Reading for specific information and speaking — КиберПедия 

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Reading for specific information and speaking

2022-02-11 36
Reading for specific information and speaking 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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(A) 1. L look through the text to give Yes/No answers to the following questions.


1. Does the agricultural production rely heavily on electricity?

2. Electricity is used to pump water for domestic and livestock use, isn’t it?

3. Does an electric motor convert electricity to mechanical power?

4. Do transformers have not any moving parts?

5. Are there five principles of electric machines operations?

6. Does an electric generator belong to the group of electromechanical energy converters?


(B) 2. Match the sentences beginnings to the correct endings and translate the following sentences.

1. In agriculture electricity is utilized… a) … any machine powered by electricity.
2. Electrical equipment includes … b) … that uses force to accomplish something transmitting and changing force or motion into work
3. The operation of electrical machines is explained … c) … perpendicular to both the direction of the current and the direction of the magnetic field
4. Electric machines are divided into … d) … to control the environment and maintain the life of livestock, poultry, and plants.
5. An electric machine is a general term for … e) …the basis of any technological process of any national economy. 
6. Electricity is used in many ways: … f) … that this field is guided and greatly strengthened by passing through iron.
7.An electrical conductor, such as a copper wire, moving in a magnetic field has … g) … a voltage in any circuit through which it passes.
8. Electricity is … h) … heating, lighting, control, power and communication.
9. The first principle is that an electrical current causes a magnetic field and … i) … by four general principles.
10. A changing magnetic field causes…  j)... electric motors, electric generators and other electromagnetic machines.
11. The machine is known to be a device … k) … an electrical current induced in it.
12. An electrical current in a magnetic field experiences a force …  l) … alternating current (a.c.) and direct-current (d.c.) machines.



(B) 3. Find answers to these questions.

1. What is a simple definition of a machine?

2. Why is electricity the basis of any technological process?

3. What is a transformer used for?

4. Why are the electric machines very suited for farm jobs?

5. What transform electric energy into mechanical one?

6. How does electricity help farmers?

7. What are the main principles of electric machines operation?



(B) 4. Scan through the text quickly and identify what the following words refer to:


for that by when which



(B) 5. Show your agreement or disagreement towards the following statements. Supply possible reasons for each your conclusion.



Here are some useful ways of agreeing and disagreeing

With someone’s opinion.


AGREEMENT I (quite) agree (with you). I couldn't agree more. I think so too. That's just what I think. Quite so. Exactly. DISAGREEMENT Yes, that’s true, but … I’m not sure I quite agree … Yes, you have a point here, but … I see what you mean, but … I can’t agree with you there. You can’t be serious!


1. Our homes have many modern electrical appliances.

2. Electric machines were developed in the end of 20th century.

3. Various electric devices are made for tillage of soil, crop cultivation and processing of agricultural products.

4. Electric machines are electromechanical energy converters.

5. An electric generator converts electricity to mechanical power.

6. We can operate various machines andautomatic deviceswith the help of electricity.

7. Electric farm machinery offer many advantages over mechanical types of machinery.

8. The stator is the rotating part of an electrical machine.


(C) 6. Express difference between:


a) electric motor and electric generator;


b) rotor and stator:


c) electric appliance and electric machine;


d) electric farm machinery and mechanical types of machinery.


(C) 7. Construct sentences using the following:

to convert electricity; to reverse the direction;

to cause a voltage; with the help of; to be used for;

to be powered by; to be divided into.


(C) 8. Comment on the following statements.

1. Electric power has become the main source of energy in agricultural production.

2. On most of the farmsteads electricity is regarded as essential.

3. The tendency now is for farm machinery to be designed for electrical operations performance.

4. Electric farm machinery offer many advantages over mechanical types of machinery.


(C) 9. Complete the jumbled sentences and put them in the logical order to sum up the content of the text.



1. It is used for …. 2. Electric machines are …. 3. And the fourth principle is called …. 4. The operation of electrical machines is explained by …. 5. Electric power has become …. 6. Electrical equipment includes …. 7. On most of the farmsteads electricity is used to …. 8. Today everywhere we turn we see applications of …. 9. The first principle can be called …. 10. The tendency now is for farm machinery …. 11. In agriculture electricity is utilized to …. 12. The thirdprinciple can be called …. 13. Transformers change…. 14. The second principle is called …. 15. Our homes have many …. 16. With the help of electricity we can …. 17. Electric machines are divided into …. 18. An electric machine is a general term for …. 19. Electricity is used in many ways: …. 20. A lot of farm machinery is powered ….  



(A, B, C) 1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about:


electric machines classification and their field of applications.

(A,B,C) 2.Work in pairs or small groups. Sa y each of your partners to give you as much information as possible about:

the importance of electric machines in modern agricultural production.

(A,B,C). 3. Prepare a brief talk on principles of electric machines operations.

 (A, B, C) 1. Using the topical vocabulary at the beginning of this unit p repare an outline of the text. Discuss the information you think worth mentioning with your colleages. Be ready to answer the questions that may follow.



(А, В) 1. Divide the text into several parts and find the key-sentences of each part of the text. Translate them into Russian in writing.

(А, В) 2. Define the main idea of each part of the text. Write the key points of each passage in short sentences. Begin with:

The main idea of part one is…   The second part highlights…   Passage three elicits…   The forth passage describes…   The fifth passage draws our attention to…  



Variant A The text is concerned with… The text gives valuable information on… The text is addressed to …
(А, В) 3.Make up an annotation of the text in English.Use the following phrases:

Variant B The text deals with… It is reported that … The text is of great help to …  

(А, В) 4. Summarize all the necessary information from the text and write your summary in English. You may use the following expressions:

As the title implies the article describes...
The text presents an outlook of…
The text gives information about…
The text encapsulates…
The text expresses the main idea of…
Much (little) attention is given to …
A brief account is given of ….
The text wraps up …
The importance of … is emphasized in the text.
Of particular interest is …
It appears (seems, proves) that ….
It is pointed out that …
It is shown that …
It should be remembered (noted, mentioned) ….
The target reader of the text …
The text is addressed to…

REMEMBER: Summary is a n abstract or a condensed presentation of the substance of a body of material.  

(C) 5. Write down an expanded summary. Express your attitude to the text. Derive a conclusion. Elicit the information from the text and use additional information from your general knowledge of the subject or any other source of information that is coherent to the subject of electric farm machinery.



Text b






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