Endemic, Epidemic, Pandemic Diseases — КиберПедия 

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Endemic, Epidemic, Pandemic Diseases

2017-11-21 304
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An endemic disease may be defined as one that occurs constantly among the population of a community. An epidemic disease is one in which a large number of cases develop in a community within a short time. A pandemic disease is an epidemic disease of wide distribution. The widespread occurrence of a disease may be at first epidemic and then become pandemic, spreading over the entire world.


A pathogenic organism is one capable of producing a disease. Thousands of bacterial species have been isolated but only a few of these are capable of producing disease in man. Some are pathogenic for man but not for animals. Conversely, some species produce disease in animals but fail to do so in man.


Virulence may be defined as the degree of invasiveness of a pathogenic organism. Different strains of the same species may great variability in their invasive powers. As a rule, a pathogenic organism decreases in virulence when transferred from its natural environmental to artificial culture media.

Number of Organisms

The number of organisms plays a very important part in determining whether or not an infection will occur. A small number of virulent pathogenic organisms may be easily attacked and destroyed, whereas a large number may not be completely eliminated by the defense mechanisms of the host.

Path of Infection

Bacteria gain entrance to the body in various ways. Some enter through the broken skin (occasionally through the unbroken skin), some by way of the respiratory passages, others by way of alimentary tract. After bacteria invade the tissues, they may attack the host in a variety of ways. The organism may produce a local inflammation or may localize in the liver, bone marrow, spleen, lymph glands, etc., giving rise to secondary abscesses or secondary foci of infection, also known as metastatic infections. Sometimes organisms invade the blood stream producing bacteriemia or septicemia (blood poisoning).


Text 36. GENE

Gene. A gene is a unit of heredity in a living organism. It normally resides on a stretch of DNA that codes for a type of protein or for an RNA chain that has a function in the organism. All living things depend on genes, as they specify all proteins and functional RNA chains. Genes hold the information to build and maintain an organism's cells and pass genetic traits to offspring, although some organelles (e.g. mitochondria) are self-replicating and are not coded for by the organism's DNA. All organisms have many genes corresponding to many different biological traits, some of which are immediately visible, such as eye color or number of limbs, and some of which are not, such as blood type or increased risk for specific diseases, or the thousands of basic biochemical processes that comprise life.

A modern working definition of a gene is "a locatable region of genomic sequence, corresponding to a unit of inheritance, which is associated with regulatory regions, transcribed regions, and or other functional sequence regions". Colloquial usage of the term gene (e.g. "good genes", "hair color gene") may actually refer to an allele: a gene is the basic instruction, a sequence of nucleic acid (DNA or, in the case of certain viruses RNA), while an allele is one variant of that gene. In most cases, all people would have a gene for the trait in question, but certain people will have a specific allele of that gene, which results in the trait variant. In the simplest case, the phenotypic variation observed may be caused by a single letter of the genetic code - a single nucleotide polymorphism.

Chromosomes. The total complement of genes in an organism or cell is known as its genome, which may be stored on one or more chromosomes; the region of the chromosome at which a particular gene is located is called its locus. A chromosome consists of a single, very long DNA helix on which thousands of genes are encoded. Prokaryotes-bacteria and archaea-typically store their genomes on a single large, circular chromosome, sometimes supplemented by additional small circles of DNA called plasmici, which usually encode only a few genes and are easily transferable between individuals. For example, the genes for antibiotic resistance are usually encoded on bacterial plasmids and can be passed between individual cells, even those of different species, via horizontal gene transfer. Although some simple eukaryotes also possess plasmids with small numbers of genes, the majority of eukaryotic genes are stored on multiple linear chromosomes, which are packed within the nucleus in complex with storage proteins called histones. The manner in which DNA is stored on the histone, as well as chemical modifications of the histone itself, are regulatory mechanisms governing whether a particular region of DNA is accessible for gene expression. The ends of eukaryotic chromosomes are capped by long stretches of repetitive sequences called telomeres, which do not code for any gene product but are present to prevent degradation of coding and regulatory regions during DNA replication. The length of the telomeres tends to decrease each time the genome is replicated in preparation for cell division; the loss of telomeres has been proposed as an explanation for cellular senescence, or the loss of the ability to divide, and by extension for the aging process in organisms.


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