Переведите диалог. Подчеркните выражения для приема заказа — КиберПедия 

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Переведите диалог. Подчеркните выражения для приема заказа

2021-06-02 43
Переведите диалог. Подчеркните выражения для приема заказа 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Dialogue 1

W: Are you ready to order now, madam?

C: Yes, I am. What are your specialties today?

W: We have some fresh asparagus this week. Are you having a starter, madam?

C: Yes, I’d like asparagus to begin with.

W: What would you like for the main course?

C: I’ll have the steak, please.

W: How would you like your steak done?

C: Well done, please. What is the main ingredient in tomato soup, please?

W: Tomatoes, madam, and some other vegetables.

C: Could I have an extra order of tomato soup with my main course?

W: Yes, of course, madam. I’ll repeat the order: asparagus to start, steak well done, and an extra order of tomato soup. Is that right?

C: Yes, that’s correct.



Dialogue 2

W: Good evening. What would you like?

C: I’d like a cup of coffee and some pastry.

W: We’ve got a big choice of fancy cakes, tarts and pies.

C: What drinks would you recommend for coffee?

W: For coffee we serve cognacs and liqueurs.

C: The, coffee with liqueur and an apple pie, please.

W: Very good. Here is your coffee and an apple pie.

C: Thank you.



4. Заполните пропуски необходимыми вопросами или репликами:


A la carte, please.


Yes, appetizers assorted.


I think, fish soup.


Well, fish sawlyanka, please.


Perhaps, chicken croquettes or pheasant.


Green peas and chips.


I think, vintage Bordeaux wine will go nicely with pheasant.






Today’s Specials (level B)

Переведите диалог

C: How much is it?

W: One moment, sir. I’ll prepare the bill. Here you are, sir. The bill.

C: Oh, that’s a lot of money! Is the tax included?

W: Yes, sir. It is done automatically.

C; I see.

W: How will you be paying, sir? In cash or by credit card?

C: In cash and keep the change.

W: Thank you, sir.



Выберите правильный ответ. Диалог переведите

С: Excuse me.

W: Yes, madam. Could you help me/Can I help you?

C: Yes. I’d like to book the receipt/check the bill.

W: Certainly, madam. Is there a problem?/Are there some mistakes?

C: We, I think there is something wrong with the drinks. We ordered/We reserved two cherries, one martini and one glass of rose wine, but there are more than/most of four drinks on the bill.

W: Let me see, madam. Yes, I’m afraid there has been a mistake. I’m terribly sorry/I’m sorry very much. I’ll bring you the correct bill in a moment. This bill is for another table.

C: that’s all right. Everybody makes mistakes sometimes.

W: Here is your bill, madam. Two sherries at $4.50 each/for $4.50 together, one martini at $4.75 and a rose house glass/a glass of house rose at $3. That makes $16.75.

C: Very well. Here is $20. Keep the change/Change the tip.

W: Thank you very much, madam. 


Переведите текст. Подчеркните выражения для приема заказа

The waitress, Mary, asked the guests at table ten if she could take their food orders.

W: Mai I take your food order now?

Mary informed the customers about the specialties on the menu for that week.

W: The fresh oysters and salmon are our specialties this week.

Mary wrote down the details of the order on the food order form.

LC: The oysters to start with and salmon to follow.

W: Yes, madam.

A guest ordered the fillet steak, so Mary asked how he wanted his steak cooked.

W: How would you like your steak, sir? Well done, medium or rare?

MC: Medium, please.

Mary had to describe the dish on the menu for another customer.

MC: Tell me, please, is artichoke a vegetable?

W: Yes, sir. It is served stewed with different sauces.

When another guest asked Mary for something that was no longer available Mary apologized and recommended an alternative that was equally light.

MC: I’ll have the asparagus as a starter.

W: I’m very sorry, sir, but we’ve run out of asparagus. Would you like to try the cucumber mousse instead? It’s light and very tasty.

MC: All right, that sounds good.

Mary asked if anyone wanted an extra order of vegetables or salad.

W: Would anyone like to order extra vegetables or salad with the main course?

When all the guests have placed their orders Mary repeated the whole order back to them.

W: May I repeat your order? That’s two cucumber mousse, one oyster, and one mussel salad.

Then Mary asked the guests for confirmation of the order if it is correct.

W: Is that correct?

MC: Yes, that’s right.

Mary then told the guests that she will be back soon with their meal.

W: Thank you. I’ll be back soon with your meal.




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