Укажите номера предложений, в которых инфинитив переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением цели, вводимым союзами «чтобы», «для того чтобы» — КиберПедия 

Таксономические единицы (категории) растений: Каждая система классификации состоит из определённых соподчиненных друг другу...

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Укажите номера предложений, в которых инфинитив переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением цели, вводимым союзами «чтобы», «для того чтобы»

2017-11-17 252
Укажите номера предложений, в которых инфинитив переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением цели, вводимым союзами «чтобы», «для того чтобы» 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. The first reaction of the organism to the invasion of the infection was rather acute.

2. The term influenza must be restricted to the infection with a particular group of viruses.

3. He worked hard to find the source of infection.

4. The patient had been sleeping for two hours when the nurse came to give him an injection.

5. Many of the conditions that simulate influenza are referred to as “grippe”.

6. The investigation to be performed is of great importance for the further promotion of this drug.

7. The ability of the body to resist germs is known as immunity.

8. It is well known that there is no natural immunity to rabies.

9. Doctor M. Jones dealing with professional health was invited to take part in the work of the annual conference on Professional Safety and Quality of Life.

10. The patient responded to stimulation by high levels of adrenalin in the blood serum.

11. The patient to be examined with the use of USI suffers severe gastroenteritis.

12. Oxygen should be given in sufficient concentration to relieve hypoxemia.

13. One must know English well to understand this book without dictionary.

14. It is always interesting to learn something new either from books or experiment.

15. Tubercle bacilli lodge in the lungs and begin to produce there their harmful effects.

16. For the prevention of this disease attacks attempts should be made to identify the offending allergens.

17. To be a doctor it is necessary to graduate from the higher medical school.

18. To avoid complications it is necessary to follow doctor’s prescriptions.

19. The main function of food is to nourish the body.

20. To purify the polluted air biological methods were used.

21. There are several reasons for the slow accumulation of knowledge concerning migraine.

22. Large doses of human interferon are certain to show effect in decreasing infection.

23. Bright red arterial blood is transported from the heart to the other parts of the body.

24. Some of the toxins are absorbed into the deeper tissues and pass to the lymph channels and through them to the blood.

25. The doctor came to examine the patient delivered to the hospital last night.

26. The hospital was built to treat patients suffering TB.

27. The resistance of the population to various bacteria and viruses may be increased by usual hygienic methods.

28. Additional drinking of water, juices and other liquids is necessary to avoid dehydration.

29. To begin the experiment this week is quite necessary.

30. Antiallergic drugs may be prescribed by your physician to reduce the swelling and itching.

31. Allergy is a reaction of the body to some chemical substances in the air and food.

32. Now our task is to find safe doses to be used for human gastric disorders.

33. Probing of the gastrointestinal canal was necessary to make a decision for surgical intervention.

34. It is impossible to inject gamma globulin for a period of many years.

35. To avoid infection in a hospital it is necessary to keep high standard of sanitation.

36. She went to the polyclinic to get medical aid.

37. The drug was shown to be effective only in reduction of sugar blood level in response to large doses of insulin.

38. At the site of infection a primary focus develops and gives rise to a typical inflammatory reaction.

39. To make the diagnosis the doctor asked the patient to undergo some analyses.

40. Having finished his daily round the doctor went to the chief physician to discuss the patient from ward 10.

41. Air pollution may lead to harmful sometimes irreversible reactions in the living bodies.

42. To realize the importance of the results obtained is important for the future developments in this field of knowledge.

43. To enter higher medical school one has to pass entrance examinations.

44. The drug was developed to treat gastrointestinal disorders.

45. One of our surgeons found the disease to be successfully treated by combined use of these three substances.

46. The nurse on duty noticed the patient not follow doctor’s prescriptions.

47. The surgeon entered the ward to examine the recently admitted patients.

48. Students came to the dissecting theatre to have a practical lesson on anatomy.

49. Microbes are necessary for the maintenance of normal bacterial flora.

50. New vaccines and serums are necessary to prevent new strains of the known viruses.

51. If one kidney fails the other enlarges to compensate for the defective one.

52. The progress in science depends to a great extent on the general development of the society.

53. The first thing to do was to find the focus of the infection.

54. The fact is that to treat a disease is much easier at its early stage.

55. To stop water pollution urgent measures were taken by the local authorities.

56. The patient did not know to what specialist to go or what treatment to undertake.

57. Scientists in many different countries are working to explain the nature of cancer.

58. To use this method in practice one should know side effects it is sometimes accompanied by.

59. The scientist was asked to repeat the experiment so as to confirm the primary results.

60. To operate or not to operate the patient depends on many factors including general state of a person.

61. This patient was transferred to our department because of severe complications on the side of his liver.


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