Reading: The First Asian Republic — КиберПедия 

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Reading: The First Asian Republic

2020-12-06 90
Reading: The First Asian Republic 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Read the names:

Manila, Spain, the Philippines, Filipinos, Andes Bonifacio, the Treaty of Paris, Filipino.

2. Look at the world map. Where exactly are the Philippines?

3. Match the words with their definitions:

To defeat -                fight against attack.

To annexe                win a victory over an opponent in a war or a competition.

To resist                   forcefully take control of a country or territory which is next to

                                 one’s own.

4. Make up word-combinations A+B:

A: to control, religious, military, economic, colonial, national, a brutal.

B: war, the island, flag, conversion, forces, exploitation, suppression.

5. Read the text and ask questions to it.

6. Retell the text.


Listening: America takes over


1. Read the names:

The Senate, Congress, House of Representatives, President Ferdinand Marcos, the People Power Revolution.

2. Make up word-combinations:

A: executive, the two party’s, the bloodiest, the post-war, social and political, Filipino, economic and political, foreign, Marxist, Marcos.

B: system, years, society, policy, regime, branches, battlefield, instability, elite, uprisings.

3. Find the proper definition:

Leislative          - connected with military life or war

Executive         - having power to create laws

Judicial           - strengthen or support

Reinforce        - proper to courts of law or the administration of justice

Martial           - relating or capable of carrying out


4. Listen to the text and answer the questions:

1/ In what way did the Philippines adopt the American system of government?

2/ What was the new system of public education?

3/ What was Western culture reinforced through?

4/ Why did the Filipino soldiers fight alongside American forces against the Japanese Imperial Army?

5/ When did the USA finally recognize the Philippines’ right to independence?

6/ What was the social and political instability of the post-war years?

7/ What was the result of many economic and social problems?

8/ Who was the dictator until 1986?

9/ What returned the first republic of Asia on the road to democracy?

5. Retell the text.


Reading: A Tiger Cub

1. Read the words and give their derivatives:

Economy, crisis, to affect, attainment, exports, to increase, to achieve.

2. Translate into English:

Международная пресса, валютный кризис, экономический спад, новая промышленно развитая страна, модернизировать страну, глобальная конкуренция, людские полномочия, валовой национальный продукт, доход на душу населения, определенный уровень развития, демократические институты, по высокой цене, естественная окружающая среда, привлечение зарубежных инвестиций.

3. Translate the sentences? Using the Present Perfect:

1. За последние годы, страна явственно отступила назад

2. Достижение статуса экономического тигра являлось основным планом администрации Рамоса с тех пор, как он занял свой пост с 1992

3.  Президент Фидель В. Рамос попытался модернизировать страну.

4. Его главные задачи были «глобальная конкуренция» и «людские полномочия»

5. За последние годы экспорт вырос так же как и валовой национальный продукт.

6.  Также был рост дохода на душу населения.

7. Бедность, в тоже время, снизилась.

8. Президент говорит, что Филиппины достигли определенного уровня развития не жертвуя демократическими институтами.

9. Критики отвечают, что развитие было достигнуто по высокой цене для окружающей природной среды страны.

4. Read the text check up your translation and retell it

Reading: English and Filipino

1. Read the text speak about the languages spoken in the Philippines.



Listening: Songs and Sailors

1. Read the names:

the Pacific Ocean, Louis de Bougainville, James Cook, the South Pacific, Aitutaki, Cook Island Maori.

2.Say the numerals in English:

10,000 km, 10,000 metres, 100 km, 45,000 years, 5,000 years, одна треть мировой поверхности.

3.Translate the word-combinations into English:

широко разбросанные острова, низкие коралловые атоллы, высокие активные вулканы, устная и письменная культура, сажать зерновые, ловить рыбу, богатство информации и мудрости, жители островов.

4.Listen to the text and answer the questions:

1/ What territory does the Pacific Ocean cover?

2/ How wide and deep is it?

3/ Who and when arrived on the Asian mainland?

4/ What did the first European explorers find when they reached the South Pacific?

5/ What way was the culture passed down the generations?

7/ What kind of chants were they?

5.Retell the text.


Reading: A thousand Islands

1.Read the names of the islands:

Polynesia: American Samoa, Cook Islands, Samoa, Tahiti, Tonga; Micronesia: Kiribati, Nauru, Marshall Islands; Melanesia: Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu Islands.

2.Read the text ask each other to guess the name of the island you are describing.

3. Speak about the Pacific Islands.



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