The English language in the world — КиберПедия 

Состав сооружений: решетки и песколовки: Решетки – это первое устройство в схеме очистных сооружений. Они представляют...

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The English language in the world

2017-09-28 470
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It is only in the course of the last hundred years that English has become a world language. In Shakespeare's time it was a ‘provincial’ language of secondary importance with only 6 million native speakers. Nowadays English has become the world's most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations with over 350 million native speakers. It is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire­land, of Australia and New Zealand. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic. It is also spoken as a second language by many people in India, Pakistan, numerous countries in Africa. Around 375 million people speak English as their first language and another 375 million speak it as a second language.

Even more widely English is studied and used as a foreign language - around 750 million people. In this respect it acquired an international status. It is used for communication across frontiers, listening to broadcasts, reading books and newspapers, in commerce and travel. Half of the world's scientific literature and 80% of the world’s electronically stored information is in English. English is associated with technological and economic development of the great manufacturing countries. It is the language of automation and computer technology, international aviation, shipping and sport. It is the common language of diplomacy.


Choose one of the endings and complete the sentences.

1.In Shakespeare's time English was …

a) a world language with 6 million native speakers.

b) an international language of literature.

c) a secondary language spoken in England.

2. Today English is an official language in …

a) Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

b) the USA, the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Ireland.

c), India, Pakistan and the United Kingdom.

3. Around 375 million people speak English as …

a) their native language.

b) their second language.

c) a common language in multinational companies.

4. English has acquired an international status because …

a) more and more people study it as a foreign language.

b) it is the official language in great manufacturing countries.

c) it is an international language of aviation and shipping and sport.

5. English is a language …

a) of secondary importance in communication across frontiers.

b) associated with of science, commerce and diplomacy.

c) of one third of the world’s electronically stored information.


Answer the questions.

1. When has English become a world language? In your opinion, what were the reasons?

2. How many people speak English as their mother tongue, as a foreign language and as a second language?

3. What status does English have in India, Canada and New Zealand?

4. What proves that English has acquired an international status?

5. Do you assume that in future English will maintain its position in the world or its status will change?


Unit 3. Career in Economics

Do you agree?

1. “The curious mind embraces science; the gifted and sensitive – the arts; the practical – business; others become economists.” Nassim Nicholas Taleb

2. “An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today.” Laurence J. Peter

3. “There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: make the best quality goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible.”
Henry Ford

4. “In all recorded history there has not been one economist who has had to worry about where the next meal would come from.” Peter Drucker

5. The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design. Friedrich von Hayek

Make word combinations using the words from columns A and B. Then read the text and explain their meaning.

1. wide a) of the market
2. international b) functions
3. business c) company
4. structure d) knowledge
5. exercise e) of skills
6. have a good f) range
7. demand g) of competence
8. working h) of an enterprise
9. level i) administration
10. application j) command


Nowadays the profession of an economist has become one of the most useful, modern and interesting. Economists find a wide range of careers open to them. They are employed in banking, finance, accountancy, commerce, marketing, logistics, management and business administration.

There is a place for an economist at every institution, plant or international company. Economist exercises different functions. A good specialist can determine the structure of an enterprise and calculate costs and probable profits. An economist analyses the conditions of the market and prospects of its development in the future. Having a good command of the economic situation in the region and the demands of the market, a person with economic diploma may start his own business or join a multinational firm.

To become a good economist one must work hard and get not only theoretical knowledge but also great practical skills. Working knowledge of computer and good level of competence in any foreign language, esp. English, is a must. Students majoring in Economics study principles of micro- and macroeconomics, statistics, math, finance and banking, economics theory and history of economic thought, etc. Some students major in economics because it is a good chance to get a well-paid job, some find it interesting and stimulating, others consider it to be a good application of their mathematical and analytical skills.


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