Text 8. Stricken container ship refloated — КиберПедия 

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Text 8. Stricken container ship refloated

2017-06-03 207
Text 8. Stricken container ship refloated 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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I. Read the text.

Monday, 9 July, 2007

The stricken container ship MSC Napoli has been refloated, nearly six months after it was grounded off the east Devon coast.

The 62,000-ton vessel floated free a mile off Sidmouth after 58,000 tons of water was pumped from her holds.

The ship has been towed 500 m south of its original position where it will be inspected by divers for several days before its next move.

A barge with winches and cranes, along with [39] tugs and an anti-pollution vessel are assisting at sea in Branscombe Bay.

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) said the decision to refloat the vessel had been made to prevent further deterioration in the structure of the ship and to prevent further damage to the environment.

Since the decision was made in January to beach the vessel, salvors have worked around the clock to remove all of the containers from the stricken ship.

Approximately 150 of them were classed as having potentially hazardous contents.

More than 100 containers went overboard and 58 were washed ashore, leading to a scavenging and looting [40].

Of the containers that went overboard, one contained battery acid [41] and perfumes, and one small gas bottles for car airbags.

Others housed a variety of goods including BMW motorbikes and car parts.


to refloat снимать судно с мели
deterioration ухудшение (состояния), повреждение
contents содержимое

II. Speech Practice

1. Rephrase the following sentences using the words in bold:

1. The decision to refloat the vessel had been made to prevent further deterioration in the structure of the ship and damage to the environment.
  decide – In order to prevent …, it … to refloat the vessel.
2. Salvors have worked around the clock to remove all of the containers from the stricken ship.
  be busy –Salvors … with … all of the containers from the stricken ship.
3. The vessel floated free after 58,000 tons of water was pumped from her holds.
  by means of –The vessel was refloated … from her holds.

2. Look at the figure below and give account of the operation. Make use of the information from Text 8.


MSC Napoli: On Monday, 58,000 tons of water pumped out. More than 2,000 containers and about 4,000 tons fuel already removed.

Big Foot Barge: Winches/cranes used to lift Napoli from seabed.

Lead tug: Helped turn Napoli and tow it to new position for checks.

Anti-pollution/support vessels: Dispersant carried by vessels, to tackle remaining pollutants. Supported by spotter planes looking for pollution. Steering tug, workboats and crew boat also present.

Hull damage: Divers will inspect bottom of hull following refloat. Damage to be assessed and decision on moving Napoli to be taken.


Group work

Two texts below are about the same accident but comprise different information. Each student has to read one text. Exchange the information. Work in pairs.


Text 9. Attempts to break Napoli in two

Make sure you understand the words below:

to facilitate to make easy
option alternative

Friday, 13 July, 2007

Attempts are being made to break the stricken container ship MSC Napoli in two in east Devon.

The container vessel was rebeached on Thursday after earlier being refloated when a diving survey revealed it was more severely damaged than feared.

The vessel was rebeached at high tide on Thursday and is now lying just
a short distance from where she has been stranded for the past six months.

The ship was originally grounded in January after being damaged in storms.

Salvors have been working overnight to remove ballast in an attempt to facilitate a controlled break-up of the vessel by causing the hull to sag.

Toby Stone, from the MCA, said that if the operation works it would leave the bow section afloat which could then be towed away and the stern would sink to the seabed and eventually be removed.

An East Devon District Council spokesperson said there was disappointment that the refloating option had not worked.

The council said it would continue to monitor the situation closely.


to sag прогибаться
disappointment разочарование, недовольство

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