Текст № 32 для прослушивания и материал для собеседования к экзамену по английскому языку — КиберПедия 

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Текст № 32 для прослушивания и материал для собеседования к экзамену по английскому языку

2020-12-06 177
Текст № 32 для прослушивания и материал для собеседования к экзамену по английскому языку 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Вопросы к тексту 32

Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.

1. How many runners are going to take part in the race?

2. Where would they like to organize the starting line?

3. Why do they need to have first aid points?


Mike: Well, Jane, we've only got two weeks left before the run so I really think we have to finalise the route of the race today.

Jane: Yes, Mike. Now, how many runners do you estimate* will register for the race?

Mike: Well, it's hard to say what the final number will be — at the moment we have 150 applicants but I fully expect there will be 200 by the race itself.

Jane: Fine. I'll make a note of that. Mike: Where will the starting line be?

Jane: I think you have to start somewhere that has a place to warm up. How about the Town hall as the car park there is big enough for the runners to do their exercises?

Mike: Actually, that's a good point. Let's start there and then we could have the first aid point nearby. But look, we should have another first aid point somewhere on the route in case the runners have problems.

Jane: You're probably right! Em, do you think the athletes need somewhere to take a break if they are feeling tired? We could use the entrance to the library. It's ideal as it has such a huge portico where the athletes could relax in the shade.

Mike: Good idea.



Script 33

Текст № 33 для прослушивания и материал для собеседования к экзамену по английскому языку

Вопросы к тексту 33

Listen to the story of a popular actress about her family and answer the questions below.

1. What is the woman trying to teach her children?

2. What has she learnt from other mothers?

3. In what way is she similar to her mother?



I'm not a super-strict parent, but I think it's important to have rules for children. That's what I'm trying to teach my own children.

Children should learn their values at home. I give each of the kids five dollars when we go to the farmers' market because I want them to get used to managing their own money. My son is just like me: the minute he gets the money, he spends it all on something delicious. But my daughter is different.

I've learned so much from other moms. When my daughter Ava was little, we were at a birthday party, and her friend did something wrong. The girl's mother said, "Will you excuse us for a second?" Later I asked, "What happened?" She said, "I didn't like what my daughter had done, but I didn't want to humiliate her in front of Ava." I thought that was so thoughtful — to be respectful of a little girl's feelings.

When I was little, my mother and grandmother were such big influences on me. My mother is my greatest supporter, and I'm hers. And she's very chatty. She used to chat with somebody, and I'd say, "Mom, I want to go home!" Now my kids do it to me. We'll go to church and I'll be talking to someone, and Dean will be saying, "Come on, let's go home!"



Script 34

Текст № 34 для прослушивания и материал для собеседования к экзамену по английскому языку

Вопросы к тексту 34

Listen to the talk between two friends and answer the questions below.

1. What are Maggy's favourite places in London?

2. What are they going to do in the evening?

3. Why does Alex want to go to a cafe?



Maggy: Hey, Alex! I've got an idea. I can show you my favourite place in London. Alex: Sure, Maggy, I'd like to see that, but where is it exactly? Maggy: Look beyond the people. What do you see?

Alex: Well, there's a beautiful building over there! It looks like a palace. What is it? Maggy: It's Buckingham Palace! And all those people are waiting for the Changing of the Guard. It's 11 o'clock so the ceremony will start soon. Alex: Does this ceremony take place every day?

Maggy: It's held daily only from April to August, when there are lots of tourists. But we aren't going to watch it right now; we're going to the park which is opposite the palace.

Alex: Let me guess. We must be in St. James's Park now!

Maggy: Good guess! You're right, it's St. James's Park, which is a popular place to walk, feed the ducks or watch the pelicans.

Alex: Those people on the lawn seem to be having a picnic. Is it possible to have picnics in London parks?

Maggy: Sure, but you should follow certain rules.

Alex: Okay. What is the magnificent style building opposite the lake?

Maggy: This is St. James's Palace. And behind it, there is an entertainment area of Piccadilly Circus with lots of pubs and cafes. If you like, we can go there later in the evening.

Alex: That's a wonderful idea! But honestly, I'm starving and wouldn't mind having a bite right now.

Maggy: Then let's go to the cafe and have a snack.


Script 35

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