Open the brackets, doubling the final consonant of the root where necessary. Translate into Russian. — КиберПедия 

Наброски и зарисовки растений, плодов, цветов: Освоить конструктивное построение структуры дерева через зарисовки отдельных деревьев, группы деревьев...

Историки об Елизавете Петровне: Елизавета попала между двумя встречными культурными течениями, воспитывалась среди новых европейских веяний и преданий...

Open the brackets, doubling the final consonant of the root where necessary. Translate into Russian.

2019-12-27 515
Open the brackets, doubling the final consonant of the root where necessary. Translate into Russian. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Brunner moved uncomfortably and offer(-ed) a weak smile. 2. He took Sally’s hand, pulled her to her feet and propel(-ed) her into an orderly room. 3. The soft earth was scar(-ed) with hoof prints and heavy wheels and the vegetables were mashed into the soil. 4. “Who says so?” said Horst, signal(-ing) Otto to move his chair nearer. 5. Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries must have been a fearsome chaos of war(-ing) tribes and kingdoms. 6. He stretched his long legs in their scar(-ed) high boots for them to admire. 7. The Red Cross Society administer(-ed) relief to those who lost everything in the earthquake. 8. For further details the reader is refer(-ed) to the end of the book. 9. The book is full of refer(-ence) to places I know well. 10. The king confer(-ed) a knighthood on several distinguished men. 11. Many international confer(-ences) have been held in Geneva

6.Find and correct the misspelt words:

accompany across quietted merrit fitted
offering address woolen afford merry
untill suggar beggar nill appealled

7.In each pair of sentences below the same idea can be expressed in two ways. Fill in the brackets with the appropriate word from the list. Open the brackets in the listed words and make the necessary changes:

appea(r)ed, cance(l)ed, wra(p)ed, occu(r)ed, trave(l)ed, wra(p)ed, diffe(r)ed, expe(l)ed.

1. They could not agree on the point. Their opinions on that point ….

2. A hideous face suddenly showed itself in the window. A hideous face suddenly ….

3. This event took place in 1964. This event … in 1964.

4. He has visited many countries. He has … a great deal.

5. The boy was turned out of school. The boy was … from school.

6. It has been decided that the concert will not take place. The concert has been ….

7. The first snowfall indicated that autumn had come to an end. The first snowfall … the end of autumn.

8. Mary put pretty paper round the gift and made it look attractive. Mary … the gift attractively.



Read the passage

When we were sixteen my twin brother and I spent a week climbing the mountains in the Lake District. One day, just as we reached the summit of a mountain called Great Gable, early in the afternoon, it began to rain, and with the foolish optimism of youth we decided to take a short cut back to the farm-house where we were staying. It looked possible on the map, but there was no footpath. After half an hour the clouds came down and reduced visibility to about two yards. It was impossible to go on, and we sheltered as best as we could under an overhanging rock. Three hours later the clouds were as thick as ever and we were feeling cold, hungry and very miserable. Moreover, it was beginning to get dark. Fortunately we had told our landlady, Mrs Merton, where we were going, and we hoped that if we were not back by nightfall she would raise the alarm and send a search party. From time to time we shouted, but there was no answer. Then, at last, the clouds rolled away, and we saw the lights of a search party, not below us, but above us. We attracted their attention and three men came scrambling down towards us. Then we saw that we were nearly at the edge of a sheer drop, and that if we had gone on in the clouds we would certainly have been killed. We were so cold and stiff that the men had to help us back to the top and then down to the farm-house. Mrs Merton was very glad to see us, but we made her promise not to tell our parents.

Exercise 1. Complete these sentences (consult the text). 1. Because of the rain.... 2. The visibility was so bad.... 3. Mrs Merton knew.... 4. When the clouds disappeared.... 5. After we got back to the farmhouse....

Exercise 2. Make up sentences according to the model:

  frigh ten ed/utter/word He was so frightened that he couldn’t utter a word.

 self-confident/take/precaution; stupid/understand!sentences; shy/make! remark; excited!sleep!minute; intelligent!fail!examination.

Exercise 3. Write a story in two or three paragraphs, using the suggested words as an outline. Note that articles, pronouns, etc. are not given in the outline and must be supplied.

Poor Indian tailor made caps — wandered from village to village selling them — one afternoon fell asleep in forest — crowd of monkeys stole caps — tailor woke up — saw monkeys in trees wearing his caps — waved stick at them — monkeys waved branches — threw stones at them — monkeys threw fruits off trees — threw own cap on ground in anger — monkeys imitated him — collected caps — continued his journey.


The Final Letter “y”

Rule I. The final letter “y”, preceded by a consonant letter, changes into ”i” before all endings except –ing.

to dry – dries to cry – cries forty – fortieth pity – pitiful merry – merriment


But: carrying, crying, tidying, drying, replying

Exceptions: 1. Words ending in -“y” preceded by a consonant drop the   -“y” before suffixes beginning with -“i”: -ical, -ic, -ism, -ist, -ize to avoid a double “i”: economy – economic, economical history – historic, historical geology – geological, geologist apology – apologize 2. The final letter “y” preceded by a consonant is retained: a) in some words before the suffixes -hood, -ish, -ist, -like,  -ship, -thing: babyhood ladyship babyish copyist ladylike anything b) inpersonal names: Mary – Marys c) in compounds: countryside ladyship d) in some monosyllable words before the suffixes: -er, -est, -ly, -ness: shy – shyer, shyest, shyly, shyness sly – slyer, slyest, slyly, slyness dry – drier, driest, dryly, dryness Note: Both forms are possible in dryer – drier, flyer – flier 3. The final letter “y” following “t” changes to “e” before -ous: piteous plenteous beauteous duteous

Rule II. The final letter “y” preceded by a vowel letter is retained before all suffixes:

to play – plays, played, playing, playful

to enjoy – enjoys, enjoyed, enjoying, enjoyment

day – days

Exception: gay – gaily, gaiety day – daily

Note that lay, mislay, pay, repay, slay are irregular verbs and their Past Indefinite and Participle II forms are spelled laid, mislaid, paid, repaid, said, slain.



1. Insert the missing letters “y” or “i”:

bu_s anno_ing prett_est stor_es pla_mate
cop_es militar_st var_able bu_er betra_al
pa_s fort_eth enjo_able carr_er ma_be
pa_d laz_est merc_ful essa_ist m_self
la_s psycholog_cal da_ly lovel_ness cop_book
la_d sh_est dr_ly bab_hood ga_est
worr_ing worr_some necessar_ly    

2. Write the third person singular of the Present Indefinite and the Past Indefinite form for the following verbs:

dry stay comply fry beautify
play try betray enjoy supply
cry delay destroy repay lay

3. Write the forms of the comparative and superlative degrees for the following adjectives:

silly witty dry grey dirty
lazy heavy easy tidy merry
shy gay busy shabby angry

4. Write the derivatives for the following words adding the suffixes:

-er -ist -al -ness
buy essay try shy
carry economy betray coy
employ philology industry ready
-ance -ment -ful -ous
annoy merry joy vary
apply enjoy duty fury
rely accompany play glory
-able -eth -ic, -ical -ly
envy fifty irony dry
enjoy eighty ideology gay
modify seventy history merry

5. Use a suitable derivative of the word given in brackets:

1. The bride’s parents did not approve of the (marry).

2. He likes to read (history) novels.

3. We’ve got a lot of electrical and other (apply) at home, but my husband buys more and more.

4. Mr. Sedley could not believe that his former friend could be so cruel, so (mercy).

5. This was in some measure due to her (shy), which had not yet left her.

6. They were alone for an hour, because Dony was taking his (day) nap.

7. He is quite a (rely) person.

8. The moment I dropped my gloves I hated myself and my (clumsy).

6. Write all forms and derivatives for the following words:

Plenty, pity, apply, deny, employ, lucky, beauty, easy, joy, marry, vary.

7. Find and correct the misspelt words:

Fried, dirtiness, paid, plaid, shiness, easily, dayly, icily, various, wrily, plenteous, furious, mysterious, passage, philologist, copyist.

The Mute Final “e”

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