Ex.3. Describe the relationship between each of the following words (antonyms, synonyms, neither). — КиберПедия 

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Ex.3. Describe the relationship between each of the following words (antonyms, synonyms, neither).

2017-10-16 437
Ex.3. Describe the relationship between each of the following words (antonyms, synonyms, neither). 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Министерство транспорта Российской Федерации

Федеральное агентство железнодорожного транспорта

Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования




Кафедра иностранных языков


А Н г л и й с к и й я З ы к


Методические указания для студентов II курса специальности «Высокоскоростной наземный транспорт»



Составитель: Л.В. Абдрахманова


Самара 2013



Английский язык. Методические указания для студентов II курса специальности “Высокоскоростной наземный транспорт”. – Самара: СамГУПС, 2013 – с.

Утверждено на заседании кафедры года, протокол №.

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета СамГУПС.


Методические указания выполнены в соответствии с требованиями программы обучения иностранному языку студентов неязыковых специальностей, предполагающей профессионально ориентированную направленность учебного процесса. Методические указания ставят своей целью ознакомить студентов с основной терминологической лексикой по специальности «Высокоскоростной наземный транспорт» и базовыми коммуникативными моделями.

Статьи из журналов Rail International, International Railway Journal, Railway Gazette, а также материалы, заимствованные из Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago и Internet сайтов послужили основой для разработки уроков, каждый из которых освещает наиболее актуальные проблемы развития железнодорожного транспорта в экономически развитых странах мира. Кроме того, в методические указания включены частично адаптированные тексты познавательного характера.

Структура урока предполагает интеграцию всех видов учебной деятельности по иностранному языку, учитывает специфику технического вуза и обеспечивает индивидуальный подход при проведении занятия.

Методические указания снабжены кратким терминологическим словарем, который призван восполнить недостаток лексикографических материалов по проблемам железнодорожного транспорта.



Составитель Любовь Вениаминовна Абдрахманова

Рецензенты: доцент кафедры иностранных языков СамГУПС,

кандидат филологических наук С.Я. Никитина,

доцент кафедры иностранных языков СамГТУ

кандидат филологических наук А.Л. Кюрегян

Подписано в печать Формат 60x84 1/16

Бумага писчая. Печать офсетная. Усл. п.л.

Тираж 100 экз. Заказ №

Unit 1

Ex. 1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

bullet train – сверхскоростной пассажирский экспресс (в Японии) continuous welded rail – бесстыковой сварной рельс grade – уровень high-speed rail– высокоскоростной наземный железнодорожный транспорт right-of-way – полоса отчуждения rolling stock– подвижной состав turning radius– радиус поворота


Ex. 2. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:

alongside – совместно с

compatibility – совместимость

constitute – составлять

conventional – традиционный, обычный

dedicated – специализированный

define – определять, давать определение

feature – характерная черта

incorporate – включать

insist – настаивать на

merely – просто; единственно

precise – точный

significantly – значительно


Ex.9. Read the text and translate it using a dictionary if necessary.



(1) High-speed rail is a type of rail transport that operates significantly faster than traditional rail traffic, using an integrated system of specialized rolling stock and dedicated tracks. The first such system began operations in Japan in 1964 and was widely known as the bullet train. High-speed trains normally operate on standard gauge tracks of continuously welded rail on grade separated right-of-way that incorporates a large turning radius in its design.

(2) Since 1964 many countries in addition to Japan have developed high-speed rail to connect major cities (e.g. China, France, Germany, Italy, Taiwan, Turkey, South Korea and Spain). As of 2012 the maximum commercial speed on most high-speed rail lines was about 300 km/h (185 mph).

(3) While high-speed rail is usually designed for passenger travel, some high-speed systems also offer freight service. For instance, the French mail service La Poste owns a few special TGV trains for carrying postal freight.

(4) The European Union Directive defines high-speed rail as a set of three elements with precise criteria:

Infrastructure: track built specially for high-speed travel or specially upgraded for high-speed travel.

Rolling stock: Minimum speed of 250 km/h (155 mph) on lines specially built for high speed and 200 km/h (124 mph) on existing lines which have been specially upgraded.

Operating conditions: Rolling stock must be designed alongside its infrastructure for complete compatibility, safety and quality of service.

(5) The International Union of Railways (UIC) prefers to use "definitions" because they consider that there is no single standard definition of high-speed rail, nor even standard usage of the terms ("high speed", or "very high speed"). They make use of the European EC Directive, insisting that high speed is a combination of all the elements which constitute the "system": infrastructure, rolling stock and operating conditions.

(6) It must be noted, as the International Union of Railways insists, that high-speed rail is a set of unique features, not merely a train travelling above a particular speed. Many conventionally hauled trains, in different parts of the world, are able to reach 200 km/h in commercial service, but are not considered to be high-speed trains, such as the French SNCF Intercités or German DB IC.


Ex.10. Search the text for the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases:

значительно быстрее, первые подобные системы, кроме, на высокоскоростных железных дорогах, грузоперевозки, например, комплекс, существующие линии, качество обслуживания, считать, следует заметить, с определенной скоростью.


Ex. 11. Go back to the text and using the paragraph reference find the words which are similar to:

· kind, meaningly, act, quick, conventional, special-purpose, uninterruptedly (paragraph 1);

· join, main, profitable (paragraph 2);

· whereas, devise, propose, as an example, traffic, possess (paragraph 3);

· characterize, collection, clear, improved, together (paragraph 4);

· suppose, uniform, component, form, achieve (paragraph 5);

· notice, aspects, only (paragraph 6).

Additional text

Unit 2

Ex. 1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

articulated train – сочленённый поезд axle – ось bogie – тележка boiler – паровой котёл coupler –сцепка current frequency – частота тока electric multiple unit – электропоезд electrify – электрифицировать external combustion engine – двигатель внешнего сгорания multi-powered unit – дизель-электропоезд regular service – регулярное сообщение, регулярные рейсы three-phase current – трёхфазный ток


Ex. 2. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:

advent – наступление эпохи

albeit – хотя

breakout – внезапное начало

contemporary – современный

establish – устанавливать

evaluate – оценивать

feasibility – осуществимость; возможность

fit with – снаряжать, оснащать

joint venture – совместное предприятие

indicate – показывать

merge – сливаться, соединяться

respectively – соответственно

streamlined – обтекаемый

surpass – превосходить, превышать

thereby – таким образом

time-consuming – трудоёмкий


Ex.3. Read the following sentences and translate them into Russian:

1. The advent of the computer has brought this sort of task within the bounds of possibility. 2. Charles's letter was indeed published, albeit in a somewhat abbreviated form. 3. They will first send in trained nurses to evaluate the needs of the individual situation. 4. The contemporary avant-garde composers all concur in the principle of the triad. 5. There was no financial feasibility to keep the community centre open. 6. He was considered as a tough albeit fair boss. 7. The principle of the supremacy of national parliaments needs to be firmly established. 8. In a joint venture, both parties are equally invested in the project in terms of money, time, and effort to build on the original concept. 9. Unbalanced growth or outward expansion of one neighbor may necessitate an administrative decision to merge. 10. The workweek and weekend are those complementary parts of the week devoted to labour and rest respectively. 11. Facing a catastrophic loss of business during the Great Depression, American railroads cast their eyes on streamlined trains of light weight material, streamlined to gain speed, and using an internal combustion diesel engine rather than steam. 12. He became a citizen in 1978, thereby gaining the right to vote. 13. Most tools can be fitted with a new handle. 14. His tone indicated that he didn't hold out much hope. 15. The number of multiple births has surpassed 100,000 for the first time.

Ex.4. Read the following numerals:

0 – zero

· decimals: 0.0006 – zero point zero zero six

· percentages: 0.03% – zero point zero three percent

· water freezes at 0º C – zero degrees Celsius

0 – Oh

· What time is it? – 5:06 – five oh six; 6:26 – six twenty six; 4:35 – four thirty five

· Telephone numbers: 806 595813– eight oh six five nine five eight one six

(area code) (phone number)

· Address: I live at 102 King Street – one oh two

· Sports scores: Who won the game last night? – The Toronto Maple Leaves won 2-0 – two – nothing! The score was tied 6-6! – six-all - The score was 3-2! – three – two

· Money: 10.00$ – ten dollars; 6.25$ – six dollars and twenty five cents;

· Years: the 1900s – the nineteen hundreds; the 1960s – the nineteen sixties; a decade – 10 years; 1909 – nineteen oh nine; 1998 – nineteen ninety-eight; 2001 – two thousand and one; 2010 – two thousand and ten or twenty ten

· Population: The population of Canada is 33,311,389 – thirty-three million three hundred and eleven thousand three hundred and eighty nine. The population of China is 1,325,639,982 – one billion three hundred and twenty-five million six hundred and thirty-nine thousand nine hundred and eighty two.

· Speed: 120 km/h – one hundred and twenty kilometers per hour

Say the following numerals:

· decimals: 6.057; 12.08; 0.579; 3.2096; 1.93078; 7.098; 3.592

· percentages: 75, 8%; 10,33%; 13,87%; 92,09%; 57,99%; 11,48%

· temperature: 15 ºC; 25 ºC; 13ºC; 23 º; 35 ºC; 11 ºC; 27 ºC

· years: 2010; 1700; 1805; 1917; 1945; 1902; 1913; 2013; 1945; 1992

· dates:24/12; 1/5; 31/12; 8/3, 12/6; 4/11; 30/10; 4/7; 1/9; 23/2; 25/4

· speed: 96 km/h; 250 km/h; 28 km/h; 70 km/h; 160 km/h; 202.58 km/h; 320 km/h

· telephone numbers: 2020458; 495 5387200; 89171090812; 89279912865

· money: 12.15$; 100.99$; 78.50$; 1.000.000$; 2.586.000$, 9.586.500.000$


(1) Railways were the first form of mass transportation and had an effective monopoly until the development of the motor car in the early 20th century.

(2) High-speed rail development began in 1902. In 1899 the Prussian state railway in a joint venture with ten German electrical and engineering firms electrified 27 kilometres (17 m) of military railway line between Marienfelde and Zossen. The line used three-phase current at 10 kilovolts. Records of the merged Siemens-Schuckertwerke indicate that the current frequency was 45 Hz. Then two railcars were built fitted with electrical equipment. On May 15, 1933, a German company introduced the diesel-powered DRG 877 in regular service between Hamburg and Berlin, thereby establishing the fastest regular service in the world, with a regular top speed of 160 km/h.

(3) This train was a streamlined multi-powered unit, albeit diesel, and used Jakobs bogies some 47 years before the advent of the TGV.

(4) Following the success of the Hamburg line, the steam-powered Henschel-Wegmann Train was developed and introduced in June 1936 for service from Berlin to Dresden, with a regular top speed of 160 km/h (100 mph).

(5) Further development allowed the usage of these "flying trains" on a rail network across Germany. And in August 1939, shortly before the breakout of the war, all high speed service stopped.

(6) The German high speed service was followed in Italy in 1938 with an electricmultipleunit train, designed for 200 km/h, between Bologna and Naples. It reached 160 km/h in commercial service, and achieved a world speed record of 203 km/h (126 mph) near Milan in 1938.

In Great Britain in the same year, the streamlined steam locomotive Mallard achieved the official world speed record for steam locomotives at 125.88 mph (202.58 km/h).

The external combustion engines and boilers on steam locomotives were large, heavy and time-consuming to maintain, and the days of steam for high speed were numbered.

(7) In 1945 a Spanish engineer, Alejandro Goicoechea, developed a streamlined articulated train able to run on existing tracks at higher speeds than contemporary passenger trains. This was achieved by providing the locomotive and cars with a unique axle system that used one axle set per car end, connected by a coupler. Amongst other advantages, the centre of mass was only half as high as usual. This system becomes famous under the name of Talgo, and is today the main Spanish provider of high-speed trains.

(8) In the early 1950s, the French National Railway started to receive their new powerful electric locomotives, and began to study and evaluate running at very high speeds. In 1954, the locomotives hauling a full train achieved a record 243 km/h during a test on standard track.

(9) The next year, two specially tuned electric locomotives broke previous speed records, reaching respectively 320 km/h and 331 km/h, again on standard track.

In the early 1950s, the French National Railway started to receive their new powerful electric locomotives, and began to study and evaluate running at very high speeds. In 1954, the locomotives hauling a full train achieved a record 243 km/h during a test on standard track.

For the first time, the 300 km/h was surpassed, allowing the idea of feasibility of very high-speed services.

(10) In the United States, immediately following the creation of Japan's first high-speed Shinkansen, U.S. President asked the U.S. Congress to devise a way to increase speeds on American railroads. The new service was inaugurated in 1969, at speeds reaching 200 km/h and averaging 145 km/h along the route, faster than even Acela Express trains operated between the cities of New York and Washington in 2012.

Ex.9. Search the text for the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases:

общественный транспорт, развитие высокоскоростного железнодорожного транспорта, военная железная дорога, создавая самое скоростное регулярное сообщение, максимальная скорость, сеть железных дорог, вводить в действие, незадолго, оценить, приспособленный, превосходить, в среднем составлять, сочтены.


Ex. 10. Go back to the text and using the paragraph reference find the words which are similar to (remember all the words in this exercise are given in their initial form):

Paragraph 1 – sort; total; efficient.

Paragraph 2 – united; mean; equipped; institute; set up.

Paragraph 3 – although; employ; arrival.

Paragraph 5 – subsequent; permit; outbreak.

Paragraph 6 – achieve; weighty; count.

Paragraph 7 – capable; unequaled; well-known.

Paragraph 8 – acquire; reckon up; drag.

Paragraph 9 – adapt; exceed; practicability.

Paragraph 10 – invent; achieve; put into operation.


Unit 3

Ex.1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

acceleration – ускорение air pressure – атмосферное давление; аэродинамическое сопротивление air-sealed – воздухонепроницаемый, герметичный Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) – диспетчерская централизация crossing – переезд deceleration – торможение expansion joint – деформационный шов fluctuation – колебание overhead power supply– электроснабжение воздушными линиями электропитания point – стрелочный перевод slab track – путь на сплошном подрельсовом основании swingnose – крестовина test facility – испытательный участок, полигон turnout – разъезд; стрелка


Ex.2. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:

approval – одобрение; утверждение

comprehensive –всесторонний, полный, всеобъемлющий

consequently– следовательно; поэтому; в результате, вследствие

cross-sectional – поперечный

gap –зазор; промежуток

highway– шоссе, магистраль

implement – выполнять, осуществлять

obstacle – препятствие

outdated – устаревший

propose – предлагать

relate – иметь отношение; быть связанным

Ex.3. Read the following sentences and translate them into Russian:

1. The following guidelines do not aim to be totally comprehensive.

2. The neighbors' dog got in through a gap in the hedge.

3. The molecules are absorbed into the bloodstream and consequently affect the organs.

4. This estimate was made on the basis of outdated figures.

5. The report seeks to relate the rise in crime to an increase in unemployment.

6. The cross-sectional area of an object when viewed from a particular angle is the total area of the orthographic projection of the object from that angle.

7. We offer our customers a comprehensive range of financial products. The president has already given his approval to the plan.

8. Major highways are often named and numbered by the governments that typically develop and maintain them.

9. We want to remove all obstacles to travel between the two countries.

10. Most computer users have never received any formal keyboard training. Consequently, their keyboard skills are inefficient.

11. I don't understand how the two ideas relate.

12. We have decided to implement the committee's recommendations in full.

13. Comprehensive and collision insurance provides coverage for most risks, including damage to the policyholder's own vehicle.

14. The major obstacle to achieving that goal is money.

15. A number of theories have been proposed to explain the phenomenon.


Additional text

Competition with air

Compared with air transport, the Shinkansen has several advantages, including scheduling frequency and flexibility, punctual operation, comfortable seats, and convenient city-center terminals.

The Shinkansen system and airlines often compete with each other for the business of city-to-city domestic travelers. If the Shinkansen connects two cities in less than three hours, most passengers choose the Shinkansen, but if it takes more than four hours by Shinkansen, the majority chooses air. Some examples are as follows.

Tokyo - Nagoya (342 km), Tokyo – Sendai (325 km), Tokyo – Hanamaki (Morioka) (496 km), Tokyo – Niigata (300 km): There were air services between these cities, but they were withdrawn after Shinkansen services started. Shinkansen runs between these cities in about two hours or less.

Tokyo – Osaka (515 km): Shinkansen is dominant because of fast (2 hours 30 minutes) and frequent service (up to every 10 minutes by Nozomi); however, air travel has a certain share (about 20 – 30 percent).

Tokyo – Okayama (676 km), Tokyo - Hiroshima (821 km): Shinkansen and air travel are about equal in popularity. The Shinkansen takes about three to four hours and there are Nozomi trains every 30 minutes, but airlines may provide cheaper fares, attracting many passengers.

Tokyo – Fukuoka (1,069 km): The Shinkansen takes about five hours on the fastest Nozomi, and discount carriers have made air travel far cheaper, so most people choose air. Fukuoka Airport is near to Fukuoka City Subway Line 1 connects the Airport and Tenjin, via Hakata Station.

Osaka – Fukuoka (554 km): One of the most competitive sections. The Shinkansen takes about two and a half hours by Nozomi or Mizuho, and the trains twice an hour, taking about 2 hours and 40 minutes between the two cities.

The Nagano Shinkansen is being extended to Jōetsu (to be completed for initial testing by the end of 2013) where it will join new Hokuriku Shinkansen to Kanazawa, currently scheduled to open in March 2015. A further extension of the Hokuriku Shinkansen from Kanazawa to Tsuruga (proposed for completion by 2025) has been approved at 3.04 trillion yen in June 2012. There are further plans to extend the line from Tsuruga to Osaka, and there are currently 3 routes under consideration.

Unit 4

Ex.1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

Berne gauge – габариты подвижного состава, принятые в континентальной Европе Channel Tunnel – Евротоннель, тоннель под Ла-Маншем cornering force – боковая реакция колёс (при повороте) Eurostar – железнодорожная сеть, соединяющая Лондон и графство Кент в Великобритании с городами Париж и Лилль во Франции и Брюсселем в Бельгии. flatwagon – платформа fleet – парк подвижного состава in-cab signaling –локомотивная сигнализация intermodal freight service –смешанные грузоперевозки parcel compartment – багажное отделение swapbody– съёмный кузов для смешанных автомобильно-железнодорожных перевозок tilting mechanism – механизм наклона

Ex.2. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:

attempt – попытка

beyond – сверх, выше; за

currently – в настоящее время

domestic – внутренний; отечественный

instead – вместо; взамен

intermediate – промежуточный

livery – отличительный знак, символ, цвет

opt – выбирать, предпочитать

purpose – цель, намерение; замысел

section – участок

tilt – поворачивать; наклоняться

underneath – снизу


Additional text


Eurostar is a high-speed railway service connecting London with Paris and Brussels. All its trains traverse the Channel Tunnel between the United Kingdom and France, owned and operated separately by Eurotunnel.

The London terminus is St Pancras International, with the other British calling points in Kent. Calling points with trains to Paris terminate at Gare du Nord. Trains to Belgium terminate at Midi/Zuid station in Brussels. In addition, there are limited services from London to Disneyland Paris and to seasonal destinations in southern France in summer and the Alps in winter.

The service is operated by eighteen-coach trains which run at up to 300 kilometres per hour on a network of high-speed lines. The LGV Nord line in France opened before Eurostar services began in 1994, and newer lines enabling faster journeys were added later–HSL1 in Belgium and High Speed 1 in southern England. The French and Belgian parts of the network are shared with Paris-Brussels services and also with TGV trains. In the United Kingdom the two-stage Channel Tunnel Rail Link project was completed on 14 November 2007 and renamed High Speed 1.

Eurostar was until 2010 operated jointly by the national railway companies of France and Belgium, and Eurostar (UK) Ltd, a subsidiary of London and Continental Railways, which also owned the high-speed infrastructure and stations on the British side. Eurostar has become the dominant operator in cross-channel intercity passenger travel on the routes that it operates, carrying more passengers than all airlines combined.

In 1995 Eurostar was achieving an average end-to-end speed of 171.5 km/h (106.6 mph) between London and Paris. On 8 January 1996 Eurostar launched services from a second railway station in the UK when Ashford International was opened. Journey times between London and Brussels were reduced by the opening of HSL 1 on 14 December 1997.

On 23 September 2003 passenger services began running on the first completed section of High Speed 1. Following a high-profile glamorous opening ceremony and a large advertising campaign, on 14 November 2007 Eurostar services in London transferred from Waterloo to the brand new St Pancras International.

An advantage held by Eurostar is the convenience and speed of the service: with shorter check-in times than at most airports and hence quicker boarding and less queueing and high punctuality, it takes less time to travel between central London and central Paris by high-speed rail than it does by air. Eurostar now has a dominant share of the combined rail-air market on its routes to Paris and Brussels. In 2004, it had a 66% share of the London-Paris market, and a 59% share of the London-Brussels market. In 2007, it achieved record market shares of 71% for London-Paris and 65% for London-Brussels routes.

Unit 5

Ex. 1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:


boring – бурение catenary – контактная подвеска chalk marl – известковый мергель communication system – система связи concession radio – местное радио (радио, принадлежащее компании) crew – бригада loading gauge – габарит подвижного состава roll-on/roll-off – трейлерные перевозки service tunnel – служебный туннель third rail – контактный рельс tunnel boring machine – буровая туннелепроходческая машина tunneling – проходка туннеля


Ex.2. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:

beneath – ниже; под

either – и тот и другой; оба

expenditure – издержки

internal – внутренний

onward – вперёд

overrun – превышение

peak – достичь максимума; разгар

possess – владеть

predict – прогнозировать

shaft – шахта

share – иметь долю

shuttle – челнок; челночный рейс

via – посредством, с помощью


The Channel Tunnel is a 50.5-kilometre undersea rail tunnel linking Folkestone, Kent, in the United Kingdom with Pas-de-Calais, near Calais in northern France beneath the English Channel at the Strait of Dover. At its lowest point, it is 75 m deep. At 37.9 kilometres, the Channel Tunnel possesses the longest undersea portion of any tunnel in the world.

Working from both the English side and the French side of the Channel, eleven tunnel boring machines cut through chalk marl to construct two rail tunnels and a service tunnel. The vehicle shuttle terminals are connected to the English and French motorways.

Tunnelling started in 1988, and the tunnel began operating in 1994. In 1985 prices, the total construction cost was £4.650 billion (equivalent to £11 billion today), an 80% cost overrun. At the peak of construction 15,000 people were employed with daily expenditure over £3 million. Ten workers, eight of them British, were killed during construction between 1987 and 1993, most in the first few months of boring.

There are three communication systems in the tunnel: concession radio (CR) for mobile vehicles and personnel within Eurotunnel's Concession (terminals, tunnels, coastal shafts); track-to-train radio (TTR) for secure speech and data between trains and the railway control centre; Shuttle internal radio (SIR) for communication between shuttle crew and to passengers over car radios.

All tunnel services run on electricity, shared equally from English and French sources. Power is delivered to the locomotives via an overhead line (catenary) at 25 kV 50 Hz.

A large proportion of the railway south of London uses a 750 V DC third rail to deliver electrical power, but since the opening of High Speed 1 there is no need to use the third rail system for any part of the Eurostar journey. High Speed 1, the tunnel itself and the route to Paris has power provided via overhead catenary at 25 kV 50 Hz. The railways on "classic" lines in Belgium are also electrified by overhead catenaries, but at 3000 V DC.

A cab signalling system is used that gives information directly to train drivers on a display. There is a train protection system that stops the train if the speed differs from that indicated on the in-cab display. The in-cab signalling is interconnected with the signalling on the high-speed lines either side, allowing trains to enter and exit the tunnel system without stopping. The maximum allowed speed is 160 km/h.

The Channel Tunnel network and terminal areas use a very large loading gauge to allow drive-in shuttle rolling stock. Through freight traffic is allowed up to European loading gauge if onward travel is via High Speed 1.

The tunnel carries high-speed Eurostar passenger trains, Eurotunnel Shuttle roll-on/roll-off vehicle transport – the largest in the world – and international rail freight trains. The tunnel connects end-to-end with the LGV Nord and High Speed 1 high-speed railway lines.

Total cross-tunnel passenger traffic volumes peaked at 18.4 million in 1998, then dropped to 14.9 million in 2003, from then rising again to 17.0 million in 2010.

At the time of the decision about building the tunnel, 15.9 million passengers were predicted for Eurostar trains in the opening year. In 1995, the first full year, actual numbers were a little over 2.9 million, growing to 7.1 million in 2000, then dropping again to 6.3 million in 2003. Eurostar was also limited by the lack of a high-speed connection on the British side. After the completion of High Speed 1 to London in two stages in 2003 and 2007, traffic increased. In 2008, Eurostar carried 9,113,371 passengers in cross-Channel-Tunnel traffic, a 10% increase over the previous year, despite traffic limitations due to the 2008 Channel Tunnel fire. Eurostar passenger numbers continued to increase, reaching 9,528,558 in 2010.


Additional text 1

Channel Tunnel fire

The 2008 Channel Tunnel fire occurred on 11 September 2008 in the Channel Tunnel. The incident involved a France-bound Eurotunnel Shuttle train carrying heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) and their drivers.

The fire lasted for sixteen hours and reached temperatures of up to 1000 °C. Of the thirty-two people on board the train, fourteen people suffered minor injuries, including smoke inhalation and were taken to hospital. When the fire was reported, the tunnel was immediately shut to all services except emergency traffic. The undamaged south tunnel was reopened 13 September with a freight train entering the tunnel at Folkestone and a limited service provided with trains travelling in turn in alternating directions in the one tunnel. By the end of September, two thirds of the north tunnel had reopened. Full service resumed in February 2009 after repairs costing?60 million.

The fire was reported on 11 September 2008 11 kilometres from the French entrance to the tunnel in the North Tunnel. The blaze spread to other trucks on the train during the evening, destroying six carriages and one locomotive. The fire continued to burn overnight and was reported to have been put out the following day, although fire crews continued to smother minor fires nearby for a further two hours. More than 300 firefighters from both sides of the English Channel helped tackle the blaze, with emergency services from East and West Sussex, London and Essex providing support.

Thirty-two people on board the train were led to safety down a separate service tunnel; fourteen people suffered minor injuries, including smoke inhalation, and were taken to hospital. The shuttle was carrying 27 vehicles.

A lorry carrying 100 kg of phenol, a toxic product used in the pharmaceutical industry, was initially thought to be close to the seat of the fire; however this is discovered to be an error and only 100g was carried. Eyewitness accounts state that two loud bangs, described as explosions, were heard and then thick smoke swept through the carriage. The train came to a grinding halt, and the lights went out. Further eyewitness accounts suggest that the emergency exit was jammed, and one passenger smashed a window with a hammer in order to climb out. The temperature in the tunnel was described as "very hot".

About 650 m of tunnel was damaged by the fire, 50% more than during the fire of November 1996.

Additional text 1

Geology of the Tunnel

Successful tunnelling under the channel required a sound understanding of the topography and geology and the selection of the best rock strata through which to tunnel.

Continuous chalk on the cliffs on either side of the Channel containing no major faulting. A 25-30-metre layer of chalk marl in the lower third of the lower chalk appeared to present the best tunneling medium. The chalk has a clay content of 30-40% providing impermeability to groundwater yet relatively easy excavation with strength allowing minimal support. Ideally the tunnel would be bored in the bottom 15 metres of the chalk marl, allowing water inflow from fractures and joints to be minimised, but above the gault clay that would increase stress on the tunnel lining and swell and soften when wet.

On the English side of the channel, the strata dip less than 5°, however, on the French side, this increases to 20°. Jointing and faulting is present on both the English and French sides. On the English side, only minor faults of displacement less than 2 metres (7 ft) exist. On the French side, displacements of up to 15 metres (49 ft) are present owing to the Quenocs anticlinal fold. The faults are of limited width, filled with calcite, pyrite and remoulded clay. The increased dip and faulting restricted the selection of route on the French side. To avoid confusion, microfossil assemblages were used to classify the chalk marl. On the French side, particularly near the coast, the chalk was harder, and more brittle, and more fractured than on the English side. This led to the adoption of different tunnelling techniques on the French and English sides.

Unit 6

Ex. 1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

Word box
dual-system train – двухсистемный поезд (двойного питания) hp (horsepower) – лошадиная сила kN (kilonewton) – килоньютон occupancy rate – степеньзагруженности power output – выходная мощность rate – тариф single-voltage – однофазный tractive effort – сила тяги локомотива trainset – железнодорожный состав


Ex.2. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:

affordable –доступный по цене

announce – объявлять; сообщать

derive – происходить

discontinue – прекращать, останавливать, прерывать

disruption – временное прекращение

emerge – появляться

flexible – гибкий

order – заказ; заказывать

retire – быть замененным, выйти из эксплуатации

rural – сельский

pace – скорость, темп

pedestrian – пешеход, пешеходный

provoke – вызывать; провоцировать

sign – подписывать

unavailability – отсутствие

widen – расширять

worth – имеющий стоимость, стоящий


Ex.5. Many words in English can be both nouns, adjectives and verbs. Sometimes the meaning of these words is different. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the part of speech of the highlighted words.

1. A. Most traffic moved at the pace of the river boat.

B. You need to pace yourself and decide which tasks are the most important.

2. A. You can read this book and judge its worth for yourself.

B. It is worth much more than I paid for it.

3. A. The police put up a sign that the road was closed.

B. The customer must sign the traveller's cheque in front of the cashier.

4. A. Supercomputers use multiple processors to vastly increase computing power and speed.

B. This boat is powered with the latest improved model of our engine.

5. A. Oil prices fluctuated significantly during October.

B. The car is priced at $20,000.

6. A. You can always cancel your order if you change your mind.

B. Are you ready to order?

7. A. The government made an attempt to slow down the rate of economic growth.

B. The company seems to rate him very highly.

8. A. The dollar has been steadily increasing in value.

B. Plastic manufacturers value this polymer for its ability to withstand high temperatures.

9. A. The older generation have a different set of values.

B. The Prime Minister's fierce speech set the tone for the rest of the conference.

10. A total of thirteen meetings were held to discuss the issue.

B. At the end of the game, total up everyone's score to see who has won.

11. A. Most cars run on unleaded fuel.

B. It's only a 55-minute run from London to Brighton.


High-speed rail is emerging in Russia as an increasingly popular means of transport, although its development is moving at a slower pace than in Western Europe.

Two experimental high-speed trainsets were built in 1974 designed for 200 km/h operation: the locomotive-hauled RT-200 ("Russkaya Troika") and the ER-200 EMU. The RT-200 set made only experimental runs in 1975 and 1980 and was discontinued due to the unavailability of the high-speed locomotive, which was only delivered later. The ER-200 EMU was put into regular service in 1984. In 1992 a second ER-200 trainset was built in Riga. Both sets retired.

Sapsan is a 1,520 mm gauge high speed train in Russia. The design is part of the Siemens Velaro family.

The trains started regular service on the Moscow- Saint Petersburg Railway in December 2009 at a maximum speed of 250 km/h (a new build High-Speed Line would allow for speeds of up to 330 km/h or 205 mph).

On 18 May 2006 Siemens and Russian Railways signed a? 276m order for 8 high speed trains with a 30-year service contract worth around?300m.

The trains were ordered to connect Moscow with Saint Petersburg and later Nizhny Novgorod at a speed of up to 250 km/h. They are derived from the German ICE 3 train but with bodies widened by 330 mm to 3,265 mm to suit Russia's wide loading gauge. Four of the trains are equipped for both 3 kV DC and 25 kV 50 Hz AC operation. The total length of each ten-car train is 250 m, carrying up to 600 passengers.The car width is 3.265 metres and its height is 4.4 metres. The power output is 8,000 kW (11,000 hp) and the tractive effort is328kN (starting) and 298 kN (continuous).

Development and construction was carried out by Siemens in Germany. In August 2009 it was announced that the fifth Sapsan had been delivered to Russia, of the eight that were planned.

Power is delivered to the locomotives via an overhead line (catenary). Four single-voltage ("EVS1", 3 kV DC powered) trains entered passenger service at the end of 2009 on the Moscow-St Petersburg route, with the dual-system trains (EVS2) entering service on the Nizhny Novgorod route on 30 July 2010

Sapsan set records for the fastest train in Russia on 2 May 2009, travelling at 281 km/h and on 7 May 2009, travelling at 290 km/h.

Since entering service in December 2009, it has been Russian Railways' only profitable passenger service, with an occupancy rate of 84.5%. According to the timetable valid from 30 October 2011, the direct train from Moscow to St Petersburg without intermediate stops needs 3:40, the train from Moscow to Nizhniy Novgorod 3:55 hours.

Introduction of Sapsan initially provoked cancelling of affordable daytime trains between Moscow and St Petersburg. By the end of 2012 Moscow-St Petersburg daytime trains other than Sapsan were running again.

There were a series of stone throwing attacks against Sapsan trains. As possible reasons cancelling of commuter trains, disruption of local transportation in rural areas and accidents because of poor safety for pedestrians were mentioned.

On July 1, 2012 the company "Russian Railways" uses a new tariff system, which provides a flexible price of a ticket on the train "Sapsan." Fares vary automatically based on two factors:

· The date of sale of the ticket,

· Percentage of occupied seats on the train.

Ex.9. Search the text for the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases:

всё больше и больше, на локомотивной тяге, электропоезд, испытательный пробег, договор на обслуживание, приводить в соответствие с, установить рекорд, отмена, гибкие цены, занятые места, первоначально.

Additional text 1

Additional text 2



acceleration – ускорение

air pressure – атмосферное давление; аэродинамическое сопротивление

air-sealed – воздухонепроницаемый, герметичный

articulated train – сочленённый поезд

axle – ось

Berne gauge – габариты подвижного состава, принятые в континентальной Европе

bogie – тележка

boiler – паровой котёл

boring – бурение

bullet train – сверхскоростной пассажирский экспресс (в Японии)

catenary – контактная подвеска

Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) – диспетчерская централизация

chalk marl – известковый мергель

communication system – система связи

concession radio – местное радио (радио, принадлежащее компании)

continuous welded rail – бесстыковой сварной рельс

cornering force – боковая реакция колёс (при повороте)

coupler – сцепка

crew – бригада

crossing – переезд

current frequency – частота тока

deceleration – торможение

dual-system train – двухсистемный поезд (двойного питания)

electric multiple unit – электропоезд

electrify – электрифицировать

expansion joint – деформационный шов

external combustion engine – двигатель внешнего сгорания

flatwagon – платформа

fleet – парк подвижного состава

fluctuation – колебание

grade – уровень

high-speed rail – высокоскоростной наземный железнодорожный транспорт

hp (horsepower) – лошадиная сила

in-cabsignalling – локомотивная сигнализация

intermodal freight services – смешанные грузоперевозки

kN (kilonewton) – килоньютон

loading gauge – габарит подвижного состава

multi-powered unit – дизель-электропоезд

occupancy rate – степень загруженности

overhead power supply – электроснабжение воздушными линиями электропитания

point – стрелочный перевод

power output – выходная мощность

rate – тариф

regular service – регулярное сообщение, регулярные рейсы

right-of-way – полоса отчуждения

rolling stock – подвижной состав

roll-on/roll-off – трейлерные перевозки

service tunnel – служебный туннель

single-voltage – однофазный

slab track– путь на сплошном подрельсовом основании

swap body container – съёмный кузов для смешанных автомобильно-железнодорожных перевозок

swingnose – крестовина

test facility –испытательный участок, полигон

third rail – контактный рельс

three-phase current – трёхфазный ток

tilting mechanism – механизм наклона

tractive effort – сила тяги локомотива

trainset – железнодорожный состав

tunnel boring machine – буровая туннелепроходческая машина

tunnelling – проходка туннеля

turning radius – радиус поворота

turnout – разъезд; стрелка



Министерство транспорта Российской Федерации

Федеральное агентство железнодорожного транспорта

Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования




Кафедра иностранных языков


А Н г л и й с к и й я З ы к


Методические указания для студентов II курса специальности «Высокоскоростной наземный транспорт»



Составитель: Л.В. Абдрахманова


Самара 2013



Английский язык. Методические указания для студентов II курса специальности “Высокоскоростной наземный транспорт”. – Самара: СамГУПС, 2013 – с.

Утверждено на заседании кафедры года, протокол №.

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета СамГУПС.


Методические указания выполнены в соответствии с требованиями программы обучения иностранному языку студентов неязыковых специальностей, предполагающей профессионально ориентированную направленность учебного процесса. Методические указания ставят своей целью ознакомить студентов с основной терминологической лексикой по специальности «Высокоскоростной наземный транспорт» и базовыми коммуникативными моделями.

Статьи из журналов Rail International, International Railway Journal, Railway Gazette, а также материалы, заимствованные из Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago и Internet сайтов послужили основой для разработки уроков, каждый из которых освещает наиболее актуальные проблемы развития железнодорожного транспорта в экономически развитых странах мира. Кроме того, в методические указания включены частично адаптированные тексты познавательного характера.

Структура урока предполагает интеграцию всех видов учебной деятельности по иностранному языку, учитывает специфику технического вуза и обеспечивает индивидуальный подход при проведении занятия.

Методические указания снабжены кратким терминологическим словарем, который призван восполнить недостаток лексикографических материалов по проблемам железнодорожного транспорта.



Составитель Любовь Вениаминовна Абдрахманова

Рецензенты: доцент кафедры иностранных языков СамГУПС,

кандидат филологических наук С.Я. Никитина,

доцент кафедры иностранных языков СамГТУ

кандидат филологических наук А.Л. Кюрегян

Подписано в печать Формат 60x84 1/16

Бумага писчая. Печать офсетная. Усл. п.л.

Тираж 100 экз. Заказ №

Unit 1

Ex. 1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

bullet train – сверхскоростной пассажирский экспресс (в Японии) continuous welded rail – бесстыковой сварной рельс grade – уровень high-speed rail– высокоскоростной наземный железнодорожный транспорт right-of-way – полоса отчуждения rolling stock– подвижной состав turning radius– радиус поворота


Ex. 2. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:

alongside – совместно с

compatibility – совместимость

constitute – составлять

conventional – традиционный, обычный

dedicated – специализированный

define – определять, давать определение

feature – характерная черта

incorporate – включать

insist – настаивать на

merely – просто; единственно

precise – точный

significantly – значительно


Ex.3. Describe the relationship between each of the following words (antonyms, synonyms, neither).

1. alongside / near 6. feature / quality

2. compatibility/ incongruity 7. precise/ inaccurate

3. conventional / customary / habitual 8. meaningly / significantly

4. incorporate / exclude 9. merely / especially

5. special-purpose / dedicated 10. insist / demand

Ex.4. Read the following sentences and translate them into Russian:

1. We will never know the precise details of his death.

2. I'll now try to define the term 'popular culture'.

3. We insist on the highest standards of cleanliness in the hotel.

4. Such areas should also be served by dedicated cycle routes.

5.It important to write these goals down, rather than merely think about them.

6. One of the distinguishing features of modern banking is its dependence on computers.

7. Health problems can be significantly reduced by careful diet.

8. Architecture compatibility allows code re-use and results in reduced design time.

9. Children's prices are shown alongside adult prices.

10. Internet connections through conventional phone lines are fairly slow.

11. We must redefine what constitutes a family.

12. We've incorporated many environmentally-friendly features into the design of the building.

13. Methods used by younger teachers differ significantly from those used by older ones.

14. The precise cause of the disease is unknown.

Ex. 5. Translate the words given in the box into English:


характерные черты составлять значительно включает просто совместимость специализированный совместно с традиционный определять точный


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