Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите текст. — КиберПедия 

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Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите текст.

2022-09-01 66
Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите текст. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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When you enter the hall of your college you can see the   time-table on the wall. There are always many students standing near the time-table and looking for the number of the rooms where they must go to.

Our classes begin at 9 o’ clock in the morning. We have six or eight hours a day with a lunch break.

Our time-table includes obligatory and optional subjects. In the first year all the students of the technical and specialized schools study the same general educational subjects. They are Russian, literature, a foreign language (English, German or French), sciences (physics, mathematics, chemistry), social sciences. We get physical training. The students also begin to study specialized subjects. They are either technical drawing or anatomy and biology, or electronics and strength of materials, or psychology or others.

We have lectures, practice (tutorials) and do laboratory works.

The time-table includes subjects, the names of the teachers, time and numbers of the rooms for each day of the week.

Near the time-table there is an advertisement board advertising running meetings, socials, clubs and society sittings.

We don't go to the college on Sundays. It is a day of.



Упражнение 5. Выпишите из текста слова, обозначающие

а) названия предметов, которые вы изучаете;

б) дни недели;

в) названия внеклассных мероприятий.


Отработайте их произношение.

Упражнение 6. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Where is the time-table at your college? 2. When do your classes begin, and when are they over? 3. What subjects does your time-table include? 4. What does the time-table show? 5. What does an advertisement board run?



Упражнение 7. Переведите диалог.

                  The three L's


Characters:  Mr.Watson, Jack, his grandson.


Scene:     At home.

Mr.Watson:  Well, Jack, what did you learn at college this afternoon?

Jack:          We didn't learn anything this afternoon. We saw a TV programme.

Mr.Watson: What! Television at college!

Jack:      Yes, we've just got a television set, a big one. We're  going to see programmes three times a week.

Mr.Watson:  We had to work at college when I was a boy. That was a long time ago. Things changed now. It was the three R's in those days.

Jack:       Three R's! What are they?

Mr.Watson:   Don't you know what the three R's are? Reading, writing and arithmetic, of  course.

Jack:       Oh, we do those as well. But I like the wireless lessons and now the television   programmеs.

Mr.Watson:  Yes, I'm sure, you do. It's the three L's today, not the three R's.

Jack:       The three L's?

Mr.Watson:  Yes, the three L's - listen, look and be lazy.


Упражнение 8. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Did Jack do anything at college? 2. What did Mr. Watson learn at college? 3. What are the three R's? 4. What are the three L's?

Упражнение 9. Посмотрите на данное ниже расписание.

       - Перерисуйте расписание в тетрадь и заполните пустые клетки названиями предметов, которые вы изучаете в колледже;

       - Прочтите расписание на каждый день недели;

       - Назовите предметы, которые вам нравятся больше всего;

       - Назовите предметы, по которым вы занимаетесь в кружках, студенческом научном обществе или секциях.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9.00 – 10.35 History Mathematics Special Subject   History
10.45         – 12.10 Physics Special Subject   Chemistry  
13.05 – 14.35 Special Subject Chemistry  English Special Subject  
14.45 – 16.20 Russian   Literature   Physics

Упражнение 10. Заполните графы своего расписания, в котором указаны: Day, Subject, Teacher, Time, Room.

Урок 1.3.9

Система образования в России. Конструкция “to be going to”. Предлоги времени.

Планирование рабочего дня.

Обратите внимание!

    I am going to read this book. Я прочитаю этy книгу. I was going to read this book when you came.  Я собирался прочитать эту книгу, когда вы пришли. He is going to do this work. Он сделает эту работу. They are going to speak to the engineer. Они поговорят с инженером.  


 Is your friend going to see this film?                  Yes, he(she) is. He (she) is going to see this film. (No, he (she) is not going to see this film.)


Are you going to ask him (her) about it?              Yes, I am. I am going to ask him (her) about it. (No, I am not. I am not going to ask him (her) about it.)



Are your friends going to come skiing with you? Yes, they are. They are going to come skiing with us. (No, they are not. They are not going to come skiing with us.)



Were you going to read it yesterday?                             Yes, I was. I was going to read it yesterday. (No, I was not. I was not going to read it yesterday.)


Was your brother going to read it?                      Yes, he was. He was

                                                                              going to read it.



Were your friends going to read it?                     No, they were not.  They were not going

to read it.



Оборот to be going to, как и глаголы shall и will, является показателем будущего времени.

Оборот to be going to можно также перевести на русский язык

как собираться (сделать что-нибудь). Например: She is going to be a doctor.   

После оборота to be going to не следует употреблять глаголы to go и to come.  




Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки и употребите конструкцию to be going + инфинитив.

- What you (to do) with that vase, Mary?

- I (to put) it on the radio, John.

- Don’t do that, give it me.

- What you (to do) with it?

- I (to put) it here, in front of the window.

- Be careful! Do not drop it! Put it here, on this shelf.

- There we are! It is a lovely vase.

- Those flowers are lovely too.



Упражнение 2. Посмотрите на картинки и ответьте на вопросы к тексту.


1) Is the man going to read?

2) Is he going to read or to write?

3) Is he going to read a newspaper?

4) What is he going to read?


1) Are the boys going to swim?

2) Are they going to swim far?

3) Where are they going to swim?

4) Are they going to swim across the river?

5) What are they going to do?


1) What was Sokolov going to do when Stogov came in?

2) What was he going to take?

3) Where was he going to put them?

4) Were Sokolov and Stogov going to study together?

5) Were they going to read books together?

6) What were they going to do?



Предлоги времени

1. after        - после (after dinner – после обеда);


         - через (after a week – через неделю);


2. before     - до (before ten o’clock – до десяти часов);


         - перед (before the war – перед войной);


3. by            - к (by 3 o’clock – к трём часам);


4. during - во время (during my holidays – во время моих каникул);


5. for            - в течение (for two hours – в течение двух часов);

           - на (for a week – на неделю);


6. from … till - от (с) … до (from 1990 till 1999);


7. in             - в (in 1998);

         - через (in a month - через месяц);


8. on            - в (определённый день), (on Monday);


9. since        - с (since1994 – c 1994г.);


10. at           - в (at 9 o’clock – в 9 часов).



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