Participation in the London Marathon resulted for the author in — КиберПедия 

Наброски и зарисовки растений, плодов, цветов: Освоить конструктивное построение структуры дерева через зарисовки отдельных деревьев, группы деревьев...

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Participation in the London Marathon resulted for the author in

2019-10-25 555
Participation in the London Marathon resulted for the author in 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Participation in the London Marathon resulted for the author in

A) stresses and strains.

B) blisters and sore bits.

C) memorable medals.

D) incredible tales.

When the author watched the end of the first marathon he saw people who were

A) extraordinary steady.

B) feeling weak and exhausted.

C) losing consciousness.

D) having a glorious time.

The reason for the author’s participation in the marathon was the fact that he

A) was fascinated by it.

B) lived not far from its finishing line.

C) wanted to receive a medal.

D) wanted to do something incredible.

By the end I did” means that the author

A) found the distance suitable.

B) found the distance challenging.

C) decided to take part in the marathon.

D) eventually took a train to the finish.

According to the author, the London Marathon is one of the easiest because

A) it goes through the Tower of London.

B) there are quiet patches without crowds.

C) many “fun” runners participate in it.

D) its course does not slope up or down.

6. “… the greatest field ever for a marathon” means that the marathon

A) will take place on a big field.

B) is to be run by the famous runners only.

C) will be witnessed by more people.

D) will welcome a huge number of sportsmen.

According to the author, one should run the London Marathon to

A) raise money for charity.

B) get some training.

C) feel self-fulfillment.

D) have fun in a crazy way.



Children at Southdown Infants School in Bath enjoy tasty homemade meals such as roast turkey with fresh vegetables, chicken, salad and fresh fruit for pudding. Vegetables are 1 _______________________. Instead of crisps, chocolate and sweets, the school canteen serves organic carrots, dried fruit and fresh seasonal fruit in bags for 10p, 2 _______________________.

Southdown's healthy eating initiative began four years ago with the start of a breakfast club.

Now Ms Culley, the head teacher of the school, says that the teachers very clearly see the link between diet and concentration. “Children's concentration and behaviour 3 _______________________. ” The teachers would also like to give the children the experience of eating together. It turned out that some children weren't used to that.

Pupils are also encouraged to find out more about where their food comes from by 4 _______________________.

Parents are also involved and are invited in to try school dinners on special occasions, 5 _______________________.

The efforts of staff, pupils and parents to create a healthy eating environment were recognized earlier this month 6 _______________________ the Best School Dinner award.

Ms Culley said: “We are happy to win this award. Healthy eating is at the centre of everything we do. It's really rewarding to see so many children enjoy real food.”

A. such as Easter and Christmas
B. visiting a local farm
C. local, fresh and organic where possible
D. provide good quality food
E. definitely improve after a good meal
F. and about 100 bags are sold each day
G. when the school was awarded


  Walking is not enough to keep fit

Walking may not be enough on its own to produce significant health benefits, research suggests. A team from Canada’s University of Alberta compared a 10,000-step exercise programme with a more traditional fitness regime of moderate intensity. Researchers found improvements 1 _______________________ were significantly higher in the second group. They told an American College of Sports Medicine meeting that gentle exercise was 2 _______________________. In total 128 people took 3 _______________________. The researchers assessed influence on fitness by measuring blood pressure and lung capacity. They found out the 10,000-step programme did help to get people motivated – and was an excellent way to start 4 _______________________. But to increase the effectiveness, some intensity must be added to their exercise. “Across your day, while you are achieving those 10,000 steps, take 200 to 400 of them at a faster pace. You've got to do more than light exercise and include regular moderate activity, and don't be shy to have an occasional period of time at an energetic level.” The researchers were concerned there was too much focus 5 _______________________, rather than on its intensity.

Professor Stuart Biddle, an expert in exercise science at the University of Loughborough, said it was possible that the current guidelines on how much exercise to take were set too low. “However, you have got to find 6 _______________________. The harder you make it, the fewer people will actually do it.” Professor Biddle said there was no doubt that energetic exercise was the way to get fit, but volume rather than intensity might be more useful in tackling issues such as obesity.

A. part in the project

B. taking exercise

C. gave marked health benefits

D. in fitness levels

E. on simply getting people to take exercise

F. not enough to get fit

G. a compromise between physiology and psychology



Установите соответствие между темами A–Н и текстами 1–7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.   А. Not Just Fun B. Running For Heart and Mind C. United By The Game D. I Want To Be A Coach E. Team Work in Sport and Life F. Next Year We Win G. Learning From Father H. School between Practices   1. I believe playing sports is more than an activity to fill your day, it can teach important life lessons. When I was a child, my dad spent a lot of time teaching me how to play different sports. He told me that if I can succeed in sports, I can succeed at anything in life. He used to say, “It’s not about how good you become. It’s about working hard to get where you want to be.” 2. I like bicycles. Group rides help me to get new skills and make new friends. I try to apply the tactics of group riding to team work in the real world. In the perfect group ride, each rider takes a turn leading the pack, while the others enjoy the benefits of drafting. I think this way of working is a great method for approaching a group task anywhere. 3. I believe in the power of running. Running should not be a battle for your body but rather a rest for your mind. I felt this last fall, when I was running in the park. Suddenly I felt as if I could have run forever, as if I could use running as a source of therapy for my body. Running allows the body to release different types of stress and even change our understanding of life. 4. My father coached basketball every day of his life, and I was right there with him in the gym watching him work his magic. Basketball appears entertaining and exciting. But the path to success is not simple. My father always told me, “Nothing is free.” I took this advice and ran with it. I truly believe that only practice and determination lead to success. 5. Baseball is so much more than a sport. One of the powers of baseball is that it brings people together. It unites fans of all ages, genders, and nationalities. No matter who you are, you can be a baseball fan. My mom and I have one unspoken rule: no matter what has been going on before, no fighting at the game. 6. I believe that you must always be loyal to the sport teams you support. The teams I follow in the United States generally lose many more than they win. The start of each season brings dreams of victory in baseball, basketball or football, dreams that fade away soon. But then there is always next year. It will be our year for sure. 7. I was determined to join the swim team. I knew I would get my strengths and learn my weaknesses there. Waking up early for 6:30 A.M. practices is what swim team is all about, as it helps us get into state. On a long school day you think about the practice in the pool after school. You want to hear the crowd cheering you, telling you that you have to do more than your best.


Установите соответствие между текстами AG и заголовками 18. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.


1. Why extreme sports are popular
2. Combination of two sports
3. Competition with food
4. Sport or performance?
5. Known to everybody
6. Taken f ro m literature
7. Danger in the snow
8. A skill not used
A. Poohsticks is a sport first mentioned in “The House at Pooh Corner”, a Winnie-the-Pooh book by A. A. Milne. It is a simple sport which may be played on any bridge over running water. Each player drops a stick on the upstream side of a bridge and the one whose stick first appears on the downstream side is the winner. The annual World Poohsticks Championships have been held at Day’s Lock on the River Thames in the UK since 1984.
B. Chess boxing is a hybrid sport that consists of chess and boxing in alternating rounds. The sport was invented by French artist and filmmaker Enki Bilal in his comic book “Froid Equateur” in 1992. The first real event of chess-boxing was organized by Dutch artist Iepe Rubingh in 2003. Chess boxing is a fast growing sport. The sport alternates between games of boxing and chess after each round – waiting for a checkmate or knockout to decide the match.
C. In heliskiing people pay a large sum of money to get helicoptered to a remote snow-covered area only to ski down the white slope. These skiers spend hundreds of dollars to ski down a natural landscape unlike the artificial slopes of a ski-resort. Most obviously, the natural environment involves greater risks and discomfort. Even the journey into the interior part of a mountainous area has often been life-threatening in the past.
D. Cheese rolling is something that has been around for over 200 years and is still practiced today. During the Spring Bank Holiday in England, people gather at the top of Coopers Hill and prepare for something very exciting. At the top of the hill, a judge rolls a round of cheese down the slope and the participants follow. People try to run down the slope but often end up rolling down like the cheese. The winner of the race wins the round of cheese as well as a few bruises and scars.
E. It’s possible that extreme sports became trendy in the late 20th century as a reaction to the greater safety of modern life. Lacking a feeling of danger in their everyday activities, people wanted more excitement or risk. Another reason is improved sports technology. For example, the invention of sticky rubber-soled climbing shoes and artificial climbing walls increased the appeal of rock climbing. And advances in ski design allowed more skiers to try extreme feats.
F. Extreme Ironing is an extreme sport and a performance art. People who play this unusual sport go to a remote location and iron clothes! They call themselves “ironists”, and get a thrill from taking their ironing board, unplugged iron and some of their clothes to some extreme places and photograph themselves doing it. Such places that they have reached include extreme altitude, underwater, hanging from cliffs, and on top of vehicles.
G. Approximately 65 thousand people in the United States alone do not know how to swim. Many of them learned as young children but never go to a pool, lake, river, or ocean anymore and have forgotten how to swim over the years. Others were never taught and continue to avoid the activity altogether. It was once thought that knowing how to swim was important for safety reasons, but now it is pretty much left up to the individual.


Установите соответствие между текстами AG и заголовками 18. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.


1. Female bobsleighing
2. What you need for bobsleighing
3. Safety rules
4. Bobsleighing techniques
5. Participating countries
6. The dangers of bobsleighing
7. The newest rules
8. From the history of bobsleighing
A. Bobsleighing was originated in Switzerland. In the late 19th century, the Swiss first started doing it by attaching two skeleton sleighs together with a steering mechanism added to the front sleigh in order to control the direction. The first bobsleigh races took place in normal snow covered roads whereas the first bobsleighing club was founded in St. Moritz, Switzerland in 1897 and the first specially designed race track was developed outside of St. Moritz in 1902.
B. Bobsleighing is mostly played in Europe along with North America and Russia because of the proper climate for the icy track. The United States of America, Germany and Switzerland have long been the most successful bobsleighing nations based on their incredibly successful track record in all formats of competitive sports including World Cups and Olympic Championship. Presently, more than fifty countries take part in various international bobsleighing events all over the world.
C. Bobsleighing is considered the most expensive winter sport as the equipment used in it, including the safety equipment as well as bobsleigh parts, are quite costly. The most important equipment in bobsleighing is the sleigh. Besides this other protective guards are also used. The length of the sleigh must be a maximum of 3.80 metres (12.5 feet) for four-man sports and 2.70 metres (8.9 feet) in case of two-man sports. Bobsleigh crews are supposed to weigh heavy to ensure high speed.
D. In fact, two-man and four-man types of bobsleigh are very much similar. As weight plays a vital role for the speed of the sleigh, four-man sleighs are much faster than two-man types. However, even a simple mistake at the initial push-off or, say, during the steering, on decisions of the driver during the turns may largely affect the final race. The thing is, air passing through the sleigh slows the sleigh down. In order to avoid these drags, wind tunnels are usually added to the sleigh.
E. One may think bobsleighing is a risky sport but actually not only men are fond of it. Women do it too. In case of women bobsleighing, the sleighs for women were originally very much similar to those of men. But with time so many problems came out as women are shorter than men and many players injured their hips as well as back. These traumas prompted the organizers to change the interior sleigh designs for women bobsleighing. Now women can do it safely and successfully enough.
F. Bobsleighing competitions gather crowds of people who want to watch their favourite sportsmen compete with one another. However, even though bobsleighing is quite an interesting sport, the risks attached to it certainly cannot be avoided. Till now more than ninety three players have died in crashes or accidents during the game. In order to reduce the chances of accidents and to prevent the risks, officials have made certain rules and regulations about the uses of sleighs and the structure of the track.
G. There are a lot of risks connected with bobsleighing. Bobsleighers need to wear high tech plastic made helmets in order to prevent head injuries as well as goggles for eyes. Racers wear tight uniforms to increase aero-dynamicity and spiked shoes to gain traction on the ice. The brakeman wears a Kevlar vest in order to avoid third degree burns during the sleigh’s friction with ice. The next bobsleigh doesn’t start until the previous team has left the track because of security reasons.

Начало формы

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А15–А21. В каждом задании укажите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа.

Honey as medicine

When I get a sore throat, I always find a cup of tea with some honey very soothing. But I always assumed that the restorative power of honey was in my head. Historically, honey has been prescribed as a folk remedy for millennia. So I’ve been content to accept that honey is a tasty placebo or a silly substitute for real medicine. Now, my convictions are being challenged, as researchers are getting new evidence of honey’s medical benefits making honey a surprisingly effective cure-all.

Honey’s main effects come primarily from its antimicrobial properties. Most bacteria cannot grow in honey. I found this quite surprising, because bacteria love sugar. Honey contains around 40% fructose and 30% glucose making it a great treat for microbes. However, honey is also acidic and acids prevent the growth of bacteria. Although honey contains a fair amount of water, it’s supersaturated with sugar and does not provide support for bacterial growth.

Honey also contains a substance called glucose oxidase. When combined with water and oxygen, glucose oxidase forms gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide. In other words, diluted honey can serve as an excellent antiseptic, while being far less likely than ordinary hydrogen peroxide to harm already-damaged tissue. In practical terms, this means that honey applied on a wound promotes healing just as well as, or in many cases better than, conventional ointments and dressings. So, it not only prevents infection, but it also functions as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing both swelling and pain and even scarring. So, honey has been shown to be extraordinarily effective in the treatment of wounds, burns, and surgical incisions.

Honey can be used not only outside of the body. It can help with many internal problems too. Thanks to its antimicrobial action, it soothes sore throats and kills the bacteria that sometimes cause them. There’s also the suggestion that it can reduce tooth decay. Moving down the esophagus and through the digestive tract, honey can help to heal ulcers and upset stomachs. It also regulates intestinal functions, alleviating both constipation and diarrhea. Honey also contains a variety of antioxidants, which may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Now that we’ve looked into the gleeful frenzy over the miraculous properties of honey, I want to temper your enthusiasm a bit. The bad news, if you can call it that, is that not all honey is created equal. The chemical composition of honey to a great extent depends on the source that makes the basis of honey. For example, honey from manuka, a bush in New Zealand, contains an antibacterial component, which is even more useful than ordinary honey in combating infections. Honeys vary not only in color and flavor, but in their medicinal properties, with some varieties being much more potent than others. But, because it’s impossible to regulate the comings and goings of millions of bees, there’s no way to guarantee that honey from any location will be chemically the same from year to year or free of contamination from pollutants the bees may have found their way into.

But it is important not to feed honey to a child under one year of age because honey sometimes contains botulinum spores. By the time of a child’s first birthday, there are usually enough beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract to make it be eaten safely. But anyway, honey supplies must be tested thoroughly and regularly.


The author’s skeptical attitude towards honey was based on the …
  1) excessive public attention paid to it.
  2) lack of reliable information about it.
  3) poor results of treatment with it.
  4) position of official medicine.

Конец формы


Начало формы

The author was surprised about antibacterial properties of honey because …
  1) it contains a lot of sugar.
  2) he didn’t know about its acidic nature.
  3) he thought it contained too much water.
  4) he thought it was ideal for growing bacteria.

Конец формы


Начало формы

According to the text, diluted honey has the chemical qualities that …
  1) don’t reveal themselves under the direct sun light.
  2) don’t make it possible to use it in ointments.
  3) help to cure skin problems.
  4) make it compete with traditional skin remedies.

Конец формы


Начало формы

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem honey can help to heal?
  1) Heart diseases.
  2) Tooth cavities.
  3) Joint pain.
  4) Stomach illness.

Конец формы


Начало формы

The healing properties of honey greatly depend on …
  1) the health of bees.
  2) proper maintenance of beehives.
  3) the plants from which bees produce it.
  4) weather conditions and humidity.

Конец формы


Начало формы

It can be implied that the healing qualities of honey from certain location …
  1) depend on its colour.
  2) are difficult to predict.
  3) are related to its flavour.
  4) may be regulated.

Конец формы


Начало формы

When speaking about honey and children the author underlines that …
  1) newborn children should not be given honey.
  2) honey helps to grow useful bacteria in children.
  3) honey is the best present for a child’s first birthday.
  4) children should be fed honey under medical guidance.


Конец формы

Grammar and Vocabulary

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1 – 7. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1 – 7, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов (А, Б, В, Г). Установите соответствие номера пропуска варианту ответа.

Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

People have enjoyed sports for thousands of years. Children, men and women play sports both for pleasure and for challenge. Every sport involves physical skill. Every sport has a set of rules that the players of the sport follow. In some sports one person competes against other individuals. Examples of these sports include boxing, tennis and so on. In many games one team competes against the other team.

People can go in for winter and summer sports. Summer sports are typical for warmer countries. Those who live in regions that experience cold winters have long enjoyed ice skating, skiing, and sledding. These activities have grown immensely in popularity over the years. Today thousands of resorts cater to the winter tourist trade, and millions of people each year take winter sports vacations.

Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

· give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

· say what the pictures have in common

· say in what way the pictures are different

· say which of the ways of taking care of your health presented in the pictures you’d prefer

· explain why

Participation in the London Marathon resulted for the author in

A) stresses and strains.

B) blisters and sore bits.

C) memorable medals.

D) incredible tales.

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