F. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea — КиберПедия 

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F. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

2020-10-20 137
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Imagination, warmth and a fun-loving sense of adventure make this adventure classic truly special. The unique quality of this timeless film will forever touch our hearts.

Climb aboard the Nautilus… and into a strange undersea world of spellbinding adventure! Kirk Douglas and Paul Lukas star as shipwrecked survivors taken captive by the mysterious Captain Nemo, a mad genius with an evil plan to destroy the world. This really great adaptation of Jule Verne's gripping tale makes it a true masterpiece.

G. Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Once in a generation a film like this comes along. Now Steven Spielberg and Robert Zemeckes have teamed to give us Who Framed Roger Rabbit, a four-time Academy Award winner that's already a contemporary classics.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a tale of a man, a woman and a rabbit in a triangle of trouble. It's a world where laughing can be dangerous, romance can be hilarious and Toons and people live side by side. It's a wonderful place you'll want to visit again and again.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit! The chemistry is magic. The effects are astonishing. And the film is unforgettable!

H. The Sound of Music

Winner of five Academy Awards, The Sound of Music is the most popularscreen musicalof all time.

Maria, a postulant at the Abbey in Salzburg, Austria, is proving a bit too high-spirited for Mother Abbess and the other nuns. Believing it better if Maria was a little more of the world before joining the order, Mother Abbess arranges for Maria to become governess to the seven unruly children of Captain von Trapp, a widowed martinet. Within a short time, Maria's warmth, charm and songs win the hearts of not only the children, but their father as well. But just when things look their brightest, gloomy clouds rise in Salzburg. Germany has unified with Austria, and captain von Trapp must decide whether to side with the Nazis or escape with his family before it's too late.

I. Shakespeare in Love

Triumphant winner of seven Academy Awards, this witty smash features Gwyneth Paltrow and an amazing cast that includes Judi Dench, Geoffrey Rush and Ben Affleck. When Will Shakespeare needs passionate inspiration to break a bad case of writer's block, a secret romance with the beautiful Lady Viola starts the words flowing like never before! There are just two things he'll have to learn about his new love: not only has she promised to marry someone else, she's successfully impersonating a man in order to play the lead in Shakespeare's latest production! A truly "can't miss" motion picture eventwith outstanding critical acclaimmatching its impressive collection of major awardseveryone will love this behind-the-scenes look at the writing of the greatest love story ever told!


Task 3. Match the words with their definitions.

1. touching a. very impressive and attractive;
2. triumphant b. extremely interesting and holding your attention completely;
3. nominate c. liking to have fun, especially by playing tricks on people or doing things to annoy or embarrass them;
4. mischievous d. strong expressions of approval and praise;
5. carefree e. exact;
6. hilarious f. making you feel pity, sympathy, sadness etc;
7. precise g. information that is passed from one person to an­other and which may or may not be true, especially about someone's personal life or about an official discussion;
8. disapproving h. to officially suggest someone for an important posi­tion, duty or prize;
9. dazzling i. behaving in an uncontrolled or violent way;
10. milestone j. the state of being private and away from other people;
11. seclusion k. having no worries or problems;
12. rumour l. a very important event in the development of some­thing;
13. disdain m. very exciting and interesting;
14. torment n. extremely funny;
15. spellbinding o. severe mental or physical suffering often lasting a long time;
16. gripping p. showing that you think someone or something is bad or unsuitable;
17. unruly q. having gained a victory or success;
18. acclaim r. a complete lack of respect that you show for some­one or something because you think they are not at all worth paying attention to.

Task 4. Use the word in brackets at the end of each sentence to form a word that
fits in the space provided.

1) Mother ____________________ of every boyfriend I bring home. (disapproving)

2) Gladiator is a highly ____________________ movie. (acclaim)

3) I won't know ____________________ what the job involves until I actually start. (precise)

4) I played badly yesterday; I feel I am my ____________________. (gripping)

5) We were deeply____________________ by their present. (touching)

6) We eventually came to a ____________________ farmhouse. (seclusion)

7) All the Academy's ____________________ were approved. (nominate)

8) All children were ____________________ by my uncle's good looks and charm. (dazzling)

9) Winning the championship represents a personal ____________________ for the team's manager. (triumphant)


Task 5. Fill in the blanks with the words from Task 3.

1) Her evidence was treated with ____________________ by the prosecution.

2) Her ____________________ children always bring lots of anxiety.

3) I've heard all sorts of ____________________ about him and his secretary.

4) This ____________________ tale is worth reading.

5) The programme last night was extremely ____________________. Don't hesitate to see it.

6) She lay awake all night in ____________________.

7) She looked at him with a ____________________ grin.

8) The agreement was a ____________________ in the history of US-Russian relations.

9) Travel in ____________________ comfort to your hotel near London.


Task 6. Work with the underlined vocabulary units in Task 2. Paraphrase them and suggest their Russian translation.


Task 7. Translate the following sentences into English using the vocabulary of Task 2.

1) «В джазе только девушки» - это одна их самых популярных музыкальных кинокомедий всех времен, признанная многими поколениями как волнующая история любви, наполненная духом веселых приключений и великолепной музыкой. Исполнение главных ролей позволило Тони Кёртису, Джеку Леммону и Мэрилин Монро максимально проявить талант комедийных актёров. Эта картина получила превосходные отзывы критиков и завоевала сердца миллионов.

2) «Титаник» - настоящее событие в мире кинематографа. Этот фильм-катастрофа был выдвинут на соискание премии «Оскар» в 14 номинациях, в результате получил 11 из них, включая награду «Лучший фильм» 1997 года. Картина демонстрирует звездную игру актёров, потрясающие спецэффекты и удостоенную награды музыку. В фильме мастерски сочетаются живые декорации и история запретной любви. Это фильм, производящий мощное и незабываемое впечатление.





Task 1. Film synopsis

Write a synopsis of one of your favourite films and design a bill advertising this film. Remember to use the active vocabulary of the unit. Be ready to present the bill in class.



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