Определите значения интернациональных слов по сходству их корней с корнями соответствующих слов в русском языке. — КиберПедия 

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Определите значения интернациональных слов по сходству их корней с корнями соответствующих слов в русском языке.

2017-10-16 338
Определите значения интернациональных слов по сходству их корней с корнями соответствующих слов в русском языке. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Planning, design, construction; the term "civil engineering"; fortifications, forts; natural materials; modern structural materials; plastics; residential, municipal, industrial structures; hospitals; tunnels, dams; efficient construction; computer applications; to select construction materials; modern civil engineers; to protect nature.

Прочитайте следующие словосочетания и дайте их русские эквиваленты.

To specialize in civil engineering; to deal with construction; to relate to building; the armed forces of a country; to build churches; to pave roads; crushed stone; reinforced concrete; transport facilities; power stations; to be engaged in building; to conduct preliminery research; to select building equipment and machinery; to prepare specifications; to supervise construction and repair work; to implement safety programs; prefabricated construction; highway engineering; environment-conscious construction; environmentally friendly products.

Найдите синонимы в списках А и В.

Образец: residential construction – housing construction жилищное строительство.


A. State-of-the-art technology, duties, buildings, collaboration, equipment, products, residential construction, subject, environment-conscious works, foundation, requirement.

B. Responsibilities, structures, environmentally friendly operations, demand, housing construction, cutting-edge technology, cooperation, machinery, discipline, goods, and establishment.

Давно ли существует гражданское строительство? Прочитайте текст и убедитесь, правильна ли ваша догадка.

My Speciality

I am a second-year student at the Shakhty Institute of South Russia State Technical University. My speciality is Industrial and Civil Construction. I specialize in civil engineering.

Civil engineering is a branch of knowledge dealing with planning, design, construction, and repair of roads, bridges, harbours, and public buildings. The term "civil engineering" has been used since the 18th century, as opposed to military engineering, relating to building fortifications (forts, walls, ditches, etc.) for the armed forces of a country.

People have built houses, churches, canals and paved roads since ancient times. In the past, they used such natural building materials as stone, clay, sand and wood. Later they learn to make brick out of clay and crushed stone out of stone. They also used metals in construction. Modern structural materials are steel, concrete, reinforced concrete, and plastics.

At present, civil engineers build residential, municipal, industrial structures and transport facilities. They use prefabricated elements in the construction of houses, hospitals, office buildings, plants, factories, power stations, etc. Civil engineers are also engaged in building highways, bridges, tunnels, dams, and other structures.

The main duties and requirements of the civil engineer are:

- to conduct preliminary research into feasibility, site, design, construction, and repair of structures;

- to determine the appropriate means of safe and efficient construction;

- to determine and advise on feasible construction methods;

- to design, develop, and implement computer applications for building;

- to select the appropriate structural materials;

- to select building equipment and machinery in collaboration with other engineering specialists;

- to prepare specifications, drawings, and legal documents for carrying out construction projects;

- to plan, organize and supervise construction and repair works;

- to implement and coordinate construction safety programs;

- to commission completed projects.

In Russia, civil engineers are trained in construction departments of polytechnics and technical universities. Students do construction engineering, structural materials, structural design, civil engineering design, engineering design, structural analysis, foundation engineering, structural protection, prefabricated construction, highway engineering, and other subjects.

The quality of education depends on a profound knowledge of state-of-the-art technology, practice and understanding that construction industry must be environment-conscious. Structural works must not pollute the environment: air, water, and land, in which people, animals, and plants live. Modern civil engineers are supposed to use environmentally friendly products, machines, and methods, which can prevent and repair damage done to nature.


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