Shape it up: tips you can follow for a healthier campus diet — КиберПедия 

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Shape it up: tips you can follow for a healthier campus diet

2019-10-25 564
Shape it up: tips you can follow for a healthier campus diet 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Rushing up and down the streets, I often have days when I wonder how I will find the time to eat. This is when it becomes easy for students to turn to fast food. Once you stop living close by or have awkward time gaps between classes, fast food is available at almost every on-campus eatery.

There’s no doubt that the university tries to make healthier food readily available. Some cafes have organic foods ready to go and Greenhouse allows students to make almost any kind of fresh salad they can think of. But I have to wonder, why is there so much fast food available? For many students, it’s difficult to choose an expensive salad from Greenhouse over a meal from Taco Bell.

To solve the problem of finding healthy food on campus without having to eat salad daily, I do three things: take advantage of meal options I previously disregarded, completely ignore any fast food place and get creative in the dining halls.

First, I take advantage of meal options I had previously disregarded at on-campus restaurants. Being both a vegetarian and interested in a fair-trade diet has made it somewhat challenging to arrange an eating plan while living on campus. With limited options, food gets old fast. I looked closely at menus to see what options I overlooked. On campus, I eat oatmeal and fresh fruit instead of getting smoothies. I try the soup at Greenhouse instead of salad. If I have time in the morning I use an extra swipe and pack a lunch. By including this, I now have something new to eat each day, and I can go an entire school week without repeating a lunch.

As I create a pattern of eateries to maintain a healthy diet without losing interest in the food, it is clear I cannot include every on-campus restaurant in my plan.

This is where my second solution comes in. I have learned to completely ignore fast food. If I linger in front of Panda Express or Sbarro too long, temptation takes over. I started ignoring these places in the middle of fall quarter, and now I can walk by them without a thought. The only way I know to accomplish this is willpower. Of course, that does not mean in any way that you should never allow yourself the occasional visit to these restaurants. Everyone deserves a treat sometimes. I know I can never give up animal-style fries completely.

Finally, I have learned to get creative in dining halls. This can’t easily be done outside a dining hall, so it isn’t exactly an “on-the-go” solution to eating on campus. Just the same, it can help make meals less boring. I often take a veggie patty and make a wrap out of it, and I use the salad bar to throw on any other toppings I want. I use the microwave to heat up whatever I want in it. If you are a meat lover, you can put the bacon bits from the salad bar or slice a grilled chicken breast to put in soup or pasta.

When living on a college campus, it can be difficult to find a way to eat what you like and what’s good for you while trying to avoid a repetitive diet. There are a limited number of options available and the dominance of fast food can be hard to ignore. But if you try out as many places as you can, use willpower and turn on your creativity, you can certainly design your own healthy meal plan that won’t feel as if you eat the same thing every day.


According to the author students turn to fast food when …
  1) they are short of time.
  2) they have no willpower.
  3) their schedule is well adjusted.
  4) they live close to the campus.

Конец формы


Начало формы

What does the author think about eating opportunities on campus?
  1) She thinks they do a great job providing salads at a reasonable price.
  2) She can’t understand why they offer so many fast food choices.
  3) She believes they need to provide more organic food.
  4) She thinks that meals from Taco Bell are too expensive.

Конец формы


Начало формы

What is the author’s method of maintaining a healthy diet?
  1) Trying new dishes on the menu.
  2) Carefully choosing an on-campus restaurant.
  3) Eating less.
  4) Changing a restaurant daily.

Конец формы


Начало формы

What is NOT characteristic of the author’s eating habits?
  1) She studies the menus attentively.
  2) She tries to vary the food she eats.
  3) She misses lunches.
  4) She avoids eating meat.

Конец формы


Начало формы

What is, according to the author, the best way to stop eating fast food?
  1) Not to walk near fast food restaurants.
  2) To stick to the decision not to eat it.
  3) To replace it with the animal-style fries.
  4) Visit fast food restaurants not more than once a year.

Конец формы


Начало формы

What does “it” in paragraph 7 refer to (“Just the same, it can help…”)?
  1) Creativity in a dining hall.
  2) Cooking your own meals.
  3) Finding a perfect solution to eating on campus.
  4) Eating outside of dining halls.

Конец формы


Начало формы

What is the purpose of the article?
  1) To convince the reader that eating the same food every day is unhealthy.
  2) To classify on-campus eateries.
  3) To prove that daily consumption of fast food is harmful.
  4) To give advice on eating healthy food on campus.

Конец формы


Начало формы
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1218. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Honey as medicine

When I get a sore throat, I always find a cup of tea with some honey very soothing. But I always assumed that the restorative power of honey was in my head. Historically, honey has been prescribed as a folk remedy for millennia. So I’ve been content to accept that honey is a tasty placebo or a silly substitute for real medicine. Now, my convictions are being challenged, as researchers are getting new evidence of honey’s medical benefits making honey a surprisingly effective cure-all.

Honey’s main effects come primarily from its antimicrobial properties. Most bacteria cannot grow in honey. I found this quite surprising, because bacteria love sugar. Honey contains around 40% fructose and 30% glucose making it a great treat for microbes. However, honey is also acidic and acids prevent the growth of bacteria. Although honey contains a fair amount of water, it’s supersaturated with sugar and does not provide support for bacterial growth.

Honey also contains a substance called glucose oxidase. When combined with water and oxygen, glucose oxidase forms gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide. In other words, diluted honey can serve as an excellent antiseptic, while being far less likely than ordinary hydrogen peroxide to harm already-damaged tissue. In practical terms, this means that honey applied on a wound promotes healing just as well as, or in many cases better than, conventional ointments and dressings. So, it not only prevents infection, but it also functions as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing both swelling and pain and even scarring. So, honey has been shown to be extraordinarily effective in the treatment of wounds, burns, and surgical incisions.

Honey can be used not only outside of the body. It can help with many internal problems too. Thanks to its antimicrobial action, it soothes sore throats and kills the bacteria that sometimes cause them. There’s also the suggestion that it can reduce tooth decay. Moving down the esophagus and through the digestive tract, honey can help to heal ulcers and upset stomachs. It also regulates intestinal functions, alleviating both constipation and diarrhea. Honey also contains a variety of antioxidants, which may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Now that we’ve looked into the gleeful frenzy over the miraculous properties of honey, I want to temper your enthusiasm a bit. The bad news, if you can call it that, is that not all honey is created equal. The chemical composition of honey to a great extent depends on the source that makes the basis of honey. For example, honey from manuka, a bush in New Zealand, contains an antibacterial component, which is even more useful than ordinary honey in combating infections. Honeys vary not only in color and flavor, but in their medicinal properties, with some varieties being much more potent than others. But, because it’s impossible to regulate the comings and goings of millions of bees, there’s no way to guarantee that honey from any location will be chemically the same from year to year or free of contamination from pollutants the bees may have found their way into.

But it is important not to feed honey to a child under one year of age because honey sometimes contains botulinum spores. By the time of a child’s first birthday, there are usually enough beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract to make it be eaten safely. But anyway, honey supplies must be tested thoroughly and regularly.


The author’s skeptical attitude towards honey was based on the …
  1) excessive public attention paid to it.
  2) lack of reliable information about it.
  3) poor results of treatment with it.
  4) position of official medicine.

Конец формы


Начало формы

The author was surprised about antibacterial properties of honey because …
  1) it contains a lot of sugar.
  2) he didn’t know about its acidic nature.
  3) he thought it contained too much water.
  4) he thought it was ideal for growing bacteria.

Конец формы


Начало формы

According to the text, diluted honey has the chemical qualities that …
  1) don’t reveal themselves under the direct sun light.
  2) don’t make it possible to use it in ointments.
  3) help to cure skin problems.
  4) make it compete with traditional skin remedies.

Конец формы


Начало формы

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem honey can help to heal?
  1) Heart diseases.
  2) Tooth cavities.
  3) Joint pain.
  4) Stomach illness.

Конец формы


Начало формы

The healing properties of honey greatly depend on …
  1) the health of bees.
  2) proper maintenance of beehives.
  3) the plants from which bees produce it.
  4) weather conditions and humidity.

Конец формы


Начало формы

It can be implied that the healing qualities of honey from certain location …
  1) depend on its colour.
  2) are difficult to predict.
  3) are related to its flavour.
  4) may be regulated.

Конец формы


Начало формы

When speaking about honey and children the author underlines that …
  1) newborn children should not be given honey.
  2) honey helps to grow useful bacteria in children.
  3) honey is the best present for a child’s first birthday.
  4) children should be fed honey under medical guidance.


Конец формы

Grammar and Vocabulary

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1 – 7. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1 – 7, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов (А, Б, В, Г). Установите соответствие номера пропуска варианту ответа.

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