Exercise 4. Translate from English into Russian. — КиберПедия 

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Exercise 4. Translate from English into Russian.

2017-09-28 273
Exercise 4. Translate from English into Russian. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. The cycle of operation is repeated after the liquid refrigerant passes back to the regulator after leaving the condenser.

2. The surrounding air inside spaces is cooled by refrigerant passing through the coils.

3. Storage vessel is used for keeping surplus refrigerant.

4. The cycle of refrigeration is repeated continuously in the refrigerating plant.

5. If gas contains some liquid, the crankcase will become cold or frosted.

6. Fuel oil is sprayed into the cylinder by means of the pressure produced by the fuel-injection pump.

7. The pressure in the condenser corresponds to the temperature of condensation.

8. There are engines operating on the two-cycle principle and having cylinders arranged radially.

9. A pound of any kind of fuel used in engines contains a definite amount of heat.

10. To burn more fuel more quantity of air should be supplied.


Exercise 4. Translate from Russian into English.

1.Предпочтение отдается газовой сварке, если расположение трещины позволяет применить ее.

2. Прежде поломка коленчатого вала в эксплуатации дизеля считалась естественным явлением. Сейчас это редкое явление.

3.Крутильные колебания достаточно хорошо изучены. Их появление в новых двигателях может быть точно предсказано и для их устранения принимаются соответствующие меры.

4. Шатун так редко нуждается в ремонте, что о нем можно и не говорить.

5. В двигателях простого действия, можно сказать, не бывает аварий штоков поршня.

6. С точки зрения ремонтников, поршень доставляет больше всего хлопот.

7. Сейчас методы сварки достигли такого совершенства, что большинство поршней можно восстановить, причем затраты оказываются значительно меньше стоимости нового поршня.


Exercise 5. Make up a dialogue of your own based on the one given below.


A: What is the best method of keeping a check on crank shaft alignment and main bearing wear?

B: By the use of a bridge gauge, on which are stamped the heights of the crank shaft at the main bearings at the time the engine was installed. Periodical measurements with the gauge, compared with the original measurements, will indicate any dropping of the shaft.

A: How are the cylinders lubricated?

B: By means of small oil pumps, assembled into multiple units called mechanical oilers, which are operated by linkages from any convenient moving part of the engine. These pumps feed the oil in drops, at a rate that can be regulated by small adjusting screws, into small pipes leading to the cylinders.

A: For what other purpose is the compressor used besides supplying injection air?

B: The compressor always has a capacity in excess of the amount required for spraying the fuel. The excess air is bypassed into the starting air tanks to supply air for starting the engine.

A: Why is injection air usually compressed in three stages instead of one?

B: Because the temperature at the end of a single compression would be excessive. By performing the compression in three stages the air can be handled and the amount of power required to compress a given quantity of air is greatly reduced.


Comprehensive reading. Read, translate into Russian and discuss the following text.

Cylinder Head Crack Repairs

The cylinder head, often referred to simply as the head, sits above the cylinders on top of the engine block. It closes the top of the cylinder which creates the combustion chamber. The gap between the head and the block is sealed by the head gasket. The head usually contains the passages that supply fuel and air to the cylinder and remove the exhaust.

Symptoms of a cracked cylinder head are identical to those of a blown head gasket and include engine misfires, leaking oil that drains from the engine and the seemingly unexplained presence of coolant fluid in engine oil. Cracks in a vehicle's cylinder head may be large enough to see or may be invisible to the naked eye, and diagnosis of this issue as opposed to issues with similar symptoms, such as a blown head gasket, requires specific techniques including the use of dye and pressure to expose the cracks. Because it can be easily confused with other issues, diagnosing a cracked cylinder head requires more than simple knowledge of symptoms.

Cracks in aluminum heads and blocks are relatively easy to repair by welding, but cast iron is much more difficult to weld. That is why pinning has long been the most popular method of repairing small cracks in cast iron blocks and heads. Pinning can repair about 80 percent of all cracks but it can't fix every kind of crack. A lot depends on the location of the crack and its severity. Tapered pins with sealer work well on most applications. Welding, on the other hand, restores integrity and allows you to fill cracks and holes. You can even change the shape of the combustion chamber or a port by adding metal.

Pinning is the most commonly used technique for repairing cracks in cast iron head, blocks and manifolds because it is fast, reliable and cheap. Pins can also be used to repair cracks in aluminum heads and blocks, too, although welding is often the preferred repair method for aluminum. Pinning is a relatively easy technique to learn and use, does not require much in the way of tools except a drill, guide fixture and tap, and uses no heat. Essentially, pinning involves drilling holes in a crack, installing overlapping pins to fill the crack, then peening over the pins to seal and blend the surface.


Exercise 6. Answer the following questions.

1. Where is cylinder head located?

2. What are the symptoms of the cracked cylinder?

3. Is it easy to find cracks? Why?

4. Describe the two methods of repairing cracks.

5. What is the best method to repair cracks? Explain your point of view.


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