Технология продукции общественного питания», — КиберПедия 

Наброски и зарисовки растений, плодов, цветов: Освоить конструктивное построение структуры дерева через зарисовки отдельных деревьев, группы деревьев...

Индивидуальные очистные сооружения: К классу индивидуальных очистных сооружений относят сооружения, пропускная способность которых...

Технология продукции общественного питания»,

2021-06-02 37
Технология продукции общественного питания», 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Рабочая тетрадь

по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)»

«Обслуживание на предприятиях общественного питания»

Для 2 курса специальности

Технология продукции общественного питания»,

Курса профессии

Поварское и кондитерское дело»

Курса специальности

Организация обслуживания в общественном питании»



                                                                             Разработал: Андреева Н.Е.


                                                                        Рассмотрено на заседании кафедры

                                                                             Общеобразовательных дисциплин

                                                                             Протокол № ______

                                                                             от «_____»__________________ 2018 г.


                                                                             Зав.кафедрой _____________________

                                                                                                     Переверзева Ю.Г.



2018 г.

Комитет образования и науки Волгоградской области

ГБПОУ «Волгоградский колледж ресторанного сервиса и торговли»



Рабочая тетрадь

по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)»

«Обслуживание на предприятиях общественного питания»

Студента ____________________________________________

Группы ________________



20_____ г.


1. Breakfast (level A)…………………………………………………………………………….5

2. Breakfast (level b)……………………………………………………………………………..7


3. Lunch (level A)………………………………………………………………………………..9

4. Lunch (level B)……………………………………………………………………………….11

5. Dinner (level A)………………………………………………………………………………14

6. Dinner (level B)……………………………………………………………………………....16


7. Dinner Party (level A)………………………………………………………………………..18

8. Dinner Party (level B)………………………………………………………………………..20


9. Dietary Cookery (level A)…………………………………………………………………….22

10. Dietary Cookery (level B)…………………………………………………………………...24


11. Today’s Specials (level A)…………………………………………………………………..27

12. Today’s Specials (level B)…………………………………………………………………..30


13. National Specialties (level A)………………………………………………………………..33

14. National Specialties (level B) ……………………………………………………………….35



Указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы

В рабочей тетради

       Все задания выполняются в рабочей тетради ручкой. Если это указано, то перевод текста выполняется на отдельном листе формата А 4 и прилагается к выполненному заданию.

       Перед выполнением перевода текста необходимо ознакомиться с новой лексикой по тексту. Затем сделать задания по работе с лексикой. После этого приступать к переводу текста. Когда текст переведен, выполняются задания на понимание текста.

       Задания по работе с диалогом выполняются в следующей последовательности:

- ознакомление со словами и репликами по теме;

- заполнение диалога предложенными репликами;

- выполнение задания на понимание диалога.

Breakfast (level A)

Переведите диалоги

Dialogue 1

W: Are you ready to order now, sir?

C: Yes. I’ll have tomato soup, roast beef, mashed potatoes, and peas.

W: That’s tomato soup, roast beef, mashed potatoes and peas. How do you want the beef – rare, medium, or well done?

C: Well done, please.

W: What would you like to drink?

C: just water. I’ll have coffee with my dessert.



Dialogue 2

W: Here is the menu. What would you like to start off with, sir?

C: I think I’ll have the oxtail soup.

W: Yes, sir. And what would you like to follow? I’d recommend the roast beef.

C: That sounds very nice. Yes, I’ll have the roast beef. I’d like it well done, please.

W: Certainly, sir. What vegetables would you like with it? Cauliflower, spinach, or French beans?

C: I’d like cauliflower with cheese sauce.

W: What would you like for dessert, sir?

C: Of, no dessert. Just coffee, please. and will you bring me the bill at once?

W: certainly, sir.



Вставьте подходящие по смыслу реплики


Could I order my dessert now? I’m in a hurry.


I think I’d like the ice cream, please.




I’d like steak and some cake.


Just a cup of coffee.


I’d like steak and a cup of coffee for lunch. What about you?


Would you like some ice cream?



Переведите диалог. Подчеркните выражения для приема заказа

W: Good morning! What would you like for breakfast?

C: Well, I’ll have some bread and butter or some buttered toast, eggs and bacon and corn flakes with milk.

W: What would you like, tea or coffee?

C: In the morning I prefer a cup of strong tea?

W: How many lumps of sugar do you take in your coffee? Do you take milk with your coffee?

C: I usually take two lumps of sugar and have my coffee with milk/

W: What else would you like to order?

C: You see, I didn’t want to take a substantial breakfast but today I’d like to taste your sandwiches with cheese. I see you have sandwiches with cheese on the menu. What kind of cheese is that?

W: Any kind you like. We have soft piquant cheeses – Roquefort and Cheddar, mellow cheeses – Swiss and Cheshire, and soft cheeses – Edam, Camembert and Brie.



Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу вопросами или репликами

Good morning. Table for two, please.


We’d like English breakfast, please.


Scrambled, please.


Apricot juice for me.


I think, tomato juice.


A cup of tea with milk.


The same for me.




Thank you.


Breakfast (level B)

Переведите диалоги

W: Good evening, madam. My name is Bob. i/m your waiter for today. Would you like a drink while you are looking at the menu?

C: Yes, please. Could I see the wine list?

W: Certainly, madam. Here you are.

C: Could I have the California Blush?

W: Yes, madam. A glass or half a carafe?

C: Just a glass, please.

W: Right away, madam.

C: And could I also have a glass of mineral water?

W: Sure, still or fizzy?

C: I’d like still, please.

W: Shall I put lemon in it?

C: It would be fine! Thank you.



2. Выберите правильный вариант

a) W: Good evening, sir. Here is/are the menu for the evening.

C:  Thank you. Could you give me the wine menu/list first?

W: Yes, please, here you are. Would you like/have to order a drink while you are looking at the menu?

C: Yes, please. I’d want/like a glass of beer, and a Martini for/with my wife.


W: Here is y ou/your aperitif. Are you ready to order/offer now?

C: Yes, please.

W: What would you like for/of an appetizer?

C: We’d like to begin with/from a prawn cocktail and a green salad, please.



 3. Переведите диалог, подчеркните выражения для приема заказа

C1: Let’s call a waiter and make the orders.

W: What can I do for you?

C1: Breakfast for two, please.

W: What would you like for breakfast? Today’s we’ve got a big choice of dishes.

C1: Will you bring us something substantial to your taste?

W: Here is the menu. Make your choice, please.

C1: I’d rather have pancakes, bacon and eggs and a cup a coffee.

W: How would you like your coffee?

C1: Make it white, not very strong and put lumps of sugar in it, please.

W (to the second guests): What would you like for breakfast?

C2: I’d like fried eggs, meat pate and toasts with marmalade. Then bring me a fruit salad and some fruit juice, please.

W: What would you like?

C2: Orange juice, please.

W: Anything else?

C2: No, that’s all.

W: Just a minute, it won’t take long.

C1: How much do we pay?

W: Here’s your bill, please.

C1 (paying for breakfast): Here you are. Keep the change, please.

W: Thank you, sir! Come again, please.



Переведите диалог

О: Вы будете десерт,

П: Да, конечно. Что вы можете мне предложить?

О: Я могу предложить вам мороженое, шоколадное пирожное, пирог с малиной и фрукты.

П: Какое мороженое вы порекомендуете?

О: Клубничное или персиковое. Они очень вкусные.

П: Замечательно. Я возьму персиковое и кусочек пирога.

О: Что-нибудь еще?

П: Вишневый ликер, пожалуйста.

О: Итак, персиковое мороженое, пирог с малиной и вишневый ликер. Правильно?





Переведите диалог

W: Good morning, Mr. Stephens. This is Room Service. Harry speaking. May I help you?

C: Yes, Harry. I’d like you to bring me a breakfast.

W: Thank you, sir. What would you like for breakfast?

C: I’d rather have eggs and bacon, a cup of coffee with biscuits and fruit salad.

W: Anything else, sir?

C: A couple of sandwiches with cheese, please.

W: All right, sir. I’ll bring your breakfast in less than half an hour.





Переведите диалог

C1: Waiter, is this table vacant?

W: Yes, it is. You will feel comfortable here.

C1: Could we have the menu?

W: Yes, certainly. Here’s the menu.

C1: Shall we begin with appetizers? I’d like to have fried sausage patties. They are delicious.

C2: As for me, I’ll take some salad.

C1: What meat courses are there on the menu?

W: Today we have veal chops, steaks and grilled chicken

C1: Tell us, please, if there are any fish courses on the menu?

W: We have stuffed pike, salmon, and fish in aspic.

C2: Besides, there’s jellied sturgeon and fried scallops.

W: What garnish would you like to order?

C1: I think, cauliflower salad and green peas.

C2: So, could you bring us one fish in aspic, two salmons, two steaks and one veal chop?

W: And what would you like for a drink?

C1: I’ll take orange juice.

C2: As for me, I’d like coffee.

W: Would you like ice cream for dessert?

C1: Yes, two ice creams with chocolate chips, please.

W: Here you are. Bon appetite.

C1: Bring the bill, please. How much do we owe you? Here you are. Keep the change.

W: Thank you very much. Come to our restaurant again. 


Переведите диалог

- С чего бы вы хотели начать?

- Я бы хотел овощной салат с оливковым маслом.

- Хорошо. Что насчет супа?

- Куриный бульон с яйцом.

- Что еще?

- Я бы хотел свиную отбивную с жареными овощами.

- Как вам приготовить отбивную?

- Хорошо прожарьте, пожалуйста.

- Что вы будете пить?

- Что вы порекомендуете?

- Со свининой хорошо красное сухое вино.

- И принесите мне побольше хлеба.

- Да, конечно. Итак, овощной салат с оливковым маслом, куриный бульон с яйцом, свиная отбивная с жареными овощами, хлеб и бутылка красного вина. Что-нибудь еще?

- Нет, спасибо. Это все.




Переведите диалоги

Dialogue 1

C: Can you tell what this is?

W: Salad Breton, Madam. It’s a salad. It consists of carrots, French beans, potatoes and turnips, with hard-boiled egg, mayonnaise.

C: I see. And are the vegetables raw?

W: no, Madam. They are cooked.



Dialogue 2

C: What’s this?

W: French onion soup. It’s a soup with leeks, onions and potatoes, with cream.

C: It is hot?

W: No, sir, it is cold.



Dialogue 3

C: Do you think you can explain this dish to me?

W: Moussaka? Certainly. It is a pie; it is made of minced lamb, sliced aubergines, onions and tomatoes, with eggs and cream.

C: Is there garlic in it?

W: No, there isn’t.



Переведите выражения

1. Which juice would you like, orange or grapefruit?


2. Would you like cereal, or fruit, or yoghurt?


3. Which cereal would you like?


4. Which fruit would you like?


5. How would you like your eggs done?


6. How many minutes (for boiled eggs)?


7. Would you like rolls or croissants or Danish pastry?


8. What would you like to drink?


Dinner Party (level A)

Dietary Cookery

Переведите диалоги

Dialogue 1

W: Good afternoon, sir. What would you like?

C: We’ll have one gin and tonic, two Scotch a tonic with ice.

W: Certainly, sir. Here you are, sir.

C: Thank you. How much is that?

W: That’ll be eight pounds fifty, sir.



Dialogue 2

W: Good evening, madam. What can I do for you?

C: We’d like two rum and Cokes, a gin, a bitter lemon, and a vodka with orange.

W: Thank you, madam.




Переведите текст

a) Serving the main course

Mary saw that first courses for table ten were ready. She checked the dishes against her food order to make sure they were correct. Then she put the plates on a tray and carried the tray to the table using the shoulder carry position. She set the tray down on a tray stand near and double checked the food order before serving the first guest. Mary announced the meal as she put it down in front of the guest.

Mary: The oysters for you, madam.

Next she served the other lady at the table.

Mary: The mussel salad, madam.

The host was served last. After all, the other guests were served.

Mary: Your cucumber mousse, sir.





Dietary Cookery

Переведите диалог

Dialogue 1

W: Good evening, madam. What can I do for you?

C: We’d like two rum and Cokes, a gin, a bitter lemon, and a vodka with orange.

W: Thank you, madam.


Dialogue 2

W: Good evening, sir. Would you like anything to drink?

C: Yes, can you bring us three Cokes, a small sherry, and a brandy and soda.

W: Very good, sir. Will that be dry or sweet sherry?

C: Medium dry, please.


Переведите текст

 Taking a beverage order

Mary is a waitress for table ten. She introduced herself to the guests.

Mary: Good evening. My name is Mary. I’ll be serving your table this evening.

Mary gave each guest the a la carte menu.

Mary: Here’s your menu, sir.

Mary asked if the guests wanted an aperitif.

Mary: Would you like to order drink before dinner?

Mary took their order in a clockwise direction and wrote the details down on the beverage order form.

C: A dry sherry, please.

Mary: Certainly, madam.

C: And for you, Martha?

C: Gin tonic, please.

Mary repeated the whole order to make sure it was correct.

Mary: That’s one gin tonic, one dry sherry, and two beers.

C: Yes, that’s right.

Mary gave one copy of the order to the bartender.

Mary: Order for table ten.

When the drinks were ready May arranged them on a tray. She also put some coasters (подставки под бокалы) on the tray. She took the drinks to the table and served the lady on the right of the host first. Mary placed the lady’s drink on a coaster near the wine glass.

Mary: Your gin tonic, madam.



- Tea and some fruit tart.




Today’s Specials (level A)

Переведите диалог

Dialogue 1

C: Can I have the bill, please.

W: Certainly, madam. Just a minute, please. Here you are, madam.

C: Thank you. Can I pay by the credit card?

W: We accept Visa, American Express and MasterCard.

C: Perfect. I’ll pay by Visa.

W: Very well, madam. Will you sigh here, please?

C: Yes, of course.

W: Here’s your bill and your receipt, madam.

C: Thank you.



Dialogue 2

C1: Could you bring us the bill, please?

W: Yes, sir. I’ll bring it immediately.

C2: Can we pay by traveler’s cheque?

W: I’m afraid we don’t accept travelers’ cheques, sir.

C2: OK. Can we pay in US dollars?

W: Yes, sir. I’ll ask the cashier to prepare the bill in dollars. Here you are, sir.

C1: Is service included in the bill?

W: Yes, sir, it is.

C2: Let’s leave him a tip, anyway John, the service was excellent.


2. Вставьте предлоги “ in ” или “ with ”

1. Can I pay ……….credit card?

2. I’ll ask the cashier to prepare the bill …………….dollars.

3. That’s great. I’ll pay ……….. Visa.

4. Can we pay ………….traveler’s cheque?

5. I prefer to pay ………..cash, if that’s OK.

6. How will you be paying, sir? ………cash or ………….credit card?


Today’s Specials (level B)

Переведите диалог

C: How much is it?

W: One moment, sir. I’ll prepare the bill. Here you are, sir. The bill.

C: Oh, that’s a lot of money! Is the tax included?

W: Yes, sir. It is done automatically.

C; I see.

W: How will you be paying, sir? In cash or by credit card?

C: In cash and keep the change.

W: Thank you, sir.



National Specialties (level A)

1. Переведите диалоги

Dialogue 1

H-W: Is there a problem, madam?

C: Yes, there is certainly. We arrived twenty minutes ago and we still haven’t seen the menu. The service here is appalling.

H-W: I’m extremely sorry, madam. There must be a mistake. I’ll send you a waiter immediately. And we’ll make sure you enjoy your meals.



Dialogue 2

C: Say, waiter. I’m not happy with steak.

W: I’m very sorry, sir. What’s the problem?

C: I asked for it well done, and it’s completely rare.

W: I’m so sorry, sir. There must be some mistake. I’ll change it for you immediately.




2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1. Is everything to your …?

a. pleasure                         b. satisfaction                    c. taste

2. This cake is not … enough.

a. salty                               b. underdone                     c. sweet

3. I’m … there isn’t any more tables available.

a. apologize                       b. terribly                           c. afraid

4. It’s a bit cold here. Could we have another table? It’s too … here.

a. noisy                                          b. draughty                        c. dirty

5. This couscous is too … for me.

a. spicy                                          b. sparking                         c. medium-done

6. Sorry to keep you waiting. We’re busy this evening and we are …

a. missing                          b. short-staffed                             c. rude       

National Specialties (level B)

Переведите диалоги

Dialogue 1

C: Waiter, please.

W: Yes, sir. How can I help you?

C: I think there has been a mistake. I ordered the scallops and you have brought the sole!

W: I’m very sorry, sir. I’ll change it for you.



Dialogue 2

C: Waiter, this soup is very salty!

W: I’m sorry, madam. Would you like to order something else?

C: Well, yes. Can I have another look at the menu, please?

W: Certainly, madam. I’ll bring it straightaway.



Dialogue 3

W: Is everything to your satisfaction?

C: Actually, I find the steak too rare for my taste.

W: I’ll ask the chef to put it back on the grill.

C: That’s great. Thanks.


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