English Proverbs and Sayings — КиберПедия 

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English Proverbs and Sayings

2020-06-05 158
English Proverbs and Sayings 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Image of the proverb Proverb Meaning of the proverb
1 The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. ‘The grass is always greener” is a proverb that teaches us it’s not good to be jealous (to want what other people have). It may seem like everyone around you has “greener grass,” meaning nicer cars, better jobs, etc. But your neighbor probably thinks you have greener grass too, which means that your friends and other people think that you have better looks, a happier family, etc. So instead of thinking about what everyone else has, this proverb wants you to be thankful for what you have.  
2 Don’t judge a book by its cover. Things are not always what they seem. This proverb teaches you not to make judgments about other people because of how they look or dress. A book with a boring or plain cover could be amazing. The same is true with people. A person might look like an athlete or fool, but there is probably a lot more to them than clothes suggest.
3 Strike while the iron is hot. This old expression comes from the days of blacksmiths (people who work with metal). To shape the metal, the blacksmith would have to beat it with a hammer. Iron is easier to work with when it’s hot. This proverb means you should take advantage of the moment. If an opportunity presents itself to you, take it! Take action because the chance may not come again.
4 Too many cooks spoil the broth. Or as it’s more commonly said, “Too many cooks in the kitchen.” This is a well known experience—a lot people all trying to work in a kitchen around a small table or stovetop will make a mess and ruin the food. This proverb talks about the trouble of too many people trying to do the same thing at once.
5 When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When you are a visitor somewhere away from home, you should act like everyone else. It is polite to do so, and could keep you from getting into trouble. This proverb is from the ancient days of the Roman Empire when the capital city had visitors from all over the world. Cultures were very different between cities in those times. But while in Rome, one would behave like a Roman, no matter where you came from.
6 Honesty is the best policy. Lying a lot can be difficult, because you might forget your lies. Soon enough, someone will find out you are lying. Then, you are in trouble. Or even if no one ever finds out, you will feel guilty for not telling the truth. But if you are honest and tell the truth, people will believe you and respect you. You will earn their trust and sleep well at night.
7 Practice makes perfect. It would be amazing if the first time you picked up a guitar you could play it like a rock star. Or if the first time you got in a car, you could drive like a professional. Or if you could speak English perfectly after one lesson. Everything is difficult when you are a beginner. But if you stick with it, if you keep practicing, you can master anything.
8 Look before you leap. Don’t rush into things! Make sure you know what is going to happen next. You would not jump off a cliff without first checking how far the ground is below or what there is to land on. You should wait a few moments and make sure it’s a good idea to jump from that cliff. So when making a big “jump” in life, make sure you’ve looked at the situation and really understand it before you take a big action.
9 Don’t make a mountain out of an anthill. People sometimes get very upset over small problems. This proverb reminds you to take a moment and see how important (or not important) the issue is. Messing up your laundry or being late for work is not very important when you consider your entire life. So it’s important to stay calm and not get angry about tiny problems.
10 The early bird catches the worm. This proverb is a lot like the phrase “first come, first served.” It simply means that it’s usually best to be early. If you arrive earlier—whether it’s to a clothing store, restaurant, conference, etc.—you will have the best options to choose from. If you come later, though, the best clothes could have sold out, the restaurant could be full and have a long waiting time, etc.
11 Always put your best foot forward. When you are starting on a project or a journey, it’s best to start with a good attitude and a lot of energy. First impressions (what people think about you when they meet you for the first time) can last for a long time. That’s why this proverb is also used when meeting new people or for job interviews. Having a positive attitude—your “best foot”—is the best way to make a good impression.
12 Rome wasn’t built in a day. Rome is a great city. However, it took many years to be completed. The builders did not rush to complete their work and neither should you. If you wish to create something wonderful and long-lasting, you will have to spend more than a day working on it. You will probably have to spend several days, weeks or even months to do a good job. Take your time and do it right!
13 Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. This proverb warns against acting mean to those who provide for you or who do nice things for you. If you were to bite the hand that gave you food, that hand probably won’t come back to feed you again. Then what would you eat? So you should be kind and thankful to those who care for you.
14 Actions speak louder than words. The Greek philosopher Plato once said that action is character. People are not defined by what they say because a lot of talk does not mean anything. People are judged by the things they do. Your actions are more important than what you say.
15 Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Be careful! If you put all your goods in one bag or all your money in one stock, you are taking a big risk. It is smarter to spread your wealth around. That way if one basket should break, you’re not left with nothing.
16 First things first. This proverb advises you to do things in the right order. Do not skip over the more difficult or less enjoyable tasks in order to get to the easier, more fun ones. For example, if you have an exam to study for the same night your friend is having a party, study for the exam first. The party would be more fun, but the exam is more important so it should be done first.



Grammar in use

Present Simple

V \ V-s

(usually, sometimes, often, always, seldom, never)

+ - ?


Present Continuous

be + V-ing

(now, at the moment)

+ - ?

Present Perfect

have\has + V3

(already, ever, just, yet)

+ - ?

Past Simple

V-ed \ V-2

(yesterday, … ago, last ….)

+ - ?


Past Continuous

was + V-ing

(yesterday at 5 pm)

+ - ?

Past Perfect

had + V3

(yesterday by 5 pm)

+ - ?

Future Simple

will + V

(tomorrow, next…, in …)

+ - ?


Future Continuous

will be + V-ing

(tomorrow at 5 pm)

+ - ?

Future Perfect

will have\has + V3

(tomorrow by 5 pm)

+ - ?

Questions for test

1. Speak about yourself.

2. Speak about your family.

3. Describe your flat \ room.

4. Present your city.

5. What are the main sights of Yekaterinburg?

6. Present a place of interest in Yekaterinburg.

7. What do you know about your college?

8. Speak about the study at the pharmaceutical college.

9. Speak about your favorite subjects.

10. Why do you want to become a pharmacist?

11. What are the main characteristics of a pharmacist?

12. What departments of a pharmacy do you know?

13. What people can buy in the pharmacy?

14. What do you know about the history of medicine?

15. What do you know about the history of pharmacy?








Рабочая тетрадь

По английскому языку

(I курс, 2 семестр)



Студент: __________________


Преподаватель: Кузнецова Э.Н.



г. Екатеринбург

2019 г.

Составитель: преподаватель английского языка Фармацевтического филиала ГБОУ СПО «СОМК» Кузнецова Э.Н.


Данное пособие составлено для студентов I курса (2 семестр) для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы. Пособие охватывает основные темы, предусмотренные программой. Особое внимание уделено изучению общеупотребительной лексики, развитию навыков устной диалогической и монологической речи, а также перевода с английского языка на русский язык и с русского языка на английский язык. Пособие содержит активный вокабуляр, диалоги, тексты, тренировочные упражнения, грамматический справочник.

Цель пособия – развитие навыков устной диалогической и монологической речи на основе владения определенным лексическим и грамматическим материалом на темы, предусмотренные программой.




Unit Page
1 Russia 4
2 Ural 5
3 Moscow 7
4 Health service in Russia 10
5 Training pharmacists in Russia 12
6 Training pharmacists in Russia 13
7 Russia 13
8 U. K. 14
9 London 15
10 Health service in U. K. 16
11 Training pharmacists in U. K. 18
12 U.S.A. 21
13 Washington 23
14 Health service in U. S. A. 24
15 Сhemist’s in U. S. A. 25
16 Scientists 27
17 Scientists 28
18 Texts 28
19 Texts  
20 Grammar in use 29
21 Grammar in use 29
22 Questions for test 30


Active vocabulary

occupy занимать территорию
Europe Европа
Asia Азия
ocean океан
separate отделять
natural resources природные ресурсы
border граничить
coal уголь
oil нефть
gold золото
independent независимый


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