If You Were The Judge / Если бы Вы были судьей — КиберПедия 

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If You Were The Judge / Если бы Вы были судьей

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If You Were The Judge / Если бы Вы были судьей

Учебно-практическое издание: Рабочая тетрадь

  по курсу английского языка

для магистрантов, аспирантов и студентов-юристов



Фамилия, Имя:



Курс, группа:



Учебное заведение:



Год обучения:



Уфа 2020


Настоящее учебно-практическое издание

разработано при поддержке гранта

Центра международных правовых исследований,

г. Зальцбург, Австрия.


Учебно-практическое издание предусмотрено для  использования при аудиторной и самостоятельной работе. За основу взяты аутентичные тексты из современной судебной практики. Дотекстовые и послетекстовые задания носят творческий характер и направлены на развитие навыков устной речи, чтения, письма и перевода. Значительная часть лексического материала относится к области юридической терминологии. Издание рассчитано на магистрантов, аспирантов и студентов юридических специальностей. 






Жизнь диктует новые требования, поскольку современный этап развития общества тесно связан с международной интеграцией. Иностранный язык как средство общения является неотъемлемой частью жизни современного человека. Владение иностранным языком помогает расширить возможности получения информации из различных зарубежных источников. Современные требования, предъявляемые к обучению студентов в высших учебных заведениях, нацелены на подготовку высококвалифицированных и всесторонне развитых специалистов. Это особенно важно для студентов, в частности студентов-юристов, которым необходимо получать информацию из первоисточников, знать особенности законодательных систем других стран.

Методические указания и Рабочая тетрадь по курсу иностранного языка разработаны с использованием современных подходов в образовании, традиционных методов обучения и методов коммуникативной лингвистики на основе неадаптированных текстов. Данная работа структурирована на основе взаимосвязи изучаемых дисциплин, поэтому она включает в себя основные разделы, преподаваемые студентам-юристам на родном языке. Межпредметная связь отвечает современным требованиям, предъявляемым к обучению в высших учебных заведениях.

Методические указания и Рабочая тетрадь включают 9 текстов из области уголовного права, финансового права, конституционного права и других отраслей права. Каждый урок представлен текстами и упражнениями на закрепление активного словаря и практических навыков, употребление юридических терминов в речи. Рабочая тетрадь отличается многообразием заданий, которые нацелены на развитие творческого мышления обучаемых и стимулирование поиска дополнительной информации. Они построены по принципу от «простого к сложному». Завершающими являются упражнения по решению судебных дел. Тексты и задания, приведенные в данной рабочей тетради, могут быть использованы на практических занятиях, для проведения контрольных работ и для организации самостоятельной работы.

В методических указаниях и рабочей тетради приводится перечень рекомендуемых источников для углубленного изучения.

Работа с данными методическими указаниями и рабочей тетрадью будет способствовать улучшению и закреплению знаний по изучаемым предметам, обогатит словарный запас юридической лексикой, что позволит обучаемым принимать участие в международных конференциях, читать первоисточники и повышать свой профессиональный уровень.





Warming-up. Answer the questions please:

1. What is law?


2. What civil rights do you now?


3. What is the retirement age in this country?


4. Do you know any retirement benefits?


Vocabulary Notes. Memorize the following words and word combinations:

1. paycheck чек с заработной платой

2. pink slip извещение об увольнении с работы

3. insurance salesman страховой агент

4. early retirement досрочный выход на пенсию

5. retirement benefits пенсионные льготы

6. personnel manager начальник отдела кадров

7. trim the payroll привести в порядок фонд заработной платы

8. get rid избавиться

9. violation нарушение

10.  claim требовать, заявлять

11.  file a lawsuit подать иск

12.  age discrimination дискриминация по возрасту

13.  firefighter пожарник

14.  reject отклонять, отвергать

15.  HIV ВИЧ

16.  hire нанимать, принимать на работу

17.  handicapped инвалид


Early Retirement

When Kenneth picked up his paycheck one Friday, he was shocked to find a pink slip inside. The slip directed the 57-year-old insurance salesman to apply for early retirement.

    “But I’ll only get half of my retirement benefits if I stop working now,” Kenneth protested. “I want to work until I’m 62 years old.”

    “Sorry,” said the personnel manager. “Business is slow now, and we’ve got to trim the payroll by getting rid of some of the older fellows.”

    “That’s a violation of the law,” claimed Kenneth, whose lawyer filed a lawsuit under the Federal Age Discrimination Act.


  AIDS Discrimination

John passed his physical and firefighters exam for a job with the City of Washington, but he was rejected by the Chief when he informed the department that he was HIV positive.

    “I can perform all the duties of a firefighter,” said John. “It’s like saying somebody can’t play basketball because he’s HIV positive.”

    John hired a lawyer who filed a Civil Rights suit for discrimination against the handicapped.


Assignment 1

Write down 15 words from the text. Use them in the sentences of your own. Write down these sentences:

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________

11. _____________________________________________________________

12. _____________________________________________________________

13. _____________________________________________________________

14. _____________________________________________________________

15. _____________________________________________________________


Assignment 2

Give the English equivalents to the following:

1. сдать экзамен  ________________________________________________

2. нанять адвоката ______________________________________________

3. гражданские права _____________________________________________________________

4. подать иск ___________________________________________________

5. дискриминация инвалидов _____________________________________

6. возрастная дискриминация _____________________________________

7. выход на пенсию______________________________________________

8. фонд заработной платы  ________________________________________

9. взять чек _____________________________________________________

10. нарушение закона _____________________________________________


Assignment 3

Translate the paragraphs which begin with “But I’ll only get …” and end up with “Federal Age Discrimination Act” into Russian.


Assignment 4

Fill in the prepositions:

1. I can perform all the duties … a firefighter.

2.  When he picked … his paycheck one Friday.

3. Frank passed his exam … a job with the City of Washington.

4. I’ll only get half … my retirement benefits.

5. A lawyer filed a suit … discrimination … the handicapped.

6. We’ve got to trim the payroll … getting rid … the older fellows.

7. He was rejected … the chief when he informed the department that he was HIV positive.

8. “That’s a violation … the law,” claimed Ken.

9. The insurance salesman was directed to apply … early retirement.

Assignment 5

Answer the following questions:

1. What was the 57-year-old insurance salesman directed to do?


2. Why didn’t he want to apply for early retirement?


3. What were the personnel manager’s arguments?


4. What job did John apply for?


5. Why was John rejected by the chief?



Assignment 6

Assignment 7

Find the antonyms to the words that follow:

1. to hire  _______________________________________________________

2. to stop _______________________________________________________

3. older _________________________________________________________

4. positive ______________________________________________________

5. to pass an exam ________________________________________________

Assignment 8

Are these statements true or false? If it is false correct the sentence:

1. Ken wanted to apply for early retirement because he did not want to work until he was 62.

2. John failed his physical and firefighters exam, so he could not work as a firefighter.

3. The personnel manager wanted Ken to go on working for the next 5 years.

4. “I can perform all the duties of a firefighter,” said John.

5. Ken’s lawyer refused to file a lawsuit under the Federal Age Discrimination Act.

Assignment 9

Assignment 10


Warming-up. Answer the questions please:

1. Give definition to the word “responsibility”.


2. What is a right of free speech?


3. What is meant by “to quit job”?


Vocabulary Notes. Memorize the following words and word combinations:

1. high school средняя школа

2. be delighted быть в восторге

3. be dismayed быть в ужасе, быть встревоженным

4. refuse отказываться

5. straw соломинка, «последняя капля»

6. quit оставить, бросить

7. harassment домогательства

8. deny отказываться, отрицать

9. responsibility ответственность

10.  complain жаловаться

11.  punish наказывать

12.  lose temper терять самообладание, не сдержаться

13.  call names оскорбить

14.  fire уволить

15.  express one’s views высказывать свои взгляды

16.  dismiss не рассматривать, отклонить

17.  deserve заслуживать

18.  disrespectful непочтительный, неуважительный

Harassment on the Job

Mary got her first job after high school as a checkout clerk in a small supermarket. She was delighted with the paycheck but dismayed by her boss’s attentions. When he offered her 100 dollars to go out with him, she laughed and refused.

    When he asked her to “wear tight jeans to work”, she cried. The final straw was when he felt the back of her blouse.

    Mary quit her job and filed a federal court case against the supermarket company for sexual harassment.

    The company lawyer denied responsibility. “We cannot be responsible for the personal conduct of our employees,” said the supermarket president. “Besides Mary never complained so we couldn’t investigate the problem and punish her supervisor.”


Assignment 1

Write down 15 words from the texts. Use them in the sentences of your own:

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________

11. _____________________________________________________________

12. _____________________________________________________________

13. _____________________________________________________________

14. _____________________________________________________________

15. _____________________________________________________________


Assignment 2

Give the English equivalents to the following:

1.  средняя школа ________________________________________________

2. домогательства _______________________________________________

3. увольнять ________ __________________________________________

4. быть в восторге ______________________________________________

5. оставить работу ______________________________________________

6. ответственность _______________________________________________

7. отрицать  ____________________________________________________

8. жаловаться ___________________________________________________

9. неуважительный ______________________________________________

10.  оскорбить ___________________________________________________


Assignment 3

Assignment 4

Assignment 5

Fill in the prepositions:

1. … a private meeting with the principal, she lost her temper.

2. She filed a lawsuit … federal court, claiming the school violated her right … free speech.

3. Mary filed a federal court case … the supermarket company for sexual harassment.

4. We cannot be responsible … the personal conduct … our employees.

5. The right of free speech applies only … public places, not private meetings.

Assignment 6

Find the antonyms to the following:

1. be delighted -

2. final -  

3. refuse -  

4. private -

5. disrespectful -

Assignment 7

Answer the following questions:

1. What was Mary delighted with?


2. What was Mary dismayed by?


3. Did Mary quit her job?


4. What happened during a private meeting with the principal?


5. What did the school board attorney say?



Assignment 8

Assignment 9

Assignment 10


Warming-up. Answer the questions please:

1. What is a leave of absence?


2. When can you get a leave of absence?


3. What symptoms do you have to have to get a leave of absence?



Vocabulary Notes. Memorize the following words and word combinations:

1. leave of absence – отсутствие по уважительной причине, больничный лист

2. application – заявление 

3. pregnancy - беременность

4. furious – рассерженный, гневный

5. disability – неспособность работать, инвалидность

6. argue – возражать, спорить

7. injury – травма 

8. additional – дополнительный

9. anniversary – годовщина, юбилей

10.  emergency room – отделение неотложной помощи

11.  splatter – брызгать, забрызгать

12.  sever – порезать, отсечь

13.  tendon – сухожилие

14.  index finger – указательный палец

15.  permanent injury – невозместимый вред

16.  owe – быть должным

Assignment 1

Check the pronunciation of the following words:

1. argue

2. emergency

3. sever

4. permanent

5. injury

6. insurance

7. unemployment

8. commissioner

9. expense

10.  blood

11.  touch

Assignment 2

Write down 10 words from the text. Use them in the sentences of your own:

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________


Assignment 3

Give the English equivalents to the following:

1. годовщина  ________________________________________________

2. чрезвычайное происшествие _________________________________

3. постоянный________________________________________________

4. ответственный _____________________________________________

5. дискриминировать___________________________________________

6. болезнь_____________________________________________________

7. безработица _________________________________________________

8. травма ______________________________________________________

9. расходы _____________________________________________________

10.  беременность ________________________________________________


Assignment 4

Assignment 5

Assignment 6

Answer the following questions:

1. What happened at a restaurant when Charlie took his wife to celebrate their anniversary?


2. What did the doctor tell Alice after examining her hand?


3. What did Charlie and Alice do against the restaurant?


4. Why did Patricia apply for disability compensation?


5. What did the commissioner argue?



Assignment 7

Fill in the prepositions:

1. A person can’t get disability unless he’s disabled … illness or injury.

2. Charlie drove Alice … a hospital emergency room.

3. They filed a suit … the restaurant.

4. When her application was turned …, she was so furious she took the state Unemployment Insurance Commissioner … court.

5. We should not owe a penny because we are only responsible … what we sell..

Assignment 8

Find synonyms to the words that follow:

1. to ruin _______________________

2. to yell ________________________

3. additional _____________________

4. furious _______________________

5. permanent ____________________

Assignment 9

Assignment 10


Warming-up. Answer the questions please:

1. What is to be old for job?


2. What is the retirement age in Russia?


3. What does an attorney do?


Vocabulary Notes. Memorize the following words and word combinations:

1. attorney - адвокат

2. promote – повысить в должности

3. complain – жаловаться

4. bravery – храбрость

5. refuse – отказываться

6. comply – исполнять служебные обязанности

7. demote – понизить в должности 

8. punitive – карательный

9. rank – звание 

10. salary – зарплата

11. conduct - поведение

12. deliver news – принести новость

13. mistake – ошибка

14. terminate – завершать, прекращать трудовое соглашение, увольнять

15. guilty – виновный

16. be entitled – иметь право

17. goods – товары



Too Old for Job

Amos was a salesman in the sporting goods department of a nationwide department store. One day the store manager came by and delivered some bad news.

    “Sorry it’s had to come to this,” said the manager, “but we have to let you go. We are changing our image, and we want some younger sales people.”

    “I am fifty-seven, but one of the best salesmen you have got.” Amos protested. “You are making a big mistake.”

Amos was given two weeks pay and terminated. He hired a lawyer who sued the store.

“They are guilty of violating the Federal Age Discrimination Law,” his attorney told the judge. “Amos is entitled to his job plus back pay.”

Assignment 1

Write down 10 words from the texts. Use them in the sentences of your own:

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________


Assignment 2

Find the words in the text that mean:

1. образ, имидж  ________________________________________________

2. нанимать  ____________________________________________________

3. прекращать ___________________________________________________

4. адвокат ______________________________________________________

5. иметь право __________________________________________________

6. превышение скорости _________________________________________

7. повысить в должности _________________________________________

8. понизить в должности _________________________________________

9. зарплата ____________________________________________________

10.  звание ____________________________________________________


Assignment 3

Assignment 4

Answer the following questions:

1. What is a ticket quota, according to the text “The Case of the Policeman’s Ticket Quota”?


2. Why did Perry refuse to comply?


3. What was Amos’ job?


4. Do you think Amos was too old for his job as a salesman?


5. Did Amos sue the store and go to court himself or did he hire a lawyer?



Assignment 5

Fill in the prepositions:

1. They are guilty … violating the Federal Age Discrimination Law.

2. He was a salesman … the sporting goods department … a nationwide department store.

3. He is entitled … his job plus back pay.

4. That’s unfair … drivers and it’s illegal.

5. You can’t lower a man’s rank and salary … speaking … against illegal conduct.

Assignment 6

Find the antonyms to the following:

1. illegal -

2. promote -  

3. younger -

4. terminate -  

5. unfair -

Assignment 7

Assignment 8

Assignment 9


Warming-up. Answer the questions please:

1. What is the definition of kidnapping?


2. What do you know about civil cases?


3. Are custody cases tried in civil courts or criminal courts?


4. What courts are car crash cases tried in?


Vocabulary Notes. Memorize the following words and word combinations:

1. to win – побеждать, выигрывать

2. custody - опекунство

3. divorce - развод

4. to hide – прятать, прятаться

5. to regain – восстановить

6. mental anguish – моральные страдания

7. to throw out – выбросить, отказаться

8. to punish – наказывать

9. garment – одежда

10. to afford – позволить себе

11. to save – копить

12. spare – лишний, запасной

13. ride - поездка

14. in good shape – в хорошей форме, в хорошем состоянии

15. to assure - уверять

16. steering wheel - руль

17. to freeze (froze, frozen) – заморозить, зд. «заклинить»

18. to veer off the road – съехать с дороги

19. to crash – столкнуться, «врезаться»

20. to injure – травмировать, an injury - травма

21. internal – внутренний

22. to suffer - страдать

23. to discover - обнаружить

24. to misrepresent – предоставить неверные сведения

25. to sue – подать иск

26. brand-new – совершенно новый

27. to argue - возражать

A Case of Kidnapping

 Mrs. Perkins won custody of her two children in a divorce, but the judge also ordered that Mr. Perkins had to have the children each summer for visitation.

    The first summer, the ex-husband took the children, moved away and went into hiding. Over a year later, the distraught mother located the kids in another state, and regained custody.

    She filed a lawsuit against her ex-husband asking for money for her mental anguish.

    “You should throw this case out,” said the husband’s lawyer to the judge. “You can’t punish a loving father because he wants to be with his children.”


Not-So-New Car Crashes

Roscoe was a family man from Harlem who worked long days pushing carts in New York City’s garment district. He couldn’t afford a new car, but after saving every spare penny, Roscoe had enough money for an “almost-new” Ford.

    “This car was a salesman’s demonstrator,” said the dealer. “We serviced it right here in our shop, and only used it on short rides around the block.”  

    “Well, if it’s in good shape,” said Roscoe, “I guess I can’t go wrong.”

    “It’s just like new,” the dealer assured him.

    Three weeks after buying the nine-month-old car, Roscoe, his wife, and two children were driving to the country on a sunny weekend. Suddenly, the steering wheel froze, and the car veered off the road and crashed into a tree at 60 miles per hour. His wife was killed, his two sons injured and Roscoe suffered internal injuries.

Roscoe hired a lawyer who discovered that the “almost-new” car had been used and rented to more than 70 different drivers in the past nine months.

“The dealer misrepresented the use of the car,” said the lawyer. “We are suing him.”

“But the steering wheel could have gone bad on a brand-new car,” argued the dealer’s lawyer.

Assignment 1

Write down 15 words from the text. Use them in the sentences of your own:

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________

11. _____________________________________________________________

12. _____________________________________________________________

13. _____________________________________________________________

14. _____________________________________________________________

15. _____________________________________________________________


Assignment 2

Give the English equivalents to the following:

1. в хорошем состоянии

2. внутренние травмы

3. арендовать

4. разбиться, столкнуться –

5. дать неточную информацию –

6. руль –

7. одежда –

8. опекунство –

9. выиграть –

10. бывший муж –

11. бывшая жена –

12. восстановить –

13. моральные страдания –

14. наказывать –

15. 60 миль в час -

Assignment 3

Translate the paragraph which begins with “Three weeks after buying”


Assignment 4

Assignment 5

Fill in the prepositions:

1. The ex-husband took the children, moved away and went … hiding.

2. She filed a lawsuit against her ex-husband asking … money … her mental anguish.

3. We serviced it right here … our shop.

4. Roscoe, his wife and two children were driving … the country … a sunny weekend.

5. … saving every spare penny, he had enough money … an almost-new Ford.

6. The almost-new demonstrator was rented … more than seventy drivers … the past nine months.

7. The steering wheel could have gone bad … a brand-new car.



Assignment 6

Assignment 7

Please find synonyms to the words that follow:

1. childnapping

2. anguish

3. children

4. lawyer

5. garment

6. to discover

7. to argue


Assignment 8

Please find antonyms to the words and word combinations that follow:

1. long

2. to buy

3. divorce

4. to hide

5. good shape

6. a sunny weekend

7. to hire

8. a brand-new car

9. to go wrong

10. internal

Assignment 9

Are these statements true or false? If it is false correct the sentence:

1. Roscoe could afford a new car, so he did not save money for buying one.

2. The distraught mother could not locate the kids, so she did not regain custody.

3. She filed a lawsuit against her ex-husband asking for money for her mental anguish. 

4. Three weeks later, Roscoe, his wife and two children decided not to drive to the country.

5. The lawyer discovered that the almost-new car had been used and rented to more than seventy drivers in the past nine months.

Assignment 10

Which of these word combinations would you use to retell the text about Roscoe’s car? Add your own word combinations. Write a short summary of the text using the given and your own word combinations. Retell the text.

1. a dealer_____________________________________________________

2. in good shape________________________________________________

3. external_____________________________________________________

4. injuries_____________________________________________________

5. grandchildren_________________________________________________

6. Roscoe’s sister________________________________________________

7. different drivers_______________________________________________

8. crashed_______________________________________________________

9. an airplane___________________________________________________

10. a brand-new car________________________________________________



Assignment 11

Car Accident Causes Suicide

Lewis, a 40-year-old plumber in excellent health, was involved in an intersection collision. The impact threw his head into the windshield.

    “I’m not hurt,” said Lewis to the policeman who made out the accident report and ticketed the other driver. But, early the next day, Lewis had a seizure and got sick to his stomach.

    After six months of gradual physical and mental deterioration, Lewis locked himself in the bathroom and shot himself.

    “The car accident caused his suicide,” cried his distraught widow. “I’m suing the other driver for his death.”

    The driver’s insurance company denied any duty to pay. “We may be liable for some minor brain damage, but not for Lewis’ death,” argued the company’s lawyer.


Assignment 1

Write down 20 words from the text, translate and memorize them. Use them in the sentences of your own:

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________

11. _____________________________________________________________

12. _____________________________________________________________

13. _____________________________________________________________

14. _____________________________________________________________

15. _____________________________________________________________

16. _____________________________________________________________

17. _____________________________________________________________

18. _____________________________________________________________

19. _____________________________________________________________

20. _____________________________________________________________


Assignment 2

Give Russian equivalents to the following:

1. межштатная магистраль ________________________________________

2. посередине улицы _____________________________________________

3. местный _____________________________________________________

4. заднее сиденье машины_________________________________________

5. проснуться ___________________________________________________

6. шумный звук__________________________________________________

7. нанять адвоката _______________________________________________

8. чрезмерное пьянство ___________________________________________

9. посадить в тюрьму ____________________________________________

10.  защитить рабочих _____________________________________________

11.  физическое ухудшение_________________________________________

12.  психическое ухудшение________________________________________

13.  постепенный _________________________________________________

14.  протокол ДТП________________________________________________

15.  обязательство ________________________________________________

16.  незначительная травма мозга____________________________________

17. приступ______________________________________________________


Assignment 3

Translate two paragraphs which begin with “Move on or … ” and finish with “… one million dollars” into Russian.




Assignment 4

Give your definition to physical deterioration.



Assignment 5

Fill in the prepositions:

1. We may be liable … some minor brain damage, but not his death.

2. Lewis said … the policeman he was not hurt.

3. “Move … or we’ll lock you …,” said the officers.

4. Donald wandered off toward the noisy sound … traffic and stumbled out … a busy highway.

5. Two local drunks were fighting … the middle … the street.

6. He woke …   … the hospital with multiple fractures and a concussion.

7. Lewis had a seizure and got sick … his stomach.

Assignment 6

Answer the following questions:

1. What did Lewis say to the policeman after an intersection collision?

2. Do you think if Lewis was hurt in an intersection collision? Why do you think so?

3. What happened to Lewis in six months?

4. Did Lewis’ widow charge the driver or the insurance company for Lewis’ death?

5. The police got a call about two local drunks fighting in the middle of the street, didn’t they?

6. What happened to Jeff when he was dropped off in a rural area?

7. What did Donald do after he was discharged from the hospital?

Assignment 7

Assignment 8

Find antonyms to the words that follow:

1. to wake up

2. multiple

3. to arrest

4. rural

5. to disagree

6. excellent

7. early

8. deterioration

9. minor

10. to find

11. busy

Assignment 9

Explain the difference and use some of the words in the sentences of your own:

1. agree – agreeable – agreed – agreement - disagree

2. multiple – multiply – multitude

3. insure – insured – insurance  



Assignment 10

Are these statements true or false? If it is false correct the sentence:

1. The driver’s insurance company was happy to pay for having caused Lewis’ death.

2. “I will not sue the other driver,” cried Lewis’ distraught widow.

3. The police drove to the scene of fighting and did not find anybody their.

4. Donald was hit by a car and woke up in the hospital with multiple fractures.

5. The City attorney agreed that the police caused Donald’s injuries.

Assignment 11

Assignment 12


Warming - up. Answer the questions please:

1. What is a patient?


2. What is a hospital?


3. What is a married couple?


4. What is a constitutional right?


Vocabulary Notes. Memorize the following words and word combinations:

1. commit – зд. поместить

2. diagnose – поставить диагноз

3. medication – медикаментозное лечение

4. class action suit – коллективный иск

5. mental hospital – психиатрическая больница

6.  objection – возражение

7. violent - буйный

8. complain – жаловаться

9. ruin – разрушать

10.  fight (fought) – бороться, отстаивать

11.  make a decision – принимать решение

12.  joyous – радостный, счастливый

13.  delivery – рождение, роды

14.  nurse – медсестра

15.  couple – супружеская пара

16.  file a lawsuit – подать судебный иск

17.  immediately – немедленно

18.  interfere – вмешиваться, препятствовать

19. marital privacy – частная жизнь супругов, неприкосновенность личной жизни супругов

Mental Patient Freedom

After Robert committed his sister to a state mental hospital because of her constant depression, the doctors diagnosed her as schizophrenic and gave her daily doses of thorazine, and anti-psychotic medication.

    Robert filed a class action suit in federal court to stop all mental hospitals from giving patients anti-psychotic medicine against their objections. “She’s not violent,” complained Robert, “and the medication is ruining her health.”

    The hospitals and the American Psychiatric Association fought the suit. “Judge,” said their attorney, “mental patients cannot be allowed to make their own decisions.”


Assignment 1

Write down 15 unfamiliar words from the texts, translate and memorize them. Use them in the sentences of your own:

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________

11. _____________________________________________________________

12. _____________________________________________________________

13. _____________________________________________________________

14. _____________________________________________________________

15. _____________________________________________________________


Assignment 2

Assignment 3

Use 7 words from Assignment 2 in the sentences of your own:








Assignment 4

Translate two paragraphs which begin with “Robert filed a class action suit … ”



Assignment 5

Fill in the prepositions:

1. The doctors gave her daily doses … medicine.

2. I want my husband present … delivery.

3. The hospitals policy interferes … our constitutional right.

4. He filed a class action suit … federal court.

5. Robert committed his sister … a state hospital.

6. … Robert committed his sister …a state hospital, the doctors diagnosed her as mentally sick.

7. We have a policy … anyone other than doctors and nurses being … the delivery room.

Assignment 6

Assignment 7

Match the synonyms:

1. happy                               a. permanent

2. to commit                              b. to permit

3. an attorney                        c. to place

4. constant                               d. since

5. to allow                             e. to spoil

6. because                              f. joyous

7. to ruin                               g. a lawyer

8. first                                   h. at once

9. immediately                       i. to combat

10.  to fight                             j. initial

Assignment 8

Are these statements true or false? If it is false correct the sentence:

1. Robert did not commit his sister to state mental hospital.

2. The doctors gave Robert’s sister weekly doses of thorazine.

3. John stayed away from a natural-childbirth class.

4. “I will not allow my husband present at the delivery,” Mary told the hospital.

5. “My sister is violent,” complained Robert.

6. “The medication is ruining my sister’s health”, said Robert.

Assignment 9

Assignment 10



Warming up. Answer the questions please:

1. What do you know about environmental protection?


2. Some people think that the use of chemicals presents serious danger to public health, other people do not care about it. What do you think?


3. Have you ever paid for what you buy with a check?



Vocabulary notes. Memorize the following words and word combinations:

1. extensive – обширный, широкий

2. mouse, pl. mice – мышь, мн. мыши

3. environmental protection agency – министерство охраны окружающей среды

4. expl

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