Три времени и способы их выражения — КиберПедия 

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Три времени и способы их выражения

2017-10-10 4862
Три времени и способы их выражения 4.83 из 5.00 6 оценок
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В английском языке, как и во всех других языках, существует только три времени – настоящее (Present), прошедшее (Past) и будущее (Future).

В плоскости этих трёх времён существует три способа их выражения: Simple, Progressive, Perfect (см. Таблица 1).

SIMPLE TENSES – употребляется тогда, нас интересует только действие (или состояние).

PROGRESSIVE TENSES – тогда, когда нас интересует не так само действие, как время его протекания.

PERFECT TENSES – употребляется тогда, когда нас интересует не так само действие, как его соотнесённость с другим действием (его завершённость).

Эти отношения могут быть выражены в действительном залоге (Active Voice) и страдательном залоге (Passive Voice).


Времена группы Simple обозначают обычные, регулярно повторяющиеся действия, констатацию фактов в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем.

1. Theystudy at the University. (Present)

2. Theystudied at the University. (Past)

3. Theywill study at the University. (Future)

ПЕРЕВОД. Сказуемые во временах группы SIMPLE чаще всего переводятся глаголами несовершенного вида.

Что делаю? Что делал? Что буду делать?

e.g. He plays tennis every Sunday. = Он играет в теннис каждое воскресенье.

He played tennis last Sunday. = Он играл в теннис в прошлое воскресенье.

He will play tennis next Sunday. = Он будет играть в теннис в следующее воскресенье.

.Иногда сказуемые, употребляемые во временах группы SIMPLE, могут переводиться и глаголами совершенного вида. (Что сделал? Что сделаю?) E.g. He read an interesting book yesterday. = Он прочиталинтересную книгу вчера. He will write a letter to his sister. = Он напишетписьмо своей сестре.


Упражнение 1. Найдите сказуемое, определите его время. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. They study at Ivanovo University. 2. He goes to the University on week-days. 3. The teacher gives us English magazines. 4. My sister looks through the morning newspapers every day. 5. He studied English a year ago. 6. We walked home yesterday. 7. My brother left for England last year. 8. I’ll become a good specialist in 3 years. 9. It will take you a long time to master this speciality. 10. It often rains in this part of the world in autumn.

Упражнение 2. Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными.

1. Tomorrow the lecture on Philosophy will begin at 9.45. 2. It will rain tomorrow. 3. We’ll take part in this ecological conference next month. 4. This hall will be full of students in an hour. 5. The meeting began at 3 o’clock yesterday. 6. My father left for London last week. 7. He translated the text without a dictionary. 8. Last week I received a letter from my parents. 9. They finished the work in time. 10. She speaks English at home. 11. Classes begin at 8 o’clock. 12. He always does exercises attentively 13. Every morning we hurry to the office. 14. These students will play baseball next week. 15. She helped me to translate this text.

Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребив соответствующее время. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The last class (to end) at a quarter to three. 2. My sister (to look through) the morning newspapers every day. 3. We (to play volley-ball) on Mondays. 4. All students of our group (to speak) English well, except me. 5. She not (to leave) home yesterday. 6. The students (to go) to Moscow last week. 7. He (to finish) working on his report 2 days ago. 8. Tomorrow I (to get up) early. 9. We (to invite) them to the theatre tomorrow. 10. Next year he (to graduate from) the University. 11. She (to try) to speak to the teacher the day after tomorrow. 12. Last night he (to watch) a hockey match on TV. 13. Children always (to like) to ask a lot of questions. 14. Last year he (to work) in this laboratory. 15. At the end of each term the students (to take) the examinations.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. В английском языке в придаточных предложениях условия и времени, относящихся к будущему времени, употребляются формы настоящего времени.


if – если unless – если не when – когда while – в то время как as soon as – как только before – до того как after – после того как till – до тех пор пока until – пока не  

e.g. I’ll go to the cinema if I have some free time.

Я пойду в кино, если у меня будет свободное время.

While he is working in the garden, I’ll post the letter.

Пока он будет работать в саду, я отправлю письмо.

Упражнение 4. Прочитайте и переведите предложения

1. They will understand you if you do not speak fast. 2. It will be impossible for us to get into the hall when the lecture begins. 3. I’ll try to do a translation if you give me a dictionary. 4. As soon as classes are over I’ll hurry to the station to catch the train. 5. If you don’t put on something warm you’ll catch cold. 6. You’ll get lost if you don’t read the map carefully. 7. You’ll the bank on your left if you go along the street. 8. While she is cooking he’ll go shopping. 9. Don’t jump off the bus until it stops. 10. After I’ve done all the work I’ll let you know.

Упражнение 5. Закончите предложения.

1. When the meeting is over... 2. I’ll speak to the dean when... 3. My friend will stay after classes if... 4. As soon as the rain stops... 5. If you don’t get a job,... 6. If she phones too late, … 7. He’ll forget to lock the door unless … 8. You’ll catch cold if … 9. He won’t come to see you before … 10. … till she comes.

Упражнение 6. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Я думаю, он не придет на этот вечер. 2. Мне никогда ничего не рассказывают. 3. Он вернулся позавчера, не правда ли? 4. Вы отправите письмо сегодня? 5. Как только узнаешь новости, позвони мне. 6. Не приходите сюда в два часа: я буду занят. 7. Кто вчера уходил из кабинета последним и не запер его? 8. Его родители живут в Москве, и он навещает их каждый месяц. 9. Она подняла трубку и набрала номер телефона Алисы. 10. Наш поезд отправляется в 6 часов, у нас еще время, чтобы сходить в кафе.


Времена группы Progressive обозначают действие в развитии в определённый момент речи в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем. Этот момент речи передаётся 2 способами:

1. Точным указанием времени, чаще всего обстоятельством времени с предлогом at (в):

e.g. 1) They were reading a book at 2 o’clock yesterday. - Они

читали книгу вчера в 2 часа.

2) I am listening to you now. – Я сейчас слушаю вас.

2. Либо другим действием – придаточным предложением чаще с союзами while, when.

e.g. We were reading a book when you came. – Мы читали книгу (в тот момент), когда вы пришли.

Формула образования времён группы Progressive

to be + V-ing смыслового глагола


Упражнение 7. Найдите сказуемое, определите его время. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. We are listening to a friend of yours. 2. He is reading an English newspaper. 3. She is speaking about her work. 4. It was raining the whole day yesterday. 5. We were working from 3 till 5 o’clock yesterday. 6. Father was reading a newspaper while Ann was doing her homework. 7. We’ll be skiing in the forest the whole day tomorrow. 8. He will be working at his report from 4 till 6 o'clock tomorrow. 9. I’m sure he’ll be working on his composition from 10 till 12 on Sunday. 10. Look! He’s crossing the street in the red light.

Упражнение 8. Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными

1. I’ll be painting her portrait at 5 o’clock tomorrow. 2. He will be making an experiment from 8 till 12 o’clock tomorrow. 3. They will be working in the garden while I am cooking dinner. 4. I was going home when I met my friend. 5. We were having dinner when my brother came. 6. It was snowing when we went out of the house. 7. They were swimming in the river when it began to rain. 8. The students are reviewing the words for dictation now. 9. She is speaking about her work. 10. He is looking at the picture. 11. He is writing a letter. 12. We were watching TV when you rang me up. 13. They are doing Exercise 5. 14. We were going to the cinema when we saw you. 15. The children will be sleeping when he comes.

Упражнение 9. Раскройте скобки, употребив соответствующее время. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. He (to write) his article the whole day tomorrow. 2. It (not to rain) when we went out of the house. 3. We (to discuss) the problem while you were playing the piano. 4. She (to wait) for you from 2 till 3 o’clock in the afternoon tomorrow. 5. Listen, somebody (to knock) at the door. 6. I (to open) the window now. Be careful! 7. Just as he (to get) on the bus the thief stole his purse.8. I (to think) about him a lot these days. 9. Don’t come to see her after lunch. She (to revise). 10. This time last year I (to fly) to Boston.

Упражнение 10. Переведите предложения, используя the Progressive Tenses.

1. Мы сейчас читаем английскую газету. 2. Я занимался целый деньвчера. 3. Я встретил его, когда он шёл домой. 4. Что вы будете делать завтра в 12 часов? 5. У нас будет английский с 8 до 9.35 завтра. 6. Откуда Вы идете? – Из магазина. 7. Вчера мы весь день гуляли в парке. 8. Завтра в 11 у нас лекция по истории. 9. Она всегда болтает на уроках. 10. Внезапно он понял, что он подъезжает к нужной остановке.


– обозначают действия завершённые, законченные к определённому моменту речи в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем. Этот момент речи передаётся двумя способами:

1) точным указанием времени, чаще всего обстоятельством времени с предлогом by (к).

e.g. 1. Theyhad translated this article by 2 o’clock yesterday. - Они

перевели эту статью к 2 часам вчера.

2. They will have translated this article by the end of the week. -

Они переведут эту статью к концу недели.

2) либо другим действием: придаточным предложением.

e.g. He had answered the question when you came in. - Он уже отве -

тил на вопрос, когда вы вошли.

Формула образования времён группы Perfect

to have + V-ed/V3 смыслового глагола


Упражнение 11. Найдите сказуемое, определите его время. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. He has never been to France. 2. Has she graduated from the University yet? 3. The meeting had been over by 7.30 yesterday. 4. I will have finished my scientific work by Monday. 5. We thought that the city had made a great impression on you. 6. She has just sent a letter to her parents. 7. I haven’t had holidays for 5 years. 8. When Nick arrived Ann had already left. 9. My scientific advisor will have read my report by the end of the week. 10. How many pages has he translated by the end of the academic year?

Упражнение 12. Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными.

1. They have heard the news. 2. I have already done my work. 3. We have already written our test paper. 4. She has just passed her exam. 5. We had finished the course paper by last Friday. 6. My brother had passed all his exams before her went to Moscow. 7. I had booked the ticket before I got the letter. 8. We will have finished the experiment by 5 o’clock tomorrow. 9. I will have translated the article before you come. 10. They will have passed all their exams by the end of the winter session.

Упражнение 13. Раскройте скобки, употребив соответствующее время. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The rain (to begin) before we arrived home. 2. We saw the film after we (to read) the book. 3. I not (to see) my friend since the holidays. 4. He just (to get) this letter. 5. She already (to have dinner). 6. They (to finish) this experiment by the end of the week. 7. I (to read) the book twice. 8. The secretary (to type) the article by 6 o’clock. 9. No sooner I (go) to bed when the phone rang. 10. We (not to write) the test when the teacher comes.

Упражнение 14. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребив соответствующее время.

1. Мы только что говорили об этом. 2. Я никогда не был в Лондоне. 3. За последнее время она перевела несколько научных статей. 4. Он сказал, что читал эту книгу много лет назад. 5. Они ушли до того, как мы получили телеграмму. 6. К какомувремени вы закончите перевод этой статьи? – Я только что перевёл её. 7. К тому времени как он придет, мы сами завершим работу. 8. Не успел я начать подготовку к экзамену, как выяснилось, что формулировки вопросов изменились. 9. Мы познакомились месяц назад, но я не слышал о нем ничего с тех пор. 10. Этот режиссер получил приз после того, как он снял свой лучший фильм.


– обозначают действия, которые начались в прошлом, длились какое-то время и продолжаются в (этот) определённый момент речи в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем или вплоть до этого момента. Причём продолжительность действия указывается обычно следующими словами (характерными обстоятельствами):

for two hours – в течение двух часов, уже два часа

since 2009 – с 2009 года

since you left – с тех пор как вы ушли

all the morning (week) – всё утро (всю неделю), в течение всего утра (всей недели) до данного момента


Упражнение 15. Найдите сказуемое, определите его время. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. She has been teaching English for 15 years already. 2. He has been playing the piano for 2 hours. 3. They have been reading this fairy-tale for an hour already. 4. Our family had been living in that city for 5 years when our friends came to see us. 5. It had been raining for 2 hours when we left the house. 6. I woke him up, he had been sleeping since 6 o’clock. 7. He had been speaking for several minutes when I entered the room. 8. We’ll have been working on this project for 3 months when the competition begins. 9. It has been snowing heavily for 30 minutes. 10. Have you been waiting long?

Упражнение 16. Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными

1. She had been working in the library for 3 years before she entered the Philology Faculty. 2. She has been growing those flowers for the whole summer. 3. They had been taking the examination for 3 hours when the dean came. 4. We have been studying Russian for 10 years. 5. My brother has been staying with us for 3 weeks.6. They had been watching TV for half an hour when their parents came. 7. He will have been writing a letter for three hours when you come. 8. She will have been watching this film for an hour tomorrow when you ring her up. 9. It has been snowing heavily the whole night. 10. She had been studying French for 5 years before she could speak it fluently.

Упражнение 17. Раскройте скобки, употребив соответствующее время. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I (to wait) for you since 2 o’clock. 2. He (to work) here for 15 years already. 3. She (to read) for 2 hours already. 4. Wake up! You (to sleep) for ten hours already. 5. Yesterday the librarian (to give) me the book which I (to wait) for two months. I was very glad. 6. How long they (to play) tennis when it started to rain? 7. When I entered the room they (to write) a test for half an hour already. 8. He is very tired. He (to play) football. 9. They (to live) in this town for three years when their son came back home. 10. When he got up from the table, his eyes hurt and his head was going to burst. He (to read) up for the exam.

Примечание. Глаголы to be, to have, to see, to hear, to know, etc. в Perfect Progressive не употребляются (в действительном залоге). Вместо них употребляются соответствующие времена группы Perfect.

e.g. I have known him Я знаю его (уже)

1) for ten years; 1) десять лет;

2) since 2008. 2) с 2008 года.

Упражнение 18. Раскройте скобки, употребив соответствующее время (Perfect or Perfect Progressive). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. How long you (to work) at you report? – I (to write) it for 3 hours already. 2. How long you (to live) in Ivanovo? – I (to live) in Ivanovo for 4 months already. 3. How long you (to be) here? – I (to be) here for a week already. 4. How long you (to know) him? – I (to know) him since we finished school. 5. The students (to write) a test for about 2 hours.6. They (to study) this problem since 2001. 7. My friend (to be busy) since morning today. He (to prepare) for the conference which will be held in April. 8. At last the postman (to bring) me a letter which I (to wait) for several weeks. 9. He told me that he not (to see) much of her since he (to move) to another place. 10. The painter (to work) on this landscape for almost a year by Christmas.

Упражнение 19. Найдите ошибки в предложениях и исправьте их.

1. We are staying here since April. 2. They will have writing the report for 4 hours when the library closes. 3. This is the smallest dog I’d ever seen. 4. How long are you working in this company? 5. How much money had he been saving for holidays? 6. Someone has been stealing the bicycle. 7. John has been playing tennis since 2 years. 8. I’m not sure we had ever met before. 9. He has been driving for half an hour when the car broke down. 10. Jane’s clothes were wet. She has washed her dog.

Упражнение 20. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Сколько лет вы уже изучаете английский? – Я изучаю его уже 7 лет. 2. Они знают его (уже) с детства. 3. Он (занимается переводом) переводит эту книгу уже целый год. 4. Мы очень устали. Мы повторяем слова всех семи уроков уже целый час. 5. Я нахожусь здесь уже с утра. 6. Она сидит здесь уже несколько часов. С самого утра сидит на скамейке и ждет кого-то. 7. Она ждет это письмо целый месяц. 8. К 1-му июля они будут жить здесь уже 10 лет. 9. Они будут путешествовать уже год к марту и не хотят возвращаться. 10. Кейт села в машину и поехала домой. Всю дорогу она думала о письме, которое получила накануне.


Задание 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя соответствующую форму глагола (Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. He (to run) now. He (to run) for ten minutes without any rest. 2. What they (to do) now? – They (to work) in the reading-room. They (to work) there for already three hours. 3. Where he (to be) now? – He (to be) in the garden. He (to play) volley-ball with his friends. They (to play) since breakfast time. 4. I (to live) in St. Petersburg. I (to live) in St. Petersburg since 2007. 5. She already (to do) her homework for two hours; but she (not yet to do) half of it. 6. The weather (to be) fine today. The sun (to shine) ever since we got up. 7. What you (to do)? – I (to read). I (to read) for already two hours. I already (to read) sixty pages. 8. This man (to be) a writer. He (to write) books. He (to write) books since he was a young man. He already (to write) eight books. 9. What you (to do) here since morning? 10. You (to find) your note-book? – No! I still (to look) for it. I already (to look) for it for two hours, but (not yet to find) it.

Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя соответствующую форму глагола (Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Progressive). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.He (to sit) in the park until the light (to fade). 2. My hat (to fly) off when I (to cross) the bridge. 3. He (to look) at her. He (to know) she (to cry). 4. She (not to remember) the place. But suddenly it (to come) back to her: how they all (to be afraid) of their teacher, how they (to quarrel), how they (to share) their secrets. 5. How long they (to wait) before the taxi (to arrive)? 6. After the plane (to land) and he (to pass) the customs and luggage control, Mr. Jenkins (to take) a taxi and (to go) to the hotel. 7. I (not to be) here ten minutes before your brother (to come) in. 8. Paul (to think) for some time before he (to dare) to answer. 9. When the tourists (to come) to the hotel, they (to discover) that a new guest (to arrive). 10. He (to write) a composition when I (to see) him.

Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя соответствующую форму глагола (Future Simple, Future Progressive, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Progressive). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I (to hope) when I (to come) back you (to finish) your homework. 2. You (to be) late. By the time you (to get) there they (to eat) everything up. 3. The house is very old. They (to demolish) it by the time you (to come) to our city again, I think. 4. He (to have) rest at the seaside this time next month. 5. Tornadoes (to speed) through the island every year. By the end of the season they (to damage) many buildings and (to injure) or (to kill) many people. 6. He (to arrive) tomorrow morning. 7. By 2050 people (to solve) hunger problems. 8. What you (to wear) at your friend’s wedding? 9. By that time you (to go) crazy or (to forget) it all. 10. By the time he (to come) we (to complete) our tasks ourselves.



Страдательный залог обозначает действие, направленное на предмет, то есть предмет сам не совершает действие, а испытывает воздействие со стороны кого-то или чего-то.

Пример. Я составила отчет вчера. – Отчет был составлен мной.

I compiled the report yesterday. – The report was compiled by me


1. Страдательный залог образуется (см. Таблица 2):

1) времена Simple (Indefinite)

to be + V3

2) времена Progressive (Continuous)

to be + being + V3

3) времена Perfect

to have been + V3

2. Если тот, кто совершает действие, выражен одушевлённым предметом, то используется предлог by.

The book was read by me.

Книга была прочитана мной.

Если то, чем совершается действие, выражено неодушевлён-

ным предметом, то используется предлог with.

The letter was written with a pen.

Письмо написано ручкой.

3. Способы перевода сказуемого:

1) глаголом, оканчивающимся на -ся:

The film is being discussed. - Фильм обсуждается.

2) глаголом «быть» и краткой формой причастия страдательного залога:

The book has been read. – Книга была прочитана.

3) глаголом действительного залога в 3 лице единственного числа:

This play is much spoken about. – Об этой пьесе много говорят.

4) глаголом действительного залога (при наличии дополнения с предлогом by):

The report was given by a professor. – Доклад прочитал профессор.



Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

a) 1. This translation was done by the students yesterday. 2. Her articles are often published in the magazine. 3. The article was translated by me. 4. She was given a few articles to translate. 5. The words were repeated twice by her. 6. This story will be retold. 7. St. Petersburg was founded by Peter I. 8. London is situated on the river Thames. 9. The book will be turned into a movie. 10. Will she be given many presents for her birthday?

б) 1. I often invite my friend to the theatre. I am often invited to the theatre. 2. I often see him in the library. He is often seen there. 3. I told her to come here. She was told to come here. 4. He will help me with my work. I will be helped with my work. 5. Is this expression often used in the language? Did you use a dictionary when you were translating the article?

в) 1. She is liked by everybody. 2. You are asked on the telephone. 3. You were looked at. 4. He was understood by us. 5. The book is much spoken about. 6. We were told to take part in the conference. 7. He was listened to attentively. 8. She will be met at the station. 9. The problem will be explained to him. 10. She was taken notice of by him.

Упражнение 2. Напишите следующие предложения в страдательном залоге.

1. I took him for a walk. 2. She will forget your telephone number. 3. We’ll book tickets tomorrow. 4. We met her at the corner of the street. 5. We discuss such problems at our meetings. 6. They will build a new cinema in this street. 7. A young architect designed that beautiful building. 8. I rang my friend up. 9. They gave us a lot of money. 10. The workers build a lot of schools in our town.

Упражнение 3. Переведите на русский язык.

1. A new underground station is being constructed in our street. 2. The device was being tested when you entered the laboratory. 3. This question is not connected with the problem which is being discussed now. 4. Many various machines are being produced for our industry by this plant. 5. The art exhibition is being widely commented by the press. 6. New materials are being widely used now. 7. Masterpieces from our museum were being exhibited in different cities in June last year. 8. Special attention is being paid to secondary education of young people. 9. He is being waited for. 10. While the experiment was being carried out, nobody left the laboratory.

Упражнение 4. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Tom said that the conditions of work had been greatly improved. 2. She said that her poems had been devoted to children.3.The exhibition had been held before we arrived. 4. Many new houses had been built in this town before we came to live there. 5. An opening speech has been made by Mr. Brown. 6. She has been listened to with great attention. 7. The project has already been submitted to the commission. 8. He asked me if I had been invited to the party. 9. The project will have been ready by Monday. 10. Good art training has been received by our young artists.

Упражнение 5. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный (где возможно).

1. They didn’t ask her name. 2. Michael saw Mary in the park. 3. He is having a bath now. 4. A famous designer will decorate the hall. 5. The plane from Los Angeles was 2 hours late. 6. Someone has just told us a very funny story. 7. This kind of flowers doesn’t bloom very often. 8. They danced all night. 9. Had the professor answered your question by the end of the lecture? 10. You can’t park your car in the street.


Задание 1. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный.

1. Somebody has cleaned my shoes and brushed my suit. 2. We use this room only on special occasions. 3. In some districts farmers use pigs to find truffles. 4. Someone switched on the light and opened the door. 5. They are pulling down the old theatre. 6. Why didn’t they mend the roof before it fell in? 7. People must not leave bicycles in the hall. 8. The burglars have cut an enormous hole in the steel door. 9. People are spending far more money on food now than they spent ten years ago. 10. The organizers will exhibit the paintings till the end of the month.

Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, используя соответствующую форму страдательного залога.

1. I (cut off) before I could finish my phone call. 2. Where you (send) by your company next week? 3. A computer (use) to do our job nowadays. 4. Pat (distress) by the news she got yesterday. 5. This room looks different. It (paint)? 6. The luggage (pack) by the time we leave. 7. The Sales department (reorganize) this time last month. 8. An island (cover) by water. 9. The old castle (restore) by 1st June, 2015. 10. We are sitting at the table. The tea (serve).



Сослагательное наклонение выражает не реальное действие или состояние, а предполагаемое, желательное или воображаемое.

В русском языке для выражения сослагательного наклонения употребляется глагол в прошедшем времени и частица бы.

В английском языке глаголы в сослагательном наклонении имеют 2 формы – Simple (Indefinite) и Perfect.

Форма Simple употребляется для выражения предполагаемых, нереальных действий в настоящем и будущем времени.

Форма Perfect указывает на несбывшиеся действия в прошлом.

На русский язык обе эти формы сослагательного наклонения переводятся одинаково, т.к. в русском языке существует всего лишь одна форма для выражения сослагательного наклонения в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени.

e.g. Если бы он не был занят, он бы позвонил тебе (сегодня, вчера, завтра).

Сослагательное наклонение употребляется в различных типах придаточных предложений:

а) придаточное подлежащее после оборотов типа

It is required (требуется)

It is necessary (необходимо)

It is important (важно)

It is possible (возможно)

should + V1

e.g. It is possible that he should come in time. –

Возможно, что он придёт вовремя.


It is required that we be in town. –

Требуется, чтобы мы были в городе.

в) придаточное дополнительное после глаголов:

to order (приказывать)

to demand (требовать) которые употребляются

to suggest (предлагать) в главном предложении

to insist (настаивать)

to propose (предлагать)

should + V3

e.g. They demand that she should discuss the problem with the dean.-

Они потребовали, чтобы она обсудила проблему с деканом.


I insist that you rewrite your composition. – Я настаиваю на

том, чтобы вы переписали своё сочинение.

c) придаточное дополнительное после глагола в значении «хотелось бы, чтобы …»; «жаль, что не …»


e.g. I wish he arrived next week. (одновременность действия) -

Жаль, что он не приедет на следующей неделе.

had + V3

She wishes she had known his address. (предшествующее

действие) – Жаль, что она не знала его адреса.

d) придаточное обстоятельства цели после союзов:

so that; in order that - чтобы

lest – чтобы не

should + V1

e.g. She wrote down my phone number lest she should forget it. –

Она записала мой номер телефона, чтобы не забыть его.


He came at 6 o’clock so that he should be the first. –

Он пришёл в 6 часов, чтобы быть первым.

e) придаточное предложение сравнения после союзов

as if если бы,

as though как будто бы


e.g. They behave as if they knew each other. (одновременность

действия) – Они ведут себя так, будто они знакомы.

had + V3

You look as though you had never heard about it. (предшествующее действие) – Ты выглядишь так, как если бы никогда об этом не слышал.

Примечание. Глагол to be в сослагательном наклонении имеет форму were для всех лиц и чисел для выражения действий, относящихся к настоящему и будущему времени.

e.g. She wishes she were taller. – Жаль, что она невысокая.

If I were you, I wouldn’t do it. – Если бы я был на вашем

месте, я бы так не сделал.


В английском языке существуют условные предложения 2 типов: реального и нереального условия.

В условных предложениях реального условия используется изъявительное наклонение; условие относится к настоящему или будущему времени.

I тип:

V1 will+V1

e.g. If I write a poem, I’ ll read it to you. – Если я напишу стихотво-

рение, я прочитаю его тебе.

В предложениях нереального условия выделяют 2 случая:

II тип:

- маловероятное условие, которое относится к настоящему или будущему времени.

V2 would + V1

e.g. If I wrote a poem, I would read it to you today. – Если бы я написал стихотворение, я бы прочитал его тебе сегодня.

III тип:

- нереальное, невыполнимое условие, которое относится к прошедшему времени.

had + V3 would+have+V3

e.g. If I had written a poem, I would have read it to you yesterday. –

Если бы я написал стихотворение, я бы прочитал его тебе


Смешанный тип:

В предложениях такого типа условие, как правило, относится к прошедшему времени (3 тип), а результат этого действия к настоящему (2 тип).

e. g. If he had taken the medicine yesterday, he would feel much better today.

Если бы он принял вчера лекарство, он бы чувствовал себя лучше сегодня.

Кроме союза if (если) в условных предложениях используются союзы: provided (при условии), providing that (при условии), on condition that (при условии что), in case (в случае если), unless (если не).

Во всех типах условных предложений возможна бессоюзная связь главного предложения с придаточным, т.е. союзы опускаются. В этом случае предложение начинается со вспомогательного глагола:

e.g. If he had come earlier, he would have found the dean here. –

Если бы он пришёл раньше …

Had he come earlier, he would have found the dean here. –

Приди он раньше, он бы застал здесь декана.


Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык.

A. 1. a) If you study hard, you will pass your exams successfully. b) If you studied hard, you would pass your exams successfully. c) If you had studied hard, you would have passed your exams successfully. 2. a) We would invite him unless he left Moscow. b) We would have invited him unless he had left Moscow. 3. a) Providing she told me about it, I would believe her. b) Providing she had told me about it, I would have believed her. 4. a) If the plane left in time, it would arrive here in two hours. b) If the plane had left in time, it would have arrived here in two hours. c) If the plane leaves in time, it will arrive here in two hours.

B. 1. a) If it were not so cold, we would walk. b) If it had not been so cold, we would have walked. 2. a) If he were in Moscow now, he would ring you up. b) If he had been in Moscow yesterday, he would have rung you up. 3. a) If I were you, I would go to the South during the winter holidays. b) If I had been you, I would have gone to the south during the wintrer holidays.

C. 1. a) If I had free time, I would devote it to reading. b) If I had had free time, I would have devoted it to reading. 2. a) Providing I had money, I would buy a computer. b) Providing I had had money, I would have bought a computer. 3. a) My report would be ready tomorrow provided I had all necessary materials. b) My report would have been ready yesterday provided I had had all necessary materials. 4. a) He would finish his project unless he were ill. b) He would have finished his project unless he had been ill.

D. 1. a) If I saw him, I could speak to him. b) If I had seen him, I could have spoken to him. 2. a) Provided he went there alone, he might not find the place. b) Provided he had gone there alone, he might not have found the place. 3. a) I might answer the letter if I knew her address. b) I might have answered her letter long ago if I had known her address. 4. a) Unless she fell ill, she could take part in this work. b) Unless she had fallen ill, she could have taken part in this work. c) Unless he attached importance to his words, he would not mention them in his talk.

Упражнение 2. Переведите на русский язык.

A. 1. It is necessary that he be here. 2. It was proposed that the conference open at 10 o’clock. 3. It is important that you should answer his letter not later than tomorrow. 4. It is necessary that the building of a new hospital should be completed as soon as possible. 5. It is desirable that the students should speak English to each other. 6. It was demanded that we should meet at 5 o’clock. 7. It was recommended that the children should sleep out-of-doors. 8. It is unbelievable that they should have crossed the lake in such weather. 9. It is improbable that she should have said a thing like that. 10. It is doubtful that anything might change before you come back.

B. 1. They suggested that the museum should be reconstructed this summer. 2. We proposed that the dean should give him a chance to take the exam once more. 3. The doctor insisted that I should stay in bed for a week more. 4. The chief engineer insisted that the work should be completed as soon as possible. 5. He ordered that we should bring the devices to the laboratory.

C. 1. Leave her a note so that she should know where to find us. 2. We hurried up so that we could catch the train. 3. They started earlier so that they might get to the place before darkness fell. 4. Write down my telephone number lest you should forget it. 5. Close the window lest we should catch cold.

D. 1. She looked at me as if she had never seen me before. 2. She looked as if she were angry with me. 3. He writes as if he had seen everything with his, own eyes. 4. They were speaking about her as if she were not present. 5. She spoke of the man as if she knew him very well.

E. 1. I wished she stayed with us. 2. I wish he had met them at the station. 3. I wish you could have bought the tickets beforehand. 4. I wish you would wait for me. 5. I wish he would tell me the truth.

Упражнение 3. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя “I wish.”

1. It’s a pity you are not with us these days. 2. My friend regrets not having entered the university. 3. He was sorry not to have had enough time to finish his testpaper. 4. It’s a pity we won’t be able to reach home before teatime. 5. I’m sorry I made you upset by telling you this news. 6. What a pity you don’t know enough physics. 7. Unfortunately they won’t return before Christmas. 8. The student was sorry he hadn’t studied the material better and had shown such poor knowledge at the examination. 9. It’s a pity that you didn’t send for us last night. 10. We were sorry they didn’t know about it.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. Were we free tomorrow, we should go to the museum. 2. Had he time, he might complete the work sooner. 3. Had you informed me beforehand, I should have come by all means. 4. Had we been given more time to fulfil the job, the result might have been different. 5. Had there been any changes, the committee would have known it. 6. Were he given this work, he would do his best to show his skill. 7. Could you stay a little longer, we should tell you the news. 8. Had he overcome the obstacles, he would have become a prominent scientist. 9. The day would be wonderful, were it not so hot. 10. He would take part in the discussion, were he not so tired.


Задание 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму сослагательного наклонения после “I wish.”

1. I wish I (to know) Spanish. 2. I wish I (not to drink) so much coffee in the evening: I couldn’t sleep half the night. 3. I wish you (to read) more in future. 4. They wished they (not to see) that horrible scene. 5. I wish I (to consult) the teacher whom I first felt mathematics was too difficult for me. 6. I wish I (not to have) to do my homework every day. 7. I wish I never (to offer) to go there. 8. The unhappy pupil wished he (not to forget) to learn the rule. 9. I wish I (to be) at yesterday’s party: it must have been very merry. 10. I wish we (to meet) again next summer.

Задание 2. Переделайте предложения с реальным условием 1 –го типа в предложения малореального и нереального условия 2 и 3 –его типа по образцу.

1 тип – If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go to the country.

2 тип – If the weather were fine today, we would go to the country.

3 тип – If the weather had been fine yesterday, we would have gone to the country.

1. I’ll give you this videocassette, if you promise to return it in two days. 2. They won’t come back in time unless they hurry. 3. The whole matter will be forgotten if I manage to give some explanation. 4. What will you do if he doesn’t get the letter? 5. Tony will answer the phone if he is a t home. 6. If you say it again we’ll quarrel. 7. You’ll need a visa if you want to go to the USA. 8. If you don’t wind up your watch, it will stop. 9. We won’t go to the country if it rains tomorrow. 10. You’ll be attacked by the dog if you move.

Задание 3. Переведите на английский язык, используя условные предложения.

1.Если бы он был умнее, он бы не пошел вчера в лес. 2. Если бы она не прислала вчера это письмо, мой брат был бы сейчас дома. 3. Чтобы мы сейчас делали, если бы мама не испекла вчера пирог? 4.Он так изменился! Если бы вы его встретили на вечеринке, вы бы его не узнали. 5. Мы бы сделали работу вовремя и сейчас были бы свободны. 6. Если бы ты предупредил меня заранее, я бы уже был в Москве. 7. Если бы я знал английский, я бы уже поговорил с ней. 8. Если бы он не посещал спортивные тренировки весь прошлый год, он бы не добился такого успеха на соревнованиях. 9. Если бы вы не помогли мне решить эту задачу, я бы не получил такой хороший результат сейчас. 10. Я уверен, что все были бы рады, если бы вечер состоялся.





Сочетание слов, выражающее законченную мысль, называется предложением. Предложение является простым, если в нем есть одна грамматическая основа (подлежащее и сказуемое).

По цели высказывания простые предложения делятся на повествовательные, вопросительные и отрицательные.

К главным членам предложения относятся подлежащее (1) и сказуемое (2), к второстепенным – дополнение (4), обстоятельства (0, 5) и определение (3).

Пример: Yesterday you read the new text well.

0 1 2 3 4 5

Вчера вы читали новый текст хорошо.

Каждый из членов предложения может быть выражен одним словом, словосочетанием или группой слов.

I see a ship. – Я вижу корабль. Дополнение выражено одним словом.

I see a coast guard ship. – Я вижу корабль береговой охраны. Дополнение выражено словосочетанием.

I see a coast guard ship coming. – Я вижу, как приближается корабль береговой охраны. Дополнение выражено группой слов.

В русском языке грамматическая форма слов, а следовательно, его связь с другими словами в предложении выражены в основном окончаниями. Поэтому в русском языке изменение порядка слов в предложении не вызывает изменения смысловых отношений между членами предложения.

Рыбак поймал щуку.

Щуку поймал рыбак.

Рыбак щуку поймал.

В английском языке мало грамматических окончаний, суффиксов, и отношения между членами предложения выражаются главным образом при помощи строго определенного порядка слов. Поэтому произвольное перемещение слов в английском предложении приводит к изменению смысла предложения, а иногда и к бессмыслице.

Рыбак поймал щуку. – The fisherman caught the pike.

Щука поймала рыбака. – The pike caught the fisherman.

Таким образом, в английском языке именно порядок слов указывает на то, как слова связаны между собой в предложении.

Для английского языка характерен следующий порядок слов:

0 1 2 3 4 5
обстоятельство подлежащее сказуемое определение дополнение обстоятельство
In the morning I saw a big ship in the dock.
Утром я видел большой корабль в порту.

Порядок слов, при котором сказуемое (2) следует за подлежащим (1) называется прямым, и оно характерно для повествовательного предложения.

My brother (1) is (2) a post-graduate student now.

При обратном порядке слов сказуемое находится перед подлежащим, это характерно для вопросительного предложения:

Is my brother a post-graduate student now?

В зависимости от структуры вопросительные предложения бывают различных типов, выделяют общие вопросы, альтернативные вопросы, специальные вопросы, разделительные вопросы.

общий вопрос (относится ко всему предложению):

Is your brother a post-graduate student now?

альтернативный вопрос (предполагает выбор из двух предметов):

Is your brother or sister a post-graduate student now?

специальные вопросы (относятся к одному из членов предложения):

Who is a post-graduate student now?

Whose brother is a post-graduate student now?

What kind of student is your brother?

разделительный вопрос (предполагает переспрос «не так ли?»):

Your brother is a post-graduate student now, isn’t he?

Английский язык, в отличие от русского, избегает грамматической избыточности. Если русское отрицательное предложение обычно имеет несколько отрицательных частиц, то в английском предложении может быть только одно отрицание.

Пример: Никто о нем ничего не знает.

Возможно 3 перевода этого русского предложения:

Nobody knows anything about him.

Anybody knows nothing about him.

Anybody doesn’t know anything about him.

Таким образом, в английском языке отрицательную форму может иметь глагол-сказуемое, а также любой другой член предложения (местоимение, наречие).


Упражнение 1. Определите тип предложения согласно цели высказывания.

Laura was terribly nervous. Tossing the velvet ribbon over her shoulder, she said to a woman standing by, “Is this Mrs. Scott’s house?” and the woman, smiling queerly, said, “It is, my dear.” She said “Help me, God” as she walked up the tiny path and knocked. I’ll just leave the basket and go, she decided. I won’t even wait for it to be emptied!

Then the door opened. A little woman in black showed in the gloom. Laura said, “Are you Mrs. Scott?” But to her horror, the woman answered, “Walk in, please, miss,” and she was shut in the passage. “No,” said Laura, “I don’t want to come in! I only want to leave my basket!”

The little woman in the gloomy passage seemed not to hear her. “Step this way, please, miss,” she said in an oily voice, and Laura followed her.

Упражнение 2. Сравните следующие пары предложений. Найдите в каждом подлежащее и сказуемое. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The bus stop is near our Institute. – All the buses stop near our Institute. 2. He studies at the University. – We have many studies at the University. 3. There are many new houses in our town. – There are 50 halls in the museum, but they house only a part of the exhibits. 4. A large window n my room faces north. – It was pleasant to see children’s rosy faces. 5. I like to walk in the p

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Состав сооружений: решетки и песколовки: Решетки – это первое устройство в схеме очистных сооружений. Они представляют...

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