Exercise 2.Fill in the correct word or preposition from TEXT A — КиберПедия 

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Exercise 2.Fill in the correct word or preposition from TEXT A

2017-11-21 383
Exercise 2.Fill in the correct word or preposition from TEXT A 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A cell__ ______ of the nucleus and the cytoplasm units. There are many_____ kinds of cells with many _____ functions. The nucleus is _____ from the cytoplasm by a delicate membrane. The nucleus _____ most of the DNA and is _____ only in the chromosomes of plants and _____. The giant molecules of _____ and _____ consist _____ nucleic acids. They are responsible ________ arranging the amino acids _____ proper sequences in the proteins. Enormous _____ have been made in the last 20 years ______ giving precise chemical ________on the structure and chemistry of the cell. If a researcher wants _________ a cell, he uses______________ techniques and methods.


Exercise 3. Match the following terms in (A) with their definitions In (B). Consult TEXT A if necessary.


A   B
Cytology is/are Spherical organelles about 10 to 15 nm in diameter, containing protein and RNA, where most of protein synthesis takes place.
The cytoplasm a long chain compound formed from many nucleotides bonded together as units on the chain.
Ribosomes The study of structure, behaviour and function of cells of animals and plants.
The DNA A unit of protoplasm surrounded by a plasma membrane and usually containing a nucleus.
The cell All the protoplasm of a cell outside and surrounding the nucleus.
The Nuclei Spherical bodies, present in almost all living cells of animals and plants, controlling the reproduction and functioning of the cell.


Exercise 4 Find out topic sentences in each paragraphs of TEXT A and write a short summary making use of them.


Exercise 5. Match the following English words and word combinations in (A) with their Russian equivalents in (B) Consult TEXT A and a dictionary if necessary.

  to perform a function   растворять/ся/
  to depend on/upon   бесцветный
  to be derived from   соединение /химич./
  a compound   выполнять функцию
  colorless   происходить из
  to dissolve   зависеть от
  to maintain   сохранять, поддерживать
  particular   определять
  to determine   определенный
  carbohydrates   соответствующие структуры
  corresponding structures   углеводы


Exercise 6. First look through the synonymous verbs from TEXT Agiving special attention to the prepositions used after most of them. Then read the following sentences translating into English the Russian words given in round brackets.


to fall into (groups, classes) to be divided into
to consist of smth. to be composed of smth.
to depend on smth. to be dependent on smth.
to combine with to join together, to link together, to bond together.
to form to make up
to occur to take place
to amount to to come to


1. Organic compounds (встречаются) only in living bodies.

2. The giant molecules of DNA (состоят из) two spiral strands.

3. Inorganic substances (образуют) the bulk of living as well as non-living matter.

4. Lipids in protoplasm (достигают) 13%.

5. Four of the five nitrogenous bases - adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine - (соединяются c) the pentose sugar and the phosphate group (и в результате образуют) nucleotides.

6. Chemically, all carbohydrates have much in common. they (состоятиз) carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

7. The speed of reactions in cells (зависит от) enzymes.

8. Some reactions that simply (не происходят) in a test tube proceed rapidly in the living system.


Exercise 8.Define the following terms translating into English the words in round brackets. Work in pairs according to the model:

A: Could you define the term "protein"?

В: I could give you the following definition of the protein.


PROTEIN is а (сложное) organic (соединение) formed from many units of amino acids (соединенных) by peptide (связями).


AMINO GROUP is a group of atoms (состоящая) of one nitrogen atom and two (атомов водорода), which (остается) unchanged in many organic (реакциях).

GENE is a length of DNA which (определяет) a characteristic in an individual.


DNA (находится) only in the chromosomes of (растений) and animals and (соответствующих) structures in bacteria and (вирусах).


GENETIC CODING is the process (посредством которого последовательность) of amino acids in protein (определяется) by the sequence of nucleotides in a molecule of (информационной) RNA.


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