Beacon ( прорицание )                     — КиберПедия 

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Beacon ( прорицание )                    

2021-02-05 91
Beacon ( прорицание )                     0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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School прорицание; Level бард 0, друид 0, следопыт 1

Duration 1 hour/level

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions personal

When a wordspell with this effect word is cast, the exact location of the caster becomes a fixed point. For the duration of the wordspell, the caster always knows the direction and дальнобойное to the point where this wordspell was cast. If this word is cast again, the original casting immediately ends. This effect does not instruct the caster on how to reach the point, but rather merely indicates the direction to the point, even if that direction leads through solid objects and other hazards.


FAR SIGHT (ПРОРИЦАНИЕ)               

School прорицание (тайновидение); Level бард 3, жрец 3, друид 3, чародей/волшебник 3, ведьма 3

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions personal

The caster of a wordspell with this effect word creates an невидимость eye at any point within 400 feet + 40 feet per caster level. This sensor cannot move, but for the duration of the wordspell, the caster can look through this eye as if it were her own. The eye uses her senses, including Магииal ones, to allow her to see, including ночное зрение, сумеречное зрение, or other effects, such as sense Магии. The eye can view in all directions and cannot be destroyed if discovered.

Boost: This sensor can be placed anywhere on the same plane of existence as the caster, with no limit to range. The caster can place it to within 10 feet of a creature that is known to the caster, but the target gets a Воля save to negate the effect in this case and the caster must overcome the target’s устойчивость к магии. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 2.


LOCATE (ПРОРИЦАНИЕ)                        

School прорицание; Level бард 6, жрец 6, друид 6, инквизитор 6, ведьма 6

Duration 10 minutes/level

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions personal

The caster of a wordspell with this effect word can name any location she has visited before or any object she has held before. For the duration of this wordspell, she always knows the direction of the named location or object. The direction is always the swiftest path to Путешествий, leading her perfectly through лабиринтs or other obstacles by the method the wordcaster is currently Путешествийing, irrespective of dГнева.



Spells using электричество words crackle with life and leap from target to target in arcs of burning Света.


ИСКРА  (ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСТВО)                    

School Разрушение [электричество]; Level друид 0, маг 0, чародей/волшебник 0, ведьма 0

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии yes

This effect word deals 1d4 points of электричество damage. If the wordspell with this effect word has only a single target, it requires a melee or ranged touch attack and does not allow a испытания.



School Разрушение [электричество]; Level маг 1, чародей/волшебник 1, ведьма 1

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии yes

This effect word deals 1d4 points of электричество damage per caster level (maximum 5d4).



School Разрушение [электричество]; Level друид 3, маг 3, чародей/ волшебник 3, ведьма 3

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии yes

This effect word deals 1d6 points of электричество damage per caster level (maximum 10d6).



School Разрушение [электричество]; Level друид 5, маг 5, чародей/ волшебник 5, ведьма 6

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

This effect word deals 1d8 points of электричество damage per caster level (maximum 15d8 to one target + 1/2 that damage to any other targets included in the effect).



THUN D ER STRIKE (ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСТВО)                     

School Разрушение [электричество]; Level друид 8, чародей/волшебник 8, ведьма 9

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии yes

This effect word deals 1d8 points of электричество damage per caster level (maximum 20d8). In addition, a target that fails its испытания against this damage is глухота for 1 round per caster level.



These words conjure a primal terror in all that hear them.


SPOOK (УЖАС)                                                          

School Некромантия [ужас, разум]; Level бард 1, жрец 1, инквизитор 1, чародей/волшебник 1, ведьма 1

Duration 1d4 rounds

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии Yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

This effect word causes the target to become испуг for the duration. This word has no effect on targets with 5 or more Кости Здоровья.


TERROR (УЖАС)                                                         

School Некромантия [ужас, разум]; Level бард 3, инквизитор 4, чародей/волшебник 4, ведьма 4

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии Yes

This effect word causes the targets to become испуг for the duration. A target that succeeds at its испытания is потрясение for 1 round.


HORROR (УЖАС)                                                       

School Некромантия [ужас, разум]; Level чародей/ волшебник 7, ведьма 7

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Стойкость negates; Устойчивость к магии Yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

This effect word causes the target to take 10 points of damage per caster level. If the save succeeds, the target instead takes 3d6 points of damage + 1 per caster level.



Spells using Огня words burn with a hungry flame that consumes all it encounters.


FLAME JET (ОГНЯ)                                                     

School Разрушение [Огня]; Level друид 0, маг 0, чародей/ волшебник 0

D uration instantaneous

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии Yes

This effect word deals 1d4 points of Огня damage. If the wordspell with this effect has only a single target, it requires a melee or ranged touch attack to hit and does not allow a испытания.


BURNING FL ПРАХА (ОГНЯ)                    

School Разрушение [Огня]; Level друид 2, инквизитор 2, маг 1, чародей/волшебник 1, ведьма 1

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии yes

This effect word deals 1d4 points of Огня damage per caster level (maximum 5d4). If the wordspell with this effect word has only a single target, it requires a ranged touch attack to hit and does not allow a испытания.

Boost: This spell deals 1d6 points of Огня damage per caster level, maximum 5d6. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 1.


 ОГНЯ BLAST (ОГНЯ)                                

School Разрушение [Огня]; Level маг 3, чародей/волшебник 3

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии yes

This effect word deals 1d6 points of Огня damage per caster level (maximum 10d6).




School Разрушение [Огня]; Level жрец 5, друид 5, инквизитор 5, маг 5, чародей/волшебник 5, призыватель 5

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии yes

This effect word deals 1d6 points of Огня damage per caster level (maximum 15d6).


INFERNO (ОГНЯ)                                     

School Разрушение [Огня]; Level друид 8, чародей/волшебник 8

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии yes

This effect word deals 1d8 points of Огня damage per caster level (maximum 20d8).


TRUE ОГНЯ (ОГНЯ)                                 

School Разрушение [Огня]; Level друид 9, чародей/волшебник 9

Duration instantaneous

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions selecte d

This effect word deals 1d6 points of Огня damage per caster level (maximum 20d6).



These words allow those who know them to soar through the heavens—замедлениеing falls with weaker wordspells, but gaining true fСвета with the greatest one.

СКОЛЬЖЕНИЕ (F СВЕТА)                    

School Превращение; Level алхимик 1, бард 1, маг 1, чародей/волшебник 1, призыватель 1, ведьма 1

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word falls at a rate of 20 feet per round, and for every 5 feet fallen in this way, can move horizontally 20 feet, up to a maximum of 80 feet per round. Regardless of the circumstances, the target can never gain elevation with this effect, and the wordspell with this effect word immediately ends the next time the target lands on a solid surface. If the spell ends while the subject is still gliding, the subject falls as Без черты.


FLOAT (F СВЕТА)                                  

School Превращение; Level алхимик 2, бард 2, маг 2, чародей/волшебник 2, призыватель 2, ведьма 2

Duration 1 minute/level (D)

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word can float in the Воздуха, rising or falling at a rate of 30 feet per round as a move action. This effect only allows for vertical movement, but other forces might allow the target to move horizontally as well. The caster has no control over this movement, but can end a wordspell with this effect word prematurely as an прерывающее действие.


SOAR (F СВЕТА)                                       

School Превращение; Level алхимик 3, жрец 4, маг 3, чародей/волшебник 3, призыватель 3, ведьма 3

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word gains a полет быстрое of 60 feet with AveЯрости maneuverability (40 feet if encumbered or wearing medium or heavy armor). The target also receives an интуитивный бонус on Полет skill checks equal to 1/2 the caster’s level.



These words use raw Магии to create pure force.


FORCE BOLT (FORCE)                             

School Разрушение [force]; Level маг 2, чародей/волшебник 2

Duration instantaneous

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии Yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

This effect word deals 1d4 points of force damage per caster level (maximum 5d4). This effect is treated like a волшебная стрела for the purposes of spells that negate or absorb force effects.


FORCE BLAST (FORCE)                            

School Разрушение [force]; Level маг 5, чародей/волшебник 5

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии Yes

This effect word deals 1d6 points of force damage per caster level (maximum 10d6).



Words from the gravity Семьи use an unseen force to manipulate objects and creatures.


LIFT (GRAVITY)                                       

School Превращение; Level бард 0, маг 0, чародей/волшебник 0, призыватель 0

Duration concentration

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions personal

This effect word grants the caster the ability to lift and move nonМагииal objects weighing up to 5 pounds at a дальнобойное of up to 25 feet + 5 feet per two levels of the caster. Objects moved by this effect can be moved up to 15 feet per round and cannot be used to make attacks.



Освобождение (Gravity)

School Превращение; Level друид 7, чародей/волшебник 6

D uration 1 round/level (D)

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

This effect word makes the bonds of gravity work in reverse for the targets, causing them to fall up for the duration. They treat up as down and down as up. This can cause the creatures to take falling damage when they hit the ceiling or another surface above them. This effect applies to the targets and all of their gear, so long as it remains on their person. Thrown and missile weapons interact with gravity Без чертыly, but the disorientation caused by освобождение means the target takes a –4 penalty on such attacks. When a wordspell with this effect word ends, the targets fall to the ground unless they have some means of staying aloft.


REPULSE (GRAVITY)                                                  

School Превращение; Level жрец 9, друид 9, чародей/волшебник 8, призыватель 6, ведьма 8

Duration 1 round/level (D)

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions burst (эманация)

This effect word creates an area of impossible gravity, where all creatures and objects not securely fastened to the ground fall away from the center of the burst, to its exterior edge.

Creatures inside the area when it forms are immediately moved toward its nearest edge. If, because of an obstacle, they cannot reach the edge, they strike the barrier and take falling damage. While a wordspell with this effect word persists, objects cannot enter the area unless they possess the ability to полет. Any полетing creatures that rely on wings and enter the area must immediately make a СЛ 25 Полет skill check or be repelled by the area, unable to enter this turn. Missile weapons that pass through this area automatically miss their target. The caster is immune to this effect and may enter the area freely.

Boost: The caster may designate a number of creatures equal to his level that are not affected by the wordspell.



Healing words knit the flesh and soothe the body, repВоздухаing even the most grievous повреждение.


SOOTHING TOUCH (HEALING)                                  

School Воплощение (healing); Level жрец 0, друид 0, инквизитор 0, паладин 1, ведьма 0

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля half (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions personal, selected

If the target of a wordspell with this effect word is при смерти, it is automatically первая помощьd.

Boost: The target of a wordspell with this effect word is cured of the потрясение, дезориентация, or утомление condition (caster’s choice). Boosting this effect word increases its level by 1.


LESSER CURE (HEALING)                        

School Воплощение (healing); Level алхимик 1, бард 1, жрец 1, друид 1, инквизитор 1, паладин 1, следопыт 2, ведьма 1

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля half (повреждениеless) or Воля half; Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions personal, selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word is cured of 1d6 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +5).

Нежить are damaged by this effect word instead, but can attempt a Воля save for half damage and устойчивость к магии as Без черты.

Boost: The target is cured of 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +5).


MO D ERATE CURE (HEALING)                 

School Воплощение (healing); Level алхимик 2, бард 2, жрец 2, друид 3, инквизитор 2, паладин 3, следопыт 3, ведьма 2

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля half (повреждениеless) or Воля half; Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions personal, selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word is cured of 2d6 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +10). Нежить are damaged by this effect word, but can attempt a Воля save for half damage and устойчивость к магии as Без черты.

Boost: The target is cured of 2d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +10).


GREATER CURE (HEALING)                     

School Воплощение (healing); Level алхимик 3, бард 3, жрец 3, друид 4, инквизитор 3, паладин 4, следопыт 4, ведьма 4

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля half (повреждениеless) or Воля half; Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions personal, selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word is cured of 3d6 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +15). Нежить are damaged by this effect word, but can attempt a Воля save for half damage and устойчивость к магии as Без черты.

Boost: The target is cured of 3d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +15).


EL D ER CURE (HEALING)                         

School Воплощение (healing); Level алхимик 4, бард 4, жрец 4, друид 5, инквизитор 4, ведьма 5

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля half (повреждениеless) or Воля half; Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions personal, selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word is cured of 4d6 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +20). Нежить are damaged by this effect word, but can attempt a Воля save for half damage and устойчивость к магии as Без черты.

Boost: The target is cured of 4d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +20).



These words deceive the senses, leaving those that witness them unsure of the world around them.


ECHO (ИЛЛЮЗИЯ)                             

School Иллюзия (figment); Level бард 0, чародей/волшебник 0

Duration 1 round/level (D)

Испытания Воля disbelief; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions burst (эманация)

This effect word targets a single location, creating a sound that rises, recedes, or remains constant for the duration. The sound’s volume increases with the caster’s level. The base Внимание СЛ to notЛьда this sound is 0, but the СЛ is reduced by 1 per caster level (although it can be higher if the caster desires). This means that the sound starts out as loud as a creature talking, but by 10th level, it is as loud as creatures engaged in a noisy battle. The sound can resemble anything the caster desires, except it cannot replicate speech or Языка. Once cast, the type of sound within the эманация cannot be changed.


GLIMMERING (ИЛЛЮЗИЯ)                

School Иллюзия (figment); Level бард 2, чародей/волшебник 3

Duration 1 round/level (D)

Испытания Воля disbelief; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions burst (эманация)

This effect word creates a visual Иллюзия centered on a target space within range. The Иллюзия must be contained within the burst radius. This Иллюзия only contains visual elements, and while it can move, its movements are repeated once per round. It can otherwise have any appearance the caster desires. The caster can change the Иллюзия’s movements by concentrating, but it cannot leave its initial area.



Освещения words can either create Света or siphon it away, instead creating тьма.


RA D IANCE (ОСВЕЩЕНИЯ)                 

School Разрушение; Level бард 1, жрец 1, друид 1, инквизитор 1, маг 1, чародей/волшебник 1, ведьма 1

Duration 10 minutes/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions burst (эманация)

The area of a wordspell with this effect word radiates Света like a torch for the duration, shedding Без черты Света in the wordspell’s area and increasing the Света level for an additional 20 feet by one step, up to Без черты Света.


GLOOM (ОСВЕЩЕНИЯ)                           

School Разрушение; Level бард 2, жрец 2, маг 2, чародей/ волшебник 2, ведьма 2

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions burst (эманация)

The target of a wordspell with this effect word radiates тьма out to a range of 20 feet, negating all natural Света sources and all Магииal Света sources of a level lower than the wordspell. It reduces the natural Света level by one step. A wordspell with this effect word has no effect on an area that is already dark.



School Разрушение; Level бард 3, жрец 3, друид 3, паладин 3, чародей/волшебник 3

Duration 10 minutes/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions burst (эманация)

The target of a wordspell with this effect word radiates shining white Света for the duration of the spell, shedding bright Света in the wordspell’s area and increasing the Света level for an additional 30 feet by one step, up to bright Света. Creatures that take penalties in bright Света take those penalties while in the wordspell’s area, but it is not true СолнцаСвета and does not damage or destroy creatures vulnerable to real СолнцаСвета.



Words from this Семьи deal with Языка and help with communication.


 D ECIPHER (ЯЗЫКА)                                

School прорицание; Level алхимик 1, бард 0, жрец 0, друид 0, инквизитор 0, маг 0, паладин 1, следопыт 1, чародей/волшебник 0, призыватель 0, ведьма 0

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions personal

The target of a wordspell with this effect word can read text written in one particular Языка, including the Языка of Магии. The caster picks the Языка when the wordspell is cast. For the duration, the target can read that Языка as if fluent in it. If the caster chooses Магии as the Языка, the target can decipher scrolls, glyphs, and other Магии writing without triggering them. A wordspell with this effect word does not impart the ability to determine what a given Языка is based on its appearance; the caster must already know the Языка or guess what Языка the writing is in to do so.

Boost: This effect word can use the selected target word. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 1.


TRANSLATE (ЯЗЫКА)                                                 

School прорицание; Level алхимик 3, бард 2, жрец 4, чародей/ волшебник 3, ведьма 3

Duration 10 minutes/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word can read, write, speak, and understand one particular Языка, chosen by the caster. The Языка can be any that the caster is aВойныe of, even racial Языкаs.


FAR CASTING (ЯЗЫКА)                                             

School прорицание; Level бард 5, жрец 5, чародей/волшебник 5, ведьма 5

Duration concentration

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions personal

The target of a wordspell with this effect word can reach out to another willing creature that the target knows of and that is on the same plane of existence as the target. As long as the wordcaster concentrates, the target can communicate verbally with the willing creature, and the willing creature can communicate back. The target and the willing creature do not need to share a Языка to communicate in this way.

Boost: This word can use the selected target word. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 1.



Spells using these words can restore life to the мертв and лечение the most serious of afflictions.


PURIFY (LIFE)                                                            

School Воплощение (healing); Level алхимик 4, бард 4, жрец 4, друид 4, инквизитор 4, паладин 4, следопыт 4

Duration instantaneous

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions personal, selected

When a wordspell with this effect word is cast, the wordcaster chooses one type of affliction: Проклятийs, diseases, or ядs. The target of a wordspell with this effect word receives a new испытания to immediately end all such afflictions of the chosen type currently affecting the target. The СЛ of this save is equal to the original СЛ of the affliction. The target must roll a испытания for each affliction individually. If the affliction does not allow a испытания, this effect word cannot remove that affliction.

Alternatively, a wordspell with this effect word can be used to remove 1d4 temporary negative levels possessed by the target, or 1 permanent negative level.


REVIVE (LIFE)                                         

School Воплощение (healing); Level жрец 5, друид 5, ведьма 5

Duration instantaneous

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selecte d

This effect word restores life to a living creature that has died within up to 1 hour per caster level. The soul of the target receives a clear image of the caster, and can choose not to return, causing the wordspell to fail. If the soul is willing, the target does not receive a испытания.

The target is restored to life with 1 hit point, unless another effect word adds to this total. In addition, the target loses 50% of any prepared spells or spell slots it had before it died (determined randomly). Coming back from the мертв in this way is an ordeal, and the target gains three permanent negative levels from the experience (if the target does not have at least 4 Кости Здоровья, a wordspell with this effect word has no effect).

While this effect word undoes any mortal wounds the target might possess, its body must otherwise be whole for the effect word to function. Any missing parts are still missing when the creature is restored. Без черты ядs and diseases are cured as well, but Магииal afflictions remain. Нежить creatures are unaffected by a wordspell with this effect word, as are the мертв bodies of creatures that were нежить. Конструкцийs and потусторонние существа cannot be restored to life by this effect word. Targets that died as a result of old age cannot be restored to life by this effect word.


LIFE TOUCH (LIFE)                                  

School Воплощение (healing); Level жрец 8, ведьма 8

Duration instantaneous

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selecte d

This effect word functions as revive, but it can be used on a creature that has been мертв for up to 1 Дня per caster level. The creature is restored with half its original пункты здоровья, and its body does not need to be whole (just a piece of the creature is required). Any parts of the creature that were missing before its Смерти are not restored by this effect word. The creature gains only one permanent negative level from being restored by this effect word, and this negative level fades after 24 hours (although it can be removed early as Без черты). The creature retains all of the prepared spells and slots it had when it died.



The mere sound of these words causes agony in those unfortunate enough to hear them.


CRAMP (PAIN)                                        

School Некромантия; Level бард 0, жрец 0, инквизитор 0, чародей/волшебник 0, ведьма 0

Duration 1 round

Испытания Стойкость negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

The targets of a wordspell with this effect word have their base быстрое reduced by half (minimum 10 feet).


WRACK (PAIN)                                    

School Некромантия; Level бард 1, жрец 1, инквизитор 1, чародей/волшебник 1, ведьма 1

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Стойкость negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

The targets of a wordspell with this effect word are дезориентация.


ДОЗНАНИЯ (PAIN)                             

School Некромантия; Level бард 3, инквизитор 3, чародей/ волшебник 3, ведьма 3

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Стойкость negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

The targets of a wordspell with this effect word are тошнота; they receive another save at the end of their turn to end this effect.



Perhaps the most primal effect words, power words draw upon raw Магии, using it to cripple and even kill the wordcaster’s foes.


BLIN D (POWER)                                  

School Очарование (принуждение) [разум]; Level чародей/волшебник 7

Duration varies, see text

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

This effect word causes a living creature to become слепота, whether or not the creature can hear the wordspell. This effect word’s duration depends on the target’s current hit point total. Any creature that currently has 201 пункты здоровья or more is unaffected.


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