Lesser Woun d ( Ранящее )                    — КиберПедия 

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Lesser Woun d ( Ранящее )                   

2021-02-05 72
Lesser Woun d ( Ранящее )                    0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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School Некромантия; Level жрец 1, инквизитор 1, ведьма 1

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля half; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes 1d6 points of damage + 1 point per wordcaster level (maximum +5).

Нежить are instead лечениеed by this effect and do not receive a испытания or устойчивость к магии.

Boost: The target of a wordspell with this effect takes 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per wordcaster level (maximum +5).



School Некромантия; Level жрец 2, инквизитор 2, ведьма 2

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля half; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes 2d6 points of damage + 1 point per wordcaster level (maximum +10). Нежить are instead лечениеed by this wordspell and do not receive a испытания or устойчивость к магии.

Boost: The target takes 2d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +10).



School Некромантия; Level жрец 3, инквизитор 3, ведьма 3

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля half; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes 3d6 points of damage + 1 point per wordcaster level (maximum +15).

Нежить are instead cured by this effect and do not receive a испытания or устойчивость к магии.

Boost: The target takes 3d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +15).


EL D ER WOUN D (РАНЯЩЕЕ)                                      

School Некромантия; Level жрец 4, инквизитор 4, ведьма 4

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля half; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes 4d6 points of damage + 1 point per wordcaster level (maximum +20).

Нежить are instead лечениеed by this effect and do not receive a испытания or устойчивость к магии.

Boost: The target takes of 4d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +20).



These words specifically modify other word elements. Meta words use the following format.

Name: This is the name of the meta word.

Level: This line lists the minimum level of a wordspell that can contain this meta word. Spells of a lower level cannot use this meta word.




WOR D SPELL. BOOST                                                   

Level 0

This meta word allows an effect or target word to use its boosted description. Some boosted descriptions increase the level of the effect word or target word, and can only be used if the wordspell is of a high enough level to accommodate the new level. If a word has more than one boosted description, the caster can choose which to use (but never more than one per word). This meta word can be applied to a spell multiple times—once to the target word and once for each effect word.



Level 1

A wordspell with this meta word does not require a жестовый компонент.


 D ISTANT                                               

Level 0

This word increases a wordspell’s range, as determined by its target word. If the word has a close range, it increases to medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level). If the word has a medium range, it increases to long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level). This word has no effect on target words with a range other than close or medium.



Level 5

Targets of a wordspell with this meta word must roll their испытания дважды and take the worse result. This meta word increases the level of all the effect words in the wordspell that allow a испытания by two levels.



Level 0

A wordspell with this meta word doubles its duration. This meta word has no affect on effect words with a duration of instantaneous. The effect of this word does not stack with the effect of the Длительное Заклинание черта.



Level 4

This word changes the испытания type of certain effect words used in this spell. If the effect word requires a Воля испытания, it instead requires a Стойкость испытания. This change does not affect whether or not a successful save negates the effect, reduces it, or has some other effect; it simply alters the type of испытания required.


MIN D ВОЙНЫ P                                        

Level 4

This word changes the испытания type of certain effect words used in this spell. If the effect word requires a Стойкость испытания, it instead requires a Воля испытания. This change does not affect whether or not a successful save negates the effect, reduces it, or has some other effect; it simply alters the type of испытания required.



Level 5

The caster of a wordspell containing this meta word can roll дважды to overcome any устойчивость к магии the targets might possess, taking the better result. This meta word increases the level of all of the effect words in the spell that allow for устойчивость к магии by one level. It can modify a target word or an effect word.




Level 1

A wordspell with this meta word does not require a verbal component. This meta word can modify a target word or an effect word.



Level 1

A wordspell with this meta word does not require a material component. This meta word can modify a target word or an effect word.



Words marked with an asterisk (*) are boosted versions of lower level words. A wordcaster only needs to learn the base version of a word in Закона to be able to cast its boosted versions.



St-Level Алхимик Words

DПраха (Time), Decipher (Языка), Fade (Concealing), Force Щит (бронник), Fortify (Body), Скольжение (FСвета), Lesser Cure (Healing)

Nd-Level Алхимик Words

Accelerate (Time), Decipher * (Языка), Disappear (Concealing), Energy Сопротивляемость (Body), Enhance Form (Body), Float (FСвета), Moderate Cure (Healing), Sense Hidden (Detection), Sense Размышленияs (Detection)

Rd-Level Алхимик Words

Altere d Form (Change), Greater Cure (Healing), Soar (FСвета), Translate (Языка)

Th-Level Алхимик Words

Altere d Form* (Change), Bestial Form (Change), Borrow Future (Time), Disappear* (Concealing), Elder Cure (Healing), Perfect Form (Body), Purify (Life)

Th-Level Алхимик Words

Bestial Form* (Change), Monstrous Form (Change), Resist Arcana (Dispelling)

Th-Level Алхимик Words

Energy Immunity (Body), Monstrous Form* (Change), Sense Hidden* (Detection)



Level Бард Words

Beacon (Прорицание), Cramp (Pain), Decipher (Языка), Echo (Иллюзия), Lift (Gravity), Sense Магии (Detection)

St-Level Бард Words

DПраха (Time), Decipher* (Языка), Fade (Concealing), Friendship (Приказ), Скольжение (FСвета), Lesser Cure (Healing), Radiance (Освещения), Servitor I (Призывание), Simple Закона (Приказ), Spook (Ужас), Wrack (Pain)

Nd-Level Бард Words

Accelerate (Time), Decelerate (Time), Disappear (Concealing), Discordant Note (Sonic), Enhance Form (Body), Float (FСвета), Glimmering (Иллюзия), Gloom (Освещения), Moderate Cure (Healing), Paralyze Humanoid (Сковывание), Sense Hidden (Detection), Sense Размышленияs (Detection), Servitor II (Призывание), Suppress (Dispelling), Translate (Языка)

Rd-Level Бард Words

Complex Закона (Приказ), Damage (Уничтожение), Пространственный прыжок (Телепортацияation), Far Sight (Прорицание), Greater Cure (Healing), Servitor III (Призывание), Солнцаshine (Освещения), Suppress* (Dispelling), Terror (Ужас), Дознания (Pain)

Th-Level Бард Words

Borrow Future (Time), Crush Воля (Приказ), Disappear* (Concealing), Elder Cure (Healing), Paralyze Creature (Сковывание), Perfect Form (Body), Purify (Life), Servitor IV (Призывание), Simple Закона* (Приказ), Sound Blast (Sonic), Unseen Shell (Concealing)

Th-Level Бард Words

Far Casting (Языка), Far Sight* (Прорицание), Servitor V (Призывание), Unmake (Dispelling)


Th-Level Бард Words

Разрушительный Vibration (Sonic), Far Casting* (Языка), Locate (Прорицание), Sense Hidden* (Detection), Servitor VI (Призывание), Unseen Shell* (Concealing)



Level Жрец/Оракул Words

Кровотечение Woun ds (Ранящее), Cramp (Pain), Decipher (Языка), Force Block (бронник), Sense Магии (Detection), Soothing Touch (Healing)

St-Level Жрец/Оракул Words

Alignment Щит (Alignment), Decipher* (Языка), Fog Bank (Погоды), Force Block* (бронник), Fortify (Body), Lesser Cure (Healing), Lesser Wound (Ранящее), Radiance (Освещения), Sense Alignment (Detection), Servitor I (Призывание), Simple Закона (Приказ), Soothing Touch* (Healing), Spook (Ужас), Wrack (Pain)

Nd-Level Жрец/Оракул Words

Discordant Note (Sonic), Energy Сопротивляемость (Body), Enhance Form (Body), Gloom (Освещения), Moderate Cure (Healing), Moderate Wound (Ранящее), Paralyze Humanoid (Сковывание), Predict (Time), Sense Alignment* (Detection), Sense Hidden (Detection), Servitor II (Призывание), Suppress (Dispelling), UnСмерти (Смерти)

Rd-Level Жрец/Оракул Words

Damage (Уничтожение), Far Sight (Прорицание), Force Armor (бронник), Greater Cure (Healing), Greater Wound (Ранящее), Sense Alignment* (Detection), Servitor III (Призывание), Солнцаshine (Освещения), Suppress* (Dispelling), Стена ветра (Wall)

Th-Level Жрец/Оракул Words

El der Cure (Healing), Elder Wound (Ранящее), Grave Отповедь (Смерти), Perfect Form (Body), Purify (Life), Servitor IV (Призывание), Simple Закона* (Приказ), Soar (FСвета), Translate (Языка)

Th-Level Жрец/Оракул Words

Alignment Assault (Alignment), Cinder Storm (Огня), Dimensional Shift (Телепортацияation), Far Casting (Языка), Far Sight* (Прорицание), Resist Arcana (Dispelling), Revive (Life), Servitor V (Призывание), Stone Wall (Wall), Unmake (Dispelling)

Th-Level Жрец/Оракул Words

Bla de Wall (Wall), Energy Immunity (Body), Far Casting* (Языка), Locate (Прорицание), Sense Hidden* (Detection), Servitor VI (Призывание), Slay (Смерти)

Th-Level Жрец/Оракул Words

Servitor VII (Призывание), Storm Master (Погоды)

Th-Level Жрец/Оракул Words

Alignment Aura (Alignment), Dimensional Gate (Телепортацияation), Life Touch (Life), Negation (Dispelling), Rumble (Уничтожение), Servitor VIII (Призывание)

Th-Level Жрец/Оракул Words

Катастроф (Уничтожение), Repulse (Gravity), Servitor IX (Призывание)



Level Друид Words

Aci d Burn (Acid), Beacon (Прорицание), Cold Snap (Cold), Decipher (Языка), Flame Jet (Огня), Sense Магии (Detection), Soothing Touch (Healing), Искра   (Электричество)

St-Level Друид Words

Decipher* (Языка), Быстроногий (Time), Fog Bank (Погоды), Lesser Cure (Healing), Nature’s Calm (Животных), Radiance (Освещения), Servitor I (Призывание), Soothing Touch* (Healing)

Nd-Level Друид Words

Burning FlПраха (Огня), Energy Сопротивляемость (Body), Enhance Form (Body), Ледяное Fingers (Cold), Servitor II (Призывание), Suppress (Dispelling), Wild Lure (Животных), Взрыв ветра (Погоды)

Rd-Level Друид Words

Altere d Form (Change), Blizzard (Погоды), Burning FlПраха* (Огня), Far Sight (Прорицание), Светаning Blast (Электричество), Moderate Cure (Healing), Servitor III (Призывание), Солнцаshine (Освещения), Suppress* (Dispelling), Стена ветра (Wall)

Th-Level Друид Words

Altere d Form * (Change), Bestial Form (Change), Blizzard * (Погоды), Огня Wall (Wall), Greater Cure (Healing), Льда Blast (Cold), Льда Wall (Wall), Nature’s Приказ      (Животных), Paralyze Creature (Сковывание), Perfect Form (Body), Purify (Life), Servitor IV (Призывание)

Th-Level Друид Words

Шаровая молния   (Электричество), Bestial Form* (Change), Cinder Storm (Огня), Elder Cure (Healing), Far Sight* (Прорицание), Grave Отповедь (Смерти), Monstrous Form (Change), Revive (Life), Servitor V (Призывание), Unmake (Dispelling)

Th-Level Друид Words

Energy Immunity (Body), Locate (Прорицание), Monstrous Form* (Change), Servitor VI (Призывание), Stone Wall (Wall)

Th-Level Друид Words

Servitor VII (Призывание), Slay (Смерти), Storm Master (Погоды), Освобождение (Gravity)

Th-Level Друид Words

Inferno (Огня), Rumble (Уничтожение), Servitor VIII (Призывание), Thunder Strike (Электричество), Winter’s Гнев (Cold)

Th-Level Друид Words

Катастроф (Уничтожение), Repulse (Gravity), Servitor IX (Призывание), True Огня (Огня)



Level Инквизитор Words

Aci d Burn (Acid), КровотечениеWounds (Ранящее), Cramp (Pain), Decipher (Языка), Sense Магии (Detection), Soothing Touch (Healing)

St-Level Инквизитор Words

Alignment Щит (Alignment), DПраха (Time), Decipher* (Языка), Fade (Concealing), Fortify (Body), Lesser Cure (Healing), Lesser Wound (Ранящее), Radiance (Освещения), Sense Alignment (Detection), Simple Закона (Приказ), Soothing Touch* (Healing), Spook (Ужас), Wrack (Pain)

Nd-Level Инквизитор Words

Burning FlПраха (Огня), Disappear (Concealing), Energy Сопротивляемость (Body), Moderate Cure (Healing), Moderate Wound (Ранящее), Paralyze Humanoid (Сковывание), Sense Alignment* (Detection), Sense Hidden (Detection), Sense Размышленияs (Detection), Suppress (Dispelling)

Rd-Level Инквизитор Words

Burning FlПраха* (Огня), Greater Cure (Healing), Greater Wound (Ранящее), Sense Alignment* (Detection), Suppress* (Dispelling), Дознания (Pain)

Th-Level Инквизитор Words

Disappear* (Concealing), Elder Cure (Healing), Elder Wound (Ранящее), Paralyze Creature (Сковывание), Purify (Life), Simple Закона* (Приказ), Terror (Ужас)

Th-Level Инквизитор Words

Alignment Assault (Alignment), Cinder Storm (Огня), Grave Отповедь (Смерти), Resist Arcana (Dispelling)

Th-Level Инквизитор Words

Energy Immunity (Body), Locate (Прорицание), Sense Hidden*

(Detection), Unmake (Dispelling)



Level Маг Words

Aci d Burn (Acid), Cold Snap (Cold), Decipher (Языка), Flame Jet (Огня), Force Block (бронник), Lift (Gravity), Sense Магии (Detection), Искра   (Электричество)

St-Level Маг Words

Burning FlПраха (Огня), DПраха (Time), Decipher* (Языка), Fade (Concealing), Force Block* (бронник), Force Щит (бронник), Скольжение (FСвета), Radiance (Освещения), Грозы Arc (Электричество)

Nd-Level Маг Words

Accelerate (Time), Burning FlПраха* (Огня), Коррозийное Bolt (Acid), Decelerate (Time), Disappear (Concealing), Discordant Note (Sonic), Enhance Form (Body), Float (FСвета), Force Bolt (Force), Ледяное Fingers (Cold), Gloom (Освещения), Suppress (Dispelling)

Rd-Level Маг Words

Altere d Form (Change), Blizzard (Погоды), Пространственный прыжок (Телепортацияation), Огня Blast (Огня), Force Armor (бронник), Светаning Blast (Электричество), Soar (FСвета), Suppress* (Dispelling), Стена ветра (Wall)

Th-Level Маг Words

Aci d Wave (Acid), Altered Form* (Change), Bestial Form (Change), Blizzard * (Погоды), Borrow Future (Time), Disappear* (Concealing), Огня Wall (Wall), Льда Blast (Cold), Льда Wall (Wall),

Life Leech (Смерти), Perfect Form (Body), Sound Blast (Sonic)

Th-Level Маг Words

Шаровая молния   (Электричество), Bestial Form* (Change), Cinder Storm (Огня), Dimensional Прыжок (Телепортацияation), Force Blast (Force), Monstrous Form (Change), Stone Wall (Wall)

Th-Level Маг Words

Force Войныd (бронник), Monstrous Form* (Change), Unmake (Dispelling)



St-Level Паладин Words

Alignment Щит (Alignment), Decipher (Языка), Fortify (Body), Lesser Cure (Healing), Sense Alignment (Detection), Soothing Touch (Healing)

Nd-Level Паладин Words

Decipher* (Языка), Energy Сопротивляемость (Body), Enhance Form (Body), Sense Alignment* (Detection), Soothing Touch* (Healing), Suppress (Dispelling)

Rd-Level Паладин Words

Mo derate Cure (Healing), Sense Alignment* (Detection), Солнцаshine (Освещения), Suppress* (Dispelling)

Th-Level Паладин Words

Alignment Assault (Alignment), Grave Отповедь (Смерти), Greater Cure (Healing), Purify (Life)


St-Level Следопыт Words

Beacon (Прорицание), Decipher (Языка), Energy Сопротивляемость (Body), Быстроногий (Time), Fortify (Body), Nature’s Calm (Животных), Servitor I (Призывание)

Nd-Level Следопыт Words

Decipher* (Языка), Enhance Form (Body), Lesser Cure (Healing), Servitor II (Призывание), Wild Lure (Животных)

Rd-Level Следопыт Words

Mo derate Cure (Healing), Servitor III (Призывание), Стена ветра (Wall)

Th-Level Следопыт Words

Greater Cure (Healing), Nature’s Приказ (Животных), Purify (Life), Servitor IV (Призывание)



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