A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theatre admission and the babysitter were worth it. — КиберПедия 

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A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theatre admission and the babysitter were worth it.

2020-10-20 152
A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theatre admission and the babysitter were worth it. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Alfred Hitchcock

Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.

Jessamyn West


Task 1. Discuss the following questions with the group:

Ø Are you a cinema-goer?

Ø What kinds of films do you enjoy?

Ø What film can be called a good one?

Ø Who is your favourite film director/ actor? Why?

Ø What do you know about the history of film-making? How has the film-making process changed in the last 20 years?

Ø What award is considered to be the most prestigious one in the film-making industry? What do you know about this award?

Ø Which do you prefer: reading a book or watching its screen adaptation? Elaborate.


Unit 1. what’s on at the cinema?



Task 1. Study the material and learn the vocabulary units that you have been unfamiliar with.

Ø accelerated adj (accelerated motion)

Ø action movie n

Ø actor n (leading/principal actor, character actor, supporting actor)

Ø adventure film n

Ø animated cartoon n

Ø audience n

Ø camera n

Ø cameraman n

Ø cast v (cast a film; cast an actor for the part; to typecast an actor)

Ø close-up n

Ø comedy n (satirical/lyrical/romantic comedy)

Ø the credits n

Ø crime film n

Ø crowd scene n

Ø dialogue n

Ø direct v (to direct a film/an actor)

Ø director n (film director)

Ø documentary n

Ø dub v (dubbed film)

Ø educational film n

Ø feature film n (features coll.)

Ø film n (syn. movies, pictures; flickers, flicks coll.)

Ø film v (to film a book)

Ø film-goer n (syn. movie-goer)

Ø flashback n

Ø horror movie n

Ø make v (to make a film; syn. to release a film; film making; film maker)

Ø message n

Ø montage n

Ø newsreel n (newsreel footage)

Ø part n (part of the film; two-part film; syn. role; to play the role of)

Ø performance n (give a wonderful performance; get a good performance from the actors)

Ø photograph v

Ø photography n (syn. camerawork)

Ø producer n

Ø road movie n

Ø role n

Ø science fiction film n

Ø screen version (syn. screen adaptation)

Ø screen test n (to take a screen test)

Ø script n (scriptwriter)

Ø serial n

Ø shoot v (to shoot a film/a scene; to shoot in sequence; to shoot on location)

Ø short-length film n (shorts coll.)

Ø silent film n (silents coll.; syn. mute film)

Ø slow-motion n

Ø slow-moving adj (ant. fast-moving)

Ø sound n (soundtrack)

Ø special effects n (fire/sound/light effects)

Ø star n (stardom n; to shoot/rise/zoom to stardom); star v

Ø stuntman n

Ø thriller n (socio-political thriller)

Ø translate v (to translate to the screen; syn. to adapt for the screen)

Ø video n

Ø video-recorder n

Ø war movie n

Ø Western n


Task 2. Arrange the vocabulary units from Task 1 under the following headings:

A. Film genres.

B. Film-making process.

C. People involved in the film-making process.

D. Visual elements of a film. (accelerated motion, a close-up, etc.)

E. Making a book into a film.


Task 3. Guess words and expressions from Task 1 by their definitions or periphrases.

1. a film or television or a radio programme that gives detailed information about a particular subject;

2. a list of all the people involved in making a film or television programme, which is shown at the beginning or end of it;

3. an actor who typically plays unusual characters, rather than the most important characters;

4. to always give an actor the same type of character to play;

5. an actor who plays a small part in a film;

6. to become famous very quickly;

7. a scene in a film, play, book etc that shows something that happened before that point in the story;

8. to make a film available for people to see;

9. someone who writes the stories and words for films or television programmes;

10. an occasion when someone is filmed while they are performing, in order to see if they are suitable to act in a film;

11. a part of a film in which the camera seems to have been very close to the picture it took;

12. a film that has pictures but no sound;

13. to film some scenes of a movie in a place away from a film studio;

14. movement on film or television shown at a slower speed than it really happened;

15. a scene of a film, in which many actors take part.


Task 4. Complete the sentences with words and expressions from Task 1.

1) This British film was _______________ into 7 languages.

2) Animal Farm by George Orwell has been _______________ for the screen twice: in 1954 and 1999.

3) Jane took a _______________ last week but failed. She was not given the part of Juliet.

4) Where was this film _______________? In Greece?

5) This actor always gets _______________ as the villain.


Task 5. Translate the sentences into English using the vocabulary from Task 1.

1) Зела Кларк и Тимоти Далтон замечательно сыграли Джейн Эйр и Мистера Рочестера в одноименной экранизации романа Шарлоты Бронте «Джейн Эйр», вышедшей на экраны в форме телевизионного сериала в 1983 г. Актеры второго плана также подобраны великолепно. Многие сцены из фильма снимались вне студии. Например, кадры поместья Торнфилд Холл снимались в Дин Парк, в окрестностях городка Корби.

2) Документальные фильмы канала БиБиСи отличаются прекрасной операторской работой. Удивительно, как съемочной группе удается крупным планом снять полет бабочки или падающую каплю дождя.

3) Несмотря на то, что молодой актер с успехом прошел кинопробу, его пригласили лишь сниматься в массовке. Если бы режиссер фильма тогда знал, как быстро это молодое дарование станет знаменитым, он бы непременно предложил ему главную роль.

4) Короткометражный анимационный фильм «Старик и море», снятый российским режиссером Александром Петровым в 1999 году, рисовался на стекле масляными красками, причем не только кистью, но и пальцами. Он стал первым анимационным фильмом для кинотеатров большого формата IMAX. Неудивительно, что в 2000 году эта картина завоевала Оскар в номинации «Лучший короткометражный фильм».




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