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Укажите номера предложений, в которых инфинитив переводится на русский язык определительным придаточным предложением, вводимым союзом «который»

2017-11-17 288
Укажите номера предложений, в которых инфинитив переводится на русский язык определительным придаточным предложением, вводимым союзом «который» 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. The infection to be prevented is of viral origin.

2. The sharp broken ends of the ribs may do a great deal of damage to the contents of the chest.

3. Bacteria to be studied are thought to have their effect on the liver.

4. The experiment to be performed is intended for the elucidation of the role of Helicobacter pylori in ulcer disease.

5. The addition of Novocain was found to be helpful in securing relaxation of the abdominal wall.

6. The method to be used in this investigation was recently developed in our laboratory.

7. In addition to penicillin another drug should be given to a patient.

8. To make a final diagnosis the doctor asked the patient to consult gastroenterologist.

9. I know the drug which will help you immediately.

10. There are some interesting problems to be discussed at the scientific conference.

11. Rabies virus has been considered to consist of a single antigenic species.

12. The patient to be standing at the procedure room is expected in the ward by his attending doctor.

13. The drug to be used in this case is very efficient.

14. Traffic and airplanes can cause serious noise pollution.

15. The patient to be treated by this famous doctor suffers severe gastroenteritis.

16. Green mold began to grow soon after the nutritive medium was added to the Petri cap.

17. The patient to be examined at the hospital suffers acute stomachache.

18. To minimize the severity of the disease patients must go to bed at the beginning of an attack of flue.

19. The disease to be eliminated is dangerous primarily for its possible effects on blood pressure.

20. The object of immunization is to produce in the vaccinated person the antibody or immune body.

21. The nurse to make the injection has entered the ward.

22. The analysis to be carried out next week will help to make a final diagnosis.

23. The degree of poliomyelitis varies from a mild manifestation to paralysis.

24. The girl to be operated next week was repeatedly hospitalized two days ago.

25. All ages are infected, but adults are more likely to manifest the disease than are children.

26. For some years there was a tendency to look upon streptococci as playing a certain role in the cause of the disease.

27. The surgeon to operate on the patient is already in the operating theatre.

28. The disease to be prevented is unique in its spread.

29. The infection to be prevented attacked mainly children of small age.

30. The patient to visit the doctor that day has broken his leg.

31. The results to be reported at the conference have not been confirmed by clinical tests.

32. Nutrition should include all the elements which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

33. Bacteria to be studied are supposed to be responsible for enteric inflammation.

34. Penicillin is the drug of choice to treat many infectious diseases.

35. The drug to be tested in the clinic is intended for patients with bronchial asthma.

36. The first disinfectant that was used in practice is carbolic acid.

37. The main function of the cell is to preserve a suitable environment for itself and neighboring cells.

38. Respiratory system serves to meet the oxygen requirements of the body as they are increased.

39. The contaminated surgical instruments to be disinfected, were put into chemical solution.

40. Sea animals seem to store vitamin A to a large extent.

41. A dressing to be applied to the wound must be properly sterilized.

42. Gradually Pasteur learned how to give small injections of the bacteria so that the person did not fall seriously ill.

43. The patient to be sent to the X-ray department, needed an urgent aid.

44. Neurons are highly sensitive to deficiency of oxygen and CO2 surplus.

45. There is no doubt that the necessity to improve air quality depends on how serious the risk of ill health from air pollution is thought to be.

46. The patient to be allowed to walk on the foot will be able to go to the dressing room by himself.

47. Antibiotics may harm your body when used without consultation with your family doctor.

48. The patient to be operated in the morning has been delivered from the infectious disease department.

49. The organism acquires the ability to produce substances which will kill smallpox bacteria.

50. Urine examination to be done in all cases is an important part of the medical examination.

51. Irritability is a feature which is characteristic to all living organisms.

52. Ether to be chosen as the anesthetic agent was found to be helpful.

53. Some of the preparations are treated with special substances to avoid complement activation, undesirable reactions and other phenomena.

54. The amount of fluid to be given to the patients with the wounds of the abdomen, varied in each case.

55. All cases of severe burns to be sent to the hospital were from the place of explosion.

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