Text 3. Dozens of people are still feared missing — КиберПедия 

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Text 3. Dozens of people are still feared missing

2017-06-03 227
Text 3. Dozens of people are still feared missing 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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I. Read the text below and complete the unfinished sentences.

Dozens of people are still feared missing after a fire broke out on board
an Indonesian ferry four days ago.

A search is under way for three people who were inspecting the burnt-out remains [13] of the ship on Sunday when it unexpectedly capsized.

At least 42 people died after the Levina I caught fire as it travelled between Jakarta and Bangka island off Sumatra last Thursday.

Some 250 passengers are thought to have survived the blaze.

The ferry's manifest said 300 people were on board, but officials believe the figure could have been higher as…

At least five vessels are continuing to search for survivors and bodies in the Java Sea close to where the ferry…

The ship was anchored but reportedly already listing when a group of around 16 investigators and journalists went on board on Sunday even though some officials had warned it...

The journalists were interviewing a police official on one deck, when investigators warned the boat was listing dangerously and they were ordered to evacuate. People on the ferry panicked and raced down to deck two where they crowded into a window at the end of the deck to get out to the side of the ship.

An Indonesian television cameraman died, and two investigators and
a reporter are still missing.

There would be a police investigation into what happened.

The burned out ferry

II. Speak about the second accident. Think of the safety measures which had not been taken to prevent the mishap.

Group work

Complete the spidergram below and see how much vocabulary you can generate, with reference to the topic of fire.

Text 4. Пожар на пароме в Филиппинах: 150 пропавших

Give a free translation of the text below.

По меньшей мере 150 человек все еще не найдено после того, как сильный пожар вынудил сотни пассажиров покинуть паром на юге бухты Манила.

Более 600 человек уже спасены, и сейчас сохраняется надежда на то, что пропавших могут подобрать корабли, курсирующие на месте катастрофы.

Жертвой пожара уже стал, по меньшей мере, один человек. Трое получили ранения.

Оказавшееся рядом грузовое судно сразу спасло около 200 человек,
а еще 75 подобрал корабль военно-морского флота.

Судно вышло из порта Манилы около полуночи по местному времени (16 часов по Гринвичу), а пожар начался примерно час спустя.

По словам спасенных, пожар начался, когда пассажиры собирались ложиться спать.

Местное радио передает со ссылкой на пассажиров парома, что перед пожаром на пароме раздался взрыв (explosion).

На борту парома находились 724 пассажира, в том числе 34 ребенка,
а также 154 члена экипажа.


UNIT 4. Grounding

Text 1. Banana boat rescue will take days

I. Read the text.

Make sure you understand the words below:

salvage rescue
to establish to discover
recognisable well-known
en route on the way

The vessel is carrying hundreds of tonnes of bananas and pineapples

The crew of a cargo vessel stranded after hitting a lighthouse will stay at least three more days on board until salvage experts work out how to return her to shore.

An inquiry has been launched to establish how the ship crashed into one of the Solent's most recognisable landmarks, the Nab Tower.

The vessel's cargo of hundreds of tonnes of bananas and pineapples, which were bound for Belgium, will have to be removed before the rescue can begin.

Meanwhile [14], the 22-strong crew, composed of a Norwegian pilot, a Polish engineer, Indian officers and an Ecuadorian and Filipino, will all stay on board in the Solent.

A coastguard spokesperson said a massive barge and crane are en route to Britain from Rotterdam to remove the cargo, while steel plates have been welded onto the visible eight-metre hole in the ship's hull above the water line.

But a 26 m gash that lies underwater will remain open, as it is considered too dangerous to fix on site [15].

The vessel, which flies a Liberian flag, will be towed to shore – possibly at Southampton – where it will be repaired.


to strand сесть на мель
to work out решать
to crash into наскочить на кого-л., что-л.; врезаться во что-л.
to remove убирать; снимать
to compose составлять
plate плита, лист, полоса (металла)
to weld сваривать
hole отверстие, пробоина
gash разрез
to consider думать, считать
to fix ремонтировать

II. Vocabulary Practice

Match the words from column A and column B similar in their meaning.

1. strand a) repair
2. fix b) take away
3. crash c) run aground
4. work out d) make up
5. compose e) collide
6. remove f) solve

III. Grammar Review

Complete the sentences with the phrases from the right column. Join two parts using before or until. Comment on the use of tenses. Translate the sentences into Russian.

The cargo will have to be removed before salvage experts work outhow to return her to shore.
The crew will stay three more days on board before the ship is towed to shore.
But a 26 m gash will remain open until the rescue begins.

IV. Speech Practice

Answer the questions to the text above.

1. Why did the cargo ship strand?

2. What damage did she sustain?

3. When can the rescue begin?

4. What will be used to remove the cargo?

5. Was any repair made?


Text 2 (A). An operation to evacuate up to 1,600 people
from a stricken cruise ship

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