Скажите, соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста. Исправьте неправильные утверждения. — КиберПедия 

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Скажите, соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста. Исправьте неправильные утверждения.

2017-10-16 371
Скажите, соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста. Исправьте неправильные утверждения. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Alexander is single.

2. He studies full time.

3. His work is connected with his future profession.

4. Alexander does badly at the institute.

Заполните пропуски формами глагола to be в соответствующем времени.

1. Now I ___ a first-year student at the institute. 2. My groupmates ___ in class at the moment. 3. My institute ___ in the centre of the city. 4. My grandfather ___ a construction engineer when he ___ young. 5. The builders ___ on the construction site last week. 6. Soon, after graduation, I ___ a civil engineer. 7. Help your friend with his English, please. He ___ ill for a month 8. The secretary said the engineer ___ on business for two days and would return in a week.

Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения на основе утвердительных предложений, данных ниже. Определите видовременную форму глаголов-сказуемых.

1. His brother is a first-year student.

2. My friends are excellent students.

3. The students were on vacation in August.

4. There was a concert in the assembly hall on Friday.

5. Peter will be a construction engineer.

6. There will be a lot of students at the students' conference tomorrow.

Составьте словосочетания из прилагательных из списка А и существительных из списка B.

А. civil favorite technical full-time prosperous excellent structural Russian foreign B. drawing students marks design university engineers languages subjects company

Разыграйте следующие диалоги.

1. – What is your first name, please?

– I'm Alexander.

2. – Tell me your last name/family name/surname, please.

– I'm Stepanov.

3. – Who are you?

– I'm Maria Ivanova. Call me Masha.

4. – How old are you? / What's your age?

– I'm eighteen years old.

5. – What date is your birthday? / When is your birthday?

– It's on the tenth of April.

6. – When and where were you born?

– I was born in Shakhty, Rostov region, in 1989.

7. – What nationality are you?

– I'm Russian.

8. – Are you married?

– I'm married. / I'm not married. / I'm single.

9. – Where are you from?

– I'm from Shakhty, Rostov region.

10. – What's your address?

– My address is 12, Dachnaya Street, Shakhty, Rostov region, 346500, Russia.

11. – What's your telephone number?

– My phone number is 2-75-23. Call me, please.

12. – What do you do?

– I'm an construction student.

13. – What higher school / higher educational institution / higher educational establishment do you study at?

– I study at South Russia State Technical University.

14. – Do you study full time or part time?

– I study full time / part time.

15. – What year are you in?

– I'm in my first year at the institute.

16. – What faculty are you in?

– I am in the Faculty of Technology.

17. – Who's the dean of the Faculty of Technology?

– The dean of the Faculty of Technology is V.A.Yevstratov Kolesnichenko, Professor, Doctor of Science (Engineering).

18. – Who is the head of the Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering and Construction Materials?

– The head of the Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering and Construction Materials is Professor A.A. Privalov.

19. – What specialized subjects do you study at the institute?

– I study strength of materials, construction engineering, structural design, structural protection, building materials and other subjects.

20. – What subject are you good at?

– I'm good at construction engineering.

21. – What is your favourite subject?

– My favourite subject is strength of materials.

22. – Do you get a grant?

– Yes, I do. In the first term I did well at my exams and credit tests. That's why I get a grant.

23. – What is the subject of your term paper?

– It's "Underground and mine construction in the Rostov region".

24. – What's your specialization?

– Civil Engineering.

25. – What's your future profession? What plans do you have for the future?

– I'm going to be a civil engineer.

26. – Would you like to do postgraduate work?

– Yes, I'd like to go on with my research and do postgraduate work.

27. – What is your hobby?

– Going in for sports.

– Which sports do you like doing?

– I'm very keen on aerobics [Fq'rqVbIks]. I don't mind jogging ['GPgIN] (бег разминочным темпом).

– Which sports do you like watching?

– Gymnastics ([GIm'nxstIks]). And what about you?

– I'm not sports crazy.

28. – What sort of music do you like?

– I prefer classical ['klxsIkql] music to rock music and jazz [Gxz], / disco to reggae ['regeI] and rap. But I'm not very keen on pop music. I don't like opera music at all.

– Do you often go to clubs?

– Yes. I go to clubs either with my friends or on my own.


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