Monkey Sanctuary, Kruger Park, South Africa. — КиберПедия 

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Monkey Sanctuary, Kruger Park, South Africa.

2022-01-17 70
Monkey Sanctuary, Kruger Park, South Africa. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The Kruger Rehabilitation Centre is home to approximately 500 monkeys. At the centre much of your time will be spent caring for ill or orphaned monkeys. Depending on your skills, you will be expected to do a little general repair work around the centre, but if you don’t already possess such abilities, you can learn on the job. Thanks to the fundraising efforts of earlier volunteers we are able to build a number of new facilities. In your spare time you can take advantage of the great location and enjoy spotting the country’s wild animals.



Sea Turtle Conservation, Sri Lanka.

The Sea Turtle Conservation Project takes care of five different species of sea turtle. On this project most of your time will be spent clearing beaches in time for the turtles to come and lay their eggs there. Unfortunately, the island is still suffering from the damage caused in 2004 tsunami, so there is plenty of repair work to be done. Yet, if you are looking for a small island with golden sandy beaches, mountains, jungle, welcoming people and you are not afraid of hard work then this is the place for you.



Community work with children, Kenya.

This project in Mombassa, Kenya needs your support helping children in need. Mombassa is Kenya’s second largest city and home to more than 300,000 orphaned street children. The project involves caring for the children. You will also have a teaching role where you will be expected to engage in learning activities and games as well as homework support. In return you will be given a small financial reward along with a basic apartment. On your days off you can enjoy the world-renowed beaches of this stunning coastal city.




Building Project, Costa Rica.

Make a difference to the lives of families in the region by helping them build their own dwelling. There are approximately 150,000 people in Costa Rica who live in unsafe housing conditions. On this practical project you will be expected to help with everything from making bricks to painting walls. Once the project is complete you can take great satisfaction in knowing that you have helped to create a better future for a Costa Rican family.


Which project:

39. involves providing an education? …….

40. is held at a place in need of major restoration?.......

41. asks participants to help repair existing amenities? …….

42. constructs accommodation for local residents? …….

43. involves looking after the breeding areas of animals? …….

44. teaches participants new skills?



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G A travel magazine is looking for articles on popular places to the city which are ideal for a weekend break. Send in your article recommending such a place, explaining what makes it ideal for a weekend away (120-180 words)/ You may use the plan below to help you write your article.


Para 1 state name/location/reason for choosing particular place.

Para 2 describe the place

Para 3 mention available facilities and particular activities that can be enjoyed there.

Para 4 make final comments/express feelings about the place.






H. Listen for the speaker and for questions 45-50 choose A, B or C.


45. Listen to a woman talking about taking holidays. What does she wish she could do?

A. Spend more time at her country house.

B. Travel to different European cities.

C. Visit more popular places.

46. Listen to a man talking about a trip he went on recently. Which was his original destination?

A. Bangkok  B. Beijing C. Melbourne

47. Listen to a woman talking about a holiday she took. What did she find most surprising about the place she visited?

A. its busy nightlife

B. the friendliness of the locals

C. the familiarity of the area

48. Listen to a teenager talking about family holidays. How does he feel?

A. he finds taking a holiday with his family enjoyable.

B. He thinks he is too old to go on holiday with his parents.

C. He does not find family holidays exciting any more.

49.  Listen to a man talking about holidays abroad. What does he think?

A. It is necessary to get some information on local customs.

B. the preparations can be very exciting.

C. Your travel agent should be well-organised.

50. Listen to a woman talking about duty-free shops. What is her opinion?

A. It takes less time to shop there.

B. They sell the best souvenirs and perfume.

They sell fewer things than regular stores.


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