Unit 2. Business trip abroad. At the hotel. — КиберПедия 

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Unit 2. Business trip abroad. At the hotel.

2017-09-28 410
Unit 2. Business trip abroad. At the hotel. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Topical vocabulary

manager - управляющий

receptionist - регистратор

reception desk/counter - бюро регистрации

hotel clerks/attendants - служащие/персонал гостиницы

porter/doorman (Am.) - швейцар

guest/arrival - гость/приезжий

to engage a room/to check in (Am.) - остановиться в гостинице

to depart/to check out (Am.) - выехать из гостиницы

to vacate the room - освободить комнату

duration of stay – продолжительность пребывания

fill in (up) a form – заполнять бланк (анкету)

permanent address – постоянный адрес

to check the luggage/baggage (Am.) - сдать багаж

single/double room – одноместная/двухместная комната

communicating rooms – смежные комнаты

(chamber) maid, bell-boy - горничная, коридорный/посыльный

express/urgent service - срочное обслуживание

laundry, laundress - прачечная; прачка

(to) tip/extra pay - (давать) чаевые; дополнительная оплата

to make out the bill – выписывать счет

cancellation – отмена, отказ (то заказа)


Phrases to Remember

An arrival - приезжий

I have a (confirmed) reservation — Для меня забронирована ком­ната.

Have you got any vacant rooms? — У Вас есть свободные номера?

Will you give us an early call tomorrow morning? — Разбудите нас, пожалуйста, рано утром.

Get my bill ready, please! - Приготовьте счет, пожалуйста!


Reception clerk - администратор

The hotel is full — В гостинице мест нет.

Will you, please, fill in/up these forms? — Пожалуйста, заполните бланки.

Kindly sign the hotel register — Пожалуйста, распишитесь в книге приезжающих.

You must vacate the room in due time — Вы должны освободить комнату в назначенное время.


1. Read and translate the dialogues. Compose your own dialogues on the same situations:


A.: Could you give me the name of a good hotel to stop at?

В.: I will make out a list of several hotels for you to choose from.

A.: How will I manage getting there?

В.: The taxi driver will take you to the different addresses.

A.: Is it necessary to reserve your hotel room?

В.: That depends on the season. At the rush tourist season you have to make your hotel reservations two or three months in advance.


B. Engaging a room

Guest: Excuse me, have you got any vacant room?

Room-Clerk: Single or double, Sir?

G.: Two singles, please.

R.C.: Which floor would you like, Sir?

G.: It's all the same to us. Do we have to pay by the day or by the week?

R.C.: By the day, Sir. Will you, please, fill up these forms, Sir?

G.: Christian name, surname, nationality, place and date of birth... Shall I fill in my permanent address and oc­cupation?

R.C.: Yes, please. And the date of arrival and departure. How long are you going to stay?

G.: About ten days or so.

R.C.: Your signature, Sir. Sign here, please. The bell-boy will show you to your rooms. Here is the key.

G.: Shall we leave the suitcases in the lobby?

R.C.: Do, please. The porter will take your cases up immediately. Would you like morning tea in your room?

G.: Yes, and the morning papers, please.

R.C.: Certainly, Sir.


C. Leaving the hotel

Guest: I'm leaving today. Get my bill ready, please!

Reception clerk: Certainly. It will be ready in due time.

G.: When must I vacate the room?

R.C.: It must be vacated in two hours' time.

G.: Please, will you send my mail to...

R.C.: O.K. I'll write down the address.

G.: Thanks. And now could you direct me to the nearest bank? I want to change some foreign currency. I wonder, what’s the rate of exchange?



2. Read and compose your own dialogues combining the following phrases:

1 2 3

A. Have you a single room for two nights?     C. Yes, but only on the top floor.     A. What’s the price? C: £4.50 with service and TV.   A: Fair enough. Can you show me the room? C: Of course. Would you like to follow me? Can I book a double room from now until Friday?   You can have Room 33 overlooking the sea.   What does it cost? £4.20 not counting the service. Can you show me something a little cheaper? Yes, of course. Would you take a seat for a moment? I wonder whether you have any vacancies for tonight.   Yes, I can offer you Room 24 on the first floor or 11 on the ground floor. How much is it?   £2.90 a night excluding service.   Can I have a look at it, please?   Certainly. Come this way.  


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