. She likes to go to the theatre. 4. Do you study at school? 5. My father works at a factory. 6. Pete's sister does not work. 7. She studies at the Institute.     8. Did my mother work at school last year? 9. He will go to the theatre tomorrow.



Упражнение 2. Выберите соответствующую форму глагола.

1. I... in Moscow (live, lives). 2.... you like English (do, does)? 3. My mother... English well (speak, speaks). 4. He... not work at the factory (do, does). 5.... Peter often go to the theatre (do, does)? 6. We... not study at school (do, does).


Упражнение З. Скажите по-английски.


1. Они живут в Санкт-Петербурге (to live). 2. Моя сестра не знает английского языка (to know). 3. Вы любите спорт (to like)? 4. Я не люблю футбол. 5. Ваша сестра учится в школе (to study)?  6. Петя учится хорошо. 7. Ты носишь очки (to wear glasses)? 8. Мой брат встаёт без четверти семь (to get up). 9. Он не моет руки перед едой (to wash). 10. Мы спим в спальне (to sleep).


Упражнение 4. Выберите правильную форму: do, does, don ' t, doesn ' t.


1. Where... Sam live? 2. I'm sorry, I... know his telephone number. 3.... you like music? - Yes, I.... I have many records.              4.... your mother work? No, she.... She is a housewife. 5.... your brother speak French? - Oh yes, he.... 6. Why... their parents want to move to another city?

       Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения. Поставьте их в отрицательную форму. Задайте общий вопрос к каждому предложению.


1. Tim does his morning exercises every day. 2. Emma gets up early. 3. Ann always gets up late. 4. His grandmother always wakes him up. 5. The Wilsons normally have breakfast at 7 o'clock. 6. My uncle usually watches TV in the evening. 7. It often rains in England. 8. It seldom snows in Spain. 9. We usually do the shopping on Thursday.  10. The children help mother to do the washing-up.



Упражнение 6. Используя вопросительные слова в скобках, задайте к предложениям специальные вопросы.

1. Не always smokes before lunch. (When?) 2. The Pearsons like to work in the garden. (Where?) 3. Amanda always wears too much make up. (Who?) 4. Kate works at a nursery school. (Where?)              5. Charles goes to the disco every Saturday. (How often?) 6. I sometimes spend the weekend in the country. (Why?) 7. She takes a shower in the morning. (When?) 8. I get to the pool by bus. (How?)  9. My sister visits her friends on Saturday evenings. (What?) 10. Our father takes medicine three times a day. (How often?) 11. They usually speak English. (What language?) 12. Everybody  has a good time every Saturday. (Who?) 13. My name is Tom. (What?)


Упражнение 7. Ответьте на вопросы, используя фразы, данные в скобках.

1. What does a singer do? 2. What does a shoemaker do? 3. What does a housewife do? 4. What does an artist do? 5. What does a doctor do? 6. What does a hairdresser do? 7. What does a broker do? 8. What does a law student do? 9. What does a laundress do? 10. What does a sportsman do? 11. What does a baker do?


(to go in for sports, to study law, to cut and dress the hair, to paint pictures, to mend boots and shoes, to sing songs, to do the housework, to practice medicine, to buy and sell shares, to wash linen, to make bread.)



Упражнение 8. Исправьте предложения по образцу:

     1. The American President lives in Rome.

          2. The American President doesn't live in Rome.

          3. The American President lives in Washington.


1. Insects catch birds. 2. Elephants eat animals. 3. The River Volga

flows into the Baltic Sea. 4. The sun sets in the East. 5. Dentists look after nose.

Упражнение 9. Прочтите предложения и ответьте на вопросы.


    I The students of your group like to go for walks in the woods in summer.


1. Do the students  like to go for walks?

2. Where do they like to go for walks?

3. When do they like to go for walks?

4. What students like to go for walks?

5. What do they like to do?

6. Who likes to go for walks in the woods?


II Kostya helps his mother to look after his small brother.


1. What does Kostya help his mother to do?

2. Whom does Kostya help his mother to look after?

3. What does Kostya do?

4. Whom does Kostya help?

5. Who helps his mother?

6. Kostya helps his mother, doesn't he?



Упражнение 10. Задайте вопросы к предложениям, опираясь на упражнение 9.


1. On Saturday we finish our lessons at 12 o'clock.

2. The girl gets off the bus at the stop in Pushkin Square.




Н. Е. Жуковский

Урок 1.2.4

The Past Simple Tense


с помощью прибавления окончания – ed управильных глаголов; у неправильных глаголов – II колонка

 а) - ed читается как [ t ] после глухих согласных (dressed), как [ d ] после звонких согласных и гласных (opened, played), как [ id ] после t и d: (counted, decided)


б) Глаголы, оканчивающиеся на у с предшествующей согласной, меняют у на i:


to study - studied (но: play - played).


в) В односложных и двусложных глаголах с краткой гласной удваивается конечная согласная: skip - skipped; travel – trave ll ed.

Вопросительная форма:                Отрицательная форма:

Did I (he, she, it, we, you, they) work?    I (he, she, it, we, you, they) did not work.



Упражнение 1. Напишите форму прошедшего времени глаголов:


to go, to have, to see, to take, to give, to put, to stand, to put on, to sit, to understand.


Упражнение 2. Перепишите предложения. Глаголы напишите в Past Simple.


1. The children sometimes work on a collective farm in summer. 2. We play football and other interesting games at the camp. 3. Mike goes to his circle early. 4. It always snows in winter. 5. The Ninth Form pupils clean the street in front of the school. 6. We often ski and skate in the park. 7. She always answers questions well.




       1. Yesterday (to be) the third of October. 2. It (to be) warm, and we (to play) ball in our yard. 3. Our dog (to be) with us too. 4. It (to like) the game. 5. He (to jump) and (to jump). 6. We (to have) five lessons yesterday. 7. After the lessons the pupils on duty (to water) the flowers and (to clean) the blackboard and other things. 8. When everything in the classroom (to look) clean, they (to go) home. 9. It (to be) half past three and they (to be) very hungry.



Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present или Past Simple.

1. I (to watch) television at seven o'clock every evening.

2. I (to watch) television yesterday.

3. She (to comb) her hair every morning.

4. Yesterday she (to comb) her hair.

5. They (not to rest) yesterday.

6. I usually (to walk) to my school but yesterday I (to take) a tram.

7. Yesterday he (to have) a holiday. He (not to go) to the office. He (to get) up at eleven o'clock, (to wash) his face, (to have) breakfast and (to go) for a walk.

8. As a rule my mother (to cook) dinner. But yesterday she (to decide) not to cook. She (to invite) us to the restaurant.

9. He (not to like) coffee. But yesterday he (to drink) a cup of coffee as he (to be) very tired.

10. You often (to take) your brother for a walk? - Yes. - Why you (not to take) him for a walk the day before yesterday? - He (to be) ill.


Упражнение 4. Перепишите тексты в Past Simple.



Не gets up at seven o'clock. He washes his face, cleans his teeth and combs. He goes to the kitchen and has his breakfast. For breakfast he has a cup of coffee and cheese. When the breakfast is over, he goes to the office. He takes a bus to get to his work.

At the office he works till two o'clock. At two o'clock he has dinner. He finishes his work at seven o'clock in the evening. He decides to walk a little after his working day. He returns home at nine. He doesn't want have supper, he only drinks tea. Suddenly he remembers that he has to phone his friend. He dials the numbers that he has to phone his friend. He dials the number but nobody answers. His friend is not at home. He goes to his room and decides to watch TV. When the TV program is over, he sleeps.



The weather is bad. There is no sun in the sky. Beth wakes up late in the morning. She doesn't want to leave the bed. She stays in her bed for some time. But Beth is hungry. She wants something to eat. She makes herself to get up, and goes to the bathroom. She washes and cleans her teeth. Beth goes to the kitchen and has her breakfast. After breakfast she thinks how to spend her day. Suddenly the telephone rings. Her friend Tom phones. Tom says he has two tickets to the theatre and he invites her to go and see the play. Beth thanks him and agrees to go to the theatre. The play begins at twelve. She has only two hours to dress and to get to the theatre. Beth doesn't know what to put on in such bad weather. She thinks for some minutes and chooses her new beautiful dress! The weather is bad but she is in a good mood.



Урок 1.2.5

Урок 1.2.6

Биография Н.Е. Жуковского

Моя учёба

Урок 1.3.7

Распорядок дня студента



My Working Day

On weekdays the alarm clock wakes me up at 6.30 and my working day begins. I am not an early riser, that is why it is very difficult for me to get out of bed, especially in winter. I switch on my tape recorder and do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom, take a warm shower, clean my teeth and shave. After that I go to my bedroom to get dressed. Usually my mother makes breakfast for me. But when she is away on business or just does not have to get up early, I make breakfast myself. While having breakfast, I listen to the latest news on the radio. I leave the house at 7. 30 and go to the nearest underground station. Last year I tried to enter the Moscow University. But unfortunately I failed my entrance examinations. So I thought I should work somewhere. It was not easy for me to find a job, but I managed to get a position of a secretary in a small business company. They agreed to take me because I had studied typewriting, computing and business organization at school. And besides, I passed my English school – leaving exam with an excellent mark.    

It takes me an hour and a half to get to work. But I do not want to waste my time on the train. I have got a small cassette player and I listen to different texts and dialogues. Sometimes I read a book and retell it silently. If I come across an interesting expression I try to memorize it. I also write some English words on flashcards and learn them. 

I usually arrive at work at 10 minutes to nine though my working day begins at 9 sharp. There are always some fax messages to translate from English into Russian. Sometimes my boss wants me to write a letter to our business partners abroad. There are also a lot of phone calls which I have to answer.

At 1 o’clock in the afternoon we have lunch. We usually have lunch in a small cafe just round the corner. At 2 o’clock we come back to work. And we work hard till 5.

During the working day we also have several short coffee breaks. But sometimes we have no time for them.

I come back home at about 7 o’clock in the evening. My parents are usually at home, waiting for me. We have dinner together. Then we sit in the living room, drink tea, watch TV or just talk.

Occasionally I have to stay at work till 6 or even 7 o’clock in the evening. When we have  a lot of things to do we go to work on Saturdays. So by the end of the week I get very tired. All I can do on Sundays is to sleep, watch television, listen to music and read something in English. 

Упражнение 2. Ответьте на вопросы, опираясь на текст.


1. Do you get up early? Is it easy for you to get up early?

2. Do you wake up yourself or does an alarm clock wake you up?

3. Do you do morning exercises?

4. Which do you prefer: a hot or a cold shower in the morning?

5. How long does it take you to get dressed?

6. What do you usually have for breakfast?

7. When do you usually leave the house? 

8. Do you study? Where do you study?

9. What do you usually do on your way to work?

10. Where do you usually have lunch?

11. What time do you come home?

12. How do you spend your evenings?

13. What time do you usually go to bed?



Обратите внимание на обозначение времени!

       Если минутная стрелка находится в правой части циферблата – используется предлог past.


It’s ten past eleven. Десять минут двенадцатого.

It’s a quarter past eleven.Четверть двенадцатого.

It’s half past eleven. Половина двенадцатого.


Если минутная стрелка находится в левой части циферблата - используется предлог to.


       It’s ten to twelve. Без десяти двенадцать.

       It’s a quarter to twelve. Без четверти двенадцать.

       It’s twenty minutes to twelve. Без двадцати минут двенадцать.

       It’s eleven sharp. Ровно двенадцать.


Время до полудня обозначается a. m, а после полудня p. m.


       10 a.m. – Десять часов утра.

       6 p.m. – Шесть часов вечера.





Упражнение 3. Скажите по – английски время:

       А) 8.05, 8.10, 8.15, 8.20, 8.25, 8.30, 8.35, 8.45, 8.50, 8.55,  9.00



       В) 1. без двадцати двенадцать;

        2. без четверти три;

        3. половина пятого;

 4. четверть седьмого;

 5. десять минут второго;

   6. ровно двенадцать часов.



       Упражнение 4. Запомните следующие слова и выражения.

To be an early riser – рано вставать

especially – особенно

to do morning exercises – делать утреннюю зарядку

to get dressed – одеваться

unfortunately – к сожалению

to fail – не сдать, провалить

entrance examinations – вступительные экзамены

a position of a secretary – место секретаря

typewriting – машинопись

computing – работа на компьютере

besides – к тому же, кроме того

business organization – делопроизводство

excellent – отличный

to waste time – терять время

to retell – пересказать

to memorize – запомнить

a flashcard – карточка

a fax message – сообщение по факсу

a partner – партнёр

abroad – за границей

a break – перерыв

experience – опыт


Упражнение 5. Опишите друг другу свой утренний распорядок с опорой на текст. Используйте новую лексику. Работайте в парах.

       Упражнение 6. Расскажите о своём обычном рабочем дне в колледже, используя план на рисунке 1.

       Упражнение 7. Расскажите, как вы обычно проводите вечернее время, используя план на рисунке 2.

Рисунок 1

Рисунок 2

Урок 1.3.8

Учёба в колледже. Расписание уроков. Учебные предметы.

Упражнение 1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. When did you leave school?

2. Where do you study now?

3. How did you pass your entrance exams?

4. Are you a full – time or a part – time student?

5. What year are you in?

6. What is your future profession?

7. What are your favourite subjects?

8. When do your classes begin?

9. How many classes do you have a day?

10. Do you study hard?

11. When do you have session?

12. Do you like to study?



Упражнение 2. Расскажите,

1. когда вы сдавали вступительные экзамены в колледж;

2. какие отметки вы получили;

3. как вы добираетесь до колледжа;

4. о распорядке дня в колледже;

5. о режиме работы библиотеки (столовой).



Упражнение 3. Опишите письменно свой любимый кабинет,  опираясь на фотографии. Используйте  конструкции there is, there are. Работайте в группах.











Русский язык и литература










Английский язык






Урок 1.3.9

Система образования в России. Конструкция “to be going to”. Предлоги времени.

Планирование рабочего дня.

Обратите внимание!

    I am going to read this book. Я прочитаю этy книгу. I was going to read this book when you came.  Я собирался прочитать эту книгу, когда вы пришли. He is going to do this work. Он сделает эту работу. They are going to speak to the engineer. Они поговорят с инженером.  


 Is your friend going to see this film?                  Yes, he(she) is. He (she) is going to see this film. (No, he (she) is not going to see this film.)


Are you going to ask him (her) about it?              Yes, I am. I am going to ask him (her) about it. (No, I am not. I am not going to ask him (her) about it.)



Are your friends going to come skiing with you? Yes, they are. They are going to come skiing with us. (No, they are not. They are not going to come skiing with us.)



Were you going to read it yesterday?                             Yes, I was. I was going to read it yesterday. (No, I was not. I was not going to read it yesterday.)


Was your brother going to read it?                      Yes, he was. He was

                                                                              going to read it.



Were your friends going to read it?                     No, they were not.  They were not going

to read it.



Оборот to be going to, как и глаголы shall и will, является показателем будущего времени.

Оборот to be going to можно также перевести на русский язык

как собираться (сделать что-нибудь). Например: She is going to be a doctor.   

После оборота to be going to не следует употреблять глаголы to go и to come.  




Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки и употребите конструкцию to be going + инфинитив.

- What you (to do) with that vase, Mary?

- I (to put) it on the radio, John.

- Don’t do that, give it me.

- What you (to do) with it?

- I (to put) it here, in front of the window.

- Be careful! Do not drop it! Put it here, on this shelf.

- There we are! It is a lovely vase.

- Those flowers are lovely too.



Упражнение 2. Посмотрите на картинки и ответьте на вопросы к тексту.


1) Is the man going to read?

2) Is he going to read or to write?

3) Is he going to read a newspaper?

4) What is he going to read?


1) Are the boys going to swim?

2) Are they going to swim far?

3) Where are they going to swim?

4) Are they going to swim across the river?

5) What are they going to do?


1) What was Sokolov going to do when Stogov came in?

2) What was he going to take?

3) Where was he going to put them?

4) Were Sokolov and Stogov going to study together?

5) Were they going to read books together?

6) What were they going to do?



Предлоги времени

1. after        - после (after dinner – после обеда);


         - через (after a week – через неделю);


2. before     - до (before ten o’clock – до десяти часов);


         - перед (before the war – перед войной);


3. by            - к (by 3 o’clock – к трём часам);


4. during - во время (during my holidays – во время моих каникул);


5. for            - в течение (for two hours – в течение двух часов);

           - на (for a week – на неделю);


6. from … till - от (с) … до (from 1990 till 1999);


7. in             - в (in 1998);

         - через (in a month - через месяц);


8. on            - в (определённый день), (on Monday);


9. since        - с (since1994 – c 1994г.);


10. at           - в (at 9 o’clock – в 9 часов).



Education in Russia

In the Russian Federation the school education is compulsory. Pupils begin to go to school at the age of six or seven. When they complete the 9th form they can either continue to study at school for 2 years, or go to professional schools where they study not only main subjects, but are able to learn some professions. When school pupils leave school they can try to continue their education at institutes or universities.

There are many types of schools in Russia: specialized, polytechnical, musical, art and others. Nowadays some new types of schools appeared: gymnasiums and colleges. Citizens of Russia have the right to education which is guaranteed by the Constitution. The public educational system in our country incorporates pre-school, general school, specialized secondary and higher education.

Pre-schools consist of kindergartens and crèches. Children there learn reading, writing and arithmetic. But pre-school education isn’t compulsory - children can get it at home.

Compulsory education is for children from 6 (7) to 17 years of age. There are various types of schools: general secondary schools, schools specializing in a certain subject, high schools, lyceum and so on. Tuition in most of them is free of charge, but some new types of schools are free-paying. The term of study at a general secondary school is 11 years and consists of primary, middle and upper stages.

After the 9th form pupils have to take examinations. Also they have a choice between entering the 10th grade of a general secondary school and entering a specialized secondary or vocational school.

Persons who finish the general secondary school, receive a secondary education certificate, giving them the right to enter any higher educational establishment. Entrance examinations are held in July and August. Institutions are headed by rectors; the faculties are headed by the deans. One has to study at the institute for 5 years. Higher educational institutions train students in one or several specializations.



Education in Great Britain

The system of education in Great Britain is determined by the National Education Acts. Schools in England are supported from public funds. There are several basic features of public education in Britain. Firstly, there are wide variations between one part of the country and another. Secondly, education in Britain reflects the country’s social system: it is class - divided and selective. The first division is between those who pay and those who do not pay. The English school syllabus is divided into Arts and Sciences, which determines the division of the secondary school pupils into study groups. The National Education Act of 1944 provided three stages of education. Compulsory schooling in England and Wales lasts 11 years, from the age of 5 to 16. After the age of 16 a growing number of schoolchildren are staying on at school, some until 18 or 19, the age of entry into higher educational universities. British University courses are rather short, generally lasting for 3 years. The cost of education depends on the college and speciality which one chooses.

In some areas of England there are nursery schools for children under 5 years of age. Some children between 2 and 5 receive education in nursery classes or in infant classes at primary schools. Most children start school at 5 at a primary school.

A primary school may be divided into two parts – infants and juniors. At 7 children go from the infant schools to the junior schools. They study reading, composition, history, geography, nature study. Art and music, physical education, swimming are also on the timetable. The pupils are streamed according to their abilities to learn into A, B, C streams.

After the age of 11 most children go to comprehensive school the majority of which are for both – boys and girls. About 90% of all state – financed secondary schools are of this type. Most other children receive secondary education at grammar and secondary modern schools. At 18 most public school – leavers gain entry to universities.

The academic year at Britain’s Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of education is divided into three terms, which usually run from the beginning of October to the middle of December, from the middle of January to the end of March, and from the middle of April to the end of June or the beginning of July.

There are 46 universities in Britain. English Universities greatly differ from each other. They differ in date of foundation, size, history, tradition, general organization, methods of instruction, and way of student life. After three years of study a university graduate gets the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc. Later he may continue to take the Master’s Degree and then the Doctor’s Degree. Research is an important feature of university work.




Упражнение 13. a) Say who you will see next morning (day) on the way to the college.

 Example: I will see our doctor on my way to the college next morning.

              b) Tell the group what games you will

Play next summer (winter).

Example:      I will play chess next summer.



Изучение иностранного языка


Урок 1.4.11

Урок 1.4.12

Значение английского языка в современном мире. Местоимения some, any, no и их производные.

I met him somewhere before.

Have you seen him anywhere?

Вы видели его где – нибудь?

В той комнате никого нет.

В той комнате никого нет.

Различия между местоимениями some и any - в степени неопределённости, поэтому иногда местоимение any можно встретить и в утвердительных предложениях:


Урок 1.4.13

Participle I

(Причастие настоящего времени)


             Participle I = основа глагола + - ing: sleeping


В предложении Participle I может быть: определением (а) или обстоятельством (б):

а) Определение:


The child sleeping on the sofa is Jack.

Ребёнок, спящий на диване, Джек.


б) Обстоятельство:


Reading your translation the teacher found several mistakes.

 Читая ваш перевод, учитель нашёл несколько ошибок.



Participle II

(Причастие прошедшего времени)

Причастие II - это третья основная форма глагола (первые две формы – неопределённая форма глагола, или инфинитив, и форма прошедшего времени). Стандартные глаголы образуют эту форму при помощи суффикса – ed (т. е. эта форма совпадает с формой прошедшего времени). Нестандартные глаголы имеют особые формы, не всегда совпадающие с формой прошедшего времени.




Стандартные глаголы                Нестандартные глаголы                            

ask -  asked – asked                     go – went - gone

want – wanted – wanted             come – came - come

work – worked - worked             speak – spoke – spoken


Participle II в предложении может быть определением:

Не bought a used car.

Он купил подержанный автомобиль.


The information received was very important.

Полученная информация была очень важна.







1. Washington, the capital of the United States, is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. Washington is not the largest city in the United States but in the political sense it is the most important city.

 2. Washington has one major business and that business is government. Many people living in Washington work for the federal government. At 1 600 Pennsylvania Avenue there is the White House where the President lives and has his office.

 3. The Capitol, with its great Hall of Representatives and the Senate, is the biggest building in Washington. There is a law against building structures more than 90 feet high in the capital. With its beautiful buildings and its tree – lined avenues Washington attracts a lot of visitors.

4. The Capital has world – known art galleries, museums and monuments. One of the most interesting museums in Washington is the National Art and Space Museum. The museum has aircraft and spacecraft that were important in aviation history. There are even rocks that the astronauts brought to the Earth after their Moon landing.




   Урок 1.5.14


I live in Omsk. Omsk is situated in the south of West Siberia. It stands on the rivers Irtysh and Om.

In 1716 at the mouth of the Om river the Omsk fortress was built. Its founder was Colonel Bukhgolts. From the beginning Omsk played a great role in the development of Siberia. With the construction of the railway in 1899 Omsk became the centre of transport, trade and agriculture. Steamship navigation was opened on the Irtysh river and various industries began to develop. In 1861 Omsk was connected with Orenburg by telegraph. 

Local merchants were expanding during that period. Foreign concessions and monopolies appeared. The region exported grain, butter, meat, fish, furs and leather. The town was on the rise.

One of important pages in the history of our city is the Civil War during which Admiral Kolchak proclaimed Omsk to be the capital of Russia. In 1919 the Soviet Power was established in Omsk.

By 1934 the city became one of the biggest regional centrеs in Russia, stretching from Kazakhstan in the south to the Arctic Ocean in the north. During World War II many industrial enterprises were evacuated in to Omsk from the western part of the Soviet Union, thus increasing the industrial potential of the area.

In the ‘50s and ‘60s an oil refinery plant, manufacturing, military and heavy industrial equipment were built. Today they form the backbone of Omsk industry.

Nowadays Omsk is a large city. The Omsk region is located in the southern part of the West – Siberia plane. The climate is severe continental. The main water artery is the Irtysh river.

Omsk is an important industrial, cultural and educational centre. More than 90% of industrial production is concentrated in Omsk. The leaders of Omsk exports are enterprises of refining, chemical and petrochemical industry.



Упражнение 2. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:

1. to be situated                  а. зерно

2. at the mouth                   б. устанавливать, основывать

3. navigation                       в. оборудование

4. steamship                        г. расширять

5. merchant                         д. суровый

6. to expand                       е. располагаться

7. grain                               ё. протягиваться

8. furs                                 ж.паровой корабль

9. leather                             з. в устье

10. rise                                и.судоходство, плавание

11. to establish                   й. купец, торговец

12. to stretch                      к. меха

13. enterprise                      л. основа, суть

14. increase                         м. кожа

15. oil refinery plant           н. под’ём, начало

16. equipment                     о. возрастание, увеличение

17. backbone                      п. предприятие

18. severe                           р. нефтеперерабатывающий


Урок 1.5.15

Культурная жизнь. Достопримечательности. Образование.

Урок 1.5.16

Страдательный залог.

Страдательный залог


Страдательный залог выражает отношение между подлежащим и сказуемым в предложении. В английском языке, как и в русском, существует 2 залога: действительный (Active Voiсe) и страдательный (Passive Voiсe). Глагол – сказуемое в Active Voiсe показывает, что подлежащее предложения само совершает действие, выраженное глаголом.

I ask. (Я спрашиваю)

Глагол – сказуемое в Passive Voice показывает, что подлежащее предложения является объектом действия, выраженного глаголом.



1. Omsk is divided into several districts.

2. Almost all the streets of the city are lined with trees and bushes.

3. But small houses are gradually pulled down.

4. In 1992 the German District was formed.

5. The Pushkin Library is visited by thousands of people.

6. In 1716 at the mouth of the Om river the Omsk fortress was built.

7. In 1861 Omsk was connected with Tomsk by telegraph. 

8. The Omsk region is located in the southern part of the West – Siberia plane.



Vocabulary list



1. bank – берег

2. anniversary – годовщина

3. merchant – купец, купеческий

4. inhabitant – житель

5. unpaved – немощенный

6. crooked – кривой

7. pass through – проходить

8. exile – ссылка

9. welfare – материальный

10. spirit – дух

11. fate – судьба

12. eminent – замечательный

13. strive – стремиться

14. revalue – переоценить

15. energies – усилия





1. Siberian – сибирский

2. Oil Refinery – нефтеперерабатывающий завод

3. Tyre-Making plant – шинный завод

4. Synthetic Rubber plant – завод по производству синтетического каучука

5. Smoke-Black plant – сажевый завод

6. Trans-Siberian Railway – Транссибирская железная дорога

7. Drama Theatre – Драматический театр

8. Musical Theatre – Музыкальный театр

9. Puppet Theatre – Кукольный театр

10. Concert Hall – Концертный зал

11. Sports and Concert Palace – СКК

12. Omsk Folk Choir – Омский русский народный хор

13. Omsk Symphony Orchestra – Омский симфонический оркестр

14. Fine Arts Museum – Музей изобразительного искусства

15. Memorial Square – мемориал

16. Eternal Flame – Вечный огонь


Text I


Omsk is one of the oldest Russian towns. Omsk is situated on the banks of the Irtysh and Om rivers. The Siberian сity Omsk will celebrate its 300th Anniversary in 2016. A former small merchant town has turned for the years of Soviet power into a large industrial, scientific and cultural center of West Siberia. The city today numbers about 1200000 inhabitants.

At the beginning of the 18 century a group of Russian soldiers and Cossacks under the guidance of an officer Bukhgolts founded a fortress on the left bank of the Om river. The fortress was later renamed a town of Omsk. So Omsk was founded in 1716. At the end of 19th century the Great Trans-Siberian Railway passed through Omsk. Before the revolution Omsk was just like any other Siberian town – wooden houses, unpaved, dirty, crooked streets, no parks and gardens. Omsk was a place of exile. Decembrists and revolutionaries were exiled by the tsarist government to Omsk. A great Russian writer Dostoevsky spent 4 years in the Omsk fortress.

The city of labour produces goods in sum of more than 6 billion roubles a year. Some items are being supplied to more than 60 countries all over the world. The pride of our city is the first Oil Refinery, a giant of Siberian petrochemistry, which was put into operation in 1965. Besides the chemical enterprises of our city include Synthetic Rubber plant, the Tyre – Making plant, the Smoke – Black plant and others. Engineering, instrument making, light and building industries are developed in Omsk.

Omsk is with good reason considered a city of students, of the youth. Every the fourth of the city’s residents is studying. There are all kinds of educational institutions in Omsk. We have 14 universities, many technical schools, libraries. The A.S. Pushkin Library is the biggest of them.

The city’s history of welfare standards and culture has a particular effect on its characteristics and spirit. The lives and fates of such eminent people of the country as F. Dostoevsky and M. Vrubel,  V. Kuibyshev and D. Karbyshev, P. Dravert and V. Shebalin,              L. Martynov, S. Zaligin and other prominent figures in science and art are closely connected with Omsk.

There are a lot of varieties for leisure – theatres, museums, concert halls, exhibitions, gymnasiums, sports grounds, Palaces of Culture, discotheques and swimming pools – for townsfolk. For the believers there are cathedrals, prayers houses of various in the city. The best known theatres in Omsk are the Drama Theatre, the Musical Theatre, the Children’s Theatre and the Puppet Theatre. A fine Concert Hall, an Organ Hall, a Circus, the Sports and Concert Palace are at our disposal. The Omsk Folk Choir and the Omsk Symphony Orchestra are famous in the

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