Текст № 19 для прослушивания и материал для собеседования к экзамену по английскому языку — КиберПедия 

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Текст № 19 для прослушивания и материал для собеседования к экзамену по английскому языку

2020-12-06 215
Текст № 19 для прослушивания и материал для собеседования к экзамену по английскому языку 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Вопросы к тексту 19

Listen to the talk and answer the questions below.

1. Where does the action take place?

2. What is included in a standard lunch menu?

3. What did Brian and Tracy decide in the end?


Part 1

Waitress: Table for two, sir?

Brian: Yes, please.

Waitress: Can I get you any drinks?

Brian: Two glasses of water, please. And the menu.

Waitress: We have a standard set lunch menu. Here you are. There are three courses. You can choose one dish for each course.

Brian/Tracy: Thank you.

Waitress: Here is your water. Have you decided what to order?

Tracy: Hmm. It all looks so good! What is the pork stew, exactly?

Waitress: It's pieces of pork in a peanut butter sauce... quite sweet. Very tasty!

Tracy: That sounds delicious! I'll have that to start with.

Waitress: Very good. One pork stew... And for you, sir?

Brian: Hmm. I think I'll have the chicken and coconut soup, thanks.

Waitress: Fine. And what would you like for the main course, madam?

Tracy: Green curry for me then, thanks.

Brian: And the same for me. And for dessert I'll have the fruit salad.

Tracy: And I'll have the fried banana, thanks.

Waitress: Very good. Thank you.

Brian/Tracy: Thank you.

Part 2

Brian: Well, I couldn't eat another thing! I'll be coming here again, that's for sure!

Tracy: Me too. Perhaps we should make this a regular thing, Brian... every Friday?

Brian: Hmm. That sounds like a nice idea, Tracy. Why not!

Waitress: Was everything all right with your meal?

Brian/Tracy: Great, thanks!

Waitress: Would you like any coffees or anything?

Brian: No, thanks. Just the bill. We must get back to work.


Script 20

Текст № 20 для прослушивания и материал для собеседования к экзамену по английскому языку

Вопросы к тексту 20


Listen to the programme and answer the questions below.

1. How many children in Britain live in single-parent families?

2. Why is it important for a child to have his/her father involved with upbringing?

3. What do people think about the breakdown of the traditional family?


In many European countries, the traditional family unit of two parents and children has come under severe pressure in the last two decades. More and more frequently, we find single parent families, and that parent is almost always the mother. Large numbers of children grow up not even knowing who their father is. In Britain, 25 % of children live in single parent families. Thirty years ago, only about 7 % did so.

The fact that fathers are often outside the family unit can have a bad effect on the welfare and future life prospects of their children. Studies have shown, that when fathers are closely involved with their children's upbringing* and take an active part in helping with such things as homework and encouraging the development of hobbies, kids not only do better at school but they are also more likely to enjoy good relationships later in life.

One of the possible consequences of the breakdown of the traditional family is that extended family members such as grandparents, uncles and cousins will become more involved in children's upbringing and development. Some people say, the family will adapt to new circumstances. Others, on the other hand, fear that children are likely to suffer if they are not brought up in a traditional family where both parents are actively involved in their children's upbringing.



Script 21

Текст № 21 для прослушивания и материал для собеседования к экзамену по английскому языку

Вопросы к тексту 21

Listen to the talk and answer the questions below.

1. What happened to Elaine?

2. Why is Sophie worried about Elaine's staying with them?

3. What did they decide to do in the end?


Sophie: Hello?

Elaine: Hi Sophie. It's Elaine. How are you?

Sophie: Elaine! Hi. I'm fine. I'm just preparing Tom's milk. He's hungry!

Elaine: How is he?

Sophie: Oh, he's fine. You know — growing all the time.

Elaine: And Philippe? Is he OK too?

Sophie: Yes, Philippe's fine. So, anyway, what's up?

Elaine: I've got some news! I've left my job! I had a quarrel with the boss... so

I decided to leave!

Sophie: So... what will you do now?

Elaine: That's what I'm phoning you about, actually. I'm coming to Paris! Actually, I have a favour to ask.

Sophie: Yes?

Elaine: Is it all right if I stay with you for a while? A hotel would be so expensive.

Sophie: Er... well, it's just... you know... we only have one bedroom here. And little Tom... he doesn't sleep much.

Elaine: That's OK. I can look after him if you like.

Sophie: Hmm.

Elaine: Oh, come on, Sophie. It wouldn't be for long... just until I find a job and get a flat of my own.

Sophie: It may be not that easy to find a job here, you know, Elaine. And, I'll

have to ask Philippe...

Elaine: Oh great! Thanks so much, Sophie. You don't even know how much this

means to me. Listen, I have to go now, but I'll call you before I leave.

Sophie: Erm...

Elaine: Thanks so much, Sophie. See you at the airport! Bye.



Script 22

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