Task 3 Role-play: discussing a school leaving party — КиберПедия 

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Task 3 Role-play: discussing a school leaving party

2018-01-03 178
Task 3 Role-play: discussing a school leaving party 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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You are talking to your classmate. You want to organize an end-of-year party at school. Plan the party and ask your friend about:


§ The number of people to invite

§ When and where to hold the party

§ Food/ drink and entertainment

Remember to:


§ Be active and polite

§ Ask all the questions

Speaking 8. Simulated Situation

Task 1 Debate: taking a language course

You and your friend are going to take a language course in London. You would like to stay at the same place with your friend. Discuss all of the suggested possibilities and agree on the one that suits both of you.


A host family a youth hostel a hotel


Remember to:

· Discuss all the options

· Take an active part in the conversation and be polite

· Come up with ideas

· Give good reasons

· Find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account

· Invite your friend to come up with suggestions

· Come to an agreement


Task 2 Debate: learning foreign languages

You and your mother/ father/ friend are thinking of what foreign language you could learn at school. Discuss the following options and choose one you both like most of all.


Italian Japanese Latin German

Remember to:

· Discuss all the options

· Take an active part in the conversation and be polite

· Come up with suggestions

· Give reasons

· Come to an agreement


Task 3 Debate: discussing a school leaving party

You and your classmate are discussing the best place for a school leaving party. There are 3 options to choose from. You have to decide on one of them:


· At school

· In a café

· In the countryside near the lake

Remember to:

· Discuss all the options

· Take an active part in the conversation and be polite

· Come up with suggestions

· Give reasons

· Come to an agreement


Task 4 Debate: organizing a special event


You and your friend are asked to organize a special event during the Arts Week for senior classes of your school. You can choose from:

· Poetry-recital

· Picture exhibition

· Musical

· Disco

· Photo competition

Discuss with your friend and choose the one you both like to be responsible for.

HELP! Useful Vocabulary

General vocabulary

1. comprehensive school / general secondary school -общеобразовательная школа 2. boarding school- школа-интернат 3. public school- частная школа (в Великобритании); private (частная) 4. nursery (ясли), nursery school / kindergarten (детский сад); 5. junior / primary (начальная школа); /, high (старшие классы); 6. specialised (специализированная); with intensive English learning – с углублённым изучением английского языка 7. college(s) / gymnasium- gymnasia / lyceum(s) 8. General Certificate of Education (GCE) - свидетельство об образовании 9. The Department for Education, The Education Committee, Independent City Examination Board, English Department of the School; the local educational authorities 10. Parents’ Committee/ Board - родительский комитет 11. Staff meeting – педсовет 12. to observe a lesson = to attend in order to see how the lesson is conducted 13. time-table- расписание; to draw up a timetable, to make a timetable, to put smth. on the timetable; the timetable changes 14. teaching load- нагрузка (....hours a week) 15. break- перемена (a fifteen-minute break) 16. curriculum- учебный план (what subjects are taught) 17. National Curriculum –Государственный Образовательный Стандарт 18. Unified National Exam = Russian National Exam –Единый Государственный Экзамен 19. syllabus -программа (this is a summary of what is to be taught in each subject on the curriculum) 20. extra-curricular activities / out-of-school activities / after-school activities- внеклассная работа 21. subsidized meal –оплаченное питание 22. innovation- новшество, нововведение


Describing the school building

23. Entrance Hall - вестибюль; Assembly Hall- актовый зал; Laboratory / lab; Staff-room / Teacher’s Room- учительская; Gymnasium / gym- спортивный зал; Computer Class; Workshop- мастерская; Library- библиотека; Linguaphone lab; Cloak-room -гардероб; Medical room; office- канцелярия; dining room / canteen- столовая 24. to equip- оборудовать, оснащать; equipment- оборудование; to be well-equipped / poorly-equipped lab; modern equipment 25. to record- записывать (что-то); record-player- проигрыватель; cassette-player; video-player; tape-player- магнитофон 26. Slide- слайд; slide-projector- диапроектор; overhead-projector- кодоскоп 27. Scheme- схема; poster- плакат; stand- стенд; table- таблица


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