Grammar: Active Voice tenses — КиберПедия 

Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...

История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...

Grammar: Active Voice tenses

2023-02-03 56
Grammar: Active Voice tenses 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
Prese regularly I write Я пишу now I am writing Я пишу by now I have written Я написал  now+for 3 hours   I have been writing Я пишу
Past yesterday I wrote Я писал yesterday + at I was writing Я писал yesterday + by I had written Я написал yesterday+for 3 hours   I had been writing Я писал
Future tomorrow I’ll write Я буду писать tomorrow + at I’ll be writing Я буду писать tomorrow + by  I’ll have written Я напишу tomorrow+for 3 hours   I’ll have been  writing Я буду писать


2.10 Practice Active Tenses and speak on:

1) what you do regularly as a post-graduate student;

2) how you are working at your thesis now/this month;

3) what you did for your thesis last month;

4) what you have already done for your thesis;

5) what you are planning (going) to do for your thesis in the near future;

6) what you will do after taking the post-graduate course;

7) how long you have been working at your thesis;

8) how you are getting prepared to your qualifying examinations for а      Master/PhD degree.


 2.11 Translate the sentences paying attention to different meanings of prepositions of, to, with, by, about.

a) 1. What’s the colour of your new dress? 2. He’s a friend of my parents’. 3. Some of you are from other towns. 4. He couldn’t sleep because of the dog barking. 5. What do you think of them? 6 Nowadays in-depth studies of this technology development are being conducted in a number of leading laboratories. 7 The second of the three economic issues is the question of income.

b)  1. Have you told all your news to John? 2. This company sells almost everything from excavators to X-ray machines. 3. The college is responsible to its governing body. 4. Hybrid cars use different fuel to normal cars. 5. No one knows what happened to them. 6 The spent gases are exhausted to a small fraction in the duration of a stroke. 7 IBM turned to Bill Gates, then 25 years old, to write an operating system.   

c)  1. Eat your melon with the knife and fork. 2. Fill the glass with water. 3. I saw Bob in town with his girlfriend. 4. What will you buy with the money? 5. Video games are very popular with kids. 6 The maritime legal framework should deal with this new development. 7 The stiffness of foundation and supports for all the noise critical components and pipe systems comply with the Silent rotation. 

d) 1. I was attacked by a dog. 2. We’re all alarmed by the rise in violent crime. 3. You can reserve the tickets by phone. 4. She earns her living by selling flowers. 5. The documents need to be ready by next Friday. 6. Dave spent Christmas all by himself. 7 Since then, over seventy million PCs made by IBM were sold. 8 The cost of rotor blade mass production drops by as much as 90 percent.

e) 1 She said something about leaving the town. 2. What I like about the movie is the dialogue. 4 The following article is about the legal and insurance implications of unmanned ships.


Language practice

2.12 Emphatic Construction. It is (was) ... that (who/which)... . – Именно… . Translate the sentences.

1. It is him who did it.  2. It is consumers who decide what is to be produced. 3. It is just the balance between the market and planned elements that alters.  4. It was this discovery that enabled J.J Thomson to complete his understanding of x-rays. 5. It was this latter method that was first adopted. 6. It is this specific property that defines energy. 7. It is science that does us good.

2.13 Do the exercise and pay attention to different means of translating the word way.

1. He smiled in a friendly way. 2. Where there is a will there is a way. 3. I’ve changed the way I taught science. 4. I’ll tell her in my own time and in my own way. 5. I’ve got no way of contacting him at all. 6. What’s the right way to say this in English? 7. We’ll find the money, one way or another. 8. This will benefit the company in more ways than one. 9. Economics studies the way people deal with a fact of life. 10. I suppose, you’re right in a way. 11. All human activities are associated in some way with matter. 12 In this way we have reached single-digit NO and CO levels of pollution. 13 I know him and his ways pretty well. 14 I did it my way.


2.14 Context meaning. The following meanings of the adjectives depending on the noun in a phrase.


heavy bag, heavy ice, heavy snow, heavy smoker, heavy fog,  heavy rain, heavy meal, heavy sky, heavy date, heavy date, heavy traffic, heavy silence, heavy losses, heavy seas, heavy schedule, heavy atmosphere

sound barrier, sound effects, sound sleep, sound mind, sound advice, sound argument, sound reason, sound knowledge, sound data


Language styles

Conversation functions Neutral Informal Formal
    STARTING A CONVERSATION WITH A STRANGER Excuse me, …?   Excuse me asking, but … ?   Lovely/Horrible weather, isn’t it? Hello! Are you a friend of … ? A nice party, isn’t it? Warm/ Cold/ Hot etc., isn’t it? Forgive me for asking, but … ? Do excuse me, but … ? I beg your pardon, but aren’t you Lady Carrington?
  ATTRACTING SOMEONE’S ATTENTION Excuse me! Sorry to trouble you, but … ? Hey, Cathy! I say, … . Sorry, but … . Look here!   May I have your attention, please? Er, I wonder if I/ we could make a start?
  CHECKING UNDERSTANDING   Excuse me, does that mean … ? I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean …?   Sorry, I am not quite with what you’ve just said. You mean … . So what you are saying is … . Right? If I understand you correctly, … . Would I be correct saying that …? Do you mean that …?



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