Form adjectives of negative meaning by adding the prefix “in-“ (or its variants), “dis-“, “de-“: — КиберПедия 

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Form adjectives of negative meaning by adding the prefix “in-“ (or its variants), “dis-“, “de-“:

2019-12-27 624
Form adjectives of negative meaning by adding the prefix “in-“ (or its variants), “dis-“, “de-“: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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direct, patient, complete, courage, moral, embody, legal, modest, correct, possible, responsible, resolute, figure, lodge, probable, liberal, forest, own, ability, partial, respective, material, mobilize

2. Write in English the following adjectives of negative meaning:

неопытный независимый невнимательный
нескромный невежливый обезоруженный
нелогичный некорректный децентрализованный
неприличный неспособный разъединенный
несовершенный нелегальный аморальный

Exercise 1 form new words use prefixes un-, in-, dis-, mis-, de-

1. Honesty, 2 Certainty, 3 Security, 4 Dependence, 5 Importance, 6 Employment,

7 Connection, 8 Activation, 9 Belief, 10 Ability

Exercise 2 use prefixes un-, in-, dis-, mis-, de-

1. an __friendly look 2  an __interesting book 3 an __natural colour 4 an __important task 5  6 an __possible answer 7  an __personal letter 8 an __definite article 9  an __correct answer 10 __direct speech 11 an __regular verb 12 an __responsible person

Exercise 1 form new words use prefixes un-, in-

Happy, lucky, attentive, capable, comfortable, known, dependent, clean, necessary, pleasant, expensive, human, popular, expressive, definite, real, countable, direct, convenient, accurate

exercise 3 fill in the table

adjective Negative adjective synonym
Friendly Unfriendly hostile

 useful, doubtful, expensive, correct, clean, interesting, natural, healthy, important, polite.

artificial, rude, dirty, cheap, wrong, boring, sick, insignificant

exercise 6 Choose the correct prefix to make negative forms of the adjectives.

1) He was short and overweight and generally fairly __attractive.

1. a) dis-; b) im-; c) in-; d) un-.

2) He’s a good teacher, but tends to be a bit __patient with slow learners.

1. a) un-; b) in-; c) im-; d) dis-.

3) It is an __logical statement, because if one part is true, then the other must be false.

1. a) dis-; b) il-; c) in-; d) un-.

4) It is __ polite to point at people.

1. a) dis-; b) im-; c) in-; d) un-.

5) My friend is very __responsible, he never does anything in time.

1. a) dis-; b) ir-; c) in-; d) un-.

6) He’s very __patient. He can’t work as a teacher.

1. a) dis-; b) im-; c) in-; d) un-.

7) He’s an __forgiving person. He never forgives people.

1. a) dis-; b) ir-; c) in-; d) un-.

II. Suffixation


A suffix is a a) word-building or b) word-forming morpheme following the stem.

a) to form (v) – formation (n), forma list (n),

forma lism (n), form er (n),

form al (adj.), forma tive (adj.),

formless (adj.), formal ly (adj.)

b) formers,

forms, v.3-rd person sing.

forms, n. pl.


The Suffix -tion, -sion


The suffix -tion (-sion) is a suffix which is used to derive nouns from verb stems. The process of derivation is accompainied by an interchange of consonant [t], [s] – [S]; [d] – [Z]:

to educate – educa tion to intrude – intru sion
to express – expres sion to explode – explo sion

Sometimes vowel changes take place alongside letter dropping in the process of suffixation:

-sion (often corresponds to the Russian -сия)

ses sion – сес сия mis sion – мис сия

To scan – scansion

To expand – expansion

to commit – commission (+consonant change)

To cohere – cohesion (irregular)

to repel – repulsion (+vowel change)

-tion (often corresponds to the Russian -ция)

section – секция fiction – фикция

to act – action

to educate – education

to repeat – repetition (+vowel change)

to explain – explanation (+vowel change)

to prescribe – prescription (+consonant change)



1. Underline the consonant and vowel changes in the derived nouns:


express – expression divide – division
impress – impression provide – provision
confess – confession admit – admission
discuss – discussion permit – permission
convert – conversion persuade – persuasion
conclude – conclusion televise – television
invade – invasion repel – repulsion
commit – commission expand – expansion



complete – completion combine – combination
invent – invention limit – limitation
attract – attraction consider – consideration
except – exception imagine – imagination
intend – intention continue – continuation
describe – description prepare – preparation
oblige – obligation vary – variation
satisfy – satisfaction realize – realization
perfect – perfection present – presentation
select – selection publish – publication
construct – construction explain – explanation
separate – separation prescribe – prescription
produce – production reduce – reduction


2. Write corresponding nouns from the following verbs by adding the suffixes -tion, -sion:


describe, construct, educate, imagine, prescribe, select, satisfy, exhibit, continue, complete, expect, add, except, attract, translate, separate, intend, generate, consider, prepare


decide, discuss, divide, conclude, express, confess, impress, commit, comprehend, admit, persuade, televise, possess, profess, provide.

3. Write the verbs from which the following nouns are derived:

confession commission exhibition intention prescription
decision production repetition obligation persuasion
imagination admission imitation invasion provision


The Suffixes -ance/-ancy, -ence/-ency

The suffixes -ance/ancy or their variant forms -ence/ency are added either to verb or adjective stems:

to appear – appear ance vacant – vac ancy
to depend – depend ence excellent – excell ency

There is no uniform guiding principle to the use of -ancy, -ency but there are several generalizations which help distinguish between these suffixes in spelling.



verb ends in “r” preceded by a vowel letter and is accented on the last syllable conference,occurrence,preference,transference, reference verb ends in “r” preceded by a vowel letter and the accent is on the first syllable severance, utterance, sufferance
verb ends in«-ere» Adhere-adherence cohere-coherence interfere-interference revere-reverence   verb ends in «-y», «-ure», «-ear» Apply-appliance comply-compliance vary-variance assure-assurance endure-endurance insure-insurance appear-appearance clear-clearance forbear-forbearance
cid», «fid», «sid», «vid» Сonfid ence Evid ence Incid ence Resid ence verb ends in«–ate» Deviate-deviance dominate-dominance hesitate-hesitance tolerate-tolerance  

Abs ence

Afflu ence

Audi ence

Benevol ence

Compet ence

Consci ence

Consequ ence

Conveni ence

Depend ence

Differ ence

Eloqu ence

Excell ence

Experi ence

Influ ence

Obedi ence

Pati ence

Preced ence

Sequ ence

Sil ence

Viol ence


Abund ance

Accept ance

Acquaint ance

Assist ance

Circumst ance

Disturb ance

Fragr ance

Guid ance

Ignor ance

Inherit ance

Mainten ance

Perform ance

Resembl ance

Resist ance

Utter ance






1. Insert the missing letters “a” or “e”:

a) an impud_nt rascal

turbul_nt passions

compet_nt knowledge

some new inhabit_nts

a convales_nt hospital

an appli_nce for opening tins

a dilig_nt student

an effici_nt secretary

a confid_nt smile

a clear utter_nce


b) 1. There is a dist_nt reseml_nce between the cousins. 2. There is a want of confid_nce in their government. 3. No admit_nce except on business. 4. At the confer_nce I met some old acquaint_nces of mine. 5. I was ignor_nt of one import_nt circumst_nce. 6. The perform_nce will begin at eight and the audi_nce will retire at ten. 7. The lady was dressed with eleg_nce and her appea_nce was all that could be desired. 8. I keep my refer_nce books near my desk for conveni_nce.


2. Find words related to the verbs given below and use them in sentences of your own:

resist, enter, reassure, annoy, signify, inherit, repent, abound, tolerate, forbear.


The Suffixes -able, -ible


The suffixes -able/-ible are Latin in origin. They came through French and are active in Modern English. They are added mainly to verbs to from adjectives, and sometimes to nouns or even phrases. Among them there are many adjectives borrowed from Latin or French:

audible,       edible


Guiding Principles

I. Use -able if:

1) the stem is a full word:

break/able   notice/able   fashion/able   pass/able

2) the stem is a full word lacking the mute “e”:

ador/able – adore lik/able – like
advis/able - advise endur/able - endure

3) the stem ends in “i” (the initial form usually has “y” at the end):

envi/able – envy piti/able – pity
reli/able - rely classify/able - classify

4) the stem ends in [k] -c or [g] -g

practic/able amic/able applic/able navig/able

If the stem ends in [s] -c or [ ʤ ] -g, the final mute letter “e” is retained before -able:

notice/able – notice service/able – service
peace/able – peace change/able – change

5) there is a corresponding noun in -ation:

separ/able – separation imagin/able – imagination
admir/able – admiration irrit/able – irritation

II. Use -ible if:

1) the stem is not a full word:

aud/ible vis/ible horr/ible    


connect/ible irresist/ible perfect/ible express/ible
flex/ible impress/ible access/ible resist/ible

2) the stem ends in -ns [ns] or -miss [mIs]:

sens/ible admiss/ible comprehens/ible
respons/ible dismiss/ible transmiss/ible

3) the stem ends in -c [s] or -g [ ʤ ]:

forc/ible produc/ible illeg/ible
convinc/ible reduc/ible intang/ible

Note: If the root word ends in “e”, as in “force”, the “e” is dropped before -ible.

4) the word has the corresponding form in -ion:

permiss/ible – permission collect/ible – collection
access/ible – accession perfect/ible – perfection



1. Copy the following words under two headings: -able, -ible. See which generalizations can be applied to them:

terrible, responsible, reliable, defensible, lovable, durable, eatable, describable, excusable, demonstrable, pitiable, incorrigible, approachable, honourable, profitable, illegible, disagreeable, permissible.

2. Derive adjectives by adding suffixes:





convince sense


respond terror


express vision


exhaust resist


divide digest

3. Complete the following words using -able or -ible:

access- express- connect- tax-
pass- flex- resist- perfect-
impress- comfort- detest- detect-

4. Fill in the blanks with -able or -ible:

1. She always found his smile irresist__. 2. The heat was quite unbear__. It would quite imposs__ to sleep with such a noise. 4. He laughed his most horr__ laugh. 5. His stories were remark__. It was the most sens__ remark that she had ever made. 7. The little girl looked very miser__. 8. His behaviour was hardly bear__.

5. Write down the following sentences and translate them into Russian:

A. 1. He felt that there was something incurable in the world’s suffering. 2 I didn’t forget that sense of anxiety and tension which had upset me during the night, but it became reasonable. 3. Augustus, my disreputable brother, is completely infatuated with her. 4. This separation was a great grief to me and I blamed myself for being incapable of that moral courage necessary to acknowledge the evil nature of man. 5. He would eat fresh fish for breakfast if available. 6. From the start, Palmer took it that something catastrophic and irrevocable had occurred.

B. 1. He was aware of an immense load of responsibility; it was indistinguishable from love. 2. Sometimes the pulsing of the drums was all but audible, at others they seemed to be beating only just round the comer. 3. But the minute hand of the electric clock above his bed jumped forward with an almost imperceptible click. 4. This was quite possibly true, but not, in the present circumstances, admissible. 5. She stood so, quiet and still, for a few moments; perhaps she was vaguely aware that the attitude was beautiful for her, and irresistibly appealing to George. 6. Dr M. West, a member of this distinguished group of workers on vocabulary selection, is responsible for the compilation of a work which will prove invaluable to all teachers of the English language

6.Fill in the blanks with the words given below:

adorable, imaginable, indispensable, disagreeable, reliable, suitable, valuable, unmistakable,

1. In my opinion she was the most … of all ladies. 2. They have warned the doctor, guarded their tongues, done everything … to prevent her from learning the truth. 3. He though of the … distance a man travels. 4. I hardly think that Mrs. Anderson is a very … person. 5. This dictionary has achieved international recognition as an … practical reference book to English as a foreign language. 6. The look she gave him was charged with an … terror. 7. He was looked upon by his superiors as a … officer. 8. His wrist-watch was a … thing made by a famous clock-maker.

7. Write in English. Mind the suffixes -able, -ible and the negative prefix in- (im-, il- accordingly):

Безответственный, невыносимый, непостижимый, невыразимый, незаметный, неизлечимый, неизмеримый, неразрешимый, неописуемый, невероятный, неспособный.


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