TEXT A. Read the text and circle the questions that are being discussed in it. — КиберПедия 

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TEXT A. Read the text and circle the questions that are being discussed in it.

2022-02-11 104
TEXT A. Read the text and circle the questions that are being discussed in it. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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прибор;аппаратура; сфера применения


приспособление;устройство;электрический прибор




выработка электрической энергии

lamp paraffin-fuelled Tilley lamp


керосиновая лампа «Тилли»



line electric power lines


линия электропередачи (ЛЭП)


электрическая сеть



power power output

мощность; энергия

выработка электроэнергии; выходная мощность

source alternative source


альтернативный источник







продлить; расширить




снабжать энергией;приводить в действие;служить источником энергии







rural electrification

сельский электрификация сельских районов


стационарный; неподвижный


barn амбар, сарай
benefit преимущество;польза; выгода
cellar root cellar подвал;погреб подвал для хранения корнеплодов и овощей; погреб
chaff cutting измельчение соломы
demand спрос; потребность
drainage дренаж; осушение
dwelling жилище;дом;жилой дом;местожительство
farmhouse жилой дом на ферме
farmyard двор фермы
feeder транспортёр
fencing ограждение;изгородь
germ микроб;бактерия
hoisting поднимание
host множество
irrigation орошение
milk cooler охладитель молока
mill feed mill мельница;дробилка мельница для размола кормовых продуктов; кормодробилка
myriad бесчисленное множество
predecessor hand-powered predecessor прототип прототип с ручным приводом
scale масштаб
steam sterilizer стерилизатор для обработки сухим паром
sawing распиловка
sheep shearing стрижка овец
threshing молотьба


adopt принять
confine ограничивать
lag behind отставать; запаздывать


available доступный
interwoven переплетенный
long-drawn-out затянувшийся
spatial пространственный


Before you read the text try to answer the questions.

Do you know…?

1. What does the word “electrification” mean?

2. What is “rural electrification”?

3. When did electrification begin in our country?

4. What is GOELRO plan?

5. Has rural electrification been completed in our country/ in the world yet?


1. application употребление, применение, использование 2. appliances электрические бытовые приборы, бытовая техника 3. processing обработка, переработка, изготовление 4. heating нагревание, отопление, обогрев 5. lighting освещение 6. device оборудование, устройство, приспособление 7. spoilage порча товара, продукции 8. investments финансовые вложения, капиталовложения, инвестиции 9. farmstead хозяйство, ферма 10. labour труд, работа, рабочая сила 11. requirement необходимое условие, потребность, спрос 12. handling транспортировка, управление 13. production производство 14. facilities средства, возможности, оснащение 15. machinery техника, машины 16. performance выполнение (работы), исполнение, осуществление 17. equipment  оборудование, техника, устройство, техническое оснащение 18. power энергия, электропитание 19. circuit цепь тока, электросхема 20. converter преобразователь 21.current ü alternati ng current ü direct current ток переменный ток постоянный ток 22. influence влияние, воздействие, эффект 23. voltage напряжение 24. conductor проводник 25. wire проволока, проводка, кабель



1. rely полагаться, надеяться, опираться
2. operate выполнять, управлять, осуществлять
3. maintain обслуживать, содержать, поддерживать, ремонтировать
4. prevent предупреждать, препятствовать
5. avoid избегать, уклоняться
6. regard рассматривать, считать
7. run приводить в действие, запускать (двигатель)
8. perform выполнять, осуществлять
9. power приводить в действие / движение, питать энергией
1 0. accomplish выполнять, завершать, доводить до конца
1 1. transmit передавать, перемещать, проводить
1 2. convert превращать, преобразовывать, изменять
13. strengthen усиливать, укреплять, упрочнять
14. achieve достигать, добиваться, успешно выполнять





1. livestock домашний скот, сельскохозяйственные животные
2. poultry домашняя птица, сельскохозяйственная птица
3. food пища, питание, еда, продовольствие
4. failure провал,неудача, недостаток, отсутствие
5. whirlpool вихрь, водоворот
6. tillage обработка почвы, вспашка
7. cultivation обработка, возделывание, культивирование, выращивание с/х культур
8. fertilization внесение удобрений, подкормка
9. thinning прореживание, прорывка (растений)
10. pests вредители, вредные насекомые
11. disease заболевание, болезнь
12. weed сорняк, сорная трава
13. conservation сохранение, рациональное использование
14. essential обязательный, необходимый, основной
15. domestic домашний, внутренний
16. rural сельский, деревенский, сельскохозяйственный
17. crucial решающий, ключевой, неотъемлемый, основной
18. alternative альтернативный, запасной, резервный, различный
19. intend предназначать
20. hatch выводить в инкубаторе
21. grade сортировать
22. contaminate загрязнять, заражать, портить
23. eliminate устранять, уничтожать, ликвидировать
24. cause побуждать, обуславливать, являться причиной
25. surround окружать
26. guide вести, направлять, руководить, ориентировать





I. Pre-reading task s

1. The text you are going to read is headlined “Electric machines in agriculture”. What do you know about electric machines?

2. Think of 5-7 questions the answers of which you can find in this text.

3. In pairs ask and answer these questions.

Reading for gist

1. Read the text again and say in 2-3 sentences what it is about.




Today electricity is the basis of any technological process of any national economy. Everywhere we turn we see applications of electricity. Our homes have many modern electrical appliances. Industry relies heavily on electricity for control and processing. Electricity is used in many ways: heating, lighting, control, power and communication.With the help of electricity we can operate various machines andautomatic devices.

As it is known, electric power has become the main source of energy in agricultural production and its sphere of application is ever increasing. In agriculture electricity is utilized to control the environment and maintain the life of livestock, poultry, and plants, and to prevent food spoilage, avoid financial loss due to failures in harvesting and sorting, and as security of the farm capital investments.

On most of the farmsteads electricity is regarded as essential. It is used to pump water for domestic and livestock use. It is used to run electric motors in turn to reduce labour requirements for the handling of materials. It is used for providing comfort for rural homes and livestock production facilities by heating, ventilating and air conditioning.

Alongside with machinery specially intended for tillage, cultivation, fertilization, thinning and other kinds of field work extensive use is made of various devices for processing agricultural products and protecting plants against pests, diseases and weeds.

A lot of farm machinery is powered by electricity, e.g. milking machines, feed distributors, food choppers, etc. Electric incubators hatch chicks and ducklings, while eggs are electrically gathered, graded and packed “on the line”. Sheep are sheared electrically. Ultraviolet irradiation units are effective in preventing and eliminating infection, cleaning contaminated air in cowhouses, etc.

The tendency now is for farm machinery to be designed for electrical operations performance with the help of electrical equipment. Electrical equipment includes any machine powered by electricity. The machine is known to be a device that uses force to accomplish something transmitting and changing force or motion into work.

An electric machine is a general term for electric motors, electric generators and other electromagnetic machines. Electric machines were developed in the mid-19th century. Developing more efficient electric machine technology is crucial to any global conservation, green energy, or alternative energy strategy.

Electric machines are electromechanical energy converters: an electric motor converts electricity to mechanical power while an electric generator converts mechanical power to electricity. Besides motors and generators, a third category often included is transformers, which although they do not have any moving parts are also energy converters, changing the voltage level of an alternating current.

Electric machines are divided into alternating current (a.c.) and direct-current (d.c.) machines.The two main parts of an electrical machine can be described in either mechanical or electrical terms. In mechanical terms, the rotor is the rotating part, and the stator is the stationary part of an electrical machine. In electrical terms, the armature is the power-producing component and the field is the magnetic field component of an electrical machine. The operation of electrical machines is explained by four general principles that will be briefly presented below.

The first principle is that an electrical current causes a magnetic field which surrounds it like a whirlpool, and that this field, which is not material but rather a region of influence on other currents and magnets, is guided and greatly strengthened (by more than a thousand times) by passing through iron. When the current reverses its direction, so does the magnetic field. Currents deep in the earth cause its magnetic field, and the energy to drive them comes from either the rotation of the earth or the flow of heat within the earth. The field acts on the compass needle, which is a magnet. This principle can be called "electromagnet action."

The second is that an electrical current in a magnetic field (produced by some other currents) experiences a force perpendicular to both the direction of the current and the direction of the magnetic field, and reverses if either of these reverses in direction. The force is proportional to the current and to the strength of the magnetic field. This principle can be called "motor action”.

The third is that an electrical conductor, such as a copper wire, moving in a magnetic field has an electrical current induced in it. This is expressed by the creation of an electromotive force (e.m.f.) or voltage, which causes current to flow just as the voltage of a battery does. The effect is maximum when the wire, the motion, and the magnetic field are all mutually perpendicular. This principle can be called "generator action”.

And the fourth principle is that a changing magnetic field causes a voltage in any circuit through which it passes. The change can be caused by changing the current producing the magnetic field, or by moving the sources of the magnetic field. This principle can be called "transformer action”.

Generally, electric farm machinery offer many advantages over mechanical types of machinery. Higher accuracies and speeds of response can be achieved by electrical machines.




(A) 1. Make sure you know the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations in A. Define whether the translation in B is true or false. Correct the false ones.

электричество electrical
электрооборудование electrical equipment
сельскохозяйственная техника agriculturaloperation
генератор generator
электродвигатель electricmachine
трансформатор transformer
напряжение current
производить produce
магнит magnet
магнитное поле magneticsphere
электрическая цепь circuit
электрический ток   voltage
преобразователь converter
переработкасельскохозяйственнойпродукции harvesting of agricultural products
автоматическиеустройства automatic devices
электрическиеприборы electrical appliances

(А) 2. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

1. A lot of farm machinery is powered // developed by electricity.

2. Electric machines are electromechanical energy converters // products.

3. Industry relies heavily on electricity // force for control and processing.

4. Our homes have many modern electrical appliances // installations.

5. Electrical equipment // current includes any machine powered by electricity.

6. The stator // rotor is the stationary part of an electrical machine.

7. An electric generator converts // operates mechanical power to electricity.



(B) 3. Find in B the English equivalents to the Russian words in A.




1. применять; использовать a) use b) work c) move
2. вырабатывать a) operate b) flow c) generate
3. выполнять a) accomplish b) develop c) change
4. преобразовывать a) utilize b) convert c) reverse
5. приводить в действие a) begin b) power c) connect

(В) 4. Fill in the following table with appropriate nouns from the text.

1. to apply 1. application
2. to process  
3. to harvest  
4. to cultivate  
5. to till  
6. to operate  
7. to convert  
8. to generate  
9. to transform  
10. to perform  



(B) 5. Read the text once again and find the words that denote:

a) names of electric machines;

b) names of agricultural operations;

c) names of the basic principles of electrical machines operations;

d) the ways of electricity application.


(В) 6. Match the following words and word combinations with their definitions.

1. equipment a) to cause something or someone to change in form or character
2. appliance b) a movement of water, air or electricity in a particular direction
3. convert c) the force of an electric current produced by any device that supplies electrical energy
4. operate d) the force of an electric current, measured in volts
5.operation e) an area around a magnet or something magnetic, in which it has a force to attract objects itself
6.current f) the set of necessary tools for a particular purpose
7. voltage g) to cause to work, be in action or have an effect
8. magnetic field h) the way that parts of a machine or system work together, or the process of machine parts
9.electromotive force i) a device, machine or piece of equipment, especially an electrical one that is used in the house

(B) 7. Put each of the following words in its correct place in the passage below.Use the words only once.


generated movement to reverse
appliances        alternating generator
                 current to change converted
magnet power direct



There are two different kinds of … flow, direct current, usually abbreviated DC and … current, usually abbreviated AC. In … current electrons are made to move in one direction only. This kind of current is … by a battery. Alternating current is generated by … stations for domestic and industrial use. The wires in the centre of the … rotate past the North and South poles of the (red) …. This … forces the electrons in the circuit … the direction of their flow. The number of these alterations (or cycles) per second is known as frequency. As domestic supply requires alternating current it is therefore necessary … it to direct current inside most electrical …. A rectifier allows AC to be … into DC.


(B) 8. Make up possible word combinations / phrases.

agricultural …
sphere of …
to run …
to operate …
powered by …
mechanical …
energy …
magnetic …
reverse …
agricultural …
electromagnetic …
electric …
… automatic devices
… operations
… production
… generator
… application
… electric motors
… component
… the direction
… converter
… power
… machines
… electricity
… field

(C) 9. Make up sentences of your own using word combinations and phrases of assignment 8.

(C) 10. Put the words in the right order to make complete sentences. Restore the logical order of the events.

1. electric// used // to run // labour // in turn // motors //requirements//electricity is // to reduce.

2. machines // we // various // and// automatic // operate// devices//can.

3. any // electrical // includes // equipment// powered // machine // electricity//by.

4. electrical // farm // is // machinery // for // performance // operations // designed.

5 the // electrical // of // principles // machines // is // operation // four // explained // by // general.

6. basis // electricity // of // any // the // process // technological // is.

7. power // electric // energy // has // main // the // become // agricultural // in // source// production // of.



(C) 11. Translate the Russian words into English and fill in the crossword.

1. Прибор 2. Устройство 3. Электричество 4. Ток 5. Двигатель, мотор 6. Преобразователь 7. Проводник 8. Производство 9. Напряжение 10. Мощность 11. Электрическая цепь 12. Техника, машины 13. Трансформатор 14. Генератор

          3         2                        
    5             7                          
12                       11                    


(A) 1. L look through the text to give Yes/No answers to the following questions.


1. Does the agricultural production rely heavily on electricity?

2. Electricity is used to pump water for domestic and livestock use, isn’t it?

3. Does an electric motor convert electricity to mechanical power?

4. Do transformers have not any moving parts?

5. Are there five principles of electric machines operations?

6. Does an electric generator belong to the group of electromechanical energy converters?


(B) 2. Match the sentences beginnings to the correct endings and translate the following sentences.

1. In agriculture electricity is utilized… a) … any machine powered by electricity.
2. Electrical equipment includes … b) … that uses force to accomplish something transmitting and changing force or motion into work
3. The operation of electrical machines is explained … c) … perpendicular to both the direction of the current and the direction of the magnetic field
4. Electric machines are divided into … d) … to control the environment and maintain the life of livestock, poultry, and plants.
5. An electric machine is a general term for … e) …the basis of any technological process of any national economy. 
6. Electricity is used in many ways: … f) … that this field is guided and greatly strengthened by passing through iron.
7.An electrical conductor, such as a copper wire, moving in a magnetic field has … g) … a voltage in any circuit through which it passes.
8. Electricity is … h) … heating, lighting, control, power and communication.
9. The first principle is that an electrical current causes a magnetic field and … i) … by four general principles.
10. A changing magnetic field causes…  j)... electric motors, electric generators and other electromagnetic machines.
11. The machine is known to be a device … k) … an electrical current induced in it.
12. An electrical current in a magnetic field experiences a force …  l) … alternating current (a.c.) and direct-current (d.c.) machines.



(B) 3. Find answers to these questions.

1. What is a simple definition of a machine?

2. Why is electricity the basis of any technological process?

3. What is a transformer used for?

4. Why are the electric machines very suited for farm jobs?

5. What transform electric energy into mechanical one?

6. How does electricity help farmers?

7. What are the main principles of electric machines operation?



(B) 4. Scan through the text quickly and identify what the following words refer to:


for that by when which



(B) 5. Show your agreement or disagreement towards the following statements. Supply possible reasons for each your conclusion.



Here are some useful ways of agreeing and disagreeing

With someone’s opinion.


AGREEMENT I (quite) agree (with you). I couldn't agree more. I think so too. That's just what I think. Quite so. Exactly. DISAGREEMENT Yes, that’s true, but … I’m not sure I quite agree … Yes, you have a point here, but … I see what you mean, but … I can’t agree with you there. You can’t be serious!


1. Our homes have many modern electrical appliances.

2. Electric machines were developed in the end of 20th century.

3. Various electric devices are made for tillage of soil, crop cultivation and processing of agricultural products.

4. Electric machines are electromechanical energy converters.

5. An electric generator converts electricity to mechanical power.

6. We can operate various machines andautomatic deviceswith the help of electricity.

7. Electric farm machinery offer many advantages over mechanical types of machinery.

8. The stator is the rotating part of an electrical machine.


(C) 6. Express difference between:


a) electric motor and electric generator;


b) rotor and stator:


c) electric appliance and electric machine;


d) electric farm machinery and mechanical types of machinery.


(C) 7. Construct sentences using the following:

to convert electricity; to reverse the direction;

to cause a voltage; with the help of; to be used for;

to be powered by; to be divided into.


(C) 8. Comment on the following statements.

1. Electric power has become the main source of energy in agricultural production.

2. On most of the farmsteads electricity is regarded as essential.

3. The tendency now is for farm machinery to be designed for electrical operations performance.

4. Electric farm machinery offer many advantages over mechanical types of machinery.


(C) 9. Complete the jumbled sentences and put them in the logical order to sum up the content of the text.



1. It is used for …. 2. Electric machines are …. 3. And the fourth principle is called …. 4. The operation of electrical machines is explained by …. 5. Electric power has become …. 6. Electrical equipment includes …. 7. On most of the farmsteads electricity is used to …. 8. Today everywhere we turn we see applications of …. 9. The first principle can be called …. 10. The tendency now is for farm machinery …. 11. In agriculture electricity is utilized to …. 12. The thirdprinciple can be called …. 13. Transformers change…. 14. The second principle is called …. 15. Our homes have many …. 16. With the help of electricity we can …. 17. Electric machines are divided into …. 18. An electric machine is a general term for …. 19. Electricity is used in many ways: …. 20. A lot of farm machinery is powered ….  



(A, B, C) 1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about:


electric machines classification and their field of applications.

(A,B,C) 2.Work in pairs or small groups. Sa y each of your partners to give you as much information as possible about:

the importance of electric machines in modern agricultural production.

(A,B,C). 3. Prepare a brief talk on principles of electric machines operations.

 (A, B, C) 1. Using the topical vocabulary at the beginning of this unit p repare an outline of the text. Discuss the information you think worth mentioning with your colleages. Be ready to answer the questions that may follow.



(А, В) 1. Divide the text into several parts and find the key-sentences of each part of the text. Translate them into Russian in writing.

(А, В) 2. Define the main idea of each part of the text. Write the key points of each passage in short sentences. Begin with:

The main idea of part one is…   The second part highlights…   Passage three elicits…   The forth passage describes…   The fifth passage draws our attention to…  



Variant A The text is concerned with… The text gives valuable information on… The text is addressed to …
(А, В) 3.Make up an annotation of the text in English.Use the following phrases:

Variant B The text deals with… It is reported that … The text is of great help to …  

(А, В) 4. Summarize all the necessary information from the text and write your summary in English. You may use the following expressions:

As the title implies the article describes...
The text presents an outlook of…
The text gives information about…
The text encapsulates…
The text expresses the main idea of…
Much (little) attention is given to …
A brief account is given of ….
The text wraps up …
The importance of … is emphasized in the text.
Of particular interest is …
It appears (seems, proves) that ….
It is pointed out that …
It is shown that …
It should be remembered (noted, mentioned) ….
The target reader of the text …
The text is addressed to…

REMEMBER: Summary is a n abstract or a condensed presentation of the substance of a body of material.  

(C) 5. Write down an expanded summary. Express your attitude to the text. Derive a conclusion. Elicit the information from the text and use additional information from your general knowledge of the subject or any other source of information that is coherent to the subject of electric farm machinery.



Text b













The transformer is static electrical equipment which transforms electrical energy to the magnetic energy and again to the electrical energy. The operating frequency and nominal power are approximately equal on primary and secondary transformer side because the transformer is very efficient equipment, while the voltage and current values are usually different. Essentially, the main task of the transformer is to convert high voltage (HV) and low current from the primary side to the low voltage (LV) and high current on the secondary side and vice versa. Also, a transformer with its operation principle provides galvanic isolation in the electrical system.

A transformer transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupled conductors the transformer's coils. A varying electric current in the first or primary winding creates a varying magnetic flux in the transformer's core and thus a varying magnetic field through the secondary winding. This varying magnetic field induces a varying electromotive force (e. m. f.) or "voltage" in the secondary winding. This effect is called mutual induction.

With those features, the transformer is the most important part of the electrical system and provides economical and reliable transmission and distribution of electrical energy.

The working principle of transformer is very simple. It depends upon Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. Actually, mutual induction between two or more winding is responsible for transformation action in an electrical transformer.

In the broadest terms, there are two types of transformers. There are voltage transformers, which are typically what people are talking about when they simply say ‘transformer’, and there are current transformers, often times called instrument transformers. Voltage transformers alter the voltage input to the device and output a voltage that is proportional to the input voltage. Current transformers do the same for amperage.

There is an incredible range of transformers where the size of these devices is concerned. Some transformers are small enough to fit in a pocket and some are larger and heavier than most cars. These devices, no matter what size they happen to be, function on largely the same principles.

Transformers can be categorized in different ways, depending upon their purpose, use, construction etc. The main types of transformers are as follows:

1. Step-up transformers

2. Step-down transformers

3. Isolation transformers

The step-up transformers can be used in electronic and electrical devices where the voltage boosting is required. But nowadays in the modern electronic device, power electronic circuits are more frequently used because of weight and dimension.

The step-down transformer converts the high voltage (HV) and low current from the primary side to the low voltage (LV) and high current value on the secondary side. This transformer type has a wide application in electronic devices and electrical systems. When it comes to the operation voltage, the step-up transformer application can be roughly divided in two groups: LV (voltages up to 1 kV) and HV application (voltages above 1 kV).

The step-down transformer is used to provide this low voltage value which is suitable for electronics supplying. It transforms home voltage (230/120 V) from primary to a low voltage on the secondary side which is used for the electronic supplying. If electronic devices are designed to have higher nominal power, transformers with high operating frequency are used (kHz-s). The transformers with higher nominal power value and 50/60 Hz nominal frequency would be too large and heavy. Also, the daily used battery chargers use the step-down transformer in its design.

An isolation transformer is a transformer used to transfer electrical power from a source of alternating current (AC) power to some equipment or device while isolating the powered device from the power source, usually for safety reasons. Isolation transformers provide galvanic isolation and are used to protect against electric shock, to suppress electrical noise in sensitive devices, or to transfer power between two circuits which must not be connected. A transformer sold for isolation is often built with special insulation between primary and secondary, and is specified to withstand a high voltage between windings.

Transformers play an important role in power transmission because they allow power to be converted to and from higher voltages. This is important because higher voltages suffer less power loss during transmission. This is because higher voltages allow for lower current to deliver the same amount of power as power is the product of the two. Thus, as the voltage steps up, the current steps down. It is the current flowing through the components that result in both the losses and the subsequent heating. These losses, appearing in the form of heat, are equal to the current squared times the electrical resistance through which the current flows.

Transformers are among the most basic electrical components in use. These devices contain few parts, but they perform a vital role in many different electrical applications. From the large plugs on most electronic charging devices for cellular phones and tablet computers to the huge transformers mounted to power poles and located at substations, these devices are so common precisely because they are so useful.

Transformers play many different roles in electronics. They are used in amplification devices, on power poles to step voltage down for household use and in computers to provide many different voltages to the motherboard through separate connections to the motherboard.




(A, B, C)1. Look at the title of the text. Say what readers’ category it is for.

(A, B, C)2. Read the text and find out whether the title fully represents the content.

(A, B, C)3. Have you read any articles on the basis of this theme? Were they fascinating or scientifically vital to you?

(A, B, C) 4. Read the first paragraph of the text and say what questions are discussed in it.

(A, B, C)5. Divide the text into several parts. Explain your choice.

(A, B, C)6. Scan the text. Focus on the general ideas of each part to say how they are connected and why.


(A, B, C)7. Think of the alternative way to entitle each part.


(A, B, C)8. Find and mark the key-words connected with the main information in each abstract of the text.

Whatabstract …   - dealswith … (классификациитрансформаторов)   - includes the information about …. (повышающийтрансформатор)   - touchesupon … (понижающий трансформатор)   - presents … (принципработытрансформатора)   - contains the information about … (разделяющийтрансформатор)  



You may startwith:

The first abstract …

The second abstract …

The third abstract …

The fourth abstract …

The fifth abstract …



(A, B, C)9. Extend the following statements.

LEVEL A – 1 sentence

LEVEL B – 2-3 sentences

LEVEL C – 3-4 sentences.


1. The transformer is static electrical equipment.


2. The transformer is the most important part of the electrical system.


(A, B, C) 10. State what you have learned from the text about:


1) classification of transformers 4) step down transformers
2) the working principle of transformers 5) isolation transformers  
3) step up transformers 6) the importance of transformers


(A, B, C) 11. Make up a plan of the text in a form of:

a) (A) key-words    
  b) (B) key-sentences  
    c) (C) questions

(A, B, C) 12. Express your opinion about the text. You may start with the phrases given below.

LEVEL A – 1-2 sentence LEVEL B – 2-3 sentences LEVEL C – 4-6 sentences. ü I found the text interesting (useful, informative) … ü I think (believe, should say, consider) … ü In my opinion … ü To my mind … ü It seems to me … ü From my point of view …  



(A, B, C)13.Promote theses to the text.


LEVEL A – 1-3 sentence


LEVEL B – 4-5 sentences


LEVEL C – 6-8 sentences.






Модуль 4. Учебно-профессиональная сфера общения.

Я и моя работа.




прибор;аппаратура; сфера применения


приспособление;устройство;электрический прибор




выработка электрической энергии

lamp paraffin-fuelled Tilley lamp


керосиновая лампа «Тилли»



line electric power lines


линия электропередачи (ЛЭП)


электрическая сеть



power power output

мощность; энергия

выработка электроэнергии; выходная мощность

source alternative source


альтернативный источник







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