Complete the table and finish the sentences below. — КиберПедия 

Состав сооружений: решетки и песколовки: Решетки – это первое устройство в схеме очистных сооружений. Они представляют...

Эмиссия газов от очистных сооружений канализации: В последние годы внимание мирового сообщества сосредоточено на экологических проблемах...

Complete the table and finish the sentences below.

2017-09-28 201
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Noun Verb Adjective/Participle

1. Machine-building industry is well-… in Belarus.

2. Electrical engineering branch focuses on … of new sophisticated devices.

3. Chemical industry … varnishes and paints.

4. Trucks, coaches and other vehicles are … of machine-building branch.

5. Light industry … in production of textile, knitwear and clothes.


Complete the table and use it to speak about the structure of economy in Belarus.

- integrated … - liquid-crystal i… and d… - … technological equipment


Unit 4. Education

1. Check if you know the meaning of the following words then read the text and find their derivatives:

to afford, to continue, to bring up, compete, to establish, religion, to correspond, efficient, eminent, to improve

Example: science – scientific (наука – научный)



Belarus has one of the highest student-to-population ratios in Europe due to high quality and affordability of education. There are nearly 350 000 students in the country. Education policy is guided by a number of principles: continuity and equal access; importance of scientific knowledge and cultural tradition; integrating education with moral upbringing and physical development. The main strategic objective for education is to contribute to creating a competitive economy based on high and advanced technologies.

There are four main types of higher education establishments: classical university, profile university or academy, institute, higher college. Altogether there are 54 higher educational establishments, of which 45 are state owned, 9 are private and 2 are run by religious organizations. Every establishment occupies its particular niche in training of highly qualified staff for various branches of national economy. Classical and profile universities as well as institutes provide a two-level system of higher education.

There are 3 forms of learning available at Belarusian higher educational establishments: full-time, evening and correspondence. Full-time learning is the most widespread and in the greatest demand with 2/3 of the students, over 35% of students learn by correspondence. The efficiency of any form of learning is ensured by eminently qualified teaching staff including a large number of candidates and doctors of science, associate professors and professors.

Belarusian education is popular among foreign students. According to the latest data about 12 000 students from 88 countries take their courses in Belarus. Nearly 130 foreign citizens do post-graduate courses at Belarusian research institutions and institutions of higher learning every year.

A great number of educational establishments of the Republic of Belarus actively cooperate with such organizations as UNO, UNCEF, UNDP, European Commission, European centers of professional improvement, etc.


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