Future career. Vocabulary and ideas — КиберПедия 

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Future career. Vocabulary and ideas

2021-06-02 87
Future career. Vocabulary and ideas 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1.3   Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.

1. Someone who applies for a job is called an applier/applicant.

2. A person applying for a job is also called a candidate/manager.

3. When you apply for a job, you are often asked to attend a job interview/test.

4. You get a degree/licence from a university when you complete the course.

5. Degrees, diplomas and certificates show your qualification/work experience.

6. If you are unemployed/self-employed, you run your own small business.

7. If you have been doing something for a long time, you have a lot of experiments/experience.

8. Being able to use a computer is an important skill/qualification these days.

9. If you have a job with a company, you work for/as the company.

10. If you are an electrician, you work for/as an electrician.

1.4   Using prompts in the exercise and the language below, talk about your career preferences.

1. What field would you like to work in: industry, business, research, teaching?

2. Would you like to be the boss of a big company (to be a businessperson, a managing director) and have a lot of responsibility?

3. Which do you think is better: to have a 9-5 job in an office (as a bank clerk, a secretary) or to work long hours as a professional person (an engineer, a lawyer, an architect, a scientist)?

4. Would you like to work in the armed forces or in emergency services (as a naval officer, a pilot, a service man, a firefighter)?

5. Would you like to run your own business?

Language to use

1. I’d like to work – in the field of research….

– as a …

– as part of a team

and have      – a 9-5 job

– a lot of responsibility

– a rewarding job

2. When I complete my University Master course (programme), I will work….      – in industry

– as a…

– for…/with… (a company)

3. I’m interested in – varied / interesting / challenging work

– helping people

– large salary / a well-paid job

– security

– a job useful to society / a creative job

– rapid promotion

4. My work will – involve a lot of traveling

– start early in the morning

5. Personal qualities which are important for my career are:

business-like, observant, initiative, decisive, responsible, energetic, critical, hard-working, flexible, well-educated …

6. Factors important for me in a job are the following: …

1.5 Idioms. Complete the sentences with idioms: jack-of-all-trades; bring home the bacon; in the same boat; follow in his footsteps.

1. My uncle is a pilot and I’d really like to ….

2. The man in that shop can do anything. He’s a ….

3. Everyone worries about finding a job when they leave school, but we’re all ….

4. I really admire my parents. They work very hard to ….

1.6   Read the advertisement and tell us why you chose to take the post graduate course at this University.


St.Petersburg State Marine Technical University is a well-known highly ranked institution providing education in a wide spectrum of marine-related sciences and also in up-to-date branches of general engineering, business and social studies.

It is offering BSc and MSc degree programmes in engineering as well as over 30 vocational courses leading to the degrees in Economics, Management, Sociology. With over five thousand full-time students the University is currently expanding a number of new courses and programmes within and beyond engineering. The high standards of teaching at the MTU are confirmed by accreditation of five engineering courses by the Institute of Marine Engineers (UK).

The students from eighteen countries are an integral part of our community and we invite new applicants to join our full-time and short-term courses covering sciences, engineering, language and social studies. MTU maintains effective collaboration with many overseas institutions, public organizations and companies participating in research programmes and international projects.




according to согласно чему-л.
at present в настоящее время
cover v зд. охватывать, составлять
design v проектировать; предназначать
device n устройство, прибор
develop v разрабатывать; развивать(ся)
environment n окружающая среда
establish v устанавливать, создавать
enterprise n предприятие, организация
investigate v исследовать
in honour of в честь кого-л.
meet requirements удовлетворять требованиям
naval adj военно-морской, морской
offer v предлагать
train v готовить (специалистов)

1.7   Learn to read the words.

techn o logy, res our ce, en vir onment, v eh icle, m an u fa cture, in it iative, sc ie nce, e nterprise, os cill at ion, engin eer, g ra duate, re cei ve, mech an ics, conc ern, rese ar ch, app ly, m ic roeco no mics, cont rol, id ea, h on our, f or eign, a cadem ic ian, car eer, de sign, c our se, mar in e, eq ui valent

1.8  Do you like history? Do you know the history of your University?

a) Read the following texts and make a list of the facts about your University which you didn’t know.

b) Give the names of scientific degrees and memorize them.

History of the University

The history of St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University goes back to 1902 when a special department for professional education in naval architecture was established in St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. The first twenty seven graduates of this department received the degree of naval engineers and were trained to “construct any ships and ship machines”.

In 1918 all the departments of the Polytechnic Institute grew into faculties and since that time instruction of naval engineers is continuous in Russia. In 1930 the Shipbuilding Faculty of the Polytechnic Institute gave birth to Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute which became the leading educational institution of marine engineering and ocean technology in the country. In 1992 it was renamed the Marine Technical University (MTU).

At present the MTU offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs leading to degrees of a specialist, Bachelor of Science (BSc), Master of Science (MSc), candidate and doctoral degrees, equivalents to Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (DSc). Normally a full-time course leading to a BSc degree takes four years, to a MSc – another two years; to PhD and DSc – additional three years.

Within the MTU there are many faculties. They are as follows: the Faculty of Shipbuilding and Ocean Technology, the Faculty of Marine Engineering and Automation, the Faculty of Designing Marine Devices, the Faculty of Economics and others.

The fields of studies offered by MTU to master students are: shipbuilding and ocean engineering, information science and computer engineering, and applied mechanics. Master degree holders can be employed in business, research and design agencies, educational institutions, etc.

PhD students have a wider range of disciplines to study.

1.9   Word formation. Can you work out the meaning of the words below? Prefixes in-, il-, ir-, im-  are negative.

illegal             immaterial    incomplete

illogical          immeasurable    inhuman

irregular         immobile          innavigable

irresponsible        impolite            inactive

irrational             impatient          invisible

irrelevant        imperfect      indecisive

irreplaceable   impersonal   insecure

1.10   Read the text and speak about the contribution in shipbuilding made by the University scientists.

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