A   Choose the correct word for each pair to complete the exchanges. — КиберПедия 

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A   Choose the correct word for each pair to complete the exchanges.

2022-01-17 74
A   Choose the correct word for each pair to complete the exchanges. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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e.g. desk control

a) Do we get our boarding passes when we go through passport control?

b) No, they give them to us at the check-in desk.


1. archaeological     ancient

a) Why aren’t visitors allowed on the site when there is an ……… excavation?

b) Because important research is being done to discover what life was like in ……… times.

2. stream river

a) Have you ever been rafting on a ……..?

b) Actually, where I come from there’s just a little ………. Flowing through the park, so I’ve never had a chance!

3. downpower drizzle

a) We’d better stay inside in case there is a ………..; I’ve forgotten my umbrella.

b) Don’t worry. I heard on the weather forecast that they’re only expecting a light ………. today.

4. contribution legacy

a) Did you know that Richard Branson, the owner of Virgin Atlantic Airways, has received awards for his ……… to air travel?

b) Oh, really? That’s quite a ……… to leave his children.

5. familiar known

a) Do you know that man over there? He looks ……….

b) Well, he is ……… to be successful in the business world.

6. fail miss

a) When you go to Rome again, don’t …….. the chance to visit the Colosseum.

b) You’re right. I won’t …….. to do it this time!


  6*2 12

B Fill in the correct word. There are three answers you do not need to use.


forecast, utmost, storm, remote, unique, clap, bolt, consult, bridge, jet, rain, assume, depiction, become, gust.

7. The architect designed this building in an attempt to ……. the gap between modern and traditional architecture.

8. Punctuality is of the …… importance in both the USA and the UK.

9. My uncle lives in a ……. village which is a two-hour drive from the nearest town.

10. They have ……… light showers for later in the afternoon.

11. If you need ideas for where to spend your holidays, you should …….. a travel agent.

12. A strong ……. of wind blew the hat off a woman’s head.

13. The worst …… lag I have ever had was after a long flight from England to Australia.

14. Jason is determined to go surfing this weekend, come ……….. or shine.

15. The artist has been very accurate in his ………. of early 18th century life in the countryside.

16. The fire in the woods was caused when a ……. of lightning struck a tree.

17. What will ……. of the animals when they are released back into the wild?

18. We should not …….. that the children will want to come away with us; they have their own interests nowadays.


  12*2 24



C  Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first using the word given. Use two to five words.


19. Peter and his friends hate having football practice on Sundays.

so   Peter hates having football practice on Sundays, ………. his friends.

20. After checking her work, Jessica handed it to the teacher.

had Not until ……. Jessica hand her work to the teacher.

21. She shows such friendliness that no one has anything bad to say about her.

friendly. So ……….. that everyone has something good to say about her.

22. If it were me, I wouldn’t leave so late tomorrow.

set Were I ………… out earlier tomorrow.

23. Both Jane and George missed their flights.

neither Jane didn’t catch ………… George.

24. It’s not very often that I see such a lot of people at this small airport.

do Rarely …… many people at this small airport.



  6*2 12

D Choose the correct item.


25. My luggage …… extremely heavy, so it wasn’t allowed onto the aircraft.

A was B were C are

26. If you want to book a seat on Monday’s flight, you’d better hurry; there are …… left.

A any B hardly any C a lot

27.  My grandmother gave me ….. useful advice before I left to travel the world.

A some B the C a

28. Jason can’t go on holiday this summer because he’s only managed to save …. money.

A much B a few C a little

29. James talked to two travel agents, but …... could find him a direct flight to Montreal.

A either B none C neither

30. During out trip to Paris, we spent a(n) ….. day visiting the Louvre Museum.

A all B every C whole

31. Paul has been to Madrid ….. times, but he never grows tired of it.

A several B a lot C plenty

32 A …… of the people on the tour complained about the guide.

A few B plenty C lots

33. Ask ….., and they’ll tell you that the best time to visit Greece is during the summer.

A no one B everyone C anyone


  9*1 9


Everyday English

E Choose the correct response.


34. May I see your boarding pass, please?……      A. Yes, of course, It’ to the right of the departures                              


35. Do you mind if I take the aisle seat Bill? …..          B. I know, I missed my connection.

36. I thought you’d have arrived hours ago. ……  C. Sure. Here you are.

37. Could you please tell me where gate 5 is?......   D. No, it’s fine, sir.

38. I this suitcase too heavy to take on the plane? ….. E. No, go ahead. 


  5*2 10





F You are going to read a magazine article about eco-projects. For questions 39-44, choose from the projects A-D. Each project may be chosen more than once.


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