Watch the video “Diesel Engine Maintenance: Preventing Catastrophic Engine Failure” and discuss the following topics. — КиберПедия 

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Watch the video “Diesel Engine Maintenance: Preventing Catastrophic Engine Failure” and discuss the following topics.

2017-09-28 238
Watch the video “Diesel Engine Maintenance: Preventing Catastrophic Engine Failure” and discuss the following topics. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. The lube oil changing

2. Refilling with fresh lube oil.

3. Piston examination.





1. What is a purpose of cylinder head safety valve?

a) A valve for safety stop (emergency) of the engine

b) For indication of engine being overloaded

c) To relieve high pressure in the cylinder to protect the engine from being damaged

d) To adjust the cylinder pressure to a safe working pressure.

2. The starting air valve is fitted for the purpose of:

a) Tuning the engine for staring preparations

b) To retard the engine revolution for maneuvering purpose

c) Bringing the engine up to full rpm to start the engine

d) Bringing the engine up to sufficient number of revolutions for combustion take place and engine to run.

3. When the temperature of lubricating oil is lowered, an increase will occur in:

a) Viscosity

b) Flash point

c) Pour point

d) Concentration of contaminants

4.During operation of the main engine, the heat absorbed by lubricating oil is removed by the:

a) Scavenge air cooler

b) Sump vents

c) Lube oil cooler

d) Any of the above

5. An excessive pressure drop across a lube oil strainer could indicate:

a) Any of the above

b) That the strainer is ok

c) That the strainer needs cleaning

d) That a relief valve is stuck open

6.Why is it important to keep the lub oil viscosity within safe limits?

a) To keep the oil protective film between moving metal surfaces

b) It is not important

c) To keep the additives in good condition

d) The lub oil has no influence on the oil’s lubrication ability

7.What could be the reason if the lub oil viscosity increases?

a) Heavy fuel oil leakage to the lub oil system

b) Water leakage to the lub oil system

c) The lub oil viscosity will not increase

d) High lub oil temperature

8.What could be the reason if the lub oil viscosity decreases?

a) Heavy fuel oil leakage to the lub oil system

b) Low lub iol temperature

c) Wrong lub oil pressure

d) Diesel oil leakage to the lub oil system

9.What are the compartments to be regularly checked with regard to water and oil leakages?

a) Tank top in the engine room

b) Bilge wells

c) Bilge tank(s)

d) All those listed in the other alternatives.

10.During standstill liquid may condense in the crankcase or oil separator. Why is it important to heat up the oil before start?

a) The compressor will run better

b) Compressor oil regulating system will operate better

c) To avoid the compressor oil to disappear from the crankcase during starting

d) It should never be done.



Answer "False" or "True".


  1. Both relieving and being relived engineers should make a joint inspection round.
  2. If the temperature of the generator stator or rotor increases suddenly or exceeds the prescribed limits the watch engineers are to call the chief engineer.
  3. "Defects caused by vibration" are one of the general classes of derangements likely to occur in operation of engines.
  4. As a concept, diesel electric propulsion (DEP) is not a new system.
  5. Steam engine alone is a usable machine.
  6. I.H.P. means Introduced horsepower.
  7. In general the bearing pressures are higher in the Diesel than in the steam engine.
  8. In tropical harbors the sea suction may be gripped by a jellyfish.
  9. Each ship has just one sea suction.
  10. Cracks in cylinders may result from unequal heating due to poor design, bad castings or air pockets in jackets.
  11. Cargo or bunker tanks which have been topped up should be checked frequently during the loading operations to avoid an overflow.
  12. Pollution can come from engine room bilges of all ships (not only tankers).



Keys to test 1: 1-b; 2-d; 3-a; 4-c; 5-c; 6-a; 7-a; 8-d; 9-d; 10-c.

Keys to test 2: 1-true; 2-true;3-false;4-true;5-false;6-false;7-true;8-false;9-false;10-true;11-true;12-true.















иметь цель, ставить целью

to aim

to be concerned

to be directed

to be intended

to comprise

частично устранить недостаток

to improve

to lessen

to mitigate

to overcome

to reduce

to relieve

устранить недостаток

to cure

to deal with

to do away with

to eliminate

to get rid of

to improve

to remedy

to overcome

to solve

to surmount


an engineer

a skilled person

a worker in this field

one acquainted with

one familiar with the art

one skilled in the art

cинонимы к слову «относиться»

to be concerned with

to deal with

to be directed to

to be related to

to be relevance to

to pertain

to refer to

to absorb / to take up поглощать

to acknowledge / to confirm / to affirm подтверждать

accumulation / pilling / assemblage накопление, аккумуляция

to be apt / to be possible быть возможным

to be attached / to be fitted быть присоединенным

avoidance / evasion избежание

being relieved / offgoing механик, которого сменяют

to bind / to grip заедать

to be engaged / involved in заниматься чем-либо

complicated / complex сложный

derangement / fault / malfunction неполадка.

design / construction конструкция

to develop / to evolve / to expand развивать, расширять

to discharge / to use up / to run down разряжать

disrepair/failure плохое состояние, неиспраность

distinct / definite / plain явный, определенный

donkey boiler / auxiliary boiler вспомогательный котел

to enter into force / to come into force / to take effect вступать в силу

to familiarize / to acquaint (with) ознакомиться

frequent / rapid частый, повторяющийся

garbage / waste / refuse мусор

to grease / to lubricate смазывать

ground / basis / cause основание

hazard / danger угроза, опасность

to immerse / to plunge / to submerge погружаться в воду

impart / relate / disclose сообщать, передавать

implementation / execution / performance осуществление, выполнение

to investigate / to consider / to examine рассматривать, расследовать

in the vicinity / nearby по близости, в районе

to lift / to heave / to raise поднимать

looseness / slackness неплотность (крепления)

to lubricate / to smear / to oil смазывать

moisture / humidity / dampness влажность

objective / aim / goal цель

to occur / to happen возникать, случаться

to plug up / to clog / to obstruct засорять(ся)

rapid / prompt / fast быстрый

rare / uncommon / scarce редкий

reasonable / acceptable / admissible приемлемый

to refine / to purify / to clarify очищать

relieving engineer / oncoming сменяющий механик

to reveal / to show показывать, раскрывать

to rotate/revolve вращаться

to run off / flow down / trickle down стекать

probability / likelihood вероятность

shoal / shallow water мелководье

thoroughly / fully / completely полностью

tightness / seal плотность, герметичность

to top up / to fill up / to add доливать

volume/ capacity / bulk емкость, вместимость





1. Борецкий В.В. Методические указания к практическим занятиям по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов III -IV курсов специальности «Эксплуатация судовых энергетических установок» дневной формы обучения (часть II) / В.В. Борецкий, Ю.А. Мороз, В.А. Стеценко. – Севастополь: Изд-во СевНТУ, 2007 – 64 с.

2. Китаевич Б.Е. Морские грузовые операции: Учебное пособие по английскому языку / Б.Е. Китаевич, А.И. Короленко, М.Л Калиновская. – М.: Росконсульт, 1999. – 160 с.

3. Писарева Л.П. Английский язык. Сборник текстов и упражнений для старших курсов специальности «Эксплуатация судовых энергетических установок» очной и заочной форм обучения / Л.П. Писарева. – Петропавловск-Камчатский: КамчатГТУ, 2006. – 92с.



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