Ask questions to your group-mate about — КиберПедия 

Типы сооружений для обработки осадков: Септиками называются сооружения, в которых одновременно происходят осветление сточной жидкости...

Типы оградительных сооружений в морском порту: По расположению оградительных сооружений в плане различают волноломы, обе оконечности...

Ask questions to your group-mate about

2020-06-05 173
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Заказать работу

Рабочая тетрадь

По английскому языку

(I курс, I семестр)



Студент: __________________


Преподаватель: Дыбцова О.В.



г. Екатеринбург

2018 г.

Составитель: преподаватель английского языка Фармацевтического филиала ГБОУ СПО «СОМК» Дыбцова Ольга Викторовна


Данное пособие составлено для студентов I курса (I семестр) для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы. Пособие охватывает основные темы, предусмотренные программой. Особое внимание уделено изучению общеупотребительной лексики, развитию навыков устной диалогической и монологической речи, а также перевода с английского языка на русский язык и с русского языка на английский язык. Пособие содержит активный вокабуляр, диалоги, тексты, тренировочные упражнения, грамматический справочник

Цель пособия – развитие навыков устной диалогической и монологической речи на основе владения определенным лексическим и грамматическим материалом на темы, предусмотренные программой.



Unit Page
1 About me and my family 4
2 My flat 6
3 My city 8
4 Pharmaceutical college 10
5 My future profession 11
6 History of medicine 13
7 History of pharmacy 14
8 Tongue twisters 15
9 Proverbs and Sayings 16
10 Grammar in use 20
11 Questions for test 23

About me and my family

Active vocabulary

family семья
relative родственник
parents родители
grandparents пра-родители
grandmother (granny) бабушка
grandfather (granddad) дедушка
grandson внук
granddaughter внучка
mother (mom, mum, mama, ma) мать
father (dad, daddy, papa, pa) отец
sister сестра
brother брат
wife жена
husband муж
son сын
daughter дочь
child, children ребенок, дети
aunt тетя
uncle дядя
niece племянница
nephew племянник
daughter-in-law сноха
son-in-law зять
ex бывший
to be married быть замужем, женатым
to be divorced быть разведенным
to be separated жить раздельно
to be single быть не замужем, не женатым
to live жить
to work работать
to study учиться
pharmaceutical college фармацевтический колледж
student студент
manager менеджер, руководитель
to be busy быть занятым
to be on pension быть на пенсии


Read and translate the text

About me and my f amily


My name is Helen. I am twenty years old. I am a student of the pharmaceutical college. I want to become a pharmacist. As for my appearance, I am of a medium height. I’m slim, because I go to yoga twice a week. And I also eat healthy food. I have got long blond hair and blue eyes. I think that I’m good-looking. I like to wear dresses very much. I prefer bright colors. When I talk to someone, I try to be nice and I smile a lot. 

My family is not large. I have my father, my mother, my brother and me. Our family lives in Yekaterinburg. We have a nice flat. My brother is fourteen. He goes to school. My mother is 40 years old. She works in a large company. She is a manager. My father is an engineer in computers. He is a busy man. We have a summer house and a nice garden not far from Moscow. The nature is very beautiful there. My grandparents like to live there in summer. They don't work now. They are on pension. Our family is friendly. I like them all.

Ask questions to your group-mate about

· Name, surname, age

· Family & relatives

· Education, future profession

· Personal qualities

· Skills

Present you and your family



My flat

Active vocabulary

floor пол, этаж ashtray пепельница
floor space площадь, м2 hairdryer фен
balcony балкон polishing brush / clothes-brush щетка для обуви\ щетка для одежды
wall стена toiletries туалетные принадлежности
ceiling потолок bath accessories аксессуары для ванны
corner угол double bed двуспальная кровать
carpet cover ковровое покрытие armchair кресло
bed-clothes постельное белье mirror зеркало
blanket одеяло writing desk письменный стол
pillow подушка wall lamp бра
sheet простынь standard lamp торшер
blanket cover пододеяльник coffee table журнальный столик
pillow case наволочка sofa диван
cover ковер folding sofa раскладной диван
towel полотенце curtains шторы
bathrobe халат glass стакан
bath mat коврик для ног wine glass бокал
slippers тапочки water bottle графин
toothpaste зубная паста blinds=jalousie жалюзи
tooth brush зубная щетка wardrobe шкаф
soap мыло safe-box сейф
soap dish мыльница air-conditioner кондиционер
shower gel гель для душа toilet paper туалетная бумага
shampoo шампунь sewing kit швейный набор
shelf полка scissors ножницы
sink раковина needle иголка
lavatory pan унитаз sewing нитки
bidet биде button пуговица
waste-paper basket корзина для мусора pin булавка
     Living room Bedroom Bathroom

Prepositions of place

  in     in front of  
  on     to the left of  
  at     to the right of  
  near     behind  
  next to     between  
  under     inside  
  above     outside  
  among     opposite  

There is a \ There are

There is a

picture in the living room

There are

flowers on the coffee table

My city

Active vocabulary

airport аэропорт
railway station ж\д вокзал
bus station автовокзал
post office почта
travel agency турагентство
square сквер, площадь
dam плотина
bridge мост
supermarket супермаркет
grocery store продуктовый магазин
chemists = drug store = pharmacy аптека
circus цирк
zoo зоопарк
church церковь
library библиотека
road дорога
ring road кольцевая дорога
walking street пешеходная улица
public transport общественный транспорт
bus автобус
trolley bus троллейбус
tram трамвай
sights достопримечательности

Read and translate

Answer the questions


Which of them did you visit?



Which of them do you find the most attractive?



Which of them would you recommend to visit?



Which of them would you like to visit?


Read and retell the texts

Historical Ekaterinburg

       The city on the border-line of two countries, Europe and Asia, Ekaterinburg played an outstanding and in many aspects a key role in the history of Russia in the 20th century. Revolution and Civil War started here from the murder of the family of Nickolay Romanov in 1918. The Stalin’s struggle against the class enemies in 30-s turned Ekaterinburg into the largest transshipment point for prisoners of GULAG, who were sent to develop the land of Siberia. In the tragic years of World War 11 there were hundreds of evacuated plants here. The greatest military leader Marshal Georgy Zhoukov spent the years of his exile at the end of 40-s beginning of 50-s. Finally, at the beginning of the 90-s Ekaterinburg presented Russia the famous politician, the first president Boris Yeltsyn.

Church on the Blood

In 1917, the history of the Russian monarchy came to its end in Yekaterinburg — it was here that Emperor Nicholas II and his family were executed. It happened in the basement of the engineer Ipatiev's house. This building was demolished in the 90's. However, at the exact location of the Ipatiev's House a majestic temple was erected, which is open for everyone.

In front of the Temple-on-the-Blood there are sculptures of the royal family. At any time of the year, especially in spring and summer, numerous newlywed couples come to the church. Even if the newlyweds do not come for a blessing, they are always photographed against the temple and the view that opens from its top. Below by the river you can see the bronze figures of Peter and Fevronia — the patron saints of family.

Monument to the keyboard

This is one of the most unusual monuments not only in Yekaterinburg, but also in all of Russia. Concrete keyboard keys were arranged in QWERTY order on the grass of the city embankment. You can skip on them, "typing" your name or writing a message.

The huge keyboard on the bank of the Iset was installed in 2005 as one of the objects of the festival "Long Stories of Yekaterinburg". The author of the project is Anatoly Vyatkin. Now the keyboard is visited by locals and tourists. In spring activists clean and tint the keys. Here from time to time, IT pros compete in casting computer mice from time to time.





Pharmaceutical college

Active vocabulary

pharmaceutical college фармацевтический колледж
to be located быть расположенным
classroom аудитория
canteen столовая
library библиотека
hostel общежитие
subject предмет
circle кружок
term семестр
to take exams сдавать экзамены
to get a diploma получить диплом


1. Read and retell the text

I am a first-year student of the pharmaceutical college.  The college is located in Ekateringburg in Bebelya 71 street. It is a two – stored old building. It is one of the oldest educational establishments. The college was found in 1940. There are classrooms, laboratories, an assembly hall, a library and a canteen. We listen to the lectures and have practical classes. There is a library where we take textbooks, magazines, newspapers and other literature. We have our meals at the canteen.

There are 20 students in my group. Some of them live with their parents and some live in the hostel. The rooms of the hostel are not large but comfortable. Chemistry is my favorite subject. We carry out chemical experiments at the chemical laboratories. We work with different chemical substances. There are scientific circles in our college. I am a member of a chemical circle. The teaching staff consists of experienced teachers, pharmacists and doctors.

Many of my group-mates are members of the scientific society. They do research in organic chemistry, biology and some other special subjects that are of theoretical and practical importance. Many students go in for sports and take part in sporting competitions.

I like my future profession. After graduating from the college I will work as a pharmacist in a chemist's.

Ask 5 questions to the text

1) ________________________________________________________________________

2) ________________________________________________________________________

3) ________________________________________________________________________  

4) ________________________________________________________________________ 

5) ________________________________________________________________________

My future profession

Active vocabulary

office of the head of the pharmacy кабинет заведующего аптекой
sales area торговый зал
prescription department рецептурный отдел
chemist`s department безрецептурный отдел
children`s corner детский уголок
first aid room комната оказания первой мед. помощи
drug preparation room комната изготовления лекарств
drug storage room комната хранения лекарств
staff room комната для персонала
dressing room гардеробная
WC\restroom туалетная комната
sanitary room санитарная комната
sedative успокоительное
pain reliever обезболивающее
bandage бинт, повязка
injection инъекция, укол
vitamins витамины
pill, drug, tablet таблетка
drops капли
ointment мазь
mixture микстура
tincture настойка
decoction отвар
medicine, medication лекарство
syringe шприц
dropper пипетка, капельница
implements принадлежности
prescription рецепт

Answer the questions

1. What subjects did you learn at school? 2. What subjects do you study at the college? 3. When will you graduate from the college? 4. Do you want to become a pharmacist? 5. How many hours a day do you study? 6. Where do you get textbooks? 7. Why did you enter the pharmaceutical college? 8. Are there many pharmaceutical insti­tutes, colleges and departments in our country? 9. Will you work at the chemist's after graduating from the college? 10. Do third-year students have practice in the botanical gardens? 11. Do the students take exams after each term? 12. Do you want to become a good specialist in pharmacy? 13. Is it difficult to study at the pharmaceutical college?

Read and translate the text

Description of a Pharmacy

The pharmaceutical service in our country is an inseparable part of the health protection.

You can’t successfully treat people without highly effective medical aids.

    The pharmacy has a hall, the single place people may come in; a special room for keeping

drugs; an assistants’ room where medicines are prepared and a room for the first medical aid.

    In the hall you can see special glass stalls and shelvings with different drugs. People may

choose here any drug they need. On the stalls and shelvings you can find all kinds of sedatives,

vitamins and bandages. Here there are pills, powders, bottles of drops and mixtures, tablets,

ointments, syringes, needles, thermometers, hot water bottles, medicine droppers and other

things necessary for medical care. In this department you can buy some implements for personal

hygiene and even perfumery. The department where chemists will give you anything you need

without prescription is the Chemist’s department.

    In the hall there is a special department – Prescription – where a patient can order his

prescription and have his medicine made up. A glass partition separates you from the pharmacist.

Through a small window in this partition you hand in your prescription to the pharmacist and

she/he gives you a medicine immediately if they have this medicine prepared or she appoints a special time to come for the drug. There are two drug cabinets in this department. In the drug

cabinet, marked with a big letter A, poisonous drugs are kept. In the drug cabinet, marked with a

big letter B, all strong-effective drugs are kept.

Answer the questions

1. On what floor are chemist's shops usually situated? 2.How many departments are there at chemist's shop? 3. What things can you buy at the chemist department? 4. What is mainly sold at the prescrip­tion department? 5. Where are different drugs kept at the chemist's? 6. What drugs should be kept in the refrigerator? 7. At what temperature should drugs be kept at the chemist's? 8. What is the color of labels on bottles with drugs for external use? 9. Where are the dose and administration indicated? 10. Can we buy things for medical care at the chemist's? 11. What kinds of drugs are there at the prescription department? 12. What can you say about the personnel of the chemist's? 13. What does the manager of a chemist's do? 14. What does a dispensing pharmacist do? 15. What does a chemist-analyst do? 18. What does a pharmacist of supply do?

History of medicine


• Primitive man believed that headache was the work of evil spirits who invaded the body of unfortunate individuals.

• Letting the spirits out of the skull would bring relief. Thus, the ‘surgical’ procedure trepanation was born.


• He is one of the first medical men whose name is on record and became known as the God of Medicine.

• He began using simple surgery instead of just magic.

Hippocratic Oath

• A statement describing proper conduct.

• It was a pledge and is a guideline for honorable standards of action.

• “I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgement, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course.”


• Galen, the great II century physician and anatomist, spent his early medical career as a surgeon to the gladiators.

• Described wounds as “windows into the body”.

• Dissected animals in his medical research.

• Thought infections were caused by clouds of poisonous gases.

• Employed as many as 20 scribes to write down all that he said in during his work.

‘On the Fabric of the Human Body’

History of pharmacy


The evolution of pharmacy can be divided into five historical periods:

1. ANCIENT ERA – The beginning of time to AD 1600

2. EMPIRIC ERA – 1600-1940


4. PATIENT CARE ERA – 1970 to present time


Ancient era

• Used leaves, herbs, mud and cool water to stop bleeding and heal wounds.

• Used these methods by observing how animals heal their wounds.

• Documented experiences of healing onto clay tablets.

• In Babylonia the earliest record of the practice of pharmacy by the priest, pharmacist and physician was kept. This is where the science of drugs, organized pharmacy and medicine had its beginnings.

• Hippocrates – Father of Medicine.

• Mithridates VI – Father of Toxicology (studied the adverse effects of plants).

• Dioscorides – Father of Pharmacology.

Empiric era

• The Pharmacopoeia became a regulatory tool for pharmacists.

• The major contribution of pharmacists to science was in the area of chemistry.

• In 1620, Michael I of Russia founded the Pharmaceutical Prikaz, that would be transformed into the Medical office in 1714 by Peter I.

Industrialization era

• The development of manufacturing pharmacy began. Rapid mass production of medicines followed, i.e. mass production of penicillin began as early as 1943, due to the high demand for medicines during World War II.

• Standardization, biologically prepared products, complex chemical synthesis and increased use of parenteral medications were all part of this period.

Patient care era

• This era concentrated on research to develop new medicines.

• Pharmacists began to take a more hands-on role in dispensing medications.

The new horizon

• Research in the area of biotechnology and gene therapy is being conducted.

• Medications are being produced through recombinant DNA technology.

• New therapies for cancer, anemia and hepatitis are being introduced.

Tongue Twisters

1. Why do you cry, Willy? Why do you cry? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why?

2. Shy Shelly says she shall sew sheets.

3. She sells sea shells by the sea shore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I’m sure she sells seashore shells.

4. Six thick thistle sticks.

5. Give Papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.

6. A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.

7. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers? If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

8. A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea: Let’s fly! Said the fly: Let’s flee! So they flew through a flaw in the flue.  

9. Swan swam over the sea. Swim, swan, swim! Swan swam back again. Well swum, swan!

10. I cannot bear to see a bear bear down upon a hare.

11. The kitten that was bitten had a button for an eye, and biting off the button made the cotton batten fly.

12. I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit.

13. A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where a plaice is pleased to be placed.

14. You have no need to light a night-light on a light night like tonight.

15. Mr. Tongue Twister tried to train his tongue to twist and turn, and twit and twat, to learn the letter "T".

16. How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?

17. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

18. She saw Sharif's shoes on the sofa. But was she so sure those were Sharif's shoes she saw?

19. Denise sees the fleece, Denise sees the fleas. At least Denise could sneeze and feed and freeze the fleas.

20. There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through.

21. When you write copy you have the right to copyright the copy you write.

22. How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.

23. If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing.

24. Fresh fried fish, Fish fresh fried, Fried fish fresh, Fish fried fresh.

Grammar in use

Present Simple

V \ V-s

(usually, sometimes, often, always, seldom, never)

+ - ?


Present Continuous

be + V-ing

(now, at the moment)

+ - ?

Present Perfect

have\has + V3

(already, ever, just, yet)

+ - ?

Past Simple

V-ed \ V-2

(yesterday, … ago, last ….)

+ - ?


Past Continuous

was + V-ing

(yesterday at 5 pm)

+ - ?

Past Perfect

had + V3

(yesterday by 5 pm)

+ - ?

Future Simple

will + V

(tomorrow, next…, in …)

+ - ?


Future Continuous

will be + V-ing

(tomorrow at 5 pm)

+ - ?

Future Perfect

will have\has + V3

(tomorrow by 5 pm)

+ - ?

Questions for test

1. Speak about yourself.

2. Speak about your family.

3. Describe your flat \ room.

4. Present your city.

5. What are the main sights of Yekaterinburg?

6. Present a place of interest in Yekaterinburg.

7. What do you know about your college?

8. Speak about the study at the pharmaceutical college.

9. Speak about your favorite subjects.

10. Why do you want to become a pharmacist?

11. What are the main characteristics of a pharmacist?

12. What departments of a pharmacy do you know?

13. What people can buy in the pharmacy?

14. What do you know about the history of medicine?

15. What do you know about the history of pharmacy?








Рабочая тетрадь

По английскому языку

(I курс, 2 семестр)



Студент: __________________


Преподаватель: Кузнецова Э.Н.



г. Екатеринбург

2019 г.

Составитель: преподаватель английского языка Фармацевтического филиала ГБОУ СПО «СОМК» Кузнецова Э.Н.


Данное пособие составлено для студентов I курса (2 семестр) для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы. Пособие охватывает основные темы, предусмотренные программой. Особое внимание уделено изучению общеупотребительной лексики, развитию навыков устной диалогической и монологической речи, а также перевода с английского языка на русский язык и с русского языка на английский язык. Пособие содержит активный вокабуляр, диалоги, тексты, тренировочные упражнения, грамматический справочник.

Цель пособия – развитие навыков устной диалогической и монологической речи на основе владения определенным лексическим и грамматическим материалом на темы, предусмотренные программой.




Unit Page
1 Russia 4
2 Ural 5
3 Moscow 7
4 Health service in Russia 10
5 Training pharmacists in Russia 12
6 Training pharmacists in Russia 13
7 Russia 13
8 U. K. 14
9 London 15
10 Health service in U. K. 16
11 Training pharmacists in U. K. 18
12 U.S.A. 21
13 Washington 23
14 Health service in U. S. A. 24
15 Сhemist’s in U. S. A. 25
16 Scientists 27
17 Scientists 28
18 Texts 28
19 Texts  
20 Grammar in use 29
21 Grammar in use 29
22 Questions for test 30


Active vocabulary

occupy занимать территорию
Europe Европа
Asia Азия
ocean океан
separate отделять
natural resources природные ресурсы
border граничить
coal уголь
oil нефть
gold золото
independent независимый


The Ural (2)

There are clean and pure rivers, a lot of pine trees, fir trees and poplars.

The wood is full of wildlife`s music. Birds sing beautifully, hares run in the grass between bushes and trees. There are a lot of  hedgehogs and other  animals.
Our winter is cold  and frosty with much snow but it`s very nice.
In spring everything melts and quick streams appear.

Summer is the abundance of flowers, berries, mushrooms and fruits, it is the time of holidays. Everyone enjoys the exciting wildlife.

Autumn is the most wonderful season in the Ural.



 Make up a dialogue / work in pairs.

 Ask 5 questions to the text:








Active vocabulary

pharmacy  аптека
sales area торговый зал
prescription рецепт
demands требования
children`s corner детский уголок
first aid room комната оказания первой мед. помощи
drug preparation room комната изготовления лекарств
drug storage room комната хранения лекарств
staff room комната для персонала
dressing room гардеробная
WC\restroom туалетная комната
sanitary room санитарная комната
sedative успокоительное
pain reliever обезболивающее
bandage бинт, повязка
injection инъекция, укол
vitamins витамины
pill, drug, tablet таблетка
drops капли
ointment мазь
mixture микстура
tincture настойка
decoction отвар
medicine, medication лекарство
syringe шприц
dropper пипетка, капельница
implements принадлежности
prescription рецепт

1. Make up 6 sentenses in English, using the following information:

Каковы требования к поступлению в британский фармацевтический вуз? Обязательным условиям для иностранных студентов (а они отличаются от требований к местным студентам) являются результаты экзамена IELTS по английскому языку на средний балл 6,5-7 в зависимости от вуза и положительное рассмотрение вашего заявления и документов об образовании в Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Форму заявления и необходимую информацию вы сможете найти на веб-сайте организации. Также UCAS предложит вам вуз или список вузов, которые готовы принять вас на учебу. После получения подтверждения о готовности принять вас на курс вы можете обращаться в посольство для получения визы с комплектом необходимых для студенческой визы документов.

Британское фармацевтическое образование нацелено на подготовку востребованных на рынке труда специалистов и отличается высокой практичностью. Прошедший обучение в Великобритании специалист подготовлен достаточно для практики в странах Британского содружества. Совершенно очевидно, что прекрасно ориентируясь в медицинских показателях, он не сможет работать сразу в наших условиях с выписанными на латыни рецептами и ориентироваться в популярных у нас травяных прописях. Кроме того, британские фармацевты (как и врачи) ориентируются в лекарственных препаратах по их международным названиям, а не по торговым (как принято у нас). Значительно отличается и законодательная база, регулирующая аптечную деятельность.


Наша система образования обязана готовить толковых и инициативных специалистов в условиях развивающегося общества и отрасли и, как следствие, давать более глубокие и универсальные знания, которыми бы мог воспользоваться специалист, находясь в различных ситуациях. В техническом плане, бесспорно, британские вузы оснащены лучше, но и эта разница, к примеру с Украинской фармацевтической академией, не является разительной.

Тот факт, что учебные программы в британских фармацевтических школах аккредитованы регулирующим профессиональным органом - Королевским Фармацевтическим Обществом - говорит о единых стандартах, предъявляемых к подготовке специалистов. Так как наши учебные программы существенно отличаются от британской, наше образование не признается автоматически британскими властями: его нужно подтверждать и пройти сложный, дорогостоящий и длительный процесс. Программы университетов других стран, адаптированные к английской, признаются автоматически, и фармацевтам намного легче пройти регистрацию в U.K. И все-таки стоит или не стоит получать образование в фармацевтических школах Великобритании? Решение, конечно, за вами. Крупные инвестиции в образование и серьезное отношение к выбранной профессии вознаграждаются не только морально и материально. Успешно закончив учебу и зарегистрировавшись, вы сможете получить привлекательные контрактные условия работы и иметь возможность практики в Великобритании и других странах Британского содружества.


1. Read the text.

New words: border on, gulf, consist of, separate.

The United States of America is also called the USA, US, United States or sometimes America. The USA is in the central part of North America. It borders on Canada and Mexico. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, by the Pacific Ocean and by the Gulf of Mexico. The capital of the USA is Washington.

The territory of the USA consists of three separate parts

1.the USA proper


3.The Hawaii.

The area of the country is about 9,400,000 km2. Its population is about 324 million people. The US is the 4th largest country in the world by land area and 3rd by population.

The USA is a country of mountains, valleys and deserts. The highest mountains are the Appalachian Mountains, the Cordilleras, the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. The tallest mountain the US is Mt McKinley, located in the state of Alaska

The Great Lakes are in the north-east of the country. They are Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Superior, Lake Michigan. The largest rivers of the USA are the Mississippi and the Missouri.

The most populated city in the US is New York City, followed by Los Angeles and Chicago.



2. Answer the questions.

1.What is the capital of the USA?

2.Which are the highest mountain ranges?

3.Where are the Great Lakes situated?

4.Which are the largest rivers?

5.The most populated city in the US is NYC, isn’t it?


Упражнение Do a crossword.


1/ The longest river in the USA.

2/ One of the largest city in the USA.

3/ The USA borders on it in the South.

4/ The USA borders on it in the North.


3/ The highest mountain in the USA.

5/ The ___________ of the country is about 324 million people.

6/ The ___________ of the country is about 9,400,000 km2.

7/ The most northern state of the USA.

2. Read the text. THE USA. States and symbols.

The USA is a federal republic. It consists of 50 states. The five biggest states are: Alaska, Texas, California, Montana and New Mexico. The capital city – Washington – is situated in a special district — the District of Columbia.

One of the national symbols of the country is the flag. It is also called STARS AND STRIPES. There are 50 stars on the flag – one for each state. There are also 13 stripes. The 13 stripes represent the 13 original colonies of the US.

The national bird of the USA is the Bald Eagle. The National mammal is the bison – just like in Belarus. The national flower is the rose like in England, and the national tree is an oak.


Answer the questions:

1.How is the national US flag called?

2.What do the 50 stars on the flag stand for?

3.What do the 13 stripes stand for?

4.What does the USA have in common with Belarus and with England?

5.What is the national tree of the USA?

6.What is the national bird of the USA?

Read and translate the text

                 Washington — the Capital of the USA

Washington, the capital of the USA, was founded in 1791. The city was named after the first president George Washington. The population of the city is nearly three million people.

The Capitol is the centre of the city. It was built according to the plans of William Thornton, who was an amateur architect. It is situated on Capitol Hill.

The White House is the place where the president of the USA lives and works. This house was first occupied in 1800 by John Adams, who was the first president to live in that house. The White House has 132 rooms.

Washington has many sights, for example, the Library of Congress, the Lincoln memorial, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and others.

The National Gallery of Arts contains art collections by the great masters of the 14th to 18th centuries. The Library of Congress contains millions of books and manuscripts.

Outside the city the Arlington National Cemetery is situated. John Kennedy was buried there. The famous Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is also situated there.

The industry of the city is not well developed. But Washington is a large scientific and cultural centre. Many research and designing institutes are concentrated here. There are five universities in the city and the National Academy of Sciences.


2. Ask 5 questions to the text:                                                            1).________________________________________________________________________


3).________________________________________________________________________ 4).________________________________________________________________________ 5)._____________________________________________________________________


To consult a physician – обращаться к врачу

To have a splitting headache – иметь сильную головную боль

To prescribe medicine – выписать лекарства

To put on medication – назначить лечение

Social welfare — социальное обеспечение

To be equipped with – быть оснащенным чем-то

1. Make up 6 sentenses in English, using the following information:

В свободной продаже, то есть без рецептов от врача, в штатах можно приобрести очень ограниченный список медикаментов: всякие витамины, добавки, антибактериальные средства и прочее. Самые серьезные медикаменты которые вы можете купить без рецепта это жаропонижающие и обезболивающие, во всех остальных случаях вам нужен рецепт от врача.

Медицинская страховка, в зависимости от условий, оплачивает также какой-то процент стоимости лекарств.

В зависимости от клиники рецепт вам могут выдать на руки в виде бумажки или направить электронный рецепт в выбранную вами аптеку.

Это происходит так: в медицинском профиле в клинике, указано какой аптекой вы пользуетесь. На приеме у врача, если нужно выписать какие-то лекарства, врач сам отправляет электронный рецепт в аптеку. В течение часа-двух, от аптеки приходит СМС что ваш заказ готов и можно его забрать.

Все заказанные вами лекарства, фармацевты расфасовывают в специальные баночки. Количество табле

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