ДЛЯ инженерных специальностей — КиберПедия 

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ДЛЯ инженерных специальностей

2023-02-03 43
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Колышкина Л.Л., Ершова Н.Э.




ДЛЯ инженерных специальностей

Учебное пособие для магистрантов и аспирантов


Утверждено советом университета

в качестве учебного пособия



ББК 81.2 Англ.

УДК 802.0



кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Л.Г. Голяшова

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент С.И. Лапицкая


Колышкина Л.Л., Ершова Н.Э.

Английский язык для инженерных специальностей. Учебное пособие для магистрантов и аспирантов. – СПб: СПбГМТУ, 2018. – 78 с.


Учебное пособие предназначено для обучения речевой деятельности на английском языке магистрантов и аспирантов всех направлений подготовки.

Пособие состоит из семи разделов: «Послевузовское образование», «Учеба в магистратуре и аспирантуре», «Судостроение и международные морские организации», «Судовое машиностроение», «Информационные технологии в судостроении», «Особенности научного стиля речи», «Презентация и доклад на научную тему».

Пособие направлено на развитие навыков чтения научно-технической литературы, написания научных статей, выступления с докладами, делового общения. Особое внимание уделяется текстам о современных достижениях в области кораблестроения, судового машиностроения и приборостроения. Выбор грамматических и лексических заданий обусловлен особенностями языка научно-технической литературы. В пособии также имеются коммуникативно-речевые упражнения, тематический словарь, диагностический тест, приложения. В состав приложений входят грамматические таблицы, словообразовательные модели, список наиболее употребительных сокращений и латинских выражений, рекомендации по составлению аннотации и реферата.

Представленный в пособии материал из современных аутентичных  источников содержит задания как для классной, так и самостоятельной работы. Упражнения раздела «Языковая практика» предлагаются для ознакомления с разнообразием изобразительно-выразительных средств языка в научно-технических текстах. 



ББК 81.2 Англ.

УДК 802.0


  Phonetic Symbols ..................................................................      4
Placement Test........................................................................ 4
Introduction. Academic and Technical English...................... 7
Unit 1 Education and Degrees................................................. Parts of speech and parts of a sentence. There is / It is 9
Unit 2 Postgraduate Study....................................................... Basic verb forms. Active voice tenses  16
Unit 3 Shipbuilding and World Maritime Organizations........ Passive voice tenses. Sequence of Tenses. Reported Speech.  25
Unit 4 Marine Engineering...................................................... The infinitive and its constructions. Modal verbs  36
Unit 5 Information Technologies in Shipbuilding Industry.... The participle. Nominative absolute participle construction. The gerund  45
Unit 6 Scientific Paper Writing............................................... Phrasal verbs 54
Unit 7 Presentation Skills....................................................... If-clauses 65
Appendix 1 The Plural of Irregular Nouns from Latin and Greek....................................................................   70
Appendix 2 Irregular Verbs..................................................... 70
Appendix 3 Word-Building..................................................... 72
Appendix 4 Abbreviations....................................................... 74
Appendix 5 Popular Latin Phrases and their English                 Equivalents.........................................................   75
Appendix 6 Abstract and Summary Writing........................... 76



Согласные  Consonants

Гласные  Vowels

[b] [p] [v] [f] [k] [g] [s] [z] [d] [t] [G] [C]   but pen very fine cat go sit zero day ten jam child   [T] [D] [j] [m] [n] [r] [l] [Z] [S] [h] [w] [N]   think this yes my no red like television she he we song   [A] [e] [I] [x] [P] [u] [q]   [R] [J] [L] [H] [W] but pen sit cat dog put about, center car see four too girl [eI] [aI] [OI] [eq] [qV] [Iq] [uq] [aV] [aIq] [aVq] [eIq] [OIq] day my boy where no here poor now fire our chaos lawyer  




Choose the correct answer.

Basic Points

1. Is this book ______ ?                                                               a) yours       b) your        c) the yours

2. Who are ______ people over there?                                           a) that          b) –             c) those

3. Everybody ______ fine weather.                                                    a) likes         b) like              c) is liking

4. Is he ______ an examination now?                                                 a) taken        b) taking      c) takes

5. This is ______ winter for 20 years.                                                 a) the worse  b) worst       c) the worst

6. Is there ______ interesting in this article?                                        a) something b) anything   c) any

7. ______ help me?                                                                          a) Can you to b) Do you can c) Can you

8. It ______ again. It ______ all the time here in the winter.                 a) ’s raining, ’raining b) rains, ’s raining c) ’s raining, rains

9. Who _____ the window?                                                               a) open    b) opened          c) did open

10. What _____ ?                                                                               a) does she want b) does she wants    c) she wants

Intermediate Points

1. I _____ the university in 2005.                                                  a) have entered  b) was entered   c) entered

2. I knew that he _____ waiting for somebody.                               a) is   b) was     c) would

3. As soon as she came in, I knew I _____ her before.                          a) have seen  b) saw          c) had seen

4. I enjoy _____, but I wouldn’t like _____ it all my life.                     a) to teach, to do    b) teaching, doing   c) teaching, to do

5. I’m not sure what _____                                                                a) do they want?     b) do they want.     c) they want.

6. Six public holidays _____ in Great Britain.                                          a) celebrate       b) are celebrating    c) are celebrated

7. Some of the people _____ to the party can’t come.                           a) inviting    b) invited c) who invited

8. Mary’s English is excellent. She speaks _____.                                a) perfectly English b) English perfectly     c) English perfect

9. What about _____ to the cinema tonight?                                        a) go  b) to go        c) going

10. Определите какое слово является лишним:                                  a) risen b) blew c) drove d) did c) spoke f) saw g) knew



Devoted to a postgraduate


When you make investigation,

You collect much information;

Then you do a lot of thinking

(For the time keep off your drinking).

If you have much evidence,

Then you make a reference

To the data first obtained;

Some corrections should be made.

My advice: avoid confusion,

Controversy and diffusion,

Classifying all the factors

And arranging all the matters.

If you make them systematic,

They won't look so enigmatic,

Contradicting and confusing,

And surprising, and diffusing.

Give another thought to facts

And propose your concepts,

Analyze the consequence,

Always use the same sequence.

And you can’t be satisfied

Till the concept’s verified;

Running tests will prove it’s true,

The solution is brand new.

On comparing the information

You must make modifications

Or discard the theory,

If results do disagree.

When mistakes are all corrected,

The hypothesis is accepted,

Then it’s clear: you are wise

And deserve a special prize.





1. applicant n – кандидат, абитуриент

2. graduate from University – окончить университет

3. graduate n – выпускник вуза

4. postgraduate (student) n – магистрант, аспирант

5. Master / PhD student – магистрант / аспирант

6. take a Master / PhD course – учиться в магистратуре / аспирантуре

7. correspondence / distance course – заочное обучение

8. department n – кафедра; факультет

9. scientific advisor – научный руководитель (диссертации)

10. course fee(s) / tuition fee(s) – плата за обучение

11. attend / miss a lecture, seminar, class, conference – посещать / пропускать лекцию, семинар, занятие, конференцию

12. qualifying exams – экзамены для получения диплома / степени

Useful Phrases

1. get a place at university / be admitted to university / enrol, be enrolled in / at university – поступить в университет

2. do / study subjects at university / do a degree (in a field of science / engineering) – учиться в университете (в какой-либо области науки / техники)

3. study for a Bachelor of Arts / a Master of Science – учиться на степень бакалавра гуманитарных наук / магистра естественных наук

4. the first degree: an Engineering degree/ a Specialist degree; a Bachelor of Arts (a BA), a Bachelor of Science (a BSc), a Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) – степень / диплом инженера, специалиста; бакалавра гуманитарных наук, бакалавра естественных наук, бакалавра технических наук

5. the second degree – a Master degree (a MA, MSc, MEng) – степень / диплом магистра

6. give / deliver a lecture – читать лекцию

7. read / report a (scientific) paper / give a report – делать доклад

8. read technical information / literature – читать техническую лите­ратуру

9. look for / through thesis-related information – искать / просматри­вать литературу по теме диссертации

10. have / take / do // pass // fail an examination in a subject – сдавать// сдать // не сдать экзамен по предмету

11. a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), the third degree in Russia or the highest degree in the UK – ученая степень кандидата наук (доктора фи­лософии), третья ученая степень в России или высшая в Британии

12. do research on / into some particular theme – проводить исследова­ние по какой-либо теме

13. complete and defend a graduation work / degree work / research / thesis / dissertation / qualification project – написать и защитить выпускную / дипломную работу / исследование / диссертацию / дипломный проект

14. to find / get / have a job in technical / industrial / scientific sectors – найти / получить / иметь работу в технической / промышленной / научной сфере

15. university degree in computer engineering – диплом инженера по вычислительной технике

16. award a degree – присуждать ученую степень

17. have / hold / have got a degree / diploma in physics from a university – иметь университетский диплом по физике

18. have academic qualifications – иметь диплом о высшем образо­вании

19. a first class degree / a diploma with honours – диплом с отличием

20. employ v – нанимать на работу

21. science and technology (engineering) – наука и техника


Speaking and writing

1.1 a) First, read 1-6 in b, then, in pairs, talk about your education and degrees using the ideas 1-6 and answering the questions. For the last question you can use the prompts: to get a higher degree; to continue degree research; to become more qualified in the field chosen; to build up a career; to get a better-paid job.


1. What higher school and when did you graduate from?

2. Which degree have you got (Bachelor’s, Specialist’s or Master’s)?

3. What was your graduation research about?

4. Why do you want to take the postgraduate course?


 b) Write the first paragraph of your story for the qualifying exam using 1-6 below and the questions above as a plan.

1. I graduated from this university in 2016/last year and got a Bachelor/Master of Science in Engineering. 2. My first degree is a Bachelor of Engineering in IT. 3. I’ve got a degree in Physics from Saint-Petersburg State University. 4. My qualifications are university and a diploma in Economics. 5 My first diploma work was about a software for a ship design. 6. I decided to take a Master/PhD course to get a higher degree.


 1.2  Match  English phrases with their Russian equivalents.

1) look through 2) take exams 3) give a report 4) pass exams 5) fail exams 6) think over 7) applicant 8) do research 9) do a degree in physics 10) employ 11) attend a lecture 12) take notes a) обдумывать b) посещать лекцию c) проводить исследования d) не сдать экзамены e) изучать физику в университете f) конспектировать g) сдавать экзамены h) сделать доклад i) просматривать j) кандидат, абитуриент k) сдать экзамены l) нанимать на работу

1.3  Choose the correct option in each sentence.

1. I graduated from/finished University last year.

2. I’m studying for a Master diploma/degree.

3. We have to read a lot of special/specialist literature.

4. I hope I’ll be awarded/given a Master degree next year.

5. I am going to get married when I’ve done/made my course.

6. We are to take qualification/final exams in Philosophy and English in June.

7. I’d like to get a higher degree in/on science.

8. He asked for/applied to the university to take a further degree course involving both exams and research.



1.4 Read the advertisement and make its plan. Talk about your graduation and degrees. Use the ideas from exe. 1.1. Ask questions on the text.


St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University is a well-known highly ranked institution providing education in a wide spectrum of marine-related sciences and also in up-to-date branches of general engineering, business and social studies.

It is offering BSc and MSc degree programmes in engineering as well as over 30 vocational courses leading to the degrees in Economics, Management, Sociology. With over five thousand full-time students the university is currently expanding a number of new courses and programmes within and beyond engineering. The high standards of teaching at the MTU are confirmed by accreditation of five engineering courses by the Institute of Marine Engineers (UK).

The students from eighteen countries are an integral part of our community and we invite new applicants to join our full-time and short-term courses covering sciences, engineering, language and social studies. The MTU maintains effective collaboration with many overseas institutions, public organizations and companies participating in research programmes and international projects.


1.5 Read the text and talk about the advantages of distance education.


Conversational functions

Language styles

Neutral Informal Formal
GREETINGS Hello! Morning! How are you? – I’m fine, thank you. Jim! Good to see you again! How very nice to see you again! ‘Hi, Cathy! How are you?’ ‘Fine, thanks, and you?’   Hi! How are things? Good morning, Mr/Mrs/Miss …!   Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Good afternoon, everybody! Good evening!
SAYING GOODBYE Goodbye! Hope to see you again. Have a good time!     Bye! Bye-bye! See you later/ soon/tomorrow. Keep in touch. Take care! Goodbye, gentlemen. I look forward to seeing you soon.
INTRODUCING This is … , our new colleague. Hello, my name is … . I’m from … . Mary, I’d like you to meet … . Have you ever  met …?     Hi, I’m … . Hello, this is… . Alex, meet Jane. Oh, look, here’s Vicky. Vicky – Mary, Mary – Vicky.   May I introduce myself? Allow me to introduce myself. My name is … . I’d like to introduce Mr Brown to you. He is … .
ANSWERING AN INTRODUCTION I’m very pleased to meet you. Pleased / Glad to meet you. Nice to meet you. Good to meet you. How do you do. – How do you do. I’m delighted to meet you.




Speaking and writing: postgraduate study

Reading: UK vs US Degrees, Main Differences between US and UK Degree Programmes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Grammar: basic verb forms, active tenses system

Language practice: emphatic construction, the use of way



adopt v - принимать

advanced a dj - современный, передовой

aim v - иметь целью, стремиться

apply v - применять(ся), использовать

concept n - идея, концепция

conduct v - проводить, руководить

consider v - рассматривать, учитывать

contribute v - делать вклад, способствовать

design v - проектировать, конструировать,

develop v - развивать(ся), разрабатывать

device n - устройство, прибор

emphasize v - подчеркивать, акцентировать

engineering n - техника, технология, машиностроение

environment n - среда, окружение

equipment n - оборудование

establish v - основывать, обосновывать

exploit v - использовать, разрабатывать

explore v - исследовать, разведывать

focus v - фокусировать, обращать внимание

improve v - улучшать(ся), усовершенствовать(ся)

increase v - увеличивать(ся)

involve v - включать (в себя)

lead (led, led) v - приводить (к)

manage v - руководить, управлять

performance n - работа, рабочие характеристики, производительность, ходовые качества судна

property n - свойство, способность

produce v - производить, создавать

range n - диапазон, ряд

require v - требовать, нуждаться

structure n - конструкция, структура, сооружение

support v - поддерживать, нести нагрузки

Speaking and writing

2.2 Talk about your Master / PhD course study. Choose the ideas from the sentences in a) and b). Write the second paragraph of your exam story.


1. I`m a Master/PhD student. I learn on a Master/PhD course.

2. Currently, I am doing a two-year Master/PhD course in Marine Engineering. I do research on/into the effects of... .  I work at/on… .  My thesis advisor is prof. Nifontov.

3. Currently, I’m studying for a second, higher degree in Economics.

4.I go to the library and look through specialist literature/technical material. I take notes thinking over the contents of the thesis.

5. I also plan to go on a PhD course in IT after getting a Master degree.

6. I write scientific papers on the theme of my thesis. I’ve written two articles on vibration analysis.

7. During my degree course I will have to take qualification exams, do research and write a degree thesis.


b) Match the parts to make sentences

 1 I’m doing a degree                 a for a degree in Engineering.

2 I work, study and do research b for my thesis.

3 I meet my scientific advisor   c to get prepared for qualifying exams.

4 I read a lot to collect material d in Marine Engineering.

5 I attend lectures and classes    e in scientific seminars and forums. 

6 I’m going to take part             f to discuss research work.

2.3 Answer the questions:

1. Why did you decide to take a post-graduate course?

2. What was the topic of your diploma research?

3. What higher school did you graduate from?

4. What’s the theme of your thesis? How new is the theme?

5. How important and topical is it?

6. How much and what has already been done on the theme by previous researchers?

7. How do you manage to combine work and post-graduate study?

8. Is your thesis theoretical or experimental?

9. Have you ever taken part in scientific seminars and conferences?

10. Have you published your own scientific papers? What are they about?

2.4 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.

1 Someone who applies for a job is called an applier/applicant. 2 A person applying for a job is also called a candidate/manager. 3 When you apply for a job, you are often asked to attend a job interview/test. 4 You get a degree/licence from a university when you complete the course. 5 Degrees, diplomas and certificates show your qualification/work experience. 6 If you are unemployed/self-employed, you run your own small business. 7 If you have been doing something for a long time, you have a lot of experiments/experience. 8 Being able to use a computer is an important skill/qualification these days. 9 If you have a job with a company, you work for/as the company. 10 If you are an electrician, you work for/as an electrician.

2.5 Read the texts and discover the differences between US and UK higher education.

                          UK VS US DEGREES

There are several types of degree programs in the UK: Foundation Years, Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees, and Doctorates or PhDs, all of which are all globally recognized qualifications.

 Foundation year. A foundation year is a pre-university program that aims to get a student up to speed for a particular course. This year-long program works quite well for certain sciences and engineering programs and also for some art programs, but in many instances, foundation years at British universities are especially designed for students whose first language is not English.

Undergraduate degrees. In England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, American students can undertake a 3-year undergraduate degree and graduate with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc). They can also opt for a 4-year sandwich course, which includes one year’s professional experience in industry or a year studying abroad. If students choose to study in Scotland, they will follow a system that is more similar to the US one.

G raduate degrees. At the graduate level, students have a choice between a taught or a research-based master's degree or a PhD. The taught master’s, or often called an MA or an MSc (Master’s of Science), usually takes 12 months and is very popular with American students. The research-based master’s degree is normally based on a research project. It usually involves working closely with a tutor and take around 12-18 months, but can sometimes take up to two years. Many students often begin this type of program and then transfer into a PhD. PhD programs in the UK take just three years to complete.




Focus. British degrees tend to focus on the student’s chosen major from the beginning of the degree program and thus are more professionally oriented than the US education system, which tends to begin with a broad base of instruction. For students who have a clear idea of what they want to study, a British degree is ideal as you are allowed to specialize in your subject area from the start.

Independence. British degrees leave much of the learning up to you, with the emphasis on lectures backed up by tutorials and a ‘suggested’ reading list, which is actually very much required reading! Undergraduates and graduates alike are expected to conduct their own research, develop their own ideas, come to class prepared to engage in discussion, and motivate themselves outside of lectures.


2.6 Read the text and prepare its summary using Appendix 6.


Language practice

2.12 Emphatic Construction. It is (was) ... that (who/which)... . – Именно… . Translate the sentences.

1. It is him who did it.  2. It is consumers who decide what is to be produced. 3. It is just the balance between the market and planned elements that alters.  4. It was this discovery that enabled J.J Thomson to complete his understanding of x-rays. 5. It was this latter method that was first adopted. 6. It is this specific property that defines energy. 7. It is science that does us good.

2.13 Do the exercise and pay attention to different means of translating the word way.

1. He smiled in a friendly way. 2. Where there is a will there is a way. 3. I’ve changed the way I taught science. 4. I’ll tell her in my own time and in my own way. 5. I’ve got no way of contacting him at all. 6. What’s the right way to say this in English? 7. We’ll find the money, one way or another. 8. This will benefit the company in more ways than one. 9. Economics studies the way people deal with a fact of life. 10. I suppose, you’re right in a way. 11. All human activities are associated in some way with matter. 12 In this way we have reached single-digit NO and CO levels of pollution. 13 I know him and his ways pretty well. 14 I did it my way.


2.14 Context meaning. The following meanings of the adjectives depending on the noun in a phrase.


heavy bag, heavy ice, heavy snow, heavy smoker, heavy fog,  heavy rain, heavy meal, heavy sky, heavy date, heavy date, heavy traffic, heavy silence, heavy losses, heavy seas, heavy schedule, heavy atmosphere

sound barrier, sound effects, sound sleep, sound mind, sound advice, sound argument, sound reason, sound knowledge, sound data


Language styles

Conversation functions Neutral Informal Formal
    STARTING A CONVERSATION WITH A STRANGER Excuse me, …?   Excuse me asking, but … ?   Lovely/Horrible weather, isn’t it? Hello! Are you a friend of … ? A nice party, isn’t it? Warm/ Cold/ Hot etc., isn’t it? Forgive me for asking, but … ? Do excuse me, but … ? I beg your pardon, but aren’t you Lady Carrington?
  ATTRACTING SOMEONE’S ATTENTION Excuse me! Sorry to trouble you, but … ? Hey, Cathy! I say, … . Sorry, but … . Look here!   May I have your attention, please? Er, I wonder if I/ we could make a start?
  CHECKING UNDERSTANDING   Excuse me, does that mean … ? I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean …?   Sorry, I am not quite with what you’ve just said. You mean … . So what you are saying is … . Right? If I understand you correctly, … . Would I be correct saying that …? Do you mean that …?




Speaking and writing: work experience and career

Reading: Worldwide Shipbuilding Industry, 7 Technologies that Can Change the Future of Shipbuilding, International Maritime Organizations

Grammar: passive tenses; sequence of tenses; reported speech

Language practice: as … as and similar phrases, hyphen word combinations



application n - применение, использование

be made up of phr v - состоять из

cause v - быть причиной, заставлять

challenge n - вызов, проблема, сложная задача

concern v, n - касаться, иметь отношение, беспокоить; озабоченность

discard v - отказаться от

efficiency n - эффективность, кпд, производительность

emerge v - появляться; всплывать

fit v устанавливать, соответствовать

fright rate - интенсивность грузоперевозок

implementation n - выполнение, реализация

install v - устанавливать, помещать

obtain v - получать, достигать, добиваться

overcapacity n - чрезмерная производительность

prevent v - предотвращать, предохранять

propose v - предлагать, предполагать

prove v - доказывать, подтверждать

purpose n - цель; назначение; результат, успех

R&D (research and development) - исследование и разработка

reduce v - уменьшать

result in phr v - приводить, давать в результате

result from = stem from phr v - являться следствием, происходить в

результате (чего-либо)

significant adj - значительный, важный, значимый

suggest v - предлагать, предполагать

task n - задача, задание

technique n - способ, метод, техника, аппаратура

Speaking and writing

3.1 a) Read the ideas in 3.2. Then in pairs answer the questions. b) Tell about your work in 5 sentences.

1 How did you find your first job? 2 What are the attractions of your job? 3 What makes your job difficult? 4 What kind of work do you do? 5 What are your responsibilities? 6 What do you like most about your job? 7 What information sources do you use in your work? 8 Do you need to have people-handling skills in your work? 9 Do you have to work directly with people? 10 Do you have to deal with telephone calls? 11 Are you good at problem solving?


3.2 Write the second paragraph of your story about your work experience. Use the ideas from a) and b).



1) Why do you think you are good at this job? -  I am a good team player and like to work as part of a team.

2) I’m a qualified engineer – who likes flexible working hours.

                                  – who is good at multitasking.

                                  – who is excellent at problem solving.

                                  – who is a good decision maker.

                                  – who likes challenge.

                                  – who has technical skills.

                                  – who has an industry background.

                                  – who has good communication ability/skills.

                                  – who wants promotion opportunities.

                                  – who wants job experience.

3) I work/worked for an electronic company in R&D.

5) Everything we use is a product of science, technology and engineering. I’ve been always interested in engineering. Engineers shape our world.

6) In my first job I worked with a team that created integrated circuits used in medical images machines. I’ve worked with medical imaging technology then.

7) I gave up general mechanical engineering and began to specialize in acoustics. That’s how I got into acoustics.

8) Currently, I’m working on a project to cut down noise levels on a large gas turbine generator. The project I`m on is about ….. .

9) My real interest is in marine design. I work for a design firm. I work for a company that designs and makes test equipment for shipbuilding.

10) During my degree course I will have to take qualifying exams, do research and write a degree thesis.


b) Make the parts to make sentences.


1 Some people like             a at solving mechanical problems.

2 For the past 11 years,       b then they apply science to create them.

3 At work I should be good   c I did a Bachelor degree in IT.

4 First, engineers imagine  d I’ve worked as a design engineer.


5 Before taking this course e test equipment for a company.

6 I work on                           f to work independently.


3.3 Find meanings of the words in a dictionary.


construct, solve, provide, decline, source, aspect, control, continue, consequently, considerable, advantage, reason, create, key, construction



3.4 Read the texts below and write a short summary on one of them.



A non-governmental organisation in the shipping industry, a classification society,establishes and maintains technical standards for construction and operation of marine vessels and offshore structures. The primary role of the society is to classify ships and validate that their design and calculations are in accordance with the published standards. It also carries out periodical survey of ships to ensure that they continue to meet the parameters of set standards. The society is also responsible for classification of all offshore structures including platforms and submarines.

A classification society’s workforce comprises ship surveyors, mechanical engineers, material engineers, piping engineers, and electrical engineers. Surveyors employed by a classification society inspect ships at all stages of their development and operations to make sure that their design, components, and machinery are developed and maintained in accordance with the standards set for their class. The process covers inspection of engines, shipboard pumps and other vital ship's machines.

Today there are more than fifty classification societies in the world. Thirteen largest marine classification societies in the world are the members of the International Association of Classification Societies(IACS)which was founded in Hamburg, Germany on September 11, 1968. The classification standards set by the thirteen member societies of IACS are covering more than 90% of the world's cargo carrying ships’ tonnage.



Lloyd's Register Group Limited (LR) is a technical and business services organisation and a maritime classification society, wholly owned by the Lloyd’s Register Foundation, a UK charity dedicated to research and education in science and engineering. The organisation dates back to 1760. Its stated aims are to enhance the safety of life, property, and the environment, by helping its clients to ensure the quality construction and operation of critical infrastructure.

Historically, as Lloyd's Register of Shipping, it was a specifically maritime organisation. During the late 20th century, it diversified into other industries including oil and gas, process industries, nuclear, and rail.

In July 2012, the organisation converted from an industrial and provident society to a company limited by shares, named Lloyd’s Register Group Limited, with the new Lloyd’s Register Foundation as the sole shareholder.

Notes: validate – подтверждать

        tonnage – флот


Grammar: Passive Voice

Be+V3 Simple Continuous Perfect
Present regularly I am invited Меня приглашают Now I am being invited Меня приглашают by now I have been invited Меня пригласили
Past yesterday I was invited Меня пригласили/я был приглашен yesterday + at I was being invited Меня приглашали yesterday + by I had been invited Меня пригласили
Future tomorrow I will be invited Меня пригласят tomorrow + by I will have been invited Меня пригласят

3 6 Read the songs When you make investigations onp.6and the one below, translate them to find and make a list of academic vocabulary. Pay attention to the vocabulary and grammar features.


Once a problem is raised, information is obtained,

And the boss is consulted now and then.

An approach is proposed, all the factors are supposed,

And the ways are considered again.

When a theory’s suggested, all deductions are tested,

And the model is then modified.

Wrong ones are discarded, right ones are regarded,

The solution is proved to be right.

Then a thesis is written, mind that copying’s forbidden,

You present it to the Academic Board.

If it’s not modified then and agreed to be relied on,

You are given a degree or award.

3.7 Translate the passive sentences.

a) 1. In future, superintelligent machines will be allowed to do only the work useful to mankind but not dangerous for it. 2. Much attention is given nowadays to moral aspects of Artificial Intelligence. 3. The negative consequences of technological progress ought not to be neglected. 4. What languages are you taught at the University?

b)1. The speaker wasn’t listened to at all. 2. His latest paper is still being spoken of. 3. The theory is often referred to. 4. The problem should be immediately dealt with. 5. This specialist was sent for to help us in our work. 6. The lecture was followed by an experiment. 7. Our life is more and more influenced by science. 8. All the questions asked were answered in detail. 9. The choice of the hull form is influenced by service considerations.

Notes :  influence – влиять на

              follow – следовать за

              answer – отвечать на

Sequence of Tenses

He lives in New York. I thought (that) he lived in New York (живет).   Одновременные действия
She is sleeping. I knew (that) she was sleeping (спит).   Одновременные действия
He bought a new car. I heard (that) he had bought a new car (купил).   Предшествующее действие
He will send us a letter. I supposed (that) he would send us a letter (отправит).   Последующее действие

3.8 Translate the sentences.

1. Lebedev, an outstanding Russian physicist, supposed that the Earth’s magnetism, and the magnetism of all other celestial bodies, were associated with their rotation. 2. Oersted discovered that the compass in the near vicinity of electric current would point crosswise to the current. 3. Maxwell predicted that ordinary visible light was electric and magnetic in character. 4. Kelvin showed in 1848 that with the aid of an ideal Carnot engine it was possible to define temperature in terms of energy. 5. It was known long ago that the ancient Greeks came to the conclusion that matter consisted of very small particles which were given the name of atoms.


Language practice

3.9 Translate the sentences paying attention to the phrases in bold.

1. Turbine engines were introduced as early as 1897. 2. Some laptops weigh as little as three pounds. 3. Write a letter to me as soon as you arrive home. 4. As many as forty top people reported him. 5. You can go out to play as long as you stay in the back yard. 6. An alpha-particle appeared to be as heavy as an electron. 7. The uranium ore emitted “Becquerel rays” four times as intensively as it was in the case of pure uranium. 8. The five continents of the Earth form only as much as 30 per cent of the Earth’s area. 9. Just as there are many specific crimes there are many specific laws. 10. The flood waters had come up as far as the house. 11. As far as I’m concerned, it sounds like a great idea. 12. As such, the discipline can be considered to be an exact science. 13. You look as if you’ve had a good time. 14. It sounds as though she’s been really ill. 15. As regards environmental issues, they are of great importance now. 16. The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. 17. The overall of the project could be as high as 7M pounds.


3.10 Hyphen word combinations. Translate the sentences and the phrases to see how it works.

a) 1 The replacement of aged tonnage (fleet) can be facilitated by a scrap-and-build scheme. 2 These centers operate a pay-as-you-go system. 3 It is a non-for-profit ship classification society. 4 She is a twice-screw turbo-electrically propelled passenger and cargo liner. 5 Physical science then had few links with industry, apparatus was cheap and simple, it was still in the “sealing-wax-and-string” stage. 6 The firing pressure was set lower than for a state-of-the-art four-stroke engine. 7 WiFi has a smaller range, requires cable to pipe data to a central switch to the outside world, but off-the-shelf components reduce its cost. 8 The end-of-life owner cares little for his ships and even less for his crew. 9 DSME is to develop wing-to-ground effect craft (экраноплан) for offshore market. 10 The technology has reduced through-life costs.       

b) bow-to-stem, for-and-aft (beam), a phase-in/phase-out period, return-to-port requirements, a general-to-specific strategy, a goodness-of-fit test, a need-to-know bases, in-depth studies



Conversation functions

Language styles

Neutral Informal Formal
  ASKING IF SOMEONE AGREES Do you agree? You’d agree with …, wouldn’t you? Right? Yeah? OK/All right (by you)? Would you agree with …/that …? I wonder if you would agree …?
  AGREEING Yes, I do agree. I absolutely agree with you. Exactly. Yes. Yeah. You’re right. I’m with you here. Oh, I entirely agree with … . I’m of the same opinion.
    DIS-AGREEING I’m afraid I can’t agree. I disagree, I’m afraid. That’s not the way I see it.   Oh, surely not. Nonsense! You can’t be serious! You must be joking! I’m afraid I disagree with … . I can’t say that I share your view. I see things differently.  
  ASKING FOR PERMISSION Can I …, please? Excuse me; do you think I could … ? Do you mind if … ? Mind if …? OK if …? All right if … ? Do/May I have your permission …? Do you have any objections to/if … ?
    GIVING PERMISSION Yes, certainly. That’s all right. Please don’t hesitate to … . You are welcome to … . Sure. It’s OK/fine. OK/Fine (by me). That seems perfectly acceptable. I can see no objections.    
    REFUSING PERMISSION Sorry, I’m afraid you can’t. I’m sorry that’s not possible. I’m sorry that’s not allowed.   Sorry … . Sorry, out of question. No way, I’m afraid. I’m afraid we couldn’t permit that. I’m afraid we don’t have the authority to allow … .  


Speaking and writing: free time activities

Reading: More than 12 Decades of Marine Excellence;5 Important Energy Recovery Systems Used on Ships

Grammar: the Infinitive and its constructions, modal verbs

Language practice: articles titles



achieve v - достигать

address v - обращаться к;

appear v – появляться; казаться

approach n - подход, метод

case n - случай; аргумент

depend on - зависеть от

effect n - влияние, воздействие; результат, следствие

enjoy v - пользоваться; иметь

expect v - ожидать; предполагать

explain v - объяснять

extend v - расширять(ся); простирать(ся)

likely adj - вероятный, возможный

move n - движение; поступок, шаг

operate v - действовать, работать

opportunity n - возможность; перспектива

phenomenon n - явление

promote v - продвигать; способствовать

quantity n - количество

recognize v - узнавать; признавать

relate to - относиться к

solution n - решение

state v - утверждать, заявлять

sustainable adj - устойчивый; возобновляемый

survey n - осмотр; исследование

valid adj - действительный, действующий

via prep - через; посредством


Speaking and writing

4.1 Have you got spare time? How do you spend it? Talk and write the last paragraph of your exam story about your hobbies, interests, achievements.



4.2 Read the text and give the main facts about the organization







The scientists

Our students

These people

want would like expect believe know consider и другие











to do see hear feel notice watch do    



4.5 Translate the sentences.

1. The laboratory workers watched the scientist carry out his experiment. 2. We know all metals to be good conductors. 3. We suppose hydrogen to be raw material in the universe. 4. We know physical changes to be caused by heat. 5. One may assume the information to be correct. 6. He believed the results of this test to have been plotted in the diagram. 7. The students watched the assistant preparing the equipment. 8. She would like all the experiments to be finished tomorrow. 9 Current trends in ship types have seen the size of crude oil tankers reduce to 250 000 dwt and below.


Translate the sentences.

a) 1. The survey vessel is reported to have been built in St. Petersburg. 2. Accommodations for passengers are known to be situated mostly amidships. 3. The building of nuclear icebreaker fleet is expected to result in rapid development of natural resources in the North. 4. It’s we who are supposed to make decisions. 5. The number of UUV is likely to grow in the coming years as the technology improves. 6. The present era, which is distinguished by the utilization of metals in enormous quantities, may be said to have begun in 1860. 7. The atmosphere has been proved to extend several hundred kilometers above the earth. 8. The facts seem to be as stated.  

b) Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) is acknowledged to be the founder of the theory of atmospheric electricity. At the time when theories to explain electricity were neither complete nor well founded the lightning was proved by him to be an electrical phenomenon. He was not the first to think of it but he was the first to prove it. His theory of electricity still appears to hold good. He is acknowledged to have invented a means of protection against the disastrous effects of lightning – the lighting rod. Franklin’s theory at first seemed to be misunderstood both in his country and abroad. It is known to have been severely attacked by the leader of French scientists abbé Nollet.

Franklin is recognized to have been a great public figure, who did as much as he could for the good of his country. He is known to have been the editor of one of the newspapers enjoying a great popularity with his countrymen. He is sure to be one of the broadest as well as one of the most creative minds of his time.

Grammar: modal verbs and their functions I:

Language practice

4.8 Articles titles. Sometimes they are not straightforward and may be difficult to understand and translate. That’s because a variety of lexical means are used in them to catch your eye. In some examples play on word is used. Get your imagination free, read and try to translate.


  1 Like no ship on Earth; 2 User-friendly approach pays dividends; 3 Pollution under the microscope: Big Brother is watching; 4 Sound effect on the environment; 5 Cruise [industry] blues starting to lift; 6 Two-stroke solutions; 7 KHI sow seeds for Japan’s first pod; 8 How to marine engineer a trimaran; 9 The case for wind power; 10 Power Samson ploughs deep; 11 Ecocruises are future of cruisonomy; 12 VT prepares for shipbuilding shortage – move is on cards; 13 The world’s first smart ship about to be born; 14 Navy’s costly oil tanker efforts runs aground; 15 Thumbs down for two-stroke trunk piston engines; 16 The ears of the ocean; 17 A great ship asks for deep waters; 18 Fuel thought



accept v - принимать

capability n - возможность; производительность

complex adj - сложный

comprehensive adj - исчерпывающий; детальный

consequence n - следствие; вывод

contradict v - противоречить

demand n - спрос; потребность

dimensions n - размеры; размерения (судна)

drawback n - недостаток; препятствие

equipment n - оборудование

estimate v - оценивать

include v - включать; содержать

investigate, study - исследовать

integrate v - объединять; внедрять

layout n - план, расположение, схема исследовать

outfit v - оснащать

perform v - выполнять; работать

supply n - снабжение; поставка

translate v –переводить;  перемещать;  преобр

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