Test on the sequence of Tenses (12 points) — КиберПедия 

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Test on the sequence of Tenses (12 points)

2017-10-10 1591
Test on the sequence of Tenses (12 points) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to complain about a television set which I bought in the sale last week. When I asked the assistant why 1 ___ the only set of that make and model on sale, he 2 ___ me that it 3 ___ used for the demonstration on the shop floor. I also asked him 4 ___ it was in good working order and he assured me that it 5 ___ perfectly. He also promised 6 ___ I could return the set within the fourteen days for any reason and receive a full refund.

Unfortunately, when I took the television home, I discovered that the sound and picture quality were poor. I called the shop and asked someone 7 ___ me through to the manager. The manager explained 8 ___ that I could not get a refund as a television was a sale item. She 9 ___ to have the television repaired but said that the repairs 10 ___ at my expense. I would also like to add that the assistant who sold me the television 11 ___ promising me a refund if there was a problem with the set. The manager suggested 1 2 ___ Head Office, which is why I am writing to you. I would like a full refund of the television as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully, ___

1. A was this; B it was; C this had been; D it had been.

2. A said; B says; C told; D told to.

3. A is; B is being; C has been; D had been.

4. A if; B why; C how; D that.

5. A works; B is working; C worked; D would be working.

6. A me that; B me if; C if; D to me.

7. A put; B to put; C putting; D that I put.

8. A to me; B me that; C that; D me how.

9. A said; B told; C informed; D offered.

10. A are; B were; C has been; D would be.

11. A denied; B refused; C informed; D decided.

12. A to contact; B me to contact; C that contacting; D that I should contact.

TEXT 1 (25 points)


Dear Peter,

You by any chance 1 (know) where Bob 2 (be)? I 3 (like) 4 (find) it out because I just 5 (hear) of a job that exactly 6 (suit) him, but if he 7 (not apply) soon, of course, he 8 (not get) it.

I last 9 (see) him about a month ago, when he just 10 (leave) his job with the film company. He 11 (say) he 12 (go) to France for a holiday and 13 (promise) 14 (send) me a postcard with his French address as soon as he 15 (find) a place to stay. But I 16 (hear) nothing of him since then and 17 (not know) if he even 18 (go) to France or not.

I 19 (be) very grateful if you 20 (phone) me in case you 21 (know) his address. I 22 (try) 23 phone you several times but your phone 24 (not seem) to work.

Hope 25 (hear) from you soon.



TEXT 2 (30 points)


When Nelly returned to her native city after four years at the University she 1 (understand) that many things 2 (change). The first night at home she 3 (go) for a walk in the company of her friend. The girls 4 (see) many people who 5 (walk) with their children. “ 6 (Look)!” Nelly suddenly 7 (cry). “A new bridge 8 (appear) here! When it 9 (build)?” Nelly’s friend 10 (not expect) her friend 11 (be) so excited. “You 12 (see),” she said, “It 13 (be) our MP’s policy. They 14 (build) a lot of new things at the moment. You 15 (remember) Mr. Johnson’s barn, which 16 (ruin) by a tornado? A new garage 17 (build) in its place. It 18 (not finish) yet, but I think when they 19 (finish) it, it 20 (be) the biggest garage in the city.” Nelly 21 (shake) her head in disbelief. “It always 22 (be) very difficult to make the City Council 23 (do) anything in the field of construction,” she said. She 24 (remember) how old-fashioned the city 25 (be) before and 26 (realize) she 27 (like) the changes she 28 (see). She hoped she 29 (see) more attractive things in the near future, and her home city 30 (be) more and more beautiful.


TEXT 3 (12 points)

Choose the correct variant A, B, C or D.

Dear Irene,

It was nice to hear from you, and yes, I’d love to come and see you in Spain! (1) __ I can save enough money before the summer holidays start, I (2) __ at the end of July. (3) __, I’ll see you in the autumn, because I’m sure I (4) __ enough money by October – if I (5) __ my job by then! Unfortunately, lots of people in our company are being made redundant. If I (6) __ any sense, I (7) __ this job ages ago. By the way, congratulations on your promotion. If you keep on like this, you (8) __ the school soon!

It sounds (9) __ the weather’s being really good over there. It’s been terrible here. If it (10) __ at the weekend, I (11) soon be emigrating to somewhere with a better climate! Seriously, I’m wondering if it’s time (12) __ about going abroad again.

Looking forward to seeing you soon. Say hello to your family from me.

Love, Violetta.


1 A If only B In case C Unless D Provided
2 A come B ’ll come C ’d come D came
3 A If B When C Unless D Otherwise
4 A ’ll save B ’ll be saving C might save D ’ll have saved
5 A didn’t lose B don’t lose C haven’t lost D won’t lose
6 A have B had C ’ve had D ’ll have
7 A ’ll leave B ’d leave C ’d be leaving D ’d have left
8 A ’ll run B ’ll be running C ’ll have run D should run
9 A as if Bas C if D only
10 A still rains B rains still C ’s still raining D still rained
11 A should B can Ccould D have
12 A for me to think   B I’m thinking C I’ve thought D I think    


Screen Test

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