Ex. 5. Look at the map of China and discuss its geographical position before turning to its history. — КиберПедия 

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Ex. 5. Look at the map of China and discuss its geographical position before turning to its history.

2017-09-30 237
Ex. 5. Look at the map of China and discuss its geographical position before turning to its history. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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China's history, like the other three civilizations of Africa and Asia, began on the river. The Yellow River provided the rich soil for agriculture and the transition to civilization.

An ancient legend, confirmed from archaeological findings, says that the Chinese people settled along the Yellow River many centuries ago, about 5000 ВС. Archaeologists call this first culture Yangshao. Stone tools and pottery decorated with fish and bone motifs are found in grave sites, especially of women. In southern China, Homudu culture demonstrates a different style of pottery and grave gifts.

In the north the Chinese people were farmers, living in small villages. Unlike in India, there were no great forests to clear before they began to cultivate the crops that furnished the bulk of their daily diet of bread. China was not rich in native plants that could be domesticated, but millet, a cereal grain grew well. Archaeologists presume that the seeds of wheat and barley entered China as a result of merchants who came all the way from India or even Mesopotamia.

Animals from other regions of Asia also found their way into China. These animals included cattle, dogs, chickens, and pigs. The remains of silkworm cocoons are evidence of sericulture, the production of silk, even at this early date. In southern China the buffalo's introduction provided a beast of burden for the farmers living there. The great fertility of the Yellow River plain, despite attacks from the nomads, allowed the population to recover in a short time.

Legend has it that the first important ruler, Yu the Great, appeared about 2200 ВС. Не gave the Chinese their first dynasty, the Xia. Yu, who may well be only a mythological figure, is famous for his efforts to control the floods of the Yellow River. A saying arose among the Chinese, "Only Yu saved us from becoming fish."

Yu and the Xia emperors made Erlitou, a town in the southern Shansi region, their capital. A square of buildings with thatched roofs stood upon a foundation of pressed earth. Among them was the royal palace.

The first historical records from ancient times date from the Shang dynasty, which extended from about 1780 to 1050 ВС. Shang was the title they chose for their imperial name. The Shang rulers taught their subjects that they were the Middle Kingdom, Zhongguo. The Chinese were at the center of the world, with all other people outside China, the barbarians, surrounding them.

Anyang was one of the Shang capitals, a city located in northern China on the Yellow River. The buildings of the town were wooden and, hence, have not survived except for foundations. In addition to the palace in Anyang, large warehouses stored the grain that the rulers collected for taxes. Powerful aristocrats lived throughout China, anxious to enhance their prestige and wealth by making war or alliances.

Shang emperors took the title 'Sons of Heaven'. They claimed that they were not mere mortals but that heaven had given them their authority to rule the Chinese people.' When the emperors died, they were buried in huge tombs similar to, but not quite so grand as, the pyramids of Egypt.



1. Chinese is an adjective that is used separately, when we speak of China or something belonging to China. In compound adjectives and nouns Sino- is used instead of Chinese, e.g. Sinology, Sino-American trade.

2. Nationality words. Some nouns and adjectives are formed with the help of suffix -ESE, meaning people or language belonging to the stated country or place:

e.g. the Chinese (people from China) Japanese (the language of Japan)

the Viennese (people from Vienna)


Analyze the formation of the words with the help of -ESE suffix.


N + -ESE

If there is a consonant the end Add -ESEto the stem:   VietnamVietnamese ! But Lebanon - Lebanese PortugalPortuguese   If there is a vowel at the end a) -A,it is dropped: BurmaBurmese MaltaMaltese b) -O, two suffixes -L and -ESEare added to the word: CongoCongolese TogoTogolese  


Study the following pattern, pay special attention to the absence of the plural ending -S for the formation of the name of the nation:

China-Chinese - a Chinese - the Chinese



Ex. 1. Read the text and get its central idea. Say when the first Chinese dynasty appeared.


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