Захарова С.А., Колышкина Л.Л., Суринова Е.А. — КиберПедия 

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Захарова С.А., Колышкина Л.Л., Суринова Е.А.

2021-06-02 46
Захарова С.А., Колышкина Л.Л., Суринова Е.А. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Английский язык для магистрантов и аспирантов:учебное пособие / Под ред. проф. Н.А.Голиковой. – СПб: СПбГМТУ, 2013. – 82 с.



Учебное пособие предназначено для обучения речевой деятельности на английском языке магистрантов и аспирантов всех направлений подготовки.

Пособие состоит из четырех разделов: «Высшее и послевузовское образование», «Судостроение и международные морские организации», «Новые технологии. Проблемы и решения», «Умения и навыки, необходимые для научной карьеры».

Пособие направлено на развитие навыков чтения научно-технической литературы, написания научных статей, выступления с докладами, делового общения. Особое внимание уделяется текстам о современных достижениях в области кораблестроения, судового машиностроения и приборостроения. Выбор грамматических заданий обусловлен особенностями языка научно-технической литературы. В пособии также имеются лексические и коммуникативно-речевые упражнения, тематический словарь, диагностический тест, приложения. В состав приложений входят грамматические таблицы, словообразовательные модели, список наиболее употребительных сокращений и латинских выражений, рекомендации по составлению аннотации и реферата.



ББК 81.2 Англ.

УДК 802.0





Phonetic Symbols ………………………………………………... Placement Test …………………………………………………… Introduction. Academic and Technical English ………………….. Unit 1. Postgraduate Education. …………………………………. Basic verb forms. Tenses. Active and Passive Voice. Unit 2. Shipbuilding and World Marine Organizations. ………… The Infinitive. Objective and Subjective Infinitive Constructions. The Participle. Nominative Absolute Participle Construction. The Gerund. Unit 3. New Technologies. Problems and Solutions. ……………. Modal Verbs. Prepositions. Unit 4. Useful Skills for a Science Career. ……………………… Sequence of Tenses. Reported Speech. Conditionals. Appendix 1. The Plural of some Irregular Nouns from Latin and Greek ……………………………………………….. Appendix 2. Irregular Verbs …………………………………….. Appendix 3. Word-Building …………………………………….. Appendix 4. Abbreviations ……………………………………… Appendix 5. Popular Latin Phrases and their English Equivalents Appendix 6. Abstract and Summary Writing …………………….   4 4 7 9 26 43 60 74 74 76 78 79 79  





Согласные  Consonants

Гласные  Vowels

[b] [p] [v] [f] [k] [g] [s] [z] [d] [t] [G] [C]   but pen very fine cat go sit zero day ten jam child   [T] [D] [j] [m] [n] [r] [l] [Z] [S] [h] [w] [N]   think this yes my no red like television she he we song   [A] [e] [I] [x] [P] [u] [q]   [R] [J] [L] [H] [W] but pen sit cat dog put about, center car see four too girl [eI] [aI] [OI] [eq] [qV] [Iq] [uq] [aV] [aIq] [aVq] [eIq] [OIq] day my boy where no here poor now fire our chaos lawyer  



Choose the correct answer.

Basic Points

1. Is this book ______?                                                               a) yours       b) your        c) the yours

2. Who are ______ people over there?                                           a) that          b) –             c) those

3. Everybody ______ fine weather.                                                    a) likes         b) like              c) is liking

4. Is he ______ an examination now?                                                 a) taken        b) taking      c) takes

5. This is ______ winter for 20 years.                                                 a) the worse  b) worst       c) the worst

6. Is there ______ interesting in this article?                                        a) something b) anything   c) any

7. ______ help me?                                                                          a) Can you to b) Do you can c) Can you

8. It ______ again. It ______ all the time here in the winter.                 a) ’s raining, ’raining b) rains, ’s raining c) ’s raining, rains

9. Who _____ the window?                                                               a) open    b) opened          c) did open

10. What _____?                                                                               a) does she want b) does she wants    c) she wants

Intermediate Points

1. I _____ the university in 2005.                                                  a) have entered  b) was entered   c) entered

2. I knew that he _____ waiting for somebody.                               a) is   b) was     c) would

3. As soon as she came in, I knew I _____ her before.                          a) have seen  b) saw          c) had seen

4. I enjoy _____, but I wouldn’t like _____ it all my life.                     a) to teach, to do    b) teaching, doing   c) teaching, to do

5. I’m not sure what _____                                                                a) do they want?     b) do they want.     c) they want.

6. Six public holidays _____ in Great Britain.                                          a) celebrate       b) are celebrating    c) are celebrated

7. Some of the people _____ to the party can’t come.                           a) inviting    b) invited c) who invited

8. Mary’s English is excellent. She speaks _____.                                a) perfectly English b) English perfectly     c) English perfect

9. What about _____ to the cinema tonight?                                        a) go  b) to go        c) going

10. Определите какое слово является лишним:                                  a) risen b) blew c) drove d) did c) spoke f) saw g) knew


Devoted to a postgraduate


When you make investigation,

You collect much information;

Then you do a lot of thinking

(For the time keep off your drinking).

If you have much evidence,

Then you make a reference

To the data first obtained;

Some corrections should be made.

My advice: avoid confusion,

Controversy and diffusion,

Classifying all the factors

And arranging all the matters.

If you make them systematic,

They won't look so enigmatic,

Contradicting and confusing,

And surprising, and diffusing.

Give another thought to facts

And propose your concepts,

Analyze the consequence,

Always use the same sequence.

And you can’t be satisfied

Till the concept’s verified;

Running tests will prove it’s true,

The solution is brand new.

On comparing the information

You must make modifications

Or discard the theory,

If results do disagree.

When mistakes are all corrected,

The hypothesis is accepted,

Then it’s clear: you are wise

And deserve a special prize.

Author unknown


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