IV. The Indirect Speech. Revision. — КиберПедия 

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IV. The Indirect Speech. Revision.

2017-09-28 536
IV. The Indirect Speech. Revision. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Change the following sentences from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech:


1. “I have something to show you”, I said to her.

2. “We have moved into our new flat”, said my aunt.

3. My brother asked, “Who is going to live in the big house?”

4. “How long have you been here?”, said Ann.

5. He asked, “Who put salt in my coffee?”

6. “Open your bag, please”, said the store detective.

7. She said, “Don't argue with your father, Mary”.

8. He said, “How far is it?”

9. He asked her, “Come to the cinema with me”

10. “I'm going away tomorrow, mother”, he said.

11. “Follow that car”, the detective said to the taxi-driver.

12. She asked him, “Does your mother teach music?”

13. They said, “Is the food good in this restaurant?”

14. She said to her friend, “I don't know what your father will say.”

15. He said to his mother, “Did you see me in the shop yesterday?”
16. I asked him, “Whose car did you borrow last night?”

17. His mother said, “Don't forget your sandwiches”

18. One of the quests said, “Could you please give me a piece of cake?”

19. She said, “My father had a birthday yesterday. He was born on the 15th of October in 1955”.

20. “You have pressed the wrong button. The tape will not play”, said mother to her son.


1. He said, “Tom, when are you leaving Moscow?”

2. My little sister said to me, “Do you like chocolates?”

3. He said, “There are 26 letters in the English alphabet”.

4. Mary asked Tom, “What time will you come home tomorrow?”

5. “Don’t leave me here alone today”, she asked her mother.

6. The detective said, “Who owns this revolver?”

7. She said, “Mary, don't eat too much”.

8. “I'll look at your work in a minute”, said the teacher to the student.

9. She wondered, “Did you call me yesterday?”

10. He asked, “Will you please forget my phone number?”

11. They said to him, “You haven't paid your bill!”

12. He said to her, “Will you go to the cinema with your brother tomorrow?”

13. Mr. Jones said, “Where is the ticket -office?”

14. The teacher asked, “Have you done this sort of work before?”

15. She said to Mary, “Buy a new car”.

16. “Don't work too much”, the doctor said.

17. Nick said, ‘Will you please be so kind and tell me her address?”

2. Complete the sentences with following statements. Don’t forget about The Sequence of Tenses:

- Ten people have been killed in a bomb attack.

- I practiced eight hours every day.

- The world is flat.

- I’ve just got married.

- Stephen’s doing very well in Maths.

- You can be anything you want to be.

- I’m sure I heard somebody in the garden, inspector.

- People in Brazil use the Internet more than anyone.

- It’ll rain overnight.


1. When I interviewed Mrs. Taylor she said that she was sure she’d heard somebody in the garden.

2. On the weather forecast last night they said……………….…………...

3. Stephen’s teacher told us……………………………………………….

4. When I was young my father told me…………………………………...

5. They said on the news this morning that………………………………..

6. 600 years ago people thought that……………………………………...

7. I’ve just been reading an article in Computer Monthly which said that …………………………………………………………………………..….

8. My ex-boyfriend sent me a letter saying that……………………...……

9. Wayne Rider, the new tennis star, said that when he was young………



Clare has just arrived at San Francisco airport, where her friend Josh is meeting her. Clare took a long time to go through customs. Report the question what she was asked.

Josh: What happened? Why are you so late?

Clare: Oh, I had a terrible time in customs. They asked me so many questions.


1. Where are you from?

- He asked me where I was from.

2. Are you traveling alone?


3. Did you pack suitcases yourself?

- ……………………….

4. Have you got hand luggage?

- ………………………..

5. Did you get off the plane at the stopover in Amsterdam?

- …………………………

6. How long will you be in the country?

- …………………………

7. Where are you going to stay?

- …………………………

8. How much money have you brought with you?

- …………………………

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. John told me he (to give) a farewell dinner party the following Friday. 2. She said Jane Morton (to learn) English at Moscow University then. 3. Mr. Chandlers said that Kiev (to change) greatly for the last ten years. 4. He said that Mr. Barton (to stay) in Tallinn for a couple of weeks. 5. The guide said that the sightseeing tour (may) take them from four to six hours. 6. I wondered whether the train (to reach) already Leeds. 7. He said that they (to visit) the Tower the day before. 8. The guide said that nearly all English kings and queens (to be crowned) in Westminster Abbey. 9. Jane asked her friend to make a list of things they (to need) for the trip. 10. He said they (to walk) along Arbat when he (to meet) them. 11. She said she (to complete) the textbooks the following month. 12. I wondered if he (to buy) a guide-book of St. Petersburg.

Unit 3. The Mood. Conditional Sentences.

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