The Importance of language Learning — КиберПедия 

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The Importance of language Learning

2018-01-03 361
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Part 1-Speaking

Кейс 2: Topic: Education and School Life. The Importance of Language Learning.

Speaking 1. Answer the questions

  1. Education and School Life.

1) Why do you go to school?

2) Are school years happy for you? Why/why not?

3) Are school years boring and uninteresting for you or others? Why?

4) What is the main purpose of Russian school?

5) What kind of a teacher do you appreciate most?

6) What makes a good teacher? Do you have such teachers in your school?

7) What kinds of activities help you in your education and relationships among your classmates?

8) Why do students want to have harmony in their class?

9) How do parents help children in their education?

10) What is one of the greatest problems of school life?

11) Do you have any problems with your parents? How do you cope with your problems?

12) Do you have true friends in your class?

13) What do you usually do during the breaks?

14) What do you talk about with your classmates?

15) Some people when they grow older do not like to speak about their school years. What do you think about it?

16) What options do students in Russia have after finishing the ninth form?

17) What kind of education does your school offer? Are you satisfied with the level of education?

18) What types of schools are there in Russia?

19) Will you stay on at your school, or enter another secondary educational institution? Why?

20) What subjects are offered at lyceums and gymnasiums?

21) Is it difficult to choose your future career? Why?

22) Would you choose your parents’ profession? Why or why not?

23) What are the advantages and disadvantages of your future profession?

24) Will you continue your education after finishing school?

25) Will you need English for your future career?

26) Why have the schools changed a lot? What great changes are expected in Russian education system?

27) Why are Russian students not as motivated as English or American students?

28) Is the marking system in Russia perfect? Why? Would you like to introduce any changes?

29) Who helps the Russian schools to survive? Do you think it is fair?

30) What does our school lack?

31) What is the main aim of British, American and Russian education?


The Importance of language Learning

1) Why do people learn foreign languages?

2) What would the world be like if everyone spoke the same language? Is it possible nowadays?

3) Why did you decide to learn English? Is it easy to learn English at school?

4) Do you feel that English is a particularly easy language to learn in comparison with others? Why/why not?

5) Is it necessary to speak ideally correct English?

6) What activities do enjoy doing at your English lessons? Why?

7) How much English do you see in our country? Does it help you in everyday life? How?

8) What do you like and dislike doing at English lessons? Is it possible to learn English without a teacher?

9) Is your English good enough to travel as a tourist /to study abroad / to invite English-speaking guests? Give your reasons.

10) Will you need English (or any other foreign languages) in your career? Which kinds of jobs need excellent, good or satisfactory command in English?

11) How will you study your next foreign language (at the university, by TV, abroad, etc.)?

12) If German / French is a second language for you, tell your classmates about the difficulties you had or still have with the language, and about some of the main differences between your native language and German / French.

13) What do you think is the best way to learn a language? Why?

14) In the future, do you think English will become more widely used? If so, what will happen to other languages?

15) How can you practice, master your foreign language?


Speaking 2. Give a one-minute talk on the situation

School and School Life.

1) Speak about the importance of being a well-educated person.

2) Do you think good education should prepare you for life in general or for a particular job? Give your reasons.

3) Some people say that school is your second home. Do you agree or not?

4) Some people say that school days are the happiest days in people’s lives. Do you agree? Give your arguments.

5) Why do you go to school? Number these reasons in their order of importance and say what your reasons are.

· to acquire general knowledge, to learn information

· to prepare for a job

· to meet other young people

· to give your parents some peace and quiet

· to find out what you are really interested in

· to learn discipline and order

· to train your memory

· to pass exams

6) Say what you like and dislike in your school. Why/why not?

7) What would you like to tell the foreign students about your school and its traditions?

8) What do you think it is necessary to do to make your school life more interesting?

9) What is your idea of a modern school?

10) What changes would you like to introduce in your schooling?

11) If you want to continue your education, what kind of institution will you attend? Explain your choice.

12) Can you say that there is an educational crisis in Britain and Russia?

13) What innovations are you expecting?

14) Some people say that system of education in Russia is very pressing. Is it justified? Why/why not?

15) Say how important knowledge is in modern life.

16) Say how people get knowledge.

17) Do you think school gives you enough knowledge in the subjects you are interested in?

18) In what way are specialized schools different from general secondary schools?

19) How do you feel when you have to take an exam? Do you think exams are fair? Why/why not?

20) Do you think you do your best in exam conditions?

21) There will be no more than 5 compulsory subjects in senior classes. If you are a school master, what subjects will you choose for your school? Give your reasons.

Education and School Life

1) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both a relaxed and a strict atmosphere in the classroom. Decide what can make it possible to create an atmosphere in which teachers are able to teach effectively and the students enjoy learning.

2) Do you think secondary education should be selective or compulsory? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

3) In Britain they have single-sex and mixed-up schools. Speak about the advantages and disadvantages of these schools. What do you think about the same schools in our country?

4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of single sex schools? Do you think it is a good idea for children to work together in groups in the classroom? Why/why not?

5) Can we say that Russia and Britain are truly educated countries? Compare the system of education in Britain and Russia (in the USA and Russia). Which are the most important ways in which school in Britain differs from school in Russia? In what significant ways are schools in Britain and Russia alike?

6) Russian schools, 20 or 30 years ago, were very different from the way they are today. Were schools better or worse than they are now? Give your reasons.

7) A lot of fee-paying classes appeared in Russia in recent years. What do you think about them? Parents who have enough money can still buy their children greater opportunities in life by sending them to private schools. Do you think that this is fair? Compare school environment in fee-paying classes and in comprehensive ones (in Britain and in Russia)

8) Speak on the advantages and disadvantages of taking a year out between school and higher education.

9) In Britain it is quite common for school students to have to wear school uniform. Discuss the following with your partners:

· What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a school uniform? What are the arguments for and against compulsory school uniform?

· What do you imagine British students think of their uniforms?

· Are uniforms worn in Russian schools? What do you think of them?

10) What are the most important characteristics that make: a) your ideal teacher? b) an ideal student?

11) Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. Give reasons.

· Exams are not an accurate measure of a person’s ability.

· A mixture of exams and coursework is a good idea.

· You should repeat a school year if you fail your exams.

· You should be told the questions a little time before you go into the exam.

· Exams should involve an oral and a written part.

· Competitive exams are a good idea.

12) An international young people’s magazine is investigating the question: Should students only be judged by their results in end-of-year exams? Discuss this question and express your opinion.

13) Imagine the following situation. A language school in London is offering two scholarships. All applicants are invited to tell about themselves and explain their situation. The scholarship includes three months of English course, all food and accommodation and some pocket money. You’d like to become one of the candidates. Give information about yourself and say why you would be good for a scholarship.

14) Here is a list of ideas which can be suggested to improve the quality of education. Which of these suggestions are you for or against? Give your reasons.

· Making the school day longer

· More modern equipment (such as computers, film projectors, video cameras, overhead projectors...)

· More attention to the humanities or sciences

· Smaller classes

· More attention by parents to what their children are learning and how they are doing in school

· Better textbooks

· Making the school year longer

15) Education is constantly changing and adapting itself to new demands and new circumstances. In our technological age there is much emphasis on Science, Business Studies, Design and Technology, Computing, Management, Ecology and Economics, all so necessary in today’s world. Do you think it is correct that all these subjects should be included in the school curriculum? Which subjects are highly valued at school at present and why? Do you think it is good in present-day schools that freedom is given to select subjects for the examinations? Express your opinion about early subject specialization. Give some arguments for and against the early choice of subjects at school.

16) You are in Great Britain, and you are invited to the Teachers’ Training College. Future teachers would like to know how the Russian system of education functions:

· think over your speech and make some notes for yourself so as not to omit anything;

· tell the students of the Teachers’ Training College about pre-school facilities and secondary education in Russia. Make your speech interesting and impressive.

Education and School life

1) Comment on the quotation, «Education has for its object the formation of character» (Spencer, an English philosopher, 1820-1903) «Learning makes a good man better and an ill man worse»

2) Express your opinion on the following «Men learn while they teach»(words of wisdom). What is easier - to teach or to study? Give your reasons.

3) What makes a person educated? Do you agree with the following: «Only the educated are free»(Epictetus, a Greek philosopher, 1-2c.); «A child miseducated is a child lost» (John Kennedy, 35th US President, assassinated in 1963). Express your opinion on this subject.

4) Comment on the quotation, «Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than a progress in education» (John Kennedy).

5) What do you think about these statements: «It’s never too late to learn» (Syrus, 42c. B.C.) «A man is never too old to learn» (Thomas Widdleton, an English dramatist, 1570-1627)

6) Give comments on this Chinese proverb «I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand».

7) Imagine you are a teacher. How would you treat your pupils if you were a teacher? What subject would you prefer to teach? Give your comments on the following «A great teacher is a great artist and you know how few great artists there are in the world» (John Steinbeck). What is an ideal teacher in your opinion?

8) Read these lines about the road to education. Say how you understand them, what common idea they are united by.

«The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet» (Aristotle)

«Activity is the only road to knowledge» (George Bernard Shaw)

«There is no royal road to learning» (a proverb)

«Pupils must not be encouraged to think that there are short cuts to knowledge» (Bertrand


9) Comment on Edison’s words:

«Education isn’t play and it can’t be made to look like play. It’s hard work but it can be made

interesting work»; «If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn»;

Education and School life

1) Imagine that you’re a head teacher making a presentation of your school before the Municipal

Education Board. You want to persuade them to increase your school budget. Your point is that

the school is really good and is worth addition funding to work out some interesting projects. What

would you say?

2) Imagine that you are a famous and clever scientist. Your small son/ daughter is not successful in his/her studies, he/she can’t cope with a difficult subject. Explain, help him/her. Act out a conversation.

3) You have a friend who is interested in math. You are interested in English. You have a talk about your favourite subject.

4) You are a headmaster/ headmistress of a secondary school. During the lesson-time you meet a pupil/pupils in the corridor of the school. You want to know why he/they is/are not at the lesson.

General vocabulary

1. comprehensive school / general secondary school -общеобразовательная школа 2. boarding school- школа-интернат 3. public school- частная школа (в Великобритании); private (частная) 4. nursery (ясли), nursery school / kindergarten (детский сад); 5. junior / primary (начальная школа); /, high (старшие классы); 6. specialised (специализированная); with intensive English learning – с углублённым изучением английского языка 7. college(s) / gymnasium- gymnasia / lyceum(s) 8. General Certificate of Education (GCE) - свидетельство об образовании 9. The Department for Education, The Education Committee, Independent City Examination Board, English Department of the School; the local educational authorities 10. Parents’ Committee/ Board - родительский комитет 11. Staff meeting – педсовет 12. to observe a lesson = to attend in order to see how the lesson is conducted 13. time-table- расписание; to draw up a timetable, to make a timetable, to put smth. on the timetable; the timetable changes 14. teaching load- нагрузка (....hours a week) 15. break- перемена (a fifteen-minute break) 16. curriculum- учебный план (what subjects are taught) 17. National Curriculum –Государственный Образовательный Стандарт 18. Unified National Exam = Russian National Exam –Единый Государственный Экзамен 19. syllabus -программа (this is a summary of what is to be taught in each subject on the curriculum) 20. extra-curricular activities / out-of-school activities / after-school activities- внеклассная работа 21. subsidized meal –оплаченное питание 22. innovation- новшество, нововведение


Teachers and students

  46. experience- опыт; to gain experience; to experience joy /happiness / excitement/satisfaction / disappointment / fear /great hardships- проявлять (выражать, испытывать) радость, счастье, волнение, удовлетворение, разочарование, страх, большие трудности 47. teachers:qualified (квалифицированный), experienced (опытный), fascinating (очаровательный), popular with children, to have a way with children- иметь подход к детям; strict (строгий), firm, lenient (мягкий, снисходительный), boring (скучный), irritable (раздражительный), to lose one’s temper-терять терпение; 48. Head Master/ Head Mistress / Principal / Head Teacher – директор 49. Deputy Head Teacher / senior master / senior mistress – завуч 50. Adviser / Class-Mistress / Form teacher - классный руководитель 51. Caretaker - завхоз (в школе) 52. Tutor- куратор 53. students:pupil, schoolboy / schoolgirl, first-former; school- leaver, graduate, repeater 54. to be absent from school; to miss your classes; to be a truant –прогульщик; to play truant (прогуливать) 55. to bring a written excuse from your parents; to have a good reason; it’s a lame excuse;  


School Activities

56. Carrying out experiments-проводить опыты 57. Solving problems-решать проблемы 58. Getting acquainted with somebody-знакомиться с кем-то 59. Developing a habit for……..развивать привычку….. 60. Holding discussions and conversations-проводить дискуссии 61. Participating in all kinds of activities-участвовать во всех мероприятиях 62. Going on educational excursions and trips-ходить(ездить) на экскурсии 63. Holding / taking part in / different contests and competitions- проводить /принимать участие в / различных конкурсах и соревнованиях

Describing the school where you study.

Plan: 1. Introduction (give general description of the place and people, some background and


2. Main body (good/bad points now, your problems, how things will develop in the future)

3. Ending (the school you’d like, about some changes at school)


I. Vocabulary (positive/negative)


1. Building /classrooms: (+)brightly painted/decorated, spacious, comfortable, contemporary,

enormous, gorgeous, impressive, magnificent, stunning, cosy,

(-) cramped, depressing, gloomy, noisy, unsightly, cluttered with, messy,

old-fashioned, tasteless

2. Classmates: (+) friendly, funny, helpful, confident, highly-gifted,

(-) boring, noisy

3. Teachers: (+) encouraging, helpful, motivating, stimulating, well organised, qualified,

experienced, fascinating, lenient, popular with children

(-) disorganised, boring, strict, demanding, irritable, lose one’s temper

4. Lessons: (+) interesting, motivating, well organised, hard-working atmosphere,


(-) long, boring, noisy, disorganised


II. Some models and useful patterns.

1. Building, facilities, location

· not far from.../ within walking distance of the centre / quite close to.../ it is about 10 minutes walk from...

· it looks (seems) well-organised / as if nobody has looked after it for years

· it gives you the impression of being....../ you are made to feel very welcome

· in general, it is a very welcoming place

· it overlooks the garden / noisy street so......

· the school is on a busy street, so noise is a problem

· it has excellent facilities including......

· the chairs are very uncomfortable and the cafeteria sells terrible food!

· the worst thing is that the classrooms are very cramped and dark, so they are rather depressing


2. Classmates

· my classmates are friendly and we have a lot of fun together

· to gain experience, to experience joy / happiness/ excitement/ disappointment/ fear

· there are bullies at my school who hit and kick me and my mates

· we are victims of theft

· my problem is with......./ school discipline is a major worry


3. Teachers and Lessons

· the teachers are encouraging and motivating, so I’m learning a lot

· sometimes the teachers are very demanding and I have a lot of homework to do

· there is a friendly/ informal/ uncomfortable... atmosphere there

· different methods and activities are used / modern teaching techniques and aids are employed


4. Possible changes at school

· school and behaviour problems (negative influence of school environment/ bullies/ theft.......

· the teachers wouldn’t force their ideas on the pupils

· wearing a uniform would not be compulsory

· to be able to choose subjects and teachers / a student council makes the rules.....

· a lot of........and less.........

· the atmosphere would be more relaxed



* to travel abroad * to please your parents

* to get a good job * to work on the computer


* to read English books * to play computer games


* to see English video films


* to pass an examination * to speak to foreign visitors

Should sell phones and pagers be allowed in class?



Taking Exams

FOR · exams encourage students to study · exam grades give students an idea of their progress · exams are the quickest way of testing students · some students are really lazy and need pressure, they only work hard when they’ve got an exam · exams should be combined with continuous assessment
AGAINST · exam results may depend on how you feel on a particular day · if students get nervous, they will not perform as well as they could · students can cheat and get a mark they don’t deserve · if students run out of time, they cannot show what they know · some students do well in exams simply because they have got good memory




Part 2-Writing

Letter 1.

This is part of a letter from your English pen-friend.

………Are you getting ready to take the Russian State Exam at the moment? I am, but I'm finding it difficult to speak on a simulated situation. How do you revise? How many hours a day do you spend revising? Have you got any advice you could give me?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Best wishes,


Write back to Jason answering his questions.


This is part of a letter from your English pen-friend.

………Do your parents criticize you when you don't do well at school? Mine seem to put me under so much pressure. What can I do? Do you think I should tell them that it's making me unhappy? How can I explain to my parents how I feel? I try my best at school, but I just never seem to get top marks. Should I speak to a teacher?

Write back soon with your advice.



Write back to Georgia answering her questions.

Letter 3

This is part of a letter from your English pen-friend.

……….. My problem is with my French lesson. Most lessons are boring. Sometimes I just have to doodle on my desk or write letters. Otherwise I'd fall asleep. My class mistress forces me to go, because she says, it 'II be good for me. I absolutely hate them! What can I do? Have you got any problems with your lessons?

Write back soon with your advice.



Write back to Mary answering her questions.

Letter 4

This is part of a letter from your English pen-friend.

………….Please, help us, because we're in terrible trouble. School discipline is a major worry. There are bullies at my school who hit and kick me and my mates. We are victims of theft. They say we have to give them our lunch money or they will really hurl us. We're frightened of them. What shall we do?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,


Write back to Nick answering his questions.

Letter 5

This is part of a letter from your English pen-friend.

………..My problem is with my Mum. She thinks I'm everything that's wonderful, beautiful and clever- and she goes around saying so. It makes me feel very uncomfortable. She tells everybody that I'm going to get wonderful exam results and get some fantastic job. The truth is that I'm not very brainy at all and will be lucky just to pass my exams. How can I explain to her that I'm not so clever as she thinks?

Please, help me. I need your advice.

Write back soon with your advice.



Write back to Mary answering her questions.

Task 1.

Comment on the following statement.

Many students go on school trips. Some people say they are interesting and educational. Others say that they are a waste of time and children should learn in the classroom.

What can you say FOR and AGAINST school trips?

Task 2.

Comment on the following statement.

Some people think that students should be involved in decisions about how school life is run. Other people think that only teachers should be involved in such decisions.

What is your opinion?

Task 3.

Comment on the following statement.

Many young people go to university after leaving school. However, a number of school-leavers feel that university is not for them and choose not to go.

What can you say FOR and AGAINST going to university?


Part 1-Speaking

Кейс 2: Topic: Education and School Life. The Importance of Language Learning.

Speaking 1. Answer the questions

  1. Education and School Life.

1) Why do you go to school?

2) Are school years happy for you? Why/why not?

3) Are school years boring and uninteresting for you or others? Why?

4) What is the main purpose of Russian school?

5) What kind of a teacher do you appreciate most?

6) What makes a good teacher? Do you have such teachers in your school?

7) What kinds of activities help you in your education and relationships among your classmates?

8) Why do students want to have harmony in their class?

9) How do parents help children in their education?

10) What is one of the greatest problems of school life?

11) Do you have any problems with your parents? How do you cope with your problems?

12) Do you have true friends in your class?

13) What do you usually do during the breaks?

14) What do you talk about with your classmates?

15) Some people when they grow older do not like to speak about their school years. What do you think about it?

16) What options do students in Russia have after finishing the ninth form?

17) What kind of education does your school offer? Are you satisfied with the level of education?

18) What types of schools are there in Russia?

19) Will you stay on at your school, or enter another secondary educational institution? Why?

20) What subjects are offered at lyceums and gymnasiums?

21) Is it difficult to choose your future career? Why?

22) Would you choose your parents’ profession? Why or why not?

23) What are the advantages and disadvantages of your future profession?

24) Will you continue your education after finishing school?

25) Will you need English for your future career?

26) Why have the schools changed a lot? What great changes are expected in Russian education system?

27) Why are Russian students not as motivated as English or American students?

28) Is the marking system in Russia perfect? Why? Would you like to introduce any changes?

29) Who helps the Russian schools to survive? Do you think it is fair?

30) What does our school lack?

31) What is the main aim of British, American and Russian education?


The Importance of language Learning

1) Why do people learn foreign languages?

2) What would the world be like if everyone spoke the same language? Is it possible nowadays?

3) Why did you decide to learn English? Is it easy to learn English at school?

4) Do you feel that English is a particularly easy language to learn in comparison with others? Why/why not?

5) Is it necessary to speak ideally correct English?

6) What activities do enjoy doing at your English lessons? Why?

7) How much English do you see in our country? Does it help you in everyday life? How?

8) What do you like and dislike doing at English lessons? Is it possible to learn English without a teacher?

9) Is your English good enough to travel as a tourist /to study abroad / to invite English-speaking guests? Give your reasons.

10) Will you need English (or any other foreign languages) in your career? Which kinds of jobs need excellent, good or satisfactory command in English?

11) How will you study your next foreign language (at the university, by TV, abroad, etc.)?

12) If German / French is a second language for you, tell your classmates about the difficulties you had or still have with the language, and about some of the main differences between your native language and German / French.

13) What do you think is the best way to learn a language? Why?

14) In the future, do you think English will become more widely used? If so, what will happen to other languages?

15) How can you practice, master your foreign language?


Speaking 2. Give a one-minute talk on the situation

School and School Life.

1) Speak about the importance of being a well-educated person.

2) Do you think good education should prepare you for life in general or for a particular job? Give your reasons.

3) Some people say that school is your second home. Do you agree or not?

4) Some people say that school days are the happiest days in people’s lives. Do you agree? Give your arguments.

5) Why do you go to school? Number these reasons in their order of importance and say what your reasons are.

· to acquire general knowledge, to learn information

· to prepare for a job

· to meet other young people

· to give your parents some peace and quiet

· to find out what you are really interested in

· to learn discipline and order

· to train your memory

· to pass exams

6) Say what you like and dislike in your school. Why/why not?

7) What would you like to tell the foreign students about your school and its traditions?

8) What do you think it is necessary to do to make your school life more interesting?

9) What is your idea of a modern school?

10) What changes would you like to introduce in your schooling?

11) If you want to continue your education, what kind of institution will you attend? Explain your choice.

12) Can you say that there is an educational crisis in Britain and Russia?

13) What innovations are you expecting?

14) Some people say that system of education in Russia is very pressing. Is it justified? Why/why not?

15) Say how important knowledge is in modern life.

16) Say how people get knowledge.

17) Do you think school gives you enough knowledge in the subjects you are interested in?

18) In what way are specialized schools different from general secondary schools?

19) How do you feel when you have to take an exam? Do you think exams are fair? Why/why not?

20) Do you think you do your best in exam conditions?

21) There will be no more than 5 compulsory subjects in senior classes. If you are a school master, what subjects will you choose for your school? Give your reasons.

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