Ex.4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Translate the sentences. — КиберПедия 

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Ex.4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Translate the sentences.

2017-10-16 269
Ex.4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Translate the sentences. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. It's near where the railway goes ____ (opposite, beyond, currently, underneath) the road.

2. Airplanes and bicycles ____ (link, opt, tilt, attempt) inwards when cornering, but automobiles and trains cannot do this on their own.

3. All ____ (purposes, attempts, sections, services) to control inflation have failed.

4. The ____ (purpose, attempt, section, service) of conducting a business is to make money.

5. I was going to write you an e-mail, but I decided to call ____ (partly, currently, underneath, instead).

6. This ___ (purpose, attempt, section, combination) of the road is closed.

7. Many young people are ____ (linking, tilting, attempting, opting) to go on to college.

8. A cooled liquid is ____ (underneath, intermediate, mixture, domestic) between liquid and solid.

9. The product is not (currently, instead, beyond, partly) available.

10. More people are choosing to work ____ (opposite, beyond, currently, underneath) retirement age.

11. At international airports in Canada, there are _____ (intermediate, linking, adapted, domestic) terminals that handle flights within Canada, flying from one Canadian city to another.


Ex.5. Read the following sentences and translate them into Russian:

1. There are various types of trains that are designed for particular purposes.

2. The system's technology is largely based on the French TGV/LGV system, but domestic development based on transferred technology began early.

3. The facility for the electric traction system to be spread out along the train allowed a number of small power units to be distributed underneath the floors of several vehicles in the train.

4. The siding is provided beyond the station between the main running lines and is connected to both, as shown below.

5. A timetable shows each train or trip identity and intermediate times for some, if not all stations.

6. Early railways were not fenced and only at terminals and very busy stations there was not any attempt at segregation made.

7. In Lyons, driverless automatic metro Line D has no platform screen doors, instead the platform track areas are equipped with a network of electronic detector beams.

8. For passenger information purposes, bi-directional signalling makes it necessary to have good and easily variable passenger information displays.

9. Currently much of travel on the distances of over 500 miles is done by air in many countries but in others long-distance travel by rail is a popular or the only cheap way to travel long distances.

10. Following on from the decoration of horse-drawn carriages, a livery is the common design and paint scheme a company will use on its vehicles, often using specific colors and logo placement.

11. The Japanese Shinkansen may tilt up to one degree, allowing the trains to maintain 270 km/h even on 2,500 m radius curves that previously had a maximum speed of 255 km/h.

12. Employees have the choice to opt in to the scheme. 12. Inflation has risen beyond the 5% level. 13. Typical goods transported by these railway wagons are: vehicles, engines, large pipes, metal beams, wire coils, wire mesh, half-finished steel products, containers, rails, sleepers and complete sections of railway track.


Ex.6. Pay attention to the following words:

There are a number of ways of adding one idea to another in English. You probably already know words like and, also and too.

in addition кроме того; вдобавок; дополнительно
additionally дополнительно; кроме того, сверх того
furthermore к тому же, кроме того; более того
further затем; сверх того, более того
besides кроме того, сверх того, более того
moreover сверхтого, кроме того
else ещё, кроме
What's more кроме того; вдобавок; дополнительно


Read the following sentences and translate them into Russian:

1. Additionally many operators undertook some sort of refurbishment programme on the carriages in the early 2000s.

2. Locomotives themselves can also be flexible, many being designed to cover a range of duties.

3. In addition, in very predictable operations like commuter services or metro lines, fixed formation trains will be the most efficient.

4. Also additional locomotives are required to cover terminal operations.

5. Passengers will look out for passing trains when crossing tracks and will take care not to leave luggage, children, cars or anything else which could damage or be damaged by a train.

6. The source of the information is irrelevant, moreover, the information need not be confidential.

7. Besides myself, the only English people there were Keith and Doreen.

8. He is old and unpopular. Furthermore, he has at best only two years of political life ahead of him.

9. Butter sales have fallen because margarine has improved in flavor. Further, butter consumption has decreased because of links to heart disease.

10. For this job you need a degree. What's more, you need some experience. 11. I'm capable of doing the work, and a lot more besides.

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